public void SetAudioMainSettings(VoiceType selectedVoiceType, IVoice selectedVoice, bool isPreviewChecked) { computerVoiceComboBox.ToolTip = NarrationsLabText.SettingsVoiceSelectionInputTooltip; previewCheckbox.IsChecked = isPreviewChecked; previewCheckbox.ToolTip = NarrationsLabText.SettingsPreviewCheckboxTooltip; switch (selectedVoiceType) { case VoiceType.AzureVoice: RadioAzureVoice.IsChecked = true; azureVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as AzureVoice; break; case VoiceType.ComputerVoice: RadioDefaultVoice.IsChecked = true; computerVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as ComputerVoice; break; case VoiceType.WatsonVoice: RadioWatsonVoice.IsChecked = true; watsonVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as WatsonVoice; break; default: break; } }
private void Start() { textSFXSource = UIManager.Instance.textSFXSource; if (speaker) { voiceType = speaker.voiceType; } else { voiceType = VoiceType.Young; } panelSizedButton.interactable = false; nextStep = true; firstStep = true; notFinished = false; if (storyScript) { inkStory = storyScript.inkStory; } else { inkStory = new Story(inkFile.text); } PlayerInfo.WriteToInkStory(inkStory); if (inkStory.HasFunction(executeFunction)) { inkStory.CheckInFunction(executeFunction); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the words from the database. /// </summary> private void populateBoxes() { try { // Create new database context. using (MPAiModel DBModel = new MPAiModel()) { DBModel.Database.Initialize(false); // Added for safety; if the database has not been initialised, initialise it. MPAiUser current = UserManagement.CurrentUser; Console.WriteLine(VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(current.Voice)); List <Word> view = DBModel.Word.Where(x => ( x.Category.Name.Equals("Word") && x.Recordings.Any(y => y.Speaker.SpeakerId == current.Speaker.SpeakerId) )).ToList(); view.Sort(new VowelComparer()); WordComboBox.DataSource = new BindingSource() { DataSource = view }; WordComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; } } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine(exp); } }
private static void OnSettingsDialogConfirmed(VoiceType selectedVoiceType, IVoice selectedVoice, bool isPreviewCurrentSlide) { IsPreviewEnabled = isPreviewCurrentSlide; AudioSettingService.selectedVoiceType = selectedVoiceType; AudioSettingService.selectedVoice = selectedVoice; }
/// <summary> /// Plays or pauses the audio, depending on the VLC player's current state. /// </summary> private void playAudio() { using (MPAiModel DBModel = MPAiModel.InitializeDBModel()) { Word wd = wordsList[currentRecordingIndex]; Speaker spk = UserManagement.CurrentUser.Speaker; // Get the speaker from user settings. Console.WriteLine(UserManagement.CurrentUser.Speaker.Name + " " + VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(UserManagement.CurrentUser.Voice)); Recording rd = DBModel.Recording.Local.Where(x => x.WordId == wd.WordId && x.SpeakerId == spk.SpeakerId).SingleOrDefault(); if (rd != null) { ICollection <SingleFile> audios = rd.Audios; if (audios == null || audios.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No audio recording!"); } SingleFile sf = audios.PickNext(); filePath = Path.Combine(sf.Address, sf.Name); asyncPlay(); playButton.ImageIndex = 3; } else { MPAiMessageBoxFactory.Show(invalidRecordingString); } } }
public TextEvent(string message) { this.message = message; speed = 100; voice = VoiceType.claire22s; pitch = 100; }
public TextEvent(string message, VoiceType voice, int speed) { this.message = message; this.voice = voice; this.speed = speed; pitch = 100; }
