public void DisplayVoter(PushpinModel _currVoter)
            DataContext           = _currVoter;
            _CurrentVoterModified = false;
            // TODO: Determine whether we really need to open the database at this point
            _voterDB = new VoterFileDataContext(string.Format(VoterFileDataContext.DBConnectionString, App.thisApp._settings.DbFileName));
            if (_voterDB.DatabaseExists())
                    IQueryable <VoterFileEntry> voterQuery = from voter in _voterDB.AllVoters where voter.VoterID == _currVoter.VoterID select voter;
                    VoterFileEntry voterToUpdate           = voterQuery.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (voterToUpdate.VoterID == _currVoter.VoterID)
                        DataContext = voterToUpdate;
                        voterToUpdate.PropertyChanging += voterToUpdate_PropertyChanging;
                        App.Log(String.Format("Setting Voter Detail page DataContext to voter {0}", voterToUpdate.FullName));
                        App.Log(String.Format("ERROR: Setting Voter Detail page DataContext to voter {0} failed.", voterToUpdate.FullName));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    App.Log("Exception setting voter as DataContext" + ex.ToString());

            ApplicationBarIconButton buttonPrevious = ApplicationBar.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton;
            ApplicationBarIconButton buttonNext     = ApplicationBar.Buttons[2] as ApplicationBarIconButton;

            if (VotersInViewList.VoterList.Count > 1)
                if (_VoterIndexInList > 0)
                    buttonPrevious.IsEnabled = true;
                    buttonPrevious.IsEnabled = false;
                if (_VoterIndexInList < (VotersInViewList.VoterList.Count - 1))
                    buttonNext.IsEnabled = true;
                    buttonNext.IsEnabled = false;
                buttonPrevious.IsEnabled = false;
                buttonNext.IsEnabled     = false;
Esempio n. 2
        public bool UpdateVoter()
            bool success = false;
            VoterFileDataContext _voterDB = new VoterFileDataContext(string.Format(VoterFileDataContext.DBConnectionString, _settings.DbFileName));

            if (_voterDB.DatabaseExists())
                    IQueryable <VoterFileEntry> voterQuery = from voter in _voterDB.AllVoters where voter.VoterID == _selectedVoter.VoterID select voter;
                    VoterFileEntry voterToUpdate           = voterQuery.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (voterToUpdate.VoterID == _selectedVoter.VoterID)
                        voterToUpdate.Party                   = _selectedVoter.VoterFile.Party;
                        voterToUpdate.ResultOfContact         = _selectedVoter.ResultOfContact;
                        voterToUpdate.Email                   = _selectedVoter.Email;
                        voterToUpdate.CellPhone               = _selectedVoter.CellPhone;
                        voterToUpdate.IsSupporter             = _selectedVoter.IsSupporter;
                        voterToUpdate.IsVolunteer             = _selectedVoter.IsVolunteer;
                        voterToUpdate.IsUpdated               = _selectedVoter.VoterFile.IsUpdated;
                        voterToUpdate.Comments                = _selectedVoter.Comments;
                        voterToUpdate.ModifiedTime            = DateTime.Now;
                        _selectedVoter.VoterFile.ModifiedTime = voterToUpdate.ModifiedTime;
                        success = true;
                        Log(String.Format(" ERROR: Voter returned from query (id={0}) did not match selected voter (id={1}).", voterToUpdate.VoterID, _selectedVoter.VoterID));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log(" Error updating voter record: " + _selectedVoter.FullName + "  : " + ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public void LoadDatabase(Object voterFileName)
            // TODO: Update passed object to stream, rely on dataformat setting to get type of data in voter list

            /* recid,address,address2,city,state,zip,phone,lastname,firstname,email,precinct,party,pri,gen,location,resultofcontact,cellphone,issupporter,comments,modifiedtime
             *      WA00092212345,1234 Anystreet,,Sammamish,WA,98074,,BOND,JAMES,,SAM 45-1234,1,2,4,"47.6161616,-122.0551111",,,,,
            string fileName = "";

            if (voterFileName is string)
                fileName = voterFileName as string;

