     * Load Banner of given AdSize and at given AdPosition
     * placementId String
     * adSize AdSize Size of the banner
     * adPosition AdPosition Position of the Banner on screen

    public void LoadBanner(string placementId, Vungle.VungleBannerSize adSize, Vungle.VungleBannerPosition adPosition)
#if !UNITY_2019_1 && !UNITY_2019_2
                sdk.LoadBanner(placementId, (int)adSize + 1, (int)adPosition);
        VungleLog.Log(VungleLog.Level.Error, VungleLog.Context.LogEvent, "VungleWindows.LoadBanner",
                      "2019.1 and 2019.2 crashes when instantiating a core class for banners, but it is fixed in 2019.3");