/// <summary> /// Checks the approrpiate checked controls based on the current user's voice settings. /// </summary> private void checkAppropriateComponents() { VoiceType voiceType = UserManagement.CurrentUser.Voice; if (voiceType.Gender.Equals(GenderType.MASCULINE) && voiceType.Language.Equals(LanguageType.NATIVE)) { nativeMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; masculineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } else if (voiceType.Gender.Equals(GenderType.FEMININE) && voiceType.Language.Equals(LanguageType.NATIVE)) { nativeMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; feminineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } else if (voiceType.Gender.Equals(GenderType.MASCULINE) && voiceType.Language.Equals(LanguageType.MODERN)) { modernMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; masculineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } else if (voiceType.Gender.Equals(GenderType.FEMININE) && voiceType.Language.Equals(LanguageType.MODERN)) { modernMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; feminineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } }
public void SetAudioPreviewSettings(string textToSpeak, VoiceType selectedVoiceType, IVoice selectedVoice) { spokenText.Text = textToSpeak; if (selectedVoiceType == VoiceType.DefaultVoice) { defaultVoiceRadioButton.IsChecked = true; return; } if (rankedAudioListView.Items.Contains(selectedVoice)) { rankedAudioListView.SelectedItem = selectedVoice; return; } switch (selectedVoiceType) { case VoiceType.AzureVoice: azureVoiceRadioButton.IsChecked = true; azureVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as AzureVoice; break; case VoiceType.ComputerVoice: computerVoiceRadioButton.IsChecked = true; computerVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as ComputerVoice; break; case VoiceType.WatsonVoice: watsonVoiceRadioButton.IsChecked = true; watsonVoiceComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedVoice as WatsonVoice; break; default: defaultVoiceRadioButton.IsChecked = true; break; } }
public TextEvent(string message, VoiceType voice, int speed, int pitch) { this.message = message; this.voice = voice; this.speed = speed; this.pitch = pitch; }
public static string Getsuffix(VoiceType type) { var suffix = ".mp3"; switch (type) { case VoiceType.mp3: suffix = ".mp3"; break; case VoiceType.pcm: suffix = ".pcm"; break; case VoiceType.wav: suffix = ".wav"; break; case VoiceType.amr: suffix = ".wav"; break; default: suffix = ".mp3"; break; } return(suffix); }
public static VoiceType FromFlightPlanRemarks(this VoiceType vt, string remarks) { bool flag = remarks.ToLower().Contains("/v/"); VoiceType result; if (flag) { result = VoiceType.Full; } else { bool flag2 = remarks.ToLower().Contains("/r/"); if (flag2) { result = VoiceType.ReceiveOnly; } else { bool flag3 = remarks.ToLower().Contains("/t/"); if (flag3) { result = VoiceType.TextOnly; } else { result = VoiceType.Unknown; } } } return(result); }
public static VoiceType FromString(this VoiceType vt, string typeID) { string a = typeID.ToLower(); VoiceType result; switch (a) { case "t": result = VoiceType.TextOnly; break; case "r": result = VoiceType.ReceiveOnly; break; case "v": result = VoiceType.Full; break; default: result = VoiceType.Unknown; break; } return(result); }
public static void PlayVoice(VoiceType voiceType, Language language) { if (Time.time - LastPlayVoiceTime < 1) { return; } LastPlayVoiceTime = Time.time; switch (voiceType) { case VoiceType.Armor_Not_Pierced: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Armor_Not_Pierced) + language.ToString(),,; break; case VoiceType.Armor_Pierced: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Armor_Pierced) + language.ToString(),,; break; case VoiceType.Armor_Ricochet: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Armor_Ricochet) + language.ToString(),,; break; case VoiceType.Enemy_Killed: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Enemy_Killed) + language.ToString(),,; break; case VoiceType.Start_Battle: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Start_Battle) + language.ToString(),,; break; case VoiceType.Vehicle_Destroyed: PoolManager.CreateObject(RandomStringInList(Self.Vehicle_Destroyed) + language.ToString(),,; break; } }