            IsolatedStorageFile       isf       = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
            IsolatedStorageFileStream voterFile = isf.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open);
            Stream voterDataStream = voterFile;

            if (fileName.EndsWith(".csv"))
                App.thisApp._settings.UpdateSetting("dataformat", "csv");
            else if (fileName.EndsWith(".zip"))
                string _voterFileName = "voters.csv";
                if (voterFile.CanSeek)
                    byte[] fileFront = new byte[64];
                    int    bytesRead = voterFile.Read(fileFront, 0, 64);
                    voterFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    byte[] fileNameBytes = new byte[20];
                    int    i             = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                        fileNameBytes[i] = fileFront[30 + i];
                        if (fileNameBytes[i] > 128)
                            fileNameBytes[i] = 0;
                    _voterFileName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileNameBytes, 0, i);
                StreamResourceInfo zipInfo    = new StreamResourceInfo(voterFile, "application/zip");
                StreamResourceInfo streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(zipInfo, new Uri(_voterFileName, UriKind.Relative));
                if (streamInfo != null)
                    voterDataStream = streamInfo.Stream;

            int nVoters = 0;

            VoterFileDataContext _voterDB = new VoterFileDataContext(string.Format(VoterFileDataContext.DBConnectionString, _settings.DbFileName));

            if (_settings.DbStatus == DbState.Loaded && DbHasUpdates())
                _delayLoadDbFile = fileName;
                    if (!_voterDB.DatabaseExists())
                        App.Log("Creating new database...");
                        _settings.DbStatus = DbState.Empty;
                        App.Log("  Database created");
                        App.Log("WARNING: Deleting existing database...");
                        App.Log("Creating new database...");
                        _settings.DbStatus = DbState.Empty;
                        App.Log("  Database created");

                    if (App.thisApp._settings.GetSetting <string>("dataformat") == "csv")
                        // Load voters from rows in csv text
                        StreamReader csvReader = new StreamReader(voterDataStream);

                        String headerLine = csvReader.ReadLine().ToLower();
                        String voterLine  = csvReader.ReadLine();
                        _settings.DbStatus = DbState.Loading;
                        App.Log("  Parsing voters from CSV");

                        while (voterLine != null)
                            // recid,firstname,lastname,address,address2,city,state,zip,precinct,lat,long,gender,birthdate,pri,gen,phone,email,party,cellphone,comments,issupporter
                            XElement voterElement = GetVoterXmlFromCsv(headerLine, voterLine);
                            // We need at least the basics of address, city, and voterid to do anything useful with this record
                                VoterFileEntry voter = new VoterFileEntry
                                    Address = (string)voterElement.Element("address"),
                                    City    = (string)voterElement.Element("city"),
                                    // VoterID = (string)voterElement.Element("recid"),
                                    ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now
                                if (voterElement.Elements("recid").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.VoterID = (string)voterElement.Element("recid");
                                    App.thisApp._settings.UpdateSetting("_trhack", false);
                                // NOTE: This is a hack to fix my data error just before TechRoanoke conference
                                else if (voterElement.Elements("redid").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.VoterID = (string)voterElement.Element("redid");
                                    App.thisApp._settings.UpdateSetting("_trhack", true);
                                if (voterElement.Elements("firstname").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.FirstName = (string)voterElement.Element("firstname");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("lastname").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.LastName = (string)voterElement.Element("lastname");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("address2").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Address2 = (string)voterElement.Element("address2");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("state").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.State = (string)voterElement.Element("state");
                                    voter.State = "WA";
                                if (voterElement.Elements("zip").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Zip = (string)voterElement.Element("zip");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("party").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.PartyString = (string)voterElement.Element("party");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("precinctname").Count() > 0) // Prefer "precinctname" over "precinct"
                                    voter.Precinct = (string)voterElement.Element("precinctname");
                                else if (voterElement.Elements("precinct").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Precinct = (string)voterElement.Element("precinct");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("pri").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.PrimaryVoteHistoryString = (string)voterElement.Element("pri");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("gen").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.GeneralVoteHistoryString = (string)voterElement.Element("gen");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("email").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Email = (string)voterElement.Element("email");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("phone").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Phone = (string)voterElement.Element("phone");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("location").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Coordinates = (string)voterElement.Element("location");
                                    if (voterElement.Elements("lat").Count() > 0)
                                        voter.LatitudeString = (string)voterElement.Element("lat");
                                    if (voterElement.Elements("long").Count() > 0)
                                        voter.LongitudeString = (string)voterElement.Element("long");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("resultofcontact").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.ResultOfContactString = (string)voterElement.Element("resultofcontact");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("cellphone").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.CellPhone = (string)voterElement.Element("cellphone");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("issupporter").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.IsSupporterString = (string)voterElement.Element("issupporter");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("isvolunteer").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.IsVolunteerString = (string)voterElement.Element("isvolunteer");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("comments").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Comments = (string)voterElement.Element("comments");
                                if (voterElement.Elements("address2").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Address2 = (string)voterElement.Element("address2");

