Esempio n. 1
        private Cell <Square> GetSquare(int target, Stream <int> sCheck, Stream <int> sFlag)
            Cell <Square> square = sFlag.Filter(target.Equals).Snapshot(Flags[target], (_, value) => value ? new Flag().Square : new Tile().Square).Hold(new Tile().Square).SwitchC();

            Stream <ISet <int> > sFlipMine = sCheck.Filter(t => Flags[t].Sample()).Filter(Mines.Contains).Map(_ => Mines);
            Stream <ISet <int> > sFlipVoid = sCheck.Filter(t => Flags[t].Sample()).Filter(Voids.Contains).Map(t => CollectConnectedVoid(t, Voids, Adjacent));

            if (Mines.Contains(target))
                var sFlip    = sFlipMine.Filter(targets => targets.Contains(target)).Map(_ => Unit.Value);
                var sTrigger = sCheck.Filter(target.Equals).Filter(_ => Flags[target].Sample()).Map(_ => Unit.Value).OrElse(sFlip);

                return(sTrigger.Map(_ => new Mine().Square).Hold(square).SwitchC());

            if (Voids.Contains(target))
                var sFlip    = sFlipVoid.Filter(targets => targets.Contains(target)).Map(_ => Unit.Value);
                var sTrigger = sCheck.Filter(target.Equals).Filter(_ => Flags[target].Sample()).Map(_ => Unit.Value).OrElse(sFlip);

                return(sTrigger.Map(_ => new Void().Square).Hold(square).SwitchC());

            if (Hints.ContainsKey(target))
                var sFlip    = sFlipVoid.Filter(voids => Adjacent[target].Any(voids.Contains)).Map(voids => Unit.Value);
                var sTrigger = sCheck.Filter(target.Equals).Filter(_ => Flags[target].Sample()).Map(_ => Unit.Value).OrElse(sFlip);

                return(sTrigger.Map(_ => new Hint(Hints[target]).Square).Hold(square).SwitchC());

            return(new Tile().Square);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        protected override void Create(Document doc)
            foreach (IFCFeatureElement opening in Openings)
                    // Create the actual Revit element based on the IFCFeatureElement here.
                    CreateElement(doc, opening);

                    // This gets around the issue that the Boolean operation between the void(s) in the IFCFeatureElement and
                    // the solid(s) in the IFCElement may use the Graphics Style of the voids in the resulting Solid(s), meaning
                    // that some faces may disappear when we turn off the visibility of IfcOpeningElements.
                    IFCFeatureElement openingClone = IFCFeatureElement.CreateOpeningClone(opening, this);
                    CreateElement(doc, openingClone);
                    foreach (IFCSolidInfo voidGeom in openingClone.Solids)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    IFCImportFile.TheLog.LogError(opening.Id, ex.Message, false);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests if a point is contained within this profile. Returns false for points that are outside of the profile (or within voids).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The position to test.</param>
        /// <param name="containment">Whether the point is inside, outside, at an edge, or at a vertex.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the point is within the profile.</returns>
        public bool Contains(Vector3 point, out Containment containment)
            IEnumerable <Line> allLines = Perimeter.Segments();

            if (Voids != null)
                allLines = allLines.Union(Voids.SelectMany(v => v.Segments()));
            return(Polygon.Contains(allLines, point, out containment));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the express where-clause specified in param 'clause'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clause">The express clause to test</param>
        /// <returns>true if the clause is satisfied.</returns>
        public bool ValidateClause(IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoidsClause clause)
            var retVal = false;

                switch (clause)
                case IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoidsClause.VoidsHaveAdvancedFaces:
                    retVal = Functions.SIZEOF(Voids.Where(Vsh => Functions.SIZEOF(Vsh.CfsFaces.Where(Afs => (!(Functions.TYPEOF(Afs).Contains("IFC4.IFCADVANCEDFACE"))))) == 0)) == 0;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                var log = Validation.ValidationLogging.CreateLogger <Xbim.Ifc4.GeometricModelResource.IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids>();
                log?.LogError(string.Format("Exception thrown evaluating where-clause 'IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids.{0}' for #{1}.", clause, EntityLabel), ex);
Esempio n. 5
 internal override void ParseXml(XmlElement xml)
     foreach (XmlNode child in xml.ChildNodes)
         string name = child.Name;
         if (string.Compare(name, "Voids") == 0)
             foreach (XmlNode cn in child.ChildNodes)
                 IfcClosedShell s = mDatabase.ParseXml <IfcClosedShell>(cn as XmlElement);
                 if (s != null)
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        protected override void Create(Document doc)
            foreach (IFCFeatureElement opening in Openings)
                    // Create the actual Revit element based on the IFCFeatureElement here.
                    CreateElement(doc, opening);

