public string Invoke(WBooleanExpression node, Dictionary<string, string> columnToTable)
     _tableBind = false;
     _columnToTable = columnToTable;
     return _tableName;
Esempio n. 2
 public JsonQuery(JsonQuery rhs)
     this.NodeProperties   = rhs.NodeProperties;
     this.EdgeProperties   = rhs.EdgeProperties;
     this.RawWhereClause   = rhs.RawWhereClause;
     this.NodeAlias        = rhs.NodeAlias;
     this.EdgeAlias        = rhs.EdgeAlias;
     this.selectDictionary = rhs.selectDictionary;
     this.FlatProperties   = new HashSet <string>(rhs.FlatProperties);
     this.JoinDictionary   = new Dictionary <string, string>(rhs.JoinDictionary);
Esempio n. 3
 protected JsonQuery(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     this.NodeProperties           = GraphViewSerializer.DeserializeList <string>(info, "NodeProperties");
     this.EdgeProperties           = GraphViewSerializer.DeserializeList <string>(info, "EdgeProperties");
     this.NodeAlias                = info.GetString("NodeAlias");
     this.EdgeAlias                = info.GetString("EdgeAlias");
     this.selectDictionary         = GraphViewSerializer.DeserializeDictionaryList <string, WPrimaryExpression>(info, "selectDictionary", true);
     this.FlatProperties           = GraphViewSerializer.DeserializeHashSet <string>(info, "FlatProperties");
     this.JoinDictionary           = GraphViewSerializer.DeserializeDictionary <string, string>(info, "JoinDictionary");
     this.JsonServerCollectionName = info.GetString("JsonServerCollectionName");
     this.dummyQueryString         = info.GetString("dummyQuery");
     this.RawWhereClause           = new WSqlParser().ParseWhereClauseFromSelect(this.dummyQueryString);
Esempio n. 4
        public void WhereConjunction(WBooleanExpression condition, BooleanBinaryExpressionType conjunction)
            Debug.Assert(condition != null);
            if (this.RawWhereClause == null)
                this.RawWhereClause = condition;

            this.RawWhereClause = new WBooleanBinaryExpression
                FirstExpr = new WBooleanParenthesisExpression
                    Expression = this.RawWhereClause
                SecondExpr = new WBooleanParenthesisExpression
                    Expression = condition
                BooleanExpressionType = conjunction
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate join costs and update components using optimal join method & order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeUnitCandidate"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        /// <param name="preJoinSelectivity"></param>
        /// <param name="postJoinSelectivity"></param>
        /// <param name="estimatedSelectivity"></param>
        /// <param name="metaData"></param>
        /// <param name="isExecutable"></param>
        private void ConstructPhysicalJoinAndUpdateCost(
            CandidateJoinUnit nodeUnitCandidate,
            WBooleanExpression joinCondition,
            double preJoinSelectivity,
            double postJoinSelectivity,
            double estimatedSelectivity,
            GraphMetaData metaData)
            const double scaleFactor = 1.5;
            const int sqlInPreMatEdgeSelectivityThreshold = 5;
            var firstJoin = MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Count == 2;

            var inPreMatEdges = nodeUnitCandidate.PreMatIncomingEdges;
            var inPostMatEdges = nodeUnitCandidate.PostMatIncomingEdges;
            var outPreMatEdges = nodeUnitCandidate.PreMatOutgoingEdges;
            var outPostMatEdges = nodeUnitCandidate.PostMatOutgoingEdges;
            var postMatEdges = inPostMatEdges.Select(e => new Tuple<MatchEdge, EdgeDir>(e, EdgeDir.In))
                                   outPostMatEdges.Select(e => new Tuple<MatchEdge, EdgeDir>(e, EdgeDir.Out)))
                               .OrderBy(t => t.Item1.AverageDegree)

            var compDegrees = inPreMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur*next);
            var nodeDegrees = outPreMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next);

            var root = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot;
            var componentSize = Cardinality;

            double sizeFactor = 5; // 1000;
            var loopCost = nodeUnitCandidate.JoinHint == JoinHint.Loop
                ? componentSize * compDegrees * Math.Log(root.EstimatedRows, 512)
                : double.MaxValue;
            // only calc the size of table used to join
            var matCompSizeWhenJoin = componentSize*compDegrees;
            var matUnitSizeWhenJoin = root.EstimatedRows*nodeDegrees;
            var hashCost = matCompSizeWhenJoin + matUnitSizeWhenJoin;

            double loopJoinOuterThreshold = 1e4;//1e6;
            double maxMemory = 1e8;
            double cost;

            // loop join
            if (nodeUnitCandidate.JoinHint == JoinHint.Loop
                    //inPreMatEdges.Any() && !outPreMatEdges.Any() &&
                    //    //componentSize < loopJoinOuterThreshold ||     // the outer table is relatively small
                    //    loopCost < hashCost ||
                    //    (DeltaMemory + matCompSizeWhenJoin > maxMemory && DeltaMemory + matUnitSizeWhenJoin > maxMemory)
                    //    // memory is in pressure
                if (firstJoin)
                    RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
                    RightestTableAlias = root.RefAlias;
                    LastTable = Nodes.First(n => n.NodeAlias != root.NodeAlias);
                    //LastTableAlias = LastTable.RefAlias;
                    LastJoinHint = JoinHint.Loop;
                    LastJoinSqlEstCardinality = LastTable.TableRowCount;

                cost = loopCost;

                var sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity = 1.0;
                for (var i = 1; i < inPreMatEdges.Count && i <= sqlInPreMatEdgeSelectivityThreshold; ++i)
                    sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity = Math.Sqrt(sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity)/10;

                var sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize = Math.Pow(100, LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount)*Math.Pow(1000, inPreMatEdges.Count)*
                var sqlEstPreJoinInputSize = LastJoinSqlEstCardinality * (LastJoinHint == JoinHint.Loop
                                             ? LastTable.EstimatedRows / LastTable.TableRowCount
                                             : 1.0) *

                var estimateFactor = 0;
                if (matCompSizeWhenJoin >= sqlEstPreJoinInputSize * scaleFactor)
                    estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(matCompSizeWhenJoin/sqlEstPreJoinInputSize);
                else if (matCompSizeWhenJoin*scaleFactor < sqlEstPreJoinInputSize)
                    estimateFactor = -1;

                var affectedUpsize = 1.0;
                if (estimateFactor >= (int) Math.Ceiling(scaleFactor))
                    if (LastJoinHint == JoinHint.Loop)
                        TableRef = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(TableRef, estimateFactor, LastTableAlias, DumbType.Node, out affectedUpsize);
                    else if (LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount > 0)
                        TableRef = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(TableRef, estimateFactor, LastPostMatEdgeAlias, DumbType.Edge, out affectedUpsize);
                        TableRef = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(TableRef, estimateFactor, out affectedUpsize);
                else if (estimateFactor == -1 && LastJoinHint == JoinHint.Loop)
                    sqlEstPreJoinInputSize = LastJoinSqlEstCardinality*
                                             LastTable.TableRowCount * 1.5 * sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;

                    if (matCompSizeWhenJoin >= sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*scaleFactor)
                        TableRef = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(TableRef, (int) Math.Ceiling(matCompSizeWhenJoin/sqlEstPreJoinInputSize),
                            LastTableAlias, DumbType.Node, out affectedUpsize);

                foreach (var edge in inPreMatEdges)
                    TableRef = SpanTableRef(TableRef, edge, edge.SourceNode.RefAlias, LastTableAlias, metaData);

