Esempio n. 1
        private void CastVote(VoteTicket ticket, string voteContent)
            var protector  = dataprotection.CreateProtector("SecureBallot");
            var secureVote = protector.Protect(voteContent);
            var voteId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            lock (ticketsDb)
                ticketsDb.Put(ticket.HashId, ticket.ToJson());

            lock (secureBallot)
                var ballot = new BallotContent()
                    ElectionId = ticket.ElectionId, SecureVote = secureVote
                secureBallot.Put(voteId, ballot.ToJson());
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GenerateTicket(string otp)
            var pq = from p in _context.Person
                     join u in _context.UserLogin on p.Id equals u.PersonFk
                     where u.Provider == "AzureAD" && u.UserId == this.User.Identity.Name
                     select p;

            if (await pq.CountAsync() != 1)
                throw new Exception("Internal error! Too many persons associated with login " + this.User.Identity.Name);

            var person = await pq.FirstAsync();

            var votes = await GetElections(person);

            var availableVotes = votes.Where(v => !v.Item4 && !v.Item5.HasValue).Select(v => v.Item1.Id).ToList();

            if (availableVotes.Count == 0)
                return(Forbid("No ballot to cast"));

            var now = DateTime.Now;

            var ckvotes = await(from v in _context.Voter
                                join r in _context.Recognition on v.RecognitionFk equals r.Id
                                join e in _context.Election on v.ElectionFk equals e.Id
                                where availableVotes.Contains(v.Id) && !v.Vote.HasValue  // ensure that the vote has not been casted
                                select new { Voter = v, Recognition = r, Election = e }).ToListAsync();

            if (ckvotes.Count() == 0)
                return(Forbid("OTP non valida"));

            var otps = ckvotes.GroupBy(v => v.Recognition.Otp);

            if (otps.Count() != 1)
                throw new Exception("Internal error: too many Otps for ticket generation");

            if (otp != otps.First().Key)
                return(Forbid("OTP non valida"));

            // Ticket generation
            var tickets = new List <VoteTicket>();

            foreach (var v in ckvotes)
                var ticketIdClearText = v.Voter.Id + ":" + v.Voter.PersonFk;
                var sha256            = SHA256.Create();
                var ticket            = new VoteTicket();
                ticket.HashId       = ComputeSha256Hash(ticketIdClearText);
                ticket.Issued       = DateTime.Now;
                ticket.Expiration   = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                ticket.ElectionId   = v.Voter.ElectionFk.ToString();
                ticket.ElectionName = v.Election.Name;
                v.Recognition.State = 1;

                var dbt = new VotingTicket()
                    Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Hash    = ticket.HashId,
                    Content = ticket.ToJson(),
                    VoterFk = v.Voter.Id

                v.Voter.VotingTicketFk = dbt.Id;


            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var sertickets = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(tickets);

            var protector     = dataprotection.CreateProtector("EVSKeyExchange");
            var secureTickets = protector.Protect(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sertickets));