                    // This gets around the issue that the Boolean operation between the void(s) in the IFCFeatureElement and
                    // the solid(s) in the IFCElement may use the Graphics Style of the voids in the resulting Solid(s), meaning
                    // that some faces may disappear when we turn off the visibility of IfcOpeningElements.
                    IList <IFCSolidInfo> voids = CloneElementGeometry(doc, opening, this, true);
                    if (voids != null)
                        foreach (IFCSolidInfo voidGeom in voids)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(opening.Id, ex.Message, false);

            foreach (IFCPort port in Ports)
                    CreateElement(doc, port);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(port.Id, ex.Message, false);

Esempio n. 7
        public JudoPayApi(Func <Type, ILog> logger, IClient client)
            Payments      = new Payments(logger(typeof(Payments)), client, true);
            Refunds       = new Refunds(logger(typeof(Refunds)), client);
            PreAuths      = new PreAuths(logger(typeof(PreAuths)), client, true);
            Transactions  = new Transactions(logger(typeof(Transactions)), client);
            Collections   = new Collections(logger(typeof(Collections)), client);
            ThreeDs       = new ThreeDs(logger(typeof(ThreeDs)), client);
            RegisterCards = new RegisterCards(logger(typeof(RegisterCards)), client, true);
            SaveCards     = new SaveCard(logger(typeof(SaveCard)), client);
            Voids         = new Voids(logger(typeof(Voids)), client);

            WebPayments = new WebPayments
                Payments     = new Clients.WebPayments.Payments(logger(typeof(Clients.WebPayments.Payments)), client),
                PreAuths     = new Clients.WebPayments.PreAuths(logger(typeof(Clients.WebPayments.PreAuths)), client),
                Transactions = new Clients.WebPayments.Transactions(logger(typeof(Clients.WebPayments.Transactions)), client)

            Consumers  = new Consumers(logger(typeof(Consumers)), client);
            Connection = client.Connection;
 public Frm_ThemKhachHang(Voids vd, bool check)
     voids     = vd;
     checkExit = check;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all segments from a profile's perimeter and internal voids.
 /// </summary>
 public List <Line> Segments()
     return(Perimeter.Segments().Union(Voids?.SelectMany(v => v.Segments()) ?? new Line[0]).ToList());
Esempio n. 10
 public Tipo Type()
     if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_CHAR)
         Caracter C = new Caracter();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return C;
     else if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_BOOL)
         Booleano B = new Booleano();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return B;
     else if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_STRING)
         Cadena C = new Cadena();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return C;
     else if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_FLOAT)
         Flotante F = new Flotante();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return F;
     else if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_INT)
         Entero C = new Entero();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return C;
     else if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_VOID)
         Voids V = new Voids();
         currentToken = lex.NextToken();
         return V;
     return null;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        protected override void Create(Document doc)
            bool       preventInstances = false;
            IFCElement element          = this as IFCElement;

            if (element != null)
                preventInstances = this is IFCOpeningElement;
                foreach (IFCFeatureElement opening in element.Openings)
                        preventInstances = true;
                        // Create the actual Revit element based on the IFCFeatureElement here.
                        ElementId openingId = CreateElement(doc, opening);

                        // This gets around the issue that the Boolean operation between the void(s) in the IFCFeatureElement and
                        // the solid(s) in the IFCElement may use the Graphics Style of the voids in the resulting Solid(s), meaning
                        // that some faces may disappear when we turn off the visibility of IfcOpeningElements.
                        IList <IFCSolidInfo> voids = IFCElement.CloneElementGeometry(doc, opening, this, true);
                        if (voids != null)
                            foreach (IFCSolidInfo voidGeom in voids)
                                IFCVoidInfo voidInfo = new IFCVoidInfo(voidGeom);
                                if (!Importer.TheProcessor.ApplyTransforms)
                                    // If we aren't applying transforms, then the Voids and Solids will be
                                    // in different coordinate spaces, so we need the transform of the
                                    // void, so we can transform it into the Solid coordinate space
                                    voidInfo.TotalTransform = opening?.ObjectLocation?.TotalTransform;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Importer.TheLog.LogError(opening.Id, ex.Message, false);
            if (HasValidTopLevelGeometry())
                using (IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope = IFCImportShapeEditScope.Create(doc, this))
                    shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId  = GraphicsStyleId;
                    shapeEditScope.CategoryId       = CategoryId;
                    shapeEditScope.PreventInstances = preventInstances;