                WTableReference table = new WQualifiedJoin
                    FirstTableRef = TableRef,
                    SecondTableRef =
                        nodeUnitCandidate.ToTableReference(root.RefAlias, root.RefAlias, metaData),
                    JoinCondition = estimateFactor == -1
                                    ? WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(joinCondition, ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(LastTableAlias))
                                    : joinCondition,
                    QualifiedJoinType = QualifiedJoinType.Inner,
                    JoinHint = JoinHint.Loop

                table = postMatEdges.Aggregate(table, (current, next) => new WUnqualifiedJoin
                    FirstTableRef = current,
                    SecondTableRef =
                                                          next.Item2 == EdgeDir.In ? root.RefAlias : LastTableAlias,
                    UnqualifiedJoinType = UnqualifiedJoinType.CrossApply,

                TableRef = new WParenthesisTableReference
                    Table = table,

                LastTable = root;
                LastTableAlias = root.RefAlias;
                LastJoinHint = JoinHint.Loop;
                LastJoinSqlEstCardinality = sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*affectedUpsize;
                LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount = postMatEdges.Count;
                LastPostMatEdgeAlias = LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount > 0 ? postMatEdges.Last().Item1.EdgeAlias : null;
                SqlEstimatedSize = sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*root.EstimatedRows/root.TableRowCount*
                                   Math.Pow(100, postMatEdges.Count);
                SqlEstimatedSize = SqlEstimatedSize < 1.0 ? 1.0 : SqlEstimatedSize;

                Cardinality = matCompSizeWhenJoin *
                                inPostMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next) *
                              matUnitSizeWhenJoin *
                                outPostMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next) *
                              preJoinSelectivity / root.TableRowCount * postJoinSelectivity;
            // hash join
                cost = hashCost;
                WBooleanExpression adjustedJoincondition = null;
                WTableReference buildTableReference = nodeUnitCandidate.ToTableReference(root.RefAlias, root.RefAlias, metaData);
                double affectedUpsize = 1.0, sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;
                int estimateFactor;
                var sqlEstPreJoinInputSize = root.EstimatedRows;

                if (firstJoin)
                    LastTable = Nodes.First(n => n.NodeAlias != root.NodeAlias);
                    //LastTableAlias = LastTable.RefAlias;
                    LastJoinHint = JoinHint.Loop;
                    LastJoinSqlEstCardinality = LastTable.TableRowCount;

                // Build table adjustment
                if (outPreMatEdges.Any())
                    var sqlOutPreMatEdgesSelectivity = 1.0;
                    foreach (var group in outPreMatEdges.GroupBy(e => e.SinkNode))
                        var selectivity = 1.0;
                        for (var i = 1; i < group.Count() && i <= sqlInPreMatEdgeSelectivityThreshold; ++i)
                            selectivity = Math.Sqrt(selectivity) / 10;
                        sqlOutPreMatEdgesSelectivity *= selectivity;

                    sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize = Math.Pow(1000, outPreMatEdges.Count) * sqlOutPreMatEdgesSelectivity;
                    sqlEstPreJoinInputSize *= sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;

                    estimateFactor = 0;
                    if (matUnitSizeWhenJoin >= sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*scaleFactor)
                        estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(matUnitSizeWhenJoin/sqlEstPreJoinInputSize);
                    else if (matUnitSizeWhenJoin*scaleFactor < sqlEstPreJoinInputSize)
                        estimateFactor = -1;
                        adjustedJoincondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(root.RefAlias);

                    if (estimateFactor >= (int) Math.Ceiling(scaleFactor))
                        buildTableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(buildTableReference, estimateFactor,
                            root.RefAlias, DumbType.Node, out affectedUpsize);
                    else if (estimateFactor == -1)
                        sqlEstPreJoinInputSize = Math.Sqrt(root.EstimatedRows/root.TableRowCount)*1.5*sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;

                        if (matUnitSizeWhenJoin >= sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*scaleFactor)
                            buildTableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(buildTableReference,
                                (int)Math.Ceiling(matUnitSizeWhenJoin / sqlEstPreJoinInputSize),
                                root.RefAlias, DumbType.Node, out affectedUpsize);
                sqlEstPreJoinInputSize *= affectedUpsize;

                // Cardinality update
                Cardinality = matCompSizeWhenJoin *
                                inPostMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next) *
                              matUnitSizeWhenJoin *
                                outPostMatEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next) *
                              preJoinSelectivity / root.TableRowCount * postJoinSelectivity;

                // Output adjustment
                var postJoinUpsizeFactor = -1;

                var sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity = 1.0;
                for (var i = 1; i < inPreMatEdges.Count; ++i)
                    sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity = Math.Sqrt(sqlInPreMatEdgesSelectivity) / 10;

                sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize = Math.Pow(100, LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount) * Math.Pow(1000, inPreMatEdges.Count) *
                var probeSqlEstCardinality = LastJoinSqlEstCardinality * (LastJoinHint == JoinHint.Loop
                                             ? LastTable.EstimatedRows / LastTable.TableRowCount
                                             : 1.0)
                                             * sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;

                var hashJoinSqlSelectivity = outPreMatEdges.Any()
                    ? Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(0.001), outPreMatEdges.GroupBy(e => e.SinkNode).Count())
                    : (root.EstimatedRows/root.TableRowCount) / root.EstimatedRows;

                var sqlEstHashCardinality = sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*probeSqlEstCardinality*hashJoinSqlSelectivity*
                                            Math.Pow(100, postMatEdges.Count);

                estimateFactor = 0;
                if (Cardinality >= sqlEstHashCardinality*scaleFactor)
                    estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(Cardinality/sqlEstHashCardinality);
                else if (Cardinality*scaleFactor < sqlEstHashCardinality)
                    estimateFactor = -1;
                    adjustedJoincondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(adjustedJoincondition,

