Esempio n. 1
        public void VerifyBlockIndexes()
            Console.WriteLine("Verifying blocks.");
            VolumeStream.Position = TocOffset + 0x12;
            ushort blockCount = VolumeStream.ReadUInt16();

            BlockInfo      block        = GetBlock(0);
            BlockDebugInfo blockDebInfo = new BlockDebugInfo();


            foreach (var entry in blockDebInfo.Entries)
                var            childIndexBlock   = GetBlock(entry.BlockIndex);
                BlockDebugInfo childblockDebInfo = new BlockDebugInfo();

                for (int i = 0; i < childblockDebInfo.Entries.Count; i++)
                    BlockDebugEntryInfo cutoff = childblockDebInfo.Entries[i];
                    // Get the entries in the middle
                    var            prevEntryBlock        = GetBlock(cutoff.BlockIndex);
                    BlockDebugInfo prevEntryBlockDebInfo = new BlockDebugInfo();

                    var            nextEntryBlock        = GetBlock(cutoff.BlockIndex + 1);
                    BlockDebugInfo nextEntryBlockDebInfo = new BlockDebugInfo();

                    var lastEntry = prevEntryBlockDebInfo.Entries[^ 1];
        public void T01_Should_create()
            // kiloWatt
            var power        = Power.FromKiloWatt(123);
            var theSamePower = new Power(123, PowerUnits.KiloWatt);
            // Temperature
            var tempC = CelsiusTemperature.FromDegree(23);
            var tempK = KelvinTemperature.FromDegree(300);
            // length
            var meters    = Length.FromMeter(10);
            var miliMeter = Length.FromMilimeters(45);
            // density kg/m³
            var density = new Density(23, MassUnits.Kg, VolumeUnits.CubicMeter);
            // stream [m³/s] [m³/h]
            var stream1 = new VolumeStream(34, VolumeUnits.CubicMeter, TimeUnits.Second);
            var stream2 = new VolumeStream(34, VolumeUnits.CubicMeter, TimeUnits.Hour);
            // [J/kg*K] is supported
            // [kJ/kg*C] is not supported
            var specificHeatCapacityUnit = new SpecificHeatCapacityUnit(
            var waterSpecificHeatCapacity = new SpecificHeatCapacity(4211, specificHeatCapacityUnit);

            var velocity1 = Velocity.FromMeterPerSecond(12);
            var velocity2 = new Velocity(2, LengthUnits.Feet, TimeUnits.Minute);

            var pressure = new Pressure(123, PressureUnits.KiloPascal);
        public void T06_should_mul_volumeStream_by_density()
            // volumeStream(CubicInch,Second) * density(Pound,CubicInch) = massStream(Pound,Second)
            var left     = new VolumeStream(15m, VolumeUnits.CubicInch, TimeUnits.Second);
            var right    = new Density(30m, MassUnits.Pound, VolumeUnits.CubicInch);
            var expected = new MassStream(450m, MassUnits.Pound, TimeUnits.Second);
            var result   = left * right;

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Check if " + left + " * " + right + " = " + expected);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Value, result.Value, 12);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Unit.UnitName, result.Unit.UnitName);
        } // end of method
        public void T04_should_div_massStream_by_volumeStream()
            // massStream(Kg,Second) / volumeStream(CubicMeter,Second) = density(Kg,CubicMeter)
            var left     = new MassStream(450m, MassUnits.Kg, TimeUnits.Second);
            var right    = new VolumeStream(15m, VolumeUnits.CubicMeter, TimeUnits.Second);
            var expected = new Density(30m, MassUnits.Kg, VolumeUnits.CubicMeter);
            var result   = left / right;

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Check if " + left + " / " + right + " = " + expected);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Value, result.Value, 12);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Unit.UnitName, result.Unit.UnitName);
        } // end of method
        public void T08_should_div_massStream_by_density()
            // massStream(Kg,Second) / density(Pound,CubicInch) = volumeStream(CubicInch,Second)
            var left     = new MassStream(500m, MassUnits.Kg, TimeUnits.Second);
            var right    = new Density(25m, MassUnits.Pound, VolumeUnits.CubicInch);
            var expected = new VolumeStream(44.092452436975516144594760270m, VolumeUnits.CubicInch, TimeUnits.Second);
            var result   = left / right;

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Check if " + left + " / " + right + " = " + expected);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Value, result.Value, 12);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Unit.UnitName, result.Unit.UnitName);
        } // end of method
        public void T07_should_div_massStream_by_density()
            // massStream(Tone,Second) / density(Pound,CubicInch) = volumeStream(CubicInch,Second)
            var left     = new MassStream(450m, MassUnits.Tone, TimeUnits.Second);
            var right    = new Density(30m, MassUnits.Pound, VolumeUnits.CubicInch);
            var expected = new VolumeStream(33069.339327731637108446070202m, VolumeUnits.CubicInch, TimeUnits.Second);
            var result   = left / right;