public async Task Play(VoiceType response, int volume) { await _lock.WaitAsync(); var localFilePath = Path.Combine(Directories.VoiceDir, $"{response.ToString()}.mp3"); if (!_mp3Times.ContainsKey(response)) { using (var mp3File = new Mp3FileReader(Path.Combine(Directories.VoiceDir, $"{response.ToString()}.mp3"))) { _mp3Times.Add(response, mp3File.TotalTime); } } using (var mainOutputStream = new Mp3FileReader(Path.GetFullPath(localFilePath))) using (var volumeStream = new WaveChannel32(mainOutputStream)) using (var waveOut = new WaveOutEvent { DeviceNumber = -1, Volume = (float)volume / 100 }) { waveOut.Init(volumeStream); waveOut.Play(); await Task.Delay(_mp3Times[response]); } _lock.Release(); }
public void Play(VoiceType type) { _type = type; SeletePath(type); player.SoundLocation = filePath.OriginalString; player.Load(); player.Play(); }
public List <ExcelTableEntity> GetVoiceForType(VoiceType type) { if (dic.ContainsKey((int)type)) { return(dic[(int)type]); } return(null); }
protected override void RefreshAudioVolume(VoiceType voiceType, float vol) { if (this.s_VoiceType == voiceType) { m_MaxVolume = vol * s_Vol; } base.RefreshAudioVolume(voiceType, vol); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(VoiceType.getStringFromVoiceType(new VoiceType(GenderType.MASCULINE, LanguageType.MODERN))); Application.Run(new LoginScreen()); Application.Exit(); }
private void AddAudioSource(PlayerType pt, VoiceType vt, AudioClip ac) { if (CommonFunction.IsNull(ac) == false) { AudioSource a = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); a.clip = ac; VoicesList[pt].Add(vt, a); } }
public TextToSpeechParameters(VoiceType voiceType, OutputFormatParameterValues outputFormat, Locale locale, string requestUri, string authToken, string text) { _voiceType = voiceType; _outputFormat = outputFormat; _locale = EnumToHyphenString(locale); _requestUri = requestUri; _authToken = authToken; _text = text; }
private void formantButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MPAiUser user = UserManagement.CurrentUser; PlotController.PlotType?plotType = PlotController.PlotType.FORMANT_PLOT; VoiceType voiceType = user.Voice; PlotController.RunPlot(plotType, voiceType); closeThis(); }
/// <summary> /// TO DO: Return languages for wavenet instead of voice names /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string[] GetLanguagesByType(VoiceType type) { if (type == GoogleCloud.VoiceType.WaveNet) { return(System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(GoogleCloud.WaveNetVoice)).Where(enumString => enumString.Contains("Wavenet")).ToArray()); } else { return(System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(GoogleCloud.Language))); } }
private void OnVoiceSelect(Data data) { VoiceData voice = data as VoiceData; if (voice == null) { throw new WatsonException("Unexpected data type"); } m_Voice = voice.Voice; }
// This is only called when the scene loads. void Start() { vision = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Webcam").GetComponent <WebCamTextureToCloudVision> (); curr_voice = VoiceType.fr_FR_Renee; // Strictly for debugging to test a few words! if (isDebug) { StartCoroutine(Process("en", "Bonsoir.")); } }
private void PlaySound(VoiceType response) { if (!_voiceEnabled) { return; } if (!_isReady) { return; } _ = Task.Run(async() => await _voice.Play(response, _soundVolume)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改声音类型 /// </summary> private void SetVoiceSetting(VoiceType type) { switch (type) { case VoiceType.Is2D: Set2DVoiceSetting(); break; case VoiceType.Is3D: Set3DVoiceSetting(); break; } }
private void checkAndSetNativeDisplayVoice() { VoiceType voiceType = UserManagement.CurrentUser.Voice; if (voiceType.Gender.Equals(GenderType.FEMININE)) { nativeMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Text = DisplayVoice.DisplayNative(GenderType.FEMININE); } else { nativeMāoriToolStripMenuItem.Text = DisplayVoice.DisplayNative(GenderType.MASCULINE); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置音量 /// </summary> /// <param name="voiceType">音效类型</param> /// <param name="value"></param> public void SetMusicGameVolume(VoiceType voiceType, float value) { switch (voiceType) { case VoiceType.Music: GlobalData.MusicGameVolume = value; break; case VoiceType.Sound: GlobalData.SoundGameVolume = value; break; } MsgDispatcher.SendMessage(GlobalEventType.GlobalVolumeChange, voiceType, value); }
