void BindSubjectTagForm()
            var selectedSubjectTag = _subjectTags.GetSelectedTermByPath(tvAllSubjectTags.SelectedNode.ValuePath);

            if (selectedSubjectTag != null)
                WBSubjectTag subjectTag = null;

                subjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(_subjectTags, selectedSubjectTag);
                if (subjectTag == null)
                    return; // something better!
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectTag.PageContent))
                    litPageContent.Text = subjectTag.Description;
                    litPageContent.Text = subjectTag.PageContent;
                litInternalContact.Text = subjectTag.InternalContactLoginName;
                litExternalContact.Text = subjectTag.ExternalContact;
                taxTeams.Text           = subjectTag.TeamsWithPermissionToEditUIControlValue;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates and existing subject tag
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateTag()
            // It appears that a TaxonomySession will always run as the current user, even if elevated.
            // See: http://scle.me/1skLGCY

            var currentSiteGuid = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;
            var oldContext      = HttpContext.Current;

            HttpContext.Current = null;

            SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() =>
                using (SPSite elevatedSite = new SPSite(currentSiteGuid))
                    WBTaxonomy wbTax = WBTaxonomy.GetSubjectTags(elevatedSite);

                    Term rootSubjectTagTerm = wbTax.GetSelectedTermByPath(_path);
                    WBSubjectTag subjectTag = null;

                    if (rootSubjectTagTerm != null)
                        subjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(wbTax, rootSubjectTagTerm);
                        if (subjectTag == null)

                    // Page content
                    subjectTag.PageContent = htmlDescription.Html;

                    // Internal Contact
                    SPUser pickedUser = ppInternalContact.WBxGetSingleResolvedUser(elevatedSite.RootWeb);
                    if (pickedUser != null)
                        subjectTag.InternalContactLoginName = pickedUser.LoginName;
                        subjectTag.InternalContactLoginName = string.Empty;

                    // External Contact
                    subjectTag.ExternalContact = htmlExternalContact.Html;

                    // Tag Name
                    subjectTag.Name = txtEdit_CurrentTagName.Text;

            HttpContext.Current = oldContext;
Esempio n. 3
        /* Added by Steve Clements to support Add / Edit tag functionality */

        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the properties for the add / edit buttons
        /// </summary>
        void SetupAddEditButtons(WBSubjectTag tag)
            canEditOrCreate = false;
            if (tag == null)

            WBTaxonomy teamsTax = WBTaxonomy.GetTeams(SPContext.Current.Site);

            if (tag.TeamsWithPermissionToEdit(teamsTax).WBxContainsCurrentUserAsTeamMember())
                canEditOrCreate = true;

                // properties on the button
                var mmspath = String.Concat(webPart.RootSubjectTag, Request.QueryString["AdditionalPath"] ?? String.Empty);
                btnNewSubjectTag.Attributes.Add("data-mmspath", mmspath);
                btnEditSubjectTag.Attributes.Add("data-mmspath", mmspath);
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Save permission group changes - its the only thing editable at the moment.
            var selectedSubjectTag = _subjectTags.GetSelectedTermByPath(tvAllSubjectTags.SelectedNode.ValuePath);

            if (selectedSubjectTag != null)
                WBSubjectTag subjectTag = null;

                subjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(_subjectTags, selectedSubjectTag);
                if (subjectTag == null)
                    return; // something better!
                subjectTag.TeamsWithPermissionToEditUIControlValue = taxTeams.Text;


                lblPageMessage.Text = "Saved";
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the form
        /// </summary>
        void BindForm()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_path))

            SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() =>
                using (SPSite elevatedSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID))
                    WBTaxonomy subjectTags = WBTaxonomy.GetSubjectTags(elevatedSite);

                    Term rootSubjectTagTerm = subjectTags.GetSelectedTermByPath(_path);
                    WBSubjectTag subjectTag = null;

                    if (rootSubjectTagTerm != null)
                        subjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(subjectTags, rootSubjectTagTerm);
                        if (subjectTag == null)