                    // The name can be added as well. but it is usually less useful than 'oid'
                    string myId = GlobalId; // + "(" + Name + ")";

                    Transform lcs = IFCImportFile.TheFile.IFCProject.WorldCoordinateSystem;
                    if (lcs == null)
                        lcs = (ObjectLocation != null) ? ObjectLocation.TotalTransform : Transform.Identity;
                    else if (ObjectLocation != null)
                        lcs = lcs.Multiply(ObjectLocation.TotalTransform);

                    // If we are not applying transforms to the geometry, then pass in the identity matrix.
                    // Lower down this method we then pass lcs to the consumer element, so that it can apply
                    // the transform as required.
                    Transform transformToUse = Importer.TheProcessor.ApplyTransforms ? lcs : Transform.Identity;
                    ProductRepresentation.CreateProductRepresentation(shapeEditScope, transformToUse, transformToUse, myId);

                    int numSolids = Solids.Count;
                    // Attempt to cut each solid with each void.
                    for (int solidIdx = 0; solidIdx < numSolids; solidIdx++)
                        if (!CutSolidByVoids(Solids[solidIdx]))

                    bool addedCurves = shapeEditScope.AddPlanViewCurves(FootprintCurves, Id);

                    if ((numSolids > 0 || addedCurves))
                        if (GlobalId != null)
                            // If the GlobalId is null, this is a fake IfcProduct that we don't want to create into a DirectShape, or
                            // add to the caches in any way.  We only wanted to gather its geometry.
                            DirectShape shape = Importer.TheCache.UseElementByGUID <DirectShape>(doc, GlobalId);

                            if (shape == null)
                                shape = IFCElementUtil.CreateElement(doc, CategoryId, GlobalId, null, Id, EntityType);

                            List <GeometryObject> directShapeGeometries = new List <GeometryObject>();
                            foreach (IFCSolidInfo geometryObject in Solids)
                                // We need to check if the solid created is good enough for DirectShape.  If not, warn and use a fallback Mesh.
                                GeometryObject currObject = geometryObject.GeometryObject;
                                if (currObject is Solid)
                                    Solid solid = currObject as Solid;
                                    if (!shape.IsValidGeometry(solid))
                                        Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "Couldn't create valid solid, reverting to mesh.", false);
                                        currObject = null;

                                if (currObject != null)

                            // We will use the first IfcTypeObject id, if it exists.  In general, there should be 0 or 1.
                            IFCTypeObject typeObjectToUse = null;
                            foreach (IFCTypeObject typeObject in TypeObjects)
                                if (typeObject.IsValidForCreation && typeObject.CreatedElementId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                                    typeObjectToUse = typeObject;

                            if (!Importer.TheProcessor.PostProcessProduct(Id, typeObjectToUse?.Id, lcs,
                                if (shape != null)

                                    if (typeObjectToUse != null && typeObjectToUse.CreatedElementId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)


                            CreatedElementId = shape.Id;
                            CreatedGeometry  = directShapeGeometries;
                if (this is IFCElement || this is IFCGrid)
                    IList <IFCEntity> visitedEntities = new List <IFCEntity>();
                    if (!HasValidSubElementGeometry(visitedEntities))
                        // We will not warn if this is an IfcSpatialStructureElement; those aren't expected to have their own geometry.
                        Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "There is no valid geometry for this " + EntityType.ToString() + "; entity will not be built.", false);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        protected override void Create(Document doc)
            bool       preventInstances = false;
            IFCElement element          = this as IFCElement;

            if (element != null)
                IFCOpeningElement openingElement = element as IFCOpeningElement;
                if (openingElement != null)
                    preventInstances = true;
                foreach (IFCFeatureElement opening in element.Openings)
                        preventInstances = true;
                        // Create the actual Revit element based on the IFCFeatureElement here.
                        ElementId openingId = CreateElement(doc, opening);

                        // This gets around the issue that the Boolean operation between the void(s) in the IFCFeatureElement and
                        // the solid(s) in the IFCElement may use the Graphics Style of the voids in the resulting Solid(s), meaning
                        // that some faces may disappear when we turn off the visibility of IfcOpeningElements.
                        IList <IFCSolidInfo> voids = IFCElement.CloneElementGeometry(doc, opening, this, true);
                        if (voids != null)
                            foreach (IFCSolidInfo voidGeom in voids)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Importer.TheLog.LogError(opening.Id, ex.Message, false);
            if (HasValidTopLevelGeometry())
                using (IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope = IFCImportShapeEditScope.Create(doc, this))
                    shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId  = GraphicsStyleId;
                    shapeEditScope.CategoryId       = CategoryId;
                    shapeEditScope.PreventInstances = preventInstances;
                    // The name can be added as well. but it is usually less useful than 'oid'
                    string myId = GlobalId; // + "(" + Name + ")";