                if (estimateFactor >= (int) Math.Ceiling(scaleFactor))
                    postJoinUpsizeFactor = estimateFactor;
                else if (estimateFactor == -1 && LastJoinHint == JoinHint.Loop)
                    probeSqlEstCardinality = LastJoinSqlEstCardinality*
                                             LastTable.TableRowCount * 1.5 * sqlEstPreJoinEdgeSize;
                    sqlEstHashCardinality = sqlEstPreJoinInputSize*probeSqlEstCardinality*hashJoinSqlSelectivity*
                                            Math.Pow(100, postMatEdges.Count);

                    if (Cardinality >= sqlEstHashCardinality*scaleFactor)
                        postJoinUpsizeFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(Cardinality/sqlEstHashCardinality);

                foreach (var edge in inPreMatEdges)
                    TableRef = SpanTableRef(TableRef, edge, edge.SourceNode.RefAlias, LastTableAlias, metaData);

                WTableReference table = new WQualifiedJoin
                    FirstTableRef = buildTableReference,
                    SecondTableRef = TableRef,
                    JoinCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(joinCondition, adjustedJoincondition),
                    QualifiedJoinType = QualifiedJoinType.Inner,
                    JoinHint = JoinHint.Hash

                table = postMatEdges.Aggregate(table, (current, next) => new WUnqualifiedJoin
                    FirstTableRef = current,
                    SecondTableRef =
                                                          next.Item2 == EdgeDir.In ? root.RefAlias : LastTableAlias,
                    UnqualifiedJoinType = UnqualifiedJoinType.CrossApply,

                if (postJoinUpsizeFactor != -1)
                    if (postMatEdges.Any())
                        table = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(table, postJoinUpsizeFactor,
                            postMatEdges.Last().Item1.EdgeAlias, DumbType.Edge, out affectedUpsize);
                        table = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(table, postJoinUpsizeFactor, out affectedUpsize);

                TableRef = new WParenthesisTableReference
                    Table = table,

                LastJoinHint = JoinHint.Hash;
                LastJoinSqlEstCardinality = sqlEstHashCardinality * affectedUpsize;
                LastJoinPostMatEdgesCount = 0;
                LastPostMatEdgeAlias = null;
                SqlEstimatedSize = LastJoinSqlEstCardinality;
                SqlEstimatedSize = SqlEstimatedSize < 1.0 ? 1.0 : SqlEstimatedSize;

            Cost += cost;

            // Debug
            #if DEBUG
            //foreach (var item in MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Where(e => e.Key != node))
            //    Trace.Write(item.Key.RefAlias + ",");
            //Trace.Write(" Size:" + Cardinality + " Cost:" + cost);
            //Trace.Write(" Method:" + ((TableRef as WParenthesisTableReference).Table as WQualifiedJoin).JoinHint);
            //Trace.WriteLine(" --> Total Cost:" + Cost);
Esempio n. 6
        private WBooleanExpression ConstructJoinCondition(
            CandidateJoinUnit candidateTree,
            IMatchJoinStatisticsCalculator statisticsCalculator,
            GraphMetaData metaData,
            Dictionary<Tuple<string, bool>, Statistics> srcNodeStatisticsDict,
            out double preJoinSelectivity,
            out double postJoinSelectivity,
            out double sqlEstimatedJoinSelectivity)
            const double sizeThreshold = 1e8;
            const int loopJoinFactorThreshold = 20;

            preJoinSelectivity = 1.0;
            postJoinSelectivity = 1.0;
            sqlEstimatedJoinSelectivity = 1.0;

            var firstJoin = MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Count == 1;
            MatchNode firstNode = null;
            if (firstJoin)
                firstNode = Nodes.First();
            var root = candidateTree.TreeRoot;

            WBooleanExpression joinCondition = null;
            WBooleanExpression whereCondition = null;
            string nodeName = root.RefAlias;

            if (!Nodes.Contains(root))
            MaterializedNodeSplitCount[root] = 0;

            var inEdges =
                    e => new Tuple<MaterializedOrder, MatchEdge>(MaterializedOrder.Pre, e))
                            e => new Tuple<MaterializedOrder, MatchEdge>(MaterializedOrder.Post, e)))

            var outEdges =
                    e => new Tuple<MaterializedOrder, MatchEdge>(MaterializedOrder.Pre, e))
                            e => new Tuple<MaterializedOrder, MatchEdge>(MaterializedOrder.Post, e)))

            var densityList = new List<double>();
            var inPostCount = 0;
            var outPostCount = 0;

            if (inEdges.Any())
                //joinSelectivity *= 1.0 / root.TableRowCount;

                Statistics statistics = null;
                Statistics srcNodeStat = null;
                foreach (var t in inEdges)
                    var order = t.Item1;
                    var edge = t.Item2;

                    var globalNodeIdRef = new WColumnReferenceExpression
                        ColumnType = ColumnType.Regular,
                        MultiPartIdentifier = new WMultiPartIdentifier(
                            new Identifier {Value = nodeName},
                            new Identifier {Value = "GlobalNodeId"}

                    var newCondition = new WBooleanComparisonExpression
                        FirstExpr = new WColumnReferenceExpression
                            ColumnType = ColumnType.Regular,
                            MultiPartIdentifier = new WMultiPartIdentifier(
                                new Identifier {Value = edge.EdgeAlias},
                                new Identifier {Value = "Sink"}
                        SecondExpr = order == MaterializedOrder.Post && inPostCount > 0
                            ? new WBinaryExpression
                                ExpressionType = BinaryExpressionType.Add,
                                FirstExpr = globalNodeIdRef,
                                SecondExpr = new WValueExpression
                                    SingleQuoted = false,
                                    Value = "0",
                            : (WScalarExpression)globalNodeIdRef,
                        ComparisonType = BooleanComparisonType.Equals
                    EdgeMaterilizedDict[edge] = true;

                    double selectivity;
                    statistics = Statistics.UpdateHistogram(statistics,
                        edge.Statistics, out selectivity);

                    if (order == MaterializedOrder.Pre)
                        preJoinSelectivity *= selectivity;
                        joinCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(joinCondition, newCondition);
                        postJoinSelectivity *= selectivity;
                        whereCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(whereCondition, newCondition);

                    if (firstJoin)
                        double srcNodeSelectivity;
                        srcNodeStat = Statistics.UpdateHistogram(srcNodeStat,
                            srcNodeStatisticsDict[new Tuple<string, bool>(edge.EdgeAlias, edge.IsReversedEdge)],
                            out srcNodeSelectivity);