                    // DOes the current user have permission?
                    WBTaxonomy teamsTax = WBTaxonomy.GetTeams(elevatedSite);
                    if (!subjectTag.TeamsWithPermissionToEdit(teamsTax).WBxContainsCurrentUserAsTeamMember())

                    if (!CreateNew) // Edit Mode
                        txtTagName.Text     = subjectTag.Name;
                        txtTagName.ReadOnly = true;

                        // To support existing terms where content is stored in the description, first attempt to read from the the multi-property array Page Content,
                        // then fall back to the description. Changes will be saved to the multi-property array.
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectTag.PageContent))
                            htmlDescription.Field.Html = subjectTag.Description;
                            htmlDescription.Field.Html = subjectTag.PageContent;

                        ppInternalContact.WBxInitialise(subjectTag.InternalContact(SPContext.Current.Web)); // It's an option to use the RootWeb of the elevated site here, I have used SPContext for consistency
                        htmlExternalContact.Field.Html = subjectTag.ExternalContact;

                        // Added this due to issue with the Html editor in IE in a modal dialog!  If the value is null, you cannot click in to start editing.
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlExternalContact.Field.Html))
                            htmlExternalContact.Field.Html = " ";
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlDescription.Field.Html))
                            htmlDescription.Field.Html = " ";
                        // Nothing to do if creating a new child term
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Subject Tag
        /// </summary>
        void CreateNewTag()
            // It appears that a TaxonomySession will always run as the current user, even if elevated.
            // See: http://scle.me/1skLGCY

            var currentSiteGuid = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;
            var oldContext      = HttpContext.Current;

            HttpContext.Current = null;

            SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() =>
                using (SPSite elevatedSite = new SPSite(currentSiteGuid))
                    WBTaxonomy wbTax = WBTaxonomy.GetSubjectTags(elevatedSite);

                    _path = String.Concat(_path, "/", txtTagName.Text);

                    Term rootSubjectTagTerm = wbTax.GetSelectedTermByPath(_path); // Try and get the tag, but don't auto create
                    WBSubjectTag subjectTag = null;

                    if (rootSubjectTagTerm != null)
                        lblValidationMessage.Text = "The term you are trying to create already exists";
                        rootSubjectTagTerm = wbTax.GetSelectedTermByPath(_path, true); // Now create

                    if (rootSubjectTagTerm != null)
                        subjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(wbTax, rootSubjectTagTerm);

                        if (subjectTag == null)

                        subjectTag.PageContent = htmlDescription.Html;
                        if (htmlExternalContact.Html.ToLower() != "<div>&#160;</div>")
                            subjectTag.ExternalContact = htmlExternalContact.Html;

                        SPUser pickedUser = ppInternalContact.WBxGetSingleResolvedUser(elevatedSite.RootWeb);
                        if (pickedUser != null)
                            subjectTag.InternalContactLoginName = pickedUser.LoginName;

                        /*if (ppInternalContact.Entities != null && ppInternalContact.Entities.Count > 0)
                         * {
                         *  PickerEntity pe = (PickerEntity)ppInternalContact.Entities[0];
                         *  subjectTag.InternalContactLoginName = pe.DisplayText;
                         * }*/
                        lblValidationMessage.Text = "Your new tag could not be created, please contact support";
            HttpContext.Current = oldContext;
Esempio n. 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            webPart = this.Parent as ViewSubjectPages;

            DocumentsForSubject.AllowSorting = true;
            DocumentsForSubject.Sorting     += new GridViewSortEventHandler(DocumentsForSubject_Sorting);