                    Transform lcs = IFCImportFile.TheFile.IFCProject.WorldCoordinateSystem;
                    if (lcs == null)
                        lcs = (ObjectLocation != null) ? ObjectLocation.TotalTransform : Transform.Identity;
                    else if (ObjectLocation != null)
                        lcs = lcs.Multiply(ObjectLocation.TotalTransform);

                    ProductRepresentation.CreateProductRepresentation(shapeEditScope, lcs, lcs, myId);

                    int numSolids = Solids.Count;
                    int numVoids  = Voids.Count;
                    if ((numSolids > 0) && (numVoids > 0))
                        // This may be different than before, with the addition of solids from FamilyInstances.
                        numSolids = Solids.Count;

                        // Attempt to cut each solid with each void.
                        for (int solidIdx = 0; solidIdx < numSolids; solidIdx++)
                            // We only cut body representation items.
                            if (Solids[solidIdx].RepresentationType != IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Body)

                            if (!(Solids[solidIdx].GeometryObject is Solid))
                                string typeName = (Solids[solidIdx].GeometryObject is Mesh) ? "mesh" : "instance";
                                Importer.TheLog.LogError(Id, "Can't cut " + typeName + " geometry, ignoring " + numVoids + " void(s).", false);

                            for (int voidIdx = 0; voidIdx < numVoids; voidIdx++)
                                if (!(Voids[voidIdx].GeometryObject is Solid))
                                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(Id, "Can't cut Solid geometry with a Mesh (# " + Voids[voidIdx].Id + "), ignoring.", false);

                                Solids[solidIdx].GeometryObject =
                                    IFCGeometryUtil.ExecuteSafeBooleanOperation(Solids[solidIdx].Id, Voids[voidIdx].Id,
                                                                                Solids[solidIdx].GeometryObject as Solid, Voids[voidIdx].GeometryObject as Solid,
                                                                                BooleanOperationsType.Difference, null);
                                if ((Solids[solidIdx].GeometryObject as Solid).Faces.IsEmpty)

                    bool addedCurves = shapeEditScope.AddPlanViewCurves(FootprintCurves, Id);

                    if ((numSolids > 0 || addedCurves))
                        if (GlobalId != null)
                            // If the GlobalId is null, this is a fake IfcProduct that we don't want to create into a DirectShape, or
                            // add to the caches in any way.  We only wanted to gather its geometry.
                            DirectShape shape = Importer.TheCache.UseElementByGUID <DirectShape>(doc, GlobalId);

                            if (shape == null)
                                shape = IFCElementUtil.CreateElement(doc, CategoryId, GlobalId, null, Id);

                            List <GeometryObject> directShapeGeometries = new List <GeometryObject>();
                            foreach (IFCSolidInfo geometryObject in Solids)
                                // We need to check if the solid created is good enough for DirectShape.  If not, warn and use a fallback Mesh.
                                GeometryObject currObject = geometryObject.GeometryObject;
                                if (currObject is Solid)
                                    Solid solid = currObject as Solid;
                                    if (!shape.IsValidGeometry(solid))
                                        Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "Couldn't create valid solid, reverting to mesh.", false);
                                        currObject = null;

                                if (currObject != null)

                            // We will use the first IfcTypeObject id, if it exists.  In general, there should be 0 or 1.
                            ElementId typeId = ElementId.InvalidElementId;
                            foreach (IFCTypeObject typeObject in TypeObjects)
                                if (typeObject.IsValidForCreation && typeObject.CreatedElementId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                                    typeId = typeObject.CreatedElementId;


                            if (typeId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)


                            CreatedElementId = shape.Id;
                            CreatedGeometry  = directShapeGeometries;
                if (this is IFCElement || this is IFCGrid)
                    IList <IFCEntity> visitedEntities = new List <IFCEntity>();
                    if (!HasValidSubElementGeometry(visitedEntities))
                        // We will not warn if this is an IfcSpatialStructureElement; those aren't expected to have their own geometry.
                        Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "There is no valid geometry for this " + EntityType.ToString() + "; entity will not be built.", false);

Esempio n. 13
 public Frm_ThongKeSLSP(Voids vd)
     exit = vd;