                if (firstJoin)
                    SinkNodeStatisticsDict[firstNode] = srcNodeStat;
                SinkNodeStatisticsDict[root] = statistics;

            if (candidateTree.JoinHint == JoinHint.Loop)
                var size = Cardinality*candidateTree.PreMatIncomingEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree)
                    .Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur*next)*preJoinSelectivity;
                if (size >= sizeThreshold && size > root.EstimatedRows * loopJoinFactorThreshold)
                    candidateTree.JoinHint = JoinHint.Hash;

            if (outEdges.Any())
                foreach (var t in outEdges)
                    var order = t.Item1;
                    var edge = t.Item2;
                    var sinkNode = edge.SinkNode;

                    var globalNodeIdRef = new WColumnReferenceExpression
                        ColumnType = ColumnType.Regular,
                        MultiPartIdentifier = new WMultiPartIdentifier(
                            new Identifier {Value = sinkNode.RefAlias},
                            new Identifier {Value = "GlobalNodeId"}

                    var newCondition = new WBooleanComparisonExpression
                        FirstExpr = new WColumnReferenceExpression
                            ColumnType = ColumnType.Regular,
                            MultiPartIdentifier = new WMultiPartIdentifier(
                                new Identifier {Value = edge.EdgeAlias},
                                new Identifier {Value = "Sink"}
                        SecondExpr = order == MaterializedOrder.Post && outPostCount > 0
                            ? new WBinaryExpression
                                ExpressionType = BinaryExpressionType.Add,
                                FirstExpr = globalNodeIdRef,
                                SecondExpr = new WValueExpression
                                    SingleQuoted = false,
                                    Value = "0",
                            : (WScalarExpression)globalNodeIdRef,
                        ComparisonType = BooleanComparisonType.Equals
                    EdgeMaterilizedDict[edge] = true;

                    Statistics sinkNodeStatistics;
                    if (!SinkNodeStatisticsDict.TryGetValue(sinkNode, out sinkNodeStatistics))
                        sinkNodeStatistics = null;
                        //joinSelectivity *= 1.0 / sinkNode.TableRowCount;
                    double selectivity;
                    var statistics = Statistics.UpdateHistogram(sinkNodeStatistics,
                        edge.Statistics, out selectivity);

                    if (order == MaterializedOrder.Pre)
                        preJoinSelectivity *= selectivity;
                        joinCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(joinCondition, newCondition);
                        postJoinSelectivity *= selectivity;
                        whereCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(whereCondition, newCondition);

                    SinkNodeStatisticsDict[sinkNode] = statistics;

            var unmatEdges = candidateTree.UnmaterializedEdges;
            foreach (var unmatEdge in unmatEdges)
                EdgeMaterilizedDict[unmatEdge] = false;;
                var unmatNodeInEdges = UnmaterializedNodeMapping.GetOrCreate(unmatEdge.SinkNode);

            for (int i = densityList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                sqlEstimatedJoinSelectivity *= Math.Sqrt(sqlEstimatedJoinSelectivity) * densityList[i];

            WhereCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(WhereCondition, whereCondition);

            return joinCondition;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the number used for adjusting the SQL Server estimation in the downsize function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaData"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        /// <param name="candidateJoinUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeAlias"></param>
        /// <param name="affectedSqlEstimatedSize"></param>
        //private static WTableReference AdjustEstimation(CandidateJoinUnit candidateJoinUnit, string nodeAlias, GraphMetaData metaData, out WBooleanExpression joinCondition, out double affectedSqlEstimatedSize)
        //    const int sizeFactor = 10;
        //    int estimateFactor = 0;
        //    double size = candidateJoinUnit.EdgeDegrees;
        //    double estimatedSize = candidateJoinUnit.SqlEstimatedEdgeDegrees;
        //    double shrinkSize = candidateJoinUnit.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
        //    WTableReference tableReference = candidateJoinUnit.ToTableReference(nodeAlias, metaData);
        //    affectedSqlEstimatedSize = 1.0;
        //    joinCondition = null;
        //    if (size > sizeFactor * estimatedSize)
        //    {
        //        estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
        //    }
        //    else if (sizeFactor*size < estimatedSize)
        //    {
        //        shrinkSize = 1.0/(1 - Math.Pow((1 - 1.0/shrinkSize), 1.5));
        //        affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
        //        estimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
        //        estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(size/estimatedSize);
        //        joinCondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(nodeAlias);
        //    }
        //    if (estimateFactor > 1)
        //    {
        //        double affectedUpSize;
        //        tableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(tableReference, estimateFactor,
        //            out affectedUpSize);
        //        affectedSqlEstimatedSize *= affectedUpSize;
        //    }
        //    return tableReference;
        private static WTableReference AdjustEstimation(CandidateJoinUnit candidateJoinUnit, string nodeAlias, GraphMetaData metaData, out WBooleanExpression joinCondition, out double affectedSqlEstimatedSize)
            const int sizeFactor = 10;
            int estimateFactor = 0;
            List<MatchEdge> matEdges = candidateJoinUnit.PreMatOutgoingEdges;
            double size = matEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur * next);
            double estimatedSize = Math.Pow(1000, matEdges.Count);
            double shrinkSize = candidateJoinUnit.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
            WTableReference tableReference = candidateJoinUnit.ToTableReference(nodeAlias, nodeAlias, metaData);
            affectedSqlEstimatedSize = 1.0;
            joinCondition = null;

            if (size > sizeFactor * estimatedSize)
                estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
            else if (sizeFactor * size < estimatedSize)
                shrinkSize = 1.0 / (1 - Math.Pow((1 - 1.0 / shrinkSize), 1.5));
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
                joinCondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(nodeAlias);
            if (estimateFactor > 1)
                double affectedUpSize;
                tableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(tableReference, estimateFactor,
                    out affectedUpSize);
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize *= affectedUpSize;
            return tableReference;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the number used for adjusting the SQL Server estimation in the downsize function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component"></param>
        /// <param name="matEdges"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        private static WTableReference AdjustEstimation(MatchComponent component, List<MatchEdge> matEdges, out WBooleanExpression joinCondition, out double affectedSqlEstimatedSize)
            const int sizeFactor = 10;
            int estimateFactor = 0;
            double size = component.Cardinality*
                          matEdges.Select(e => e.AverageDegree).Aggregate(1.0, (cur, next) => cur*next);
            double estimatedSize = component.SqlEstimatedSize * Math.Pow(1000, matEdges.Count);
            double shrinkSize = component.RightestTableRefSize;
            WTableReference tableReference = component.TableRef;
            affectedSqlEstimatedSize = 1.0;
            joinCondition = null;

