Esempio n. 1
        private void FixButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (UpdateInfo updateInfo in Updates)
                // This could be better done with a single update statement
                string sqlText =
                    "SELECT " + updateInfo.ColumnName +
                    " FROM " + updateInfo.TableName +
                    " WHERE " + updateInfo.ColumnName + "=@OriginalKey";

                using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                    DataTable table   = new DataTable("Updates");
                    var       command = VoteDb.GetCommand(sqlText, cn);
                    VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(command, "OriginalKey", OriginalKeyTextBox.Text);
                    var adapter = VoteDb.GetDataAdapter(command);

                    AppendStatusText("Table {0}, Column {1}, Found {2}",
                                     updateInfo.TableName, updateInfo.ColumnName, table.Rows.Count);

                    if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                        var builder = VoteDb.GetCommandBuilder(adapter);
                        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                            row[updateInfo.ColumnName] = NewKeyTextBox.Text;
Esempio n. 2
 public void UpdateValue(TableInfo tableInfo, ColumnInfo columnInfo,
                         DataRow row, string newValue)
         using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection() as MySqlConnection)
             string template = "UPDATE {0} SET {1} = @NewValue WHERE {2}";
             string where = string.Join(" AND ",
                                        tableInfo.PrimaryKeyColumns.Select(col => col + "=@" + col));
             string sqlText = string.Format(template, tableInfo.Name,
                                            columnInfo.Name, where);
             var command = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, cn);
             VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(command, "NewValue", newValue);
             foreach (string keyColumn in tableInfo.PrimaryKeyColumns)
                 VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(command, keyColumn, row[keyColumn]);
     catch (Exception ex)
         AppendStatusText("An error occurred updating value: {0}",
Esempio n. 3
        public static DataTable GetPoliticianLoginsByDateStampRange(DateTime lowDate,
                                                                    DateTime?highDate = null, int commandTimeout = -1)
            lowDate = lowDate.Date;
            if (highDate == null)
                highDate = lowDate;
            highDate = highDate.Value.AddDays(1).Date;

            const string cmdText = "SELECT l.DateStamp,p.StateCode,p.PoliticianKey,p.FName AS FirstName," +
                                   "p.MName as MiddleName,p.LName AS LastName,p.Nickname,p.Suffix,p.LiveOfficeStatus," +
                                   "o.OfficeKey,o.OfficeLine1,o.OfficeLine2,e.ElectionDesc FROM votelog.LogLogins l" +
                                   " INNER JOIN vote.Politicians p ON p.PoliticianKey=l.UserPoliticianKey" +
                                   " LEFT OUTER JOIN vote.Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=p.LiveOfficeKey" +
                                   " LEFT OUTER JOIN vote.Elections e ON e.ElectionKey=p.LiveElectionKey" +
                                   " WHERE l.UserSecurity='POLITICIAN'" +
                                   " AND l.DateStamp>=@LowDate AND l.DateStamp<@HighDate" +
                                   " GROUP BY DATE(l.DateStamp),p.PoliticianKey" +
                                   " ORDER BY DATE(l.DateStamp),p.StateCode,p.LName,p.FName,p.MName,p.Suffix";

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LowDate", lowDate);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "HighDate", highDate);
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                var           table   = new DataTable();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
Esempio n. 4
        public static int UpdatePoliticianElectionsAllRows(string newValue)
            const string cmdText = "UPDATE Sitemap SET PoliticianElections=@newValue";
            var          cmd     = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, -1);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "newValue", newValue);
Esempio n. 5
        public static int UpdateMustHaveStatementAllRows(bool newValue)
            const string cmdText = "UPDATE Sitemap SET MustHaveStatement=@newValue";
            var          cmd     = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, -1);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "newValue", newValue);
Esempio n. 6
        public static int UpdateMinimumCandidatesAllRows(int newValue)
            const string cmdText = "UPDATE Sitemap SET MinimumCandidates=@newValue";
            var          cmd     = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, -1);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "newValue", newValue);
Esempio n. 7
        public static PartiesTable GetMajorPartyDataByStateCode(string stateCode,
                                                                int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdText =
                "SELECT PartyKey,PartyCode,StateCode,PartyOrder,PartyName,PartyURL,PartyAddressLine1,PartyAddressLine2,PartyCityStateZip,IsPartyMajor FROM Parties WHERE StateCode=@StateCode AND IsPartyMajor=1 AND LENGTH(PartyCode)=1 ORDER BY PartyOrder";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
            return(FillTable(cmd, PartiesTable.ColumnSet.All));
Esempio n. 8
        public static int UpdateColumnAllRows(Column column, object newValue)
            var cmdText = "UPDATE Sitemap SET {0}=@newValue";