            DocumentsForSubject.AllowPaging                   = true;
            DocumentsForSubject.PageIndexChanging            += new GridViewPageEventHandler(DocumentsForSubject_PageIndexChanging);
            DocumentsForSubject.PagerSettings.Mode            = PagerButtons.Numeric;
            DocumentsForSubject.PagerSettings.Position        = PagerPosition.Bottom;
            DocumentsForSubject.PagerSettings.PageButtonCount = 20;
            DocumentsForSubject.PagerSettings.Visible         = true;
            DocumentsForSubject.PageSize = 20;

            // this odd statement is required in order to get the pagination to work with an SPGridView!
            DocumentsForSubject.PagerTemplate = null;

            showAtoZ    = webPart.ShowAToZ;
            showFilters = false;

            string additionalPath = "";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.RootSubjectTag))
                PageName.Text = "<i>(Web part not yet configured)</i>";

            // Let's capture the information about what we should be looking at:
            pickedLetter = Request.QueryString["Letter"];
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pickedLetter))
                viewingALetter = true;

            additionalPath = Request.QueryString["AdditionalPath"];
            if (additionalPath == null)
                additionalPath = "";

            recordsTypeFullPath = Request.QueryString["RecordsType"];
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(recordsTypeFullPath))
                recordsTypeFullPath = NO_RECORDS_TYPE_SELECTED;

            if (webPart.ShowRecordTypes)
                WBLogging.Debug("ViewSubjectPages: Using records types. Currently set as: " + recordsTypeFullPath);
                WBLogging.Debug("ViewSubjectPages: Not using records types");

            FullSubjectTagPath = webPart.RootSubjectTag + additionalPath;
            WBLogging.Debug("FullSubjectTagPath = " + FullSubjectTagPath);

            WBTaxonomy subjectTags = WBTaxonomy.GetSubjectTags(SPContext.Current.Site);

            Term   rootSubjectTagTerm = subjectTags.GetSelectedTermByPath(webPart.RootSubjectTag);
            WBTerm rootSubjectTag     = null;

            if (rootSubjectTagTerm != null)
                rootSubjectTag = new WBTerm(subjectTags, rootSubjectTagTerm);

            if (rootSubjectTag == null)
                PageName.Text = "<i>(Could not find the root subject tag with path: " + webPart.RootSubjectTag + ")</i>";

            Term pageSubjectTagTerm = subjectTags.GetSelectedTermByPath(FullSubjectTagPath);
            //SC: WBTerm pageSubjectTag = null;
            WBSubjectTag pageSubjectTag = null;

            if (pageSubjectTagTerm != null)
                //SC: pageSubjectTag = new WBTerm(subjectTags, pageSubjectTagTerm);
                pageSubjectTag = new WBSubjectTag(subjectTags, pageSubjectTagTerm);

            if (pageSubjectTag == null)
                PageName.Text = "<i>(Could not find the page subject tag with path: " + FullSubjectTagPath + ")</i>";

            string html = "";

            string recordsTypeParameter = "";

            if (webPart.ShowRecordTypes)
                recordsTypeParameter = "&RecordsType=" + recordsTypeFullPath;

            //webPart.OnlyTermsWithDocuments = false;

            if (webPart.OnlyTermsWithDocuments)

            if (viewingALetter)
                PageName.Text = "<a href='?'>" + webPart.RootSubjectTag + "</a> - " + pickedLetter;
                PageSubjectTagDescription.Text = "You are viewing a list of all of the subjects with the letter '" + pickedLetter + "'.";

                Dictionary <String, String> allTermPaths = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                AddAllTermsThatMatch(pickedLetter, "", rootSubjectTagTerm, allTermPaths);

                if (allTermPaths.Count > 0)
                    List <String> terms = new List <String>(allTermPaths.Keys);