            if (size > sizeFactor*estimatedSize)
                estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
            else if (sizeFactor*size < estimatedSize)
                shrinkSize = 1.0/(1 - Math.Pow((1 - 1.0/shrinkSize), 1.5));
                if (estimatedSize < shrinkSize)
                    affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= estimatedSize;
                    estimatedSize = 1;
                    affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                    estimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(size/estimatedSize);
                joinCondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(component.RightestTableAlias);
            if (estimateFactor > 1)
                double affectedUpSize;
                tableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(tableReference, estimateFactor,
                    out affectedUpSize);
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize *= affectedUpSize;
            return tableReference;
Esempio n. 9
        public string ToJsonServerString()
            // SELECT clause
            Debug.Assert(this.selectDictionary.Any(), "There is nothing to be selected!");
            // TODO: using StringConcat() function when it is available
            string selectClauseString;

            if (this.selectDictionary.Count == 1 && this.selectDictionary.ContainsKey("*"))
                Debug.Assert(this.selectDictionary["*"] == null, "`*` can't be used with `AS`");
                selectClauseString = $"Doc({this.NodeAlias ?? this.EdgeAlias})";
                List <string> elements = new List <string>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <WPrimaryExpression> > kvp in this.selectDictionary)
                    if (kvp.Value != null && kvp.Value.Any())
                        var attributes = new List <string>();
                        foreach (WPrimaryExpression expression in kvp.Value)
                            var valueExp = expression as WValueExpression;
                            if (valueExp != null)

                            var columnExp = expression as WColumnReferenceExpression;
                            if (columnExp != null)
                                if (columnExp.ColumnName == "*")
                                else if (columnExp.ColumnName[0] == '[')
                                    // NOTE: JsonServer accepts path like: aaa.["bbb"].["ccc"]
                                    // TODO: Deal with ["aaa"]["bbb"]["ccc"] --> .["aaa"].["bbb"].["ccc"]
                                    attributes.Add($"{columnExp.TableReference}{columnExp.ColumnName.Replace("[", ".[")}");

                            throw new QueryExecutionException("Un-supported type of SELECT clause expression");
                        elements.Add($"StringConcatenate({string.Join(", ", attributes)}) AS {kvp.Key}");
                    else if (kvp.Key == "*")
                        throw new QueryExecutionException("`*` can only be used with no one in SELECT clause.");
                        elements.Add($"Doc({kvp.Key}) AS {kvp.Key}");
                selectClauseString = $"{string.Join(", ", elements)}";

            // Join clause ( in JsonServer, it is called `FOR`, but you know, `JOIN` is what it really do)
            //   if you get a better name, please refactor it.
            var joinStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in JoinDictionary)
                joinStrBuilder.AppendFormat("FOR {0} IN {1}.*\n", pair.Key, pair.Value);
            string joinClauseString = joinStrBuilder.ToString();

            // Where clause
            WBooleanExpression whereClauseCopy = this.RawWhereClause.Copy();
            // N_18.age --> N_18.age.*._value
            var jsonServerStringArrayUnfoldVisitor = new JsonServerStringArrayUnfoldVisitor(this.FlatProperties);


            ToJsonServerStringVisitor whereVisitor = new ToJsonServerStringVisitor();

            string whereClauseString = whereVisitor.GetString().Replace("[", ".["); // TODO: refactor!

            Debug.Assert(this.JsonServerCollectionName != null, "ToJsonServerString needs the collection name.");
            return($"FOR {this.NodeAlias ?? this.EdgeAlias} IN ('{this.JsonServerCollectionName}')\n" +
                   $"{joinClauseString}" +
                   $"WHERE {whereClauseString}\n" +
                   $"SELECT {selectClauseString}");
 public void UpdateWherClause(WWhereClause whereClause, WBooleanExpression node)
     if (whereClause.SearchCondition == null)
         whereClause.SearchCondition = node;
         whereClause.SearchCondition = new WBooleanBinaryExpression
             FirstExpr = whereClause.SearchCondition,
             SecondExpr = node,
             BooleanExpressionType = BooleanBinaryExpressionType.And
        private void Attach(WBooleanExpression expr)
            var table = _bindTableVisitor.Invoke(expr,_columnTableMapping);

            MatchEdge edge;
            MatchNode node;
            if (_graph.TryGetEdge(table,out edge))
                if (edge.Predicates == null)
                    edge.Predicates = new List<WBooleanExpression>();
            else if (_graph.TryGetNode(table,out node))
                if (node.Predicates == null)
                    node.Predicates = new List<WBooleanExpression>();

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate join costs and update components using optimal join method & order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeUnitCandidate"></param>
        /// <param name="component"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeTable"></param>
        /// <param name="componentTable"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeDegrees"></param>
        /// <param name="estimatedNodeUnitSize"></param>
        /// <param name="estimatedSelectivity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static WTableReference GetPlanAndUpdateCost(
            OneHeightTree nodeUnitCandidate,
            MatchComponent component,
            WTableReference nodeTable,
            WTableReference componentTable,
            WBooleanExpression joinCondition,
            double nodeDegrees,
            double joinSelectivity,
            double estimatedNodeUnitSize,
            double estimatedSelectivity)
            var nodeUnitSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows * nodeDegrees;
            var componentSize = component.Size;
            var estimatedCompSize = component.EstimateSize;
            var cost = nodeUnitSize + componentSize;
            //var joinSelectivity =
            //    nodeWithJoinMapping.SelectivityProduct;
            WQualifiedJoin joinTable = new WQualifiedJoin
                FirstTableRef = componentTable,
                SecondTableRef = nodeTable,
                JoinCondition = joinCondition,
                QualifiedJoinType = QualifiedJoinType.Inner,
                JoinHint = JoinHint.Hash

            var node = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot;

            // If the node is already in the component, then only multiply the degree to get the size
            double nodeUnitActualSize;

            if (component.MaterializedNodeSplitCount[node] > 0)
                nodeUnitActualSize = nodeDegrees;
                var cEstEdge = Math.Pow(1000, component.EdgeMaterilizedDict.Count(e=>!e.Value));
                var cSize = component.EstimateSize/cEstEdge;
                var nSize = node.EstimatedRows;
                if (nSize > cSize)
                    component.EstimateSize = estimatedNodeUnitSize*cEstEdge*estimatedSelectivity;
                    component.EstimateSize = component.EstimateSize*Math.Pow(1000, nodeUnitCandidate.UnmaterializedEdges.Count)*
                nodeUnitActualSize = nodeUnitSize;
                component.EstimateSize *= estimatedNodeUnitSize * estimatedSelectivity;                