                                if (voterElement.Elements("gender").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Gender    = (string)voterElement.Element("gender");
                                    voter.FirstName = voter.FirstName + " " + voter.Gender;
                                if (voterElement.Elements("birthdate").Count() > 0)
                                    voter.Birthdate = (string)voterElement.Element("birthdate");
                                    if (voter.Age > 0)
                                        voter.FirstName = voter.FirstName + " " + voter.Age.ToString();
                                // We don't have lat/long for this voter, but we can still show them in precinct and street lists
                                if (0.0 == voter.Latitude || 0.0 == voter.Longitude)
                                    // continue;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                App.Log("There was a problem parsing voter record - " + voterLine + " : " + ex.ToString());

                            voterLine = csvReader.ReadLine();
                        App.Log("  Parsing voters completed");
                        App.Log("Unrecognized file type - " + fileName);
                    App.Log("  Voters submitted to database: " + nVoters.ToString());
                    _settings.DbStatus = DbState.Loaded;
                    _settings.UpdateSetting("lastsync", DateTime.Now);
                    App.Log(" Loading Precincts table");
                    IEnumerable <string> precincts = (from v in _voterDB.AllVoters select v.Precinct).Distinct();
                    foreach (string precinct in precincts)
                        PrecinctTableEntry thisPrecinct = new PrecinctTableEntry();
                        thisPrecinct.Name = precinct;
                        List <VoterFileEntry> pList = (from VoterFileEntry vPrecinct in _voterDB.AllVoters where vPrecinct.Precinct == precinct && vPrecinct.Latitude > 47.0 && vPrecinct.Longitude < 122.0 select vPrecinct).ToList();
                        App.Log(String.Format("   There are {0} voters in {1} precinct.", pList.Count, precinct));
                        if (pList.Count > 0)
                            thisPrecinct.West  = pList.Min <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMin => vMin.Longitude); // smallest longitude found in list (or largest absolute value)
                            thisPrecinct.East  = pList.Max <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMax => vMax.Longitude); // largest longitude found in list (or smallest absolute value)
                            thisPrecinct.North = pList.Max <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMax => vMax.Latitude);  // largest latitude found in list
                            thisPrecinct.South = pList.Min <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMin => vMin.Latitude);  // smallest latitude found in list
                            App.Log(String.Format("Precinct {4} - North={0}, South={1}, East={2}, West={3}.", thisPrecinct.North, thisPrecinct.South, thisPrecinct.East, thisPrecinct.West, thisPrecinct.Name));
                            double diffLat  = thisPrecinct.North - thisPrecinct.South;
                            double diffLong = thisPrecinct.East - thisPrecinct.West;
                            thisPrecinct.CenterLatitude  = thisPrecinct.South + (diffLat / 2);
                            thisPrecinct.CenterLongitude = thisPrecinct.West + (diffLong / 2);
                    App.Log("  Submitting precincts to database: ");

                    App.Log(" Loading Streets table");
                    IEnumerable <string> _streets = (from v in _voterDB.AllVoters select v.Street).Distinct();
                    foreach (string street in _streets)
                        StreetTableEntry thisStreet = new StreetTableEntry();
                        thisStreet.Name = street;
                        List <VoterFileEntry> pList = (from VoterFileEntry vStreet in _voterDB.AllVoters where vStreet.Street == street && vStreet.Latitude > 47.0 && vStreet.Longitude < 122.0 select vStreet).ToList();
                        App.Log(String.Format("   There are {0} voters on {1} street.", pList.Count, street));
                        if (pList.Count > 0)
                            thisStreet.West  = pList.Min <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMin => vMin.Longitude); // smallest longitude found in list (or largest absolute value)
                            thisStreet.East  = pList.Max <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMax => vMax.Longitude); // largest longitude found in list (or smallest absolute value)
                            thisStreet.North = pList.Max <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMax => vMax.Latitude);  // largest latitude found in list
                            thisStreet.South = pList.Min <VoterFileEntry, double>(vMin => vMin.Latitude);  // smallest latitude found in list
                            App.Log(String.Format("Street {4} - North={0}, South={1}, East={2}, West={3}.", thisStreet.North, thisStreet.South, thisStreet.East, thisStreet.West, thisStreet.Name));
                            double diffLat  = thisStreet.North - thisStreet.South;
                            double diffLong = thisStreet.East - thisStreet.West;
                            thisStreet.CenterLatitude  = thisStreet.South + (diffLat / 2);
                            thisStreet.CenterLongitude = thisStreet.West + (diffLong / 2);
                    App.Log("  Submitting streets to database: ");

                    App.Log("  Changes committed to database");
                    _settings.UpdateSetting("lastsync", DateTime.Now);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    App.Log("Exception loading voters to database: " + ex.ToString());
            _dbLoadThread = null;