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Check if " + left + " / " + right + " = " + expected);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Value, result.Value, 12);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Unit.UnitName, result.Unit.UnitName);
        } // end of method
Esempio n. 7
        public byte[] GetBlockBuffer(int index)
            if (!IsEncryptedRoFSMagic())
                int beginOffset = GetEntryOffset(index);
                int endOffset   = GetEntryOffset(index + 1);

                using var decompressStream    = new MemoryStream();
                using var decompressionStream = new DeflateStream(new MemoryStream(VolumeStream.ReadBytes(endOffset - beginOffset)), CompressionMode.Decompress);
                int beginOffset = GetEntryOffsetSecure(index);
                int endOffset   = GetEntryOffsetSecure(index + 1);
                return(DecryptBlock(VolumeStream, TocOffset + beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset));
        public void T09_Should_deserialize_VolumeStream(string expected, string jsonToDeserialize, string theVolumeUnits, string theTimeUnits)
            var u1 = TestUtils.LoadUnit <VolumeUnit>(theVolumeUnits);
            var u2 = TestUtils.LoadUnit <TimeUnit>(theTimeUnits);
            // serialization
            var obj = new VolumeStream(45.87m, u1, u2);

            expected = "\"" + expected + "\"";
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("serialized to " + json);
            Assert.Equal(expected, json);
            // deserialization
            jsonToDeserialize = "\"" + jsonToDeserialize + "\"";
            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Try deserialize " + jsonToDeserialize);
            var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VolumeStream>(jsonToDeserialize);

            Assert.Equal(obj.Value, deserialized.Value);
            Assert.Equal(obj.Unit, deserialized.Unit);
Esempio n. 9
        // Non original
        public void DebugWriteEntryInfos()
            VolumeStream.Position = TocOffset + 0x12;
            ushort blockCount = VolumeStream.ReadUInt16();

            using var sw = new StreamWriter("block_info.txt");

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                BlockInfo  block = GetBlock(i);
                SpanReader sr    = new SpanReader(block.BlockBuffer);

                short blockType      = sr.ReadInt16();
                short entryCount     = sr.ReadInt16();
                int   realEntryCount = (entryCount / 2);

                sw.WriteLine($"Block #{i} {(blockType == 1 ? "[INDEXER]" : "")} - {entryCount} entries [{realEntryCount} actual]");
                sr.Position = BlockSize - (realEntryCount * 0x08);

                if (blockType == 1)
                    sr.Position -= 4;
                    sw.WriteLine($"Last Entry Index: {sr.ReadInt32()}");
                    sr.Position -= 2;
                    sw.WriteLine($"Offset: {sr.ReadInt16()}");

                for (int j = 0; j < realEntryCount; j++)
                    sr.Position = BlockSize - (j * 0x08) - 0x08;
                    short entryOffset = sr.ReadInt16();
                    short entryLen    = sr.ReadInt16();

                    if (blockType == 1)
                        int blockIndex = sr.ReadInt16();
                        sr.Position = entryOffset;

                        sr.Endian = Syroot.BinaryData.Core.Endian.Big;
                        int parentNode = sr.ReadInt32();
                        sr.Endian = Syroot.BinaryData.Core.Endian.Little;

                        string str;
                        if (entryLen >= 4)
                            str = sr.ReadStringRaw(entryLen - 4);
                            str = "string was null";

                        sw.WriteLine($"{j} -> Offset: {entryOffset:X2} - Length: {entryLen} - Points to Block: {blockIndex} | ParentNode: {parentNode}, Name: {str}");
                        short entryMetaTypeOffset = sr.ReadInt16();
                        short entryMetaTypeLen    = sr.ReadInt16();
                        sr.Position = entryOffset;

                        sr.Endian = Syroot.BinaryData.Core.Endian.Big;
                        int parentNode = sr.ReadInt32();
                        sr.Endian = Syroot.BinaryData.Core.Endian.Little;

                        string str = sr.ReadStringRaw(entryLen - 4);

                        sw.WriteLine($"{j} -> Offset: {entryOffset:X2} - Length: {entryLen} - Data Offset: {entryMetaTypeOffset} - Data Len: {entryMetaTypeLen} | ParentNode: {parentNode}, Name: {str}");

Esempio n. 10
 public bool IsEncryptedRoFSMagic()
     VolumeStream.Position = TocOffset;
     return(VolumeStream.ReadInt32(ByteConverter.Big) == TocHeader.MagicValueEncrypted);
Esempio n. 11
 public int GetEntryOffsetSecure(int blockIndex)
     VolumeStream.Position = TocOffset + TocHeader.HeaderSize + (blockIndex * 4);
     return(VolumeStream.ReadInt32() ^ blockIndex * Volume.OffsetCryptKey + Volume.OffsetCryptKey);
Esempio n. 12
 public int GetEntryOffset(int blockIndex)
     VolumeStream.Position = TocOffset + TocHeader.HeaderSize + (blockIndex * 4);