            //Update Size
            component.Size *= nodeUnitActualSize * joinSelectivity;

            // Update Cost
            component.Cost += cost;

            // Debug
            //Trace.Write(component.NodeUnits.Count+" ");
            //foreach (var n in component.NodeUnits.Where(e => e.Key != node.Node.ExposedName))
            //    Trace.Write(n.Value.NodeRefName);
            //Trace.Write(component.NodeUnits[node.Node.ExposedName].NodeRefName+" ");
            //Trace.Write(" "+(long)component.Cost+"   "+(long)component.Size);
            //Trace.Write("   ");
            //foreach (var item in component.PopulatedEdgesName)
            //    Trace.Write(item + " ");
            //Trace.Write("; ");
            //foreach (var unpopulatedEdge in component.UnpopulatedEdges)
            //    Trace.Write(unpopulatedEdge.Alias + " ");


            // Update TableRef
            // Only consider the size in the first join
            if (component.MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Count == 2 && component.MaterializedNodeSplitCount.All(e => e.Value == 0))
                var nodeInComp = component.MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Keys.First(e => e != node);
                if (nodeUnitSize < componentSize)
                    joinTable.FirstTableRef = nodeTable;
                    joinTable.SecondTableRef = componentTable;
                    component.TotalMemory = component.DeltaMemory = nodeUnitSize;
                    component.EstimateTotalMemory = component.EstimateDeltaMemory = estimatedNodeUnitSize;
                    component.RightestTableRefSize = nodeInComp.EstimatedRows;
                    component.FatherOfRightestTableRef = new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, String>(joinTable,
                    AdjustEstimation(component, nodeTable, joinTable, nodeUnitSize, estimatedNodeUnitSize,
                        nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows, new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, string>(joinTable, component.GetNodeRefName(node)));
                    component.TotalMemory = component.DeltaMemory = componentSize;
                    component.EstimateTotalMemory = component.EstimateDeltaMemory = component.EstimateSize;
                    component.RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
                    component.FatherOfRightestTableRef = new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, String>(joinTable, component.GetNodeRefName(node));
                    AdjustEstimation(component, componentTable, joinTable, componentSize, estimatedCompSize,
                        nodeInComp.EstimatedRows, new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, string>(joinTable, component.GetNodeRefName(nodeInComp)));

                double sizeFactor = 5;//1000;
                double maxMemory = 1e8;
                double loopJoinInnerThreshold = 10000;
                double loopJoinOuterThreshold = 1000000;

                // Left Deep
                if (componentSize*sizeFactor < nodeUnitSize)
                    var curDeltaMemory = componentSize;
                    component.TotalMemory = component.DeltaMemory + curDeltaMemory;
                    component.DeltaMemory = curDeltaMemory;
                    var curDeltaEstimateMemory = component.EstimateSize;
                    component.EstimateTotalMemory = component.EstimateDeltaMemory + curDeltaEstimateMemory;
                    component.EstimateDeltaMemory = curDeltaEstimateMemory;

                    // Adjust estimation in sql server
                    AdjustEstimation(component, componentTable, joinTable, componentSize, estimatedCompSize,
                        component.RightestTableRefSize, component.FatherOfRightestTableRef);
                    component.FatherOfRightestTableRef = new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, string>(joinTable, component.GetNodeRefName(node));
                    component.RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;

                    // Loop Join
                    if (
                        //((nodeUnitSize < loopJoinInnerThreshold /*&& componentSize < loopJoinOuterThreshold*/) || component.DeltaMemory + componentSize > maxMemory / 100) &&
                        ((nodeUnitSize < loopJoinInnerThreshold && componentSize < loopJoinOuterThreshold) ||
                         component.DeltaMemory + componentSize > maxMemory) &&
                        component.TotalMemory = component.DeltaMemory;
                        component.EstimateTotalMemory = component.EstimateDeltaMemory;
                        joinTable.JoinHint = JoinHint.Loop;
                        component.EstimateSize = estimatedCompSize*estimatedNodeUnitSize/

                    // Right Deep
                        joinTable.FirstTableRef = nodeTable;
                        joinTable.SecondTableRef = componentTable;

                        AdjustEstimation(component, nodeTable, joinTable, nodeUnitSize, estimatedNodeUnitSize,
                            node.EstimatedRows, new Tuple<WQualifiedJoin, string>(joinTable, component.GetNodeRefName(node)));

                        component.TotalMemory += nodeUnitSize;
                        component.DeltaMemory = component.TotalMemory;
                        component.EstimateTotalMemory += estimatedNodeUnitSize;
                        component.EstimateDeltaMemory = component.EstimateTotalMemory;


            return new WParenthesisTableReference
                Table = joinTable
Esempio n. 13
 public virtual void Visit(WBooleanExpression node)
Esempio n. 14
        public string ToDocDbString()
            // construct select clause
            Debug.Assert(this.selectDictionary.Any(), "There is nothing to be selected!");
            List <string> elements = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <WPrimaryExpression> > kvp in this.selectDictionary)
                Debug.Assert(kvp.Key != "*" || kvp.Value == null, "`*` can't be used with `AS`");
                if (kvp.Value != null && kvp.Value.Any())
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (WPrimaryExpression expression in kvp.Value)
                        var valueExp = expression as WValueExpression;
                        if (valueExp != null)

                        var columnExp = expression as WColumnReferenceExpression;
                        if (columnExp != null)
                            if (columnExp.ColumnName == "*")
                            else if (columnExp.ColumnName[0] == '[')
                                // TODO: Refactor, case like doc["partionKey"], try to use AddIdentifier() function of WColumnRefExp.

                        throw new QueryExecutionException("Un-supported type of SELECT clause expression");
                    elements.Add($"{sb} AS {kvp.Key}");
            string selectClauseString = $"SELECT {string.Join(", ", elements)}";

            // cpmstruct FROM clause with the first element of SelectAlias
            var fromStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            fromStrBuilder.AppendFormat("FROM {0}", this.NodeAlias ?? this.EdgeAlias); // TODO: double check here
            string fromClauseString = fromStrBuilder.ToString();

            // construct JOIN clause, because the order of replacement is not matter,
            // so use Dictinaty to store it(JoinDictionary).
            WBooleanExpression whereClauseCopy = this.RawWhereClause.Copy();
            // True --> true
            var booleanWValueExpressionVisitor = new BooleanWValueExpressionVisitor();


            var normalizeNodePredicatesColumnReferenceExpressionVisitor =
                new NormalizeNodePredicatesWColumnReferenceExpressionVisitor(null);