private void ConfigureAudioPreviewSettings(AudioPreviewPage page) { string textToSpeak = captionTextBox.Text.Trim(); string voiceName = StringUtility.ExtractVoiceNameFromVoiceLabel(audioNameLabel.Text.ToString()); if (!AudioService.CheckIfVoiceExists(voiceName)) { page.SetAudioPreviewSettings(textToSpeak, VoiceType.DefaultVoice, AudioSettingService.selectedVoice); return; } string defaultPostfix = StringUtility.ExtractDefaultLabelFromVoiceLabel(audioNameLabel.Text.ToString()); VoiceType voiceType = AudioService.GetVoiceTypeFromString(voiceName, defaultPostfix); IVoice voice = AudioService.GetVoiceFromString(voiceName); page.SetAudioPreviewSettings(textToSpeak, voiceType, voice); }
protected override void RefreshAudioVolume(VoiceType voiceType, float vol) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID// float onceVolume = vol * s_Vol; if (m_AndroidPluginsSoundId != 0) { DBTSDK.SDKToolManager.Instance.SetEffectsVolume(onceVolume); } //AndroidNativeAudio.setVolume(m_AndroidPluginsSoundId, onceVolume, onceVolume); else { base.RefreshAudioVolume(voiceType, vol); } #else base.RefreshAudioVolume(voiceType, vol); #endif }
public void OnTtsStart() { if (!isFocus) { return; } LogUtils.Log("OnTtsStart"); currentVoiceType = VoiceType.TTS; resultText.gameObject.SetActive(false); stopBtnObj.SetActive(false); audioEffectObj.SetActive(false); startEffectObj.SetActive(false); speakEffect.gameObject.SetActive(false); voiceImage.color = Color.white; voiceBtn.enabled = true; voiceAnim.enabled = true; ttsEffectObj.SetActive(true); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. Where possible, fills the user's details into the text boxes. /// </summary> public RenameFileDialog() { InitializeComponent(); // Use user settings or menu data to automatically fill the fields. // Speaker = user's screen name speakerComboBox.Items.AddRange(new object[4] { VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(new VoiceType(GenderType.FEMININE, LanguageType.NATIVE)), VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(new VoiceType(GenderType.MASCULINE, LanguageType.NATIVE)), VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(new VoiceType(GenderType.FEMININE, LanguageType.MODERN)), VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(new VoiceType(GenderType.MASCULINE, LanguageType.MODERN)) }); speakerComboBox.SelectedItem = VoiceType.getDisplayNameFromVoiceType(UserManagement.CurrentUser.Voice); // Category has a drop down list for scalability, although in this version it's just Word and Vowel. populateCategoryComboBox(); // Word will need a drop-down list populateWordComboBox(); // Label should start with focus and be up to them. }
/// <summary> /// 棒読みちゃんに音声合成タスクを追加します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="sTalkText">喋らせたい文章</param> /// <param name="iSpeed" >速度。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる速度)</param> /// <param name="iTone" >音程。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる音程)</param> /// <param name="iVolume" >音量。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる音量)</param> /// <param name="vType" >声の種類。(Defaultで棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる声)</param> public void AddTalkTask(string sTalkText, int iSpeed, int iTone, int iVolume, VoiceType vType) { RemotingObject.AddTalkTask(sTalkText, iSpeed, iTone, iVolume, (int)vType); }
public TextEvent(string message, VoiceType voice) { this.message = message; this.voice = voice; speed = 100; }
/// <summary> /// 棒読みちゃんに音声合成タスクを追加します。読み上げタスクIDを返します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="sTalkText">喋らせたい文章</param> /// <param name="iSpeed" >速度。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる速度)</param> /// <param name="iTone" >音程。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる音程)</param> /// <param name="iVolume" >音量。(-1で棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる音量)</param> /// <param name="vType" >声の種類。(Defaultで棒読みちゃん側の画面で選んでいる声)</param> /// <returns>読み上げタスクID。</returns> public int AddTalkTask2(string sTalkText, int iSpeed, int iTone, int iVolume, VoiceType vType) { return RemotingObject.AddTalkTask2(sTalkText, iSpeed, iTone, iVolume, (int)vType); }