                    List <String> termsWithLetterFirst = new List <String>();
                    List <String> remainingTerms       = new List <String>();

                    foreach (String term in terms)
                        if (term.IndexOf(pickedLetter) == 0)

                    foreach (String term in termsWithLetterFirst)
                        html += "<div class='lbi-a-to-z-child-subject'><a href='?AdditionalPath=" + allTermPaths[term] + recordsTypeParameter + "'>" + term + "</a></div>\n";

                    if (remainingTerms.Count > 0)
                        html += "<div>&nbsp;</div>\n";
                        foreach (String term in remainingTerms)
                            html += "<div class='lbi-a-to-z-child-subject'><a href='?AdditionalPath=" + allTermPaths[term] + recordsTypeParameter + "'>" + term + "</a></div>\n";
                    html += "<p>There were no terms found for the letter '" + pickedLetter + "'.</p>";
                List <String> names = new List <String>(FullSubjectTagPath.Split('/'));
                List <String> path  = new List <String>(names);

                String justRecordsType = "";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(recordsTypeFullPath) && recordsTypeFullPath != NO_RECORDS_TYPE_SELECTED)
                    justRecordsType = GetJustRecordsTypeName(recordsTypeFullPath);

                PageName.Text = BuildPageNamePath(names, path, justRecordsType);

                //SC: PageSubjectTagDescription.Text = pageSubjectTag.Description;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSubjectTag.PageContent))
                    PageSubjectTagDescription.Text = pageSubjectTag.Description;
                    PageSubjectTagDescription.Text = pageSubjectTag.PageContent;

                // Contacts
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSubjectTag.InternalContactLoginName))
                    panInternalContact.Visible = true;
                    var user = pageSubjectTag.InternalContact(SPContext.Current.Web);
                    if (user != null)
                        // Bind user to control for presentation
                        ((WBFUser)wbfInternalContact).User = user;
                    panInternalContact.Visible = false;
                if (!pageSubjectTag.ExternalContact.WBxIsHtmlFieldEmpty())
                    panExternalContact.Visible = true;
                    litExternalContact.Text    = pageSubjectTag.ExternalContact;
                    panExternalContact.Visible = false;

                foundChildSubjectTags = false;

                onRootOfAtoZ = (webPart.ShowAToZ && pageSubjectTag.Name == webPart.RootSubjectTag);

                bool showDocuments = true;

                if (!onRootOfAtoZ)
                    // OK so now we need to find the sub terms and put them in order.
                    List <String> termLabels = new List <String>();
                    foreach (Term child in pageSubjectTag.Term.Terms)
                        if (child.IsAvailableForTagging && CheckTermIsAllowed(child))
                            foundChildSubjectTags = true;

                    if (termLabels.Count > 0)
                        if (webPart.OnlyShowDocumentsOnLeafPages)
                            showDocuments = false;


                        foreach (String label in termLabels)
                            html += "<div class='lbi-a-to-z-child-subject'><a href='?AdditionalPath=" + additionalPath + "/" + label + recordsTypeParameter + "'>" + label + "</a></div>\n";
                        // OK so there are no further subject tags, but should we be presenting records types:
                        if (webPart.ShowRecordTypes)
                            if (recordsTypeFullPath == NO_RECORDS_TYPE_SELECTED)
                                Dictionary <String, String> recordsTypesToList = FindRecordsTypesToList();
                                if (recordsTypesToList.Count > 0)
                                    if (webPart.OnlyShowDocumentsOnLeafPages)
                                        showDocuments = false;

                                    List <String> justRecordsTypes = new List <String>(recordsTypesToList.Keys);

                                    foreach (String recordsType in justRecordsTypes)
                                        String recordsTypePath = recordsTypesToList[recordsType];

                                        html += "<div class='lbi-a-to-z-child-subject'><a href='?AdditionalPath=" + additionalPath + "&RecordsType=" + recordsTypePath + "'>" + recordsType + "</a></div>\n";
                    if (webPart.ShowDocumentsOnAtoZRootPage)
                        showDocuments = true;
                        showDocuments = false;

                if (showDocuments)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                //TableOfChildSubjects.Text = String.Concat("<h3 class='wbf-subject-tag-section-head'>Child Subject Tags</h3>", html);
                TableOfChildSubjects.Text = html;

            // Added by Steve Clements