            Dictionary <string, string> referencedProperties =
            var joinStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> referencedProperty in referencedProperties)
                joinStrBuilder.AppendFormat(" JOIN {0} IN {1}['{2}'] ", referencedProperty.Key,
                                            this.NodeAlias, referencedProperty.Value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in JoinDictionary)
                joinStrBuilder.AppendFormat(" JOIN {0} IN {1} ", pair.Key, pair.Value);
            string joinClauseString = joinStrBuilder.ToString();

            // WHERE clause
            // convert some E_6.label --> E_6["label"] if needed(Add 'E_6' to visitor.NeedsConvertion before invoke the visitor).

            if (this.EdgeAlias != null)
                var normalizeEdgePredicatesColumnReferenceExpressionVisitor = new DMultiPartIdentifierVisitor();

            // construct where clause string.
            var docDbStringVisitor = new ToDocDbStringVisitor();

            string whereClauseString = $"WHERE ({docDbStringVisitor.GetString()})";

            return($"{selectClauseString}\n" +
                   $"{fromClauseString} {joinClauseString}\n" +
Esempio n. 15
 public virtual void Visit(WBooleanExpression node)
        private void Attach(WBooleanExpression expr)
            var table = _bindTableVisitor.Invoke(expr,_columnTableMapping);

            MatchEdge edge, revEdge;
            MatchNode node;
            if (_graph.TryGetEdge(table,out edge))
                if (edge.Predicates == null)
                    edge.Predicates = new List<WBooleanExpression>();

                if (_graph.ReversedEdgeDict.TryGetValue(edge.EdgeAlias, out revEdge))
                    if (revEdge.Predicates == null)
                        revEdge.Predicates = new List<WBooleanExpression>();

                    // take care when an edge is using a default alias
                    var revExpr = ObjectExtensions.Copy(expr);
                    var compExpr = revExpr as WBooleanComparisonExpression;
                    if (compExpr != null)
                        var columnExpr = compExpr.FirstExpr as WColumnReferenceExpression ?? compExpr.SecondExpr as WColumnReferenceExpression;
                        if (columnExpr != null)
                            var column = columnExpr.MultiPartIdentifier.Identifiers;
                            if (column.Count >= 2)
                                column[column.Count - 2].Value = revEdge.EdgeAlias;
            else if (_graph.TryGetNode(table,out node))
                if (node.Predicates == null)
                    node.Predicates = new List<WBooleanExpression>();
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the number used for adjusting the SQL Server estimation in the downsize function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        private static WTableReference AdjustEstimation(MatchComponent component, out WBooleanExpression joinCondition, out double affectedSqlEstimatedSize)
            const int sizeFactor = 10;
            int estimateFactor = 0;
            double size = component.Cardinality;
            double estimatedSize = component.SqlEstimatedSize;
            double shrinkSize = component.RightestTableRefSize;
            WTableReference tableReference = component.TableRef;
            affectedSqlEstimatedSize = 1.0;
            joinCondition = null;
            if (size > sizeFactor*estimatedSize)
                estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
            else if (sizeFactor*size < estimatedSize)
                shrinkSize = 1.0/(1 - Math.Pow((1 - 1.0/shrinkSize), 1.5));
                if (estimatedSize < shrinkSize)
                    affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= estimatedSize;
                    estimatedSize = 1;
                    affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                    estimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(size/estimatedSize);
                joinCondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(component.RightestTableAlias);
            if (estimateFactor > 1)
                double affectedUpSize;
                tableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(tableReference, estimateFactor,
                    out affectedUpSize);
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize *= affectedUpSize;
            return tableReference;
 public bool Invoke(WBooleanExpression node)
     _referencedByNodeAndEdge = true;
     return _referencedByNodeAndEdge;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the number used for adjusting the SQL Server estimation in the downsize function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaData"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        /// <param name="candidateJoinUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeAlias"></param>
        /// <param name="affectedSqlEstimatedSize"></param>
        private static WTableReference AdjustEstimation(CandidateJoinUnit candidateJoinUnit, string nodeAlias, GraphMetaData metaData, out WBooleanExpression joinCondition, out double affectedSqlEstimatedSize)
            const int sizeFactor = 10;
            int estimateFactor = 0;
            double size = candidateJoinUnit.EdgeDegrees;
            double estimatedSize = candidateJoinUnit.SqlEstimatedEdgeDegrees;
            double shrinkSize = candidateJoinUnit.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
            WTableReference tableReference = candidateJoinUnit.ToTableReference(nodeAlias, metaData);
            affectedSqlEstimatedSize = 1.0;
            joinCondition = null;

            if (size > sizeFactor * estimatedSize)
                estimateFactor = (int)Math.Ceiling(size / estimatedSize);
            else if (sizeFactor*size < estimatedSize)
                shrinkSize = 1.0/(1 - Math.Pow((1 - 1.0/shrinkSize), 1.5));
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimatedSize /= shrinkSize;
                estimateFactor = (int) Math.Ceiling(size/estimatedSize);
                joinCondition = ConstructDownSizeJoinCondition(nodeAlias);
            if (estimateFactor > 1)
                double affectedUpSize;
                tableReference = ConstructUpSizeTableReference(tableReference, estimateFactor,
                    out affectedUpSize);
                affectedSqlEstimatedSize *= affectedUpSize;
            return tableReference;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate join costs and update components using optimal join method & order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeUnitCandidate"></param>
        /// <param name="joinCondition"></param>
        /// <param name="joinSelectivity"></param>
        /// <param name="estimatedSelectivity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void ConstructPhysicalJoinAndUpdateCost(
            CandidateJoinUnit nodeUnitCandidate,
            WBooleanExpression joinCondition,
            double joinSelectivity,
            double estimatedSelectivity,
            GraphMetaData metaData)
            var nodeDegrees = nodeUnitCandidate.EdgeDegrees;
            var nodeUnitSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows * nodeDegrees;
            var estimatedNodeUnitSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows*
            var componentSize = Cardinality;
            var estimatedCompSize = SqlEstimatedSize;

            var node = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot;

            // If the node is already in the component, then only multiply the degree to get the size
            double nodeUnitActualSize;
            double newCompEstSize;
            if (MaterializedNodeSplitCount[node] > 0)
                nodeUnitActualSize = nodeDegrees;
                var cEstEdge = Math.Pow(1000, EdgeMaterilizedDict.Count(e => !e.Value));
                var cSize = SqlEstimatedSize / cEstEdge;
                var nSize = node.EstimatedRows;
                if (nSize > cSize)
                    newCompEstSize = estimatedNodeUnitSize * cEstEdge * estimatedSelectivity;
                    newCompEstSize = SqlEstimatedSize * Math.Pow(1000, nodeUnitCandidate.UnmaterializedEdges.Count) * estimatedSelectivity;
                nodeUnitActualSize = nodeUnitSize;
                newCompEstSize = SqlEstimatedSize * estimatedNodeUnitSize * estimatedSelectivity;
            newCompEstSize = newCompEstSize < 1.0 ? 1.0 : newCompEstSize;



            bool firstJoin = MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Count == 2 &&
                             MaterializedNodeSplitCount.All(e => e.Value == 0);