            cmdText = string.Format(cmdText, GetColumnName(column));
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, -1);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "newValue", newValue);
        public static OfficesAllIdentifiedTable GetDataByStateCode(string stateCode,
                                                                   string countyCode  = "", string localCode = "",
                                                                   int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdText = "SELECT StateCode,CountyCode,LocalCode,OfficeLevel," +
                                   "IsOfficesAllIdentified FROM OfficesAllIdentified" +
                                   " WHERE StateCode=@StateCode" +
                                   " AND CountyCode=@CountyCode AND LocalCode=@LocalCode";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LocalCode", localCode);
            return(FillTable(cmd, OfficesAllIdentifiedTable.ColumnSet.All));
        public static int UpdateIsOfficesAllIdentified(bool newValue,
                                                       string stateCode, int officeLevel, string countyCode = "",
                                                       string localCode = "")
            const string cmdText = "UPDATE OfficesAllIdentified" +
                                   " SET IsOfficesAllIdentified=@newValue WHERE StateCode=@StateCode" +
                                   " AND OfficeLevel=@OfficeLevel AND CountyCode=@CountyCode" +
                                   " AND LocalCode=@LocalCode";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, -1);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "OfficeLevel", officeLevel);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LocalCode", localCode);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "newValue", newValue);
Esempio n. 11
        public static AnswersViewTable GetDataForConsolidation(string politicianKey1,
                                                               string politicianKey2, int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdText =
                "SELECT a.PoliticianKey,a.Answer,a.IssueKey,a.QuestionKey,a.Sequence," +
                "a.Source,a.DateStamp,a.YouTubeUrl,a.YouTubeDescription,a.YouTubeRunningTime,a.YouTubeSourceUrl," +
                "a.YouTubeSource,a.YouTubeDate,i.Issue,i.IssueLevel,a.YouTubeRefreshTime,a.YouTubeAutoDisable," +
                "i.IssueOrder,q.Question,q.QuestionOrder FROM Answers a" +
                " INNER JOIN Issues i ON i.IssueKey=a.IssueKey AND i.IsIssueOmit=0" +
                " INNER JOIN Questions q ON q.QuestionKey=a.QuestionKey AND q.IsQuestionOmit=0" +
                " WHERE PoliticianKey IN (@PoliticianKey1,@PoliticianKey2) AND" +
                " (TRIM(a.Answer) <> '' OR" +
                " TRIM(a.YouTubeUrl)<>'' AND NOT a.YouTubeUrl IS NULL AND (a.YouTubeAutoDisable IS NULL OR a.YouTubeAutoDisable='')" +
                ")" +
                " ORDER BY IssueLevel,IssueOrder,Issue,QuestionOrder,Question,DateStamp DESC,PoliticianKey";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "PoliticianKey1", politicianKey1);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "PoliticianKey2", politicianKey2);
            return(FillTable(cmd, AnswersViewTable.ColumnSet.All));
Esempio n. 12
        public static AnswersViewTable GetAllDataByIssueKeyPoliticianKey(
            string issueKey, string politicianKey, int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdText =
                "SELECT ig.IssueGroupKey,ig.IssueGroupOrder,ig.Heading AS IssueGroupHeading," +
                "ig.SubHeading AS IssueGroupSubHeading,i.IssueKey,i.IssueOrder,i.IssueLevel,i.Issue,i.IsTextSourceOptional," +
                "i.StateCode AS StateCode,q.QuestionKey,q.QuestionOrder,q.Question,a.PoliticianKey,a.Source," +
                "a.DateStamp,a.Answer,a.YouTubeUrl,a.YouTubeDescription,a.YouTubeRunningTime,a.YouTubeSourceUrl," +
                "a.YouTubeSource,a.YouTubeDate,a.Sequence,a.YouTubeRefreshTime,a.YouTubeAutoDisable FROM Issues i" +
                " INNER JOIN IssueGroupsIssues ON IssueGroupsIssues.IssueKey = i.IssueKey" +
                " INNER JOIN IssueGroups ig ON ig.IssueGroupKey = IssueGroupsIssues.IssueGroupKey" +
                " INNER JOIN Questions q ON q.IssueKey = i.IssueKey" +
                " LEFT JOIN Answers a on a.QuestionKey = q.QuestionKey AND a.PoliticianKey=@PoliticianKey" +
                " WHERE i.IssueKey=@IssueKey" +
                "  AND i.IsIssueOmit=0 AND q.IsQuestionOmit=0" +
                " ORDER BY IssueGroupOrder,IssueOrder,QuestionOrder,DateStamp DESC,Sequence DESC";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "IssueKey", issueKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "PoliticianKey", politicianKey);
            return(FillTable(cmd, AnswersViewTable.ColumnSet.All));
Esempio n. 13
 private void UpdateValue(TableInfo tableInfo, ColumnInfo columnInfo,
                          DataRow row, string value)
     if (columnInfo.Size > 0 && value.Length > columnInfo.Size)
         MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The new text length exceeds the maximum for this column of {0}",
                                       columnInfo.Size), "Cannot Update New Value", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
         using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection() as MySqlConnection)
                 string template = "UPDATE {0} SET {1} = @NewValue WHERE {2}";
                 string where = string.Join(" AND ",
                                            tableInfo.PrimaryKeyColumns.Select(col => col + "=@" + col));
                 string sqlText = string.Format(template, tableInfo.Name,
                                                columnInfo.Name, where);
                 var command = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, cn);
                 VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(command, "NewValue", value);
                 foreach (string keyColumn in tableInfo.PrimaryKeyColumns)
                     VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(command, keyColumn, row[keyColumn]);
             catch (Exception ex)
                 AppendStatusText("An error occurred updating value: {0}",