            // Update TableRef
            double loopJoinOuterThreshold = 1e4;//1e6;
            double sizeFactor = 5;//1000;
            double maxMemory = 1e8;
            double loopCost = componentSize*Math.Log(nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows, 512);
            double hashCost = componentSize + nodeUnitSize;
            double cost;

            // Loop Join
            if (
                nodeUnitCandidate.MaterializedEdges.Count == 0 && // the joins are purely leaf to sink join
                    //componentSize < loopJoinOuterThreshold ||     // the outer table is relatively small
                    loopCost < hashCost ||
                    (DeltaMemory + componentSize > maxMemory && DeltaMemory + nodeUnitSize > maxMemory) // memory is in pressure
                if (firstJoin)
                    RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
                    RightestTableAlias = GetNodeRefName(node);
                TotalMemory = DeltaMemory;
                SqlEstimatedTotalMemory = SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory;
                //joinTable.JoinHint = JoinHint.Loop;
                SqlEstimatedSize = estimatedCompSize * estimatedNodeUnitSize /

                cost = loopCost; //componentSize*Math.Log(nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows, 512);
                TableRef = new WParenthesisTableReference
                    Table = new WQualifiedJoin
                        FirstTableRef = TableRef,
                        SecondTableRef =
                            nodeUnitCandidate.ToTableReference(GetNodeRefName(nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot), metaData),
                        JoinCondition = joinCondition,
                        QualifiedJoinType = QualifiedJoinType.Inner,
                        JoinHint = JoinHint.Loop
            // Hash Join
                cost = hashCost;//componentSize + nodeUnitSize;
                WBooleanExpression adjustedJoincondition;
                double adjustedSqlEstimatedSize;
                WTableReference buildTableReference;
                WTableReference probeTableReference;
                if (firstJoin)
                    var nodeInComp = MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Keys.First(e => e != node);
                    if (nodeUnitSize < componentSize)
                        buildTableReference = AdjustEstimation(nodeUnitCandidate, GetNodeRefName(node), metaData, out adjustedJoincondition,
                            out adjustedSqlEstimatedSize);
                        probeTableReference = TableRef;
                        TotalMemory = DeltaMemory = nodeUnitSize;
                        SqlEstimatedTotalMemory = SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory = estimatedNodeUnitSize;
                        RightestTableRefSize = nodeInComp.EstimatedRows;
                        RightestTableAlias = GetNodeRefName(nodeInComp);
                        RightestTableRefSize = nodeInComp.EstimatedRows;
                        RightestTableAlias = GetNodeRefName(nodeInComp);
                        buildTableReference = AdjustEstimation(this, out adjustedJoincondition, out adjustedSqlEstimatedSize);
                        probeTableReference =
                            nodeUnitCandidate.ToTableReference(GetNodeRefName(nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot), metaData);
                        TotalMemory = DeltaMemory = componentSize;
                        SqlEstimatedTotalMemory = SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory = SqlEstimatedSize;
                        RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;
                        RightestTableAlias = GetNodeRefName(node);
                // Left Deep
                else if (componentSize*sizeFactor < nodeUnitSize)
                    // Adjust estimation in sql server
                    buildTableReference = AdjustEstimation(this, out adjustedJoincondition, out adjustedSqlEstimatedSize);
                    probeTableReference =
                           nodeUnitCandidate.ToTableReference(GetNodeRefName(nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot), metaData);
                    var curDeltaMemory = componentSize;
                    TotalMemory = DeltaMemory + curDeltaMemory;
                    DeltaMemory = curDeltaMemory;
                    var curDeltaEstimateMemory = SqlEstimatedSize;
                    SqlEstimatedTotalMemory = SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory + curDeltaEstimateMemory;
                    SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory = curDeltaEstimateMemory;

                    RightestTableAlias = GetNodeRefName(node);
                    RightestTableRefSize = nodeUnitCandidate.TreeRoot.EstimatedRows;

                // Right Deep
                    buildTableReference = AdjustEstimation(nodeUnitCandidate, GetNodeRefName(node), metaData, out adjustedJoincondition,
                           out adjustedSqlEstimatedSize);
                    probeTableReference = TableRef;

                    TotalMemory += nodeUnitSize;
                    DeltaMemory = TotalMemory;
                    SqlEstimatedTotalMemory += estimatedNodeUnitSize;
                    SqlEstimatedDeltaMemory = SqlEstimatedTotalMemory;
                newCompEstSize *= adjustedSqlEstimatedSize;
                TableRef = new WParenthesisTableReference
                    Table =
                        new WQualifiedJoin
                            FirstTableRef = buildTableReference,
                            SecondTableRef = probeTableReference,
                            JoinCondition = WBooleanBinaryExpression.Conjunction(joinCondition,adjustedJoincondition),
                            QualifiedJoinType = QualifiedJoinType.Inner,
                            JoinHint = JoinHint.Hash
                SqlEstimatedSize = newCompEstSize < 1.0 ? 1.0 : newCompEstSize;

            //Update Size
            Cardinality *= nodeUnitActualSize * joinSelectivity;

            // Debug
            //foreach (var item in MaterializedNodeSplitCount.Where(e => e.Key != node))
            //    Trace.Write(item.Key.RefAlias + ",");
            //Trace.Write(" Size:" + Cardinality + " Cost:" + cost);
            //Trace.Write(" Method:" + ((TableRef as WParenthesisTableReference).Table as WQualifiedJoin).JoinHint);
            //Trace.WriteLine(" --> Total Cost:" + Cost);

            // Update Cost
            Cost += cost;

Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Conjuncts two boolean expressions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="joinCondition">The first boolean expression</param>
 /// <param name="newCondition">The second boolean expression</param>
 /// <returns>The conjunctive boolean expression</returns>
 public static WBooleanExpression Conjunction(WBooleanExpression joinCondition, WBooleanExpression newCondition)
     if (joinCondition == null)
         return newCondition;
     if (newCondition == null)
         return joinCondition;
     return new WBooleanBinaryExpression
         FirstExpr = joinCondition,
         SecondExpr = newCondition,
         BooleanExpressionType = BooleanBinaryExpressionType.And