Esempio n. 1
        public void InitializeVulkan()
            // Create the VUlkan instance that we will use for this app
            _Instance = new VkInstance("Triangle - Sample", 1, "Ratchet", 1);

            // Now lets walk all physical device and find the first one that supports graphics queue
            foreach (VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice in _Instance.vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices())
                foreach (VkQueueFamilyProperties queueFamilly in physicalDevice.QueueFamilies)
                    if ((queueFamilly.queueFlags & VkQueueFlags.VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS) != 0)
                        // We have a physical device that supports graphics queue, we can now create a Device on it
                        // with one queue and use it as our main device for this sample
                        _Device = physicalDevice.CreateDevice(new VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo[] { new VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo()
                                                                                                  queueCount = 1, queueFamily = queueFamilly, queuePriorities = new float[] { 1.0f }
                                                                                              } });

                        // Ok now lets grab the graphics queue back. Technically there should only be one
                        // But just to be clean we do an iteration and look for the queue that matches our
                        // need
                        foreach (VkQueue queue in _Device.Queues)
                            if (queue.Family.queueFlags == queueFamilly.queueFlags)
                                _Queue = queue;
Esempio n. 2
         * Finish command buffer recording and submit it to a queue
         * @param commandBuffer Command buffer to flush
         * @param queue Queue to submit the command buffer to
         * @param free (Optional) Free the command buffer once it has been submitted (Defaults to true)
         * @note The queue that the command buffer is submitted to must be from the same family index as the pool it was allocated from
         * @note Uses a fence to ensure command buffer has finished executing
        public void flushCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueue queue, bool free = true)
            if (commandBuffer.handle == 0)


            VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = new VkSubmitInfo();

            submitInfo.sType          = SubmitInfo;
            submitInfo.commandBuffers = commandBuffer;

            // Create fence to ensure that the command buffer has finished executing
            VkFenceCreateInfo fenceInfo = new VkFenceCreateInfo();

            fenceInfo.sType = FenceCreateInfo;
            fenceInfo.flags = 0;
            VkFence fence;

            vkCreateFence(_logicalDevice, &fenceInfo, null, &fence);

            // Submit to the queue
            vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence);
            // Wait for the fence to signal that command buffer has finished executing
            vkWaitForFences(_logicalDevice, 1, &fence, true, DEFAULT_FENCE_TIMEOUT);

            vkDestroyFence(_logicalDevice, fence, null);

            if (free)
                vkFreeCommandBuffers(_logicalDevice, CommandPool, 1, &commandBuffer);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Submit(CommandBuffer buffer, VkSemaphore?wait = null, VkPipelineStageFlag waitStage = 0,
                           VkSemaphore?signal = null,
                           VkFence?submit     = null)
            var buff = buffer.Handle;

                var waitH   = wait ?? VkSemaphore.Null;
                var signalH = signal ?? VkSemaphore.Null;
                var submitH = submit ?? VkFence.Null;
                var info    = new VkSubmitInfo()
                    SType = VkStructureType.SubmitInfo,
                    PNext = IntPtr.Zero,
                    CommandBufferCount   = 1,
                    PCommandBuffers      = &buff,
                    SignalSemaphoreCount = signalH != VkSemaphore.Null ? 1u : 0u,
                    PSignalSemaphores    = &signalH,
                    WaitSemaphoreCount   = waitH != VkSemaphore.Null ? 1u : 0u,
                    PWaitSemaphores      = &waitH,
                    PWaitDstStageMask    = &waitStage,
                if (buffer is CommandBufferPooledExclusiveUse peu)
                    Debug.Assert(submitH == VkFence.Null, "Can't use a submit fence on a pooled handle");
                    peu.DoSubmit(Handle, info);
                    VkException.Check(VkQueue.vkQueueSubmit(Handle, 1, &info, submitH));
Esempio n. 4
        public void Render()
            if (!isInitialized)

            if (this.submitInfos == null)

            VkDevice    device = this.device; VkSwapchainKHR swapchain = this.swapchain;
            VkSemaphore semaphore = this.vkSemaphore; VkFence fence = this.vkFence;
            VkQueue     queue = this.vkQueue;
            //uint nextIndex = device.AcquireNextImageKHR(swapchain, ulong.MaxValue, semaphore);
            UInt32 nextIndex;

            vkAPI.vkAcquireNextImageKHR(device, swapchain, ulong.MaxValue,
                                        semaphore, new VkFence(), &nextIndex).Check();
            vkAPI.vkResetFences(device, 1, &fence).Check();

            //queue.Submit(ref this.submitInfos[nextIndex], fence);
            //VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = this.submitInfos[nextIndex];
            //vkAPI.vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence).Check();
            vkAPI.vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &this.submitInfos[nextIndex], fence).Check();
            //device.WaitForFence(fence, true, 100000000);
            vkAPI.vkWaitForFences(device, 1, &fence, true, 100000000).Check();
            //queue.PresentKHR(ref this.presentInfos[nextIndex]);
            //VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = this.presentInfos[nextIndex];
            //vkAPI.vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo).Check();
            vkAPI.vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &this.presentInfos[nextIndex]).Check();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit an executable command buffer with optional wait and signal semaphores, and an optional fence to be signaled when the commands have been completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queue">Queue.</param>
        /// <param name="wait">Wait.</param>
        /// <param name="signal">Signal.</param>
        /// <param name="fence">Fence.</param>
        public void Submit(VkQueue queue, VkSemaphore wait = default, VkSemaphore signal = default, Fence fence = null)
            VkSubmitInfo submit_info = VkSubmitInfo.New();

            IntPtr dstStageMask = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(uint));

            Marshal.WriteInt32(dstStageMask, (int)VkPipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutput);

            using (PinnedObjects pctx = new PinnedObjects()) {
                submit_info.pWaitDstStageMask = dstStageMask;
                if (signal != VkSemaphore.Null)
                    submit_info.signalSemaphoreCount = 1;
                    submit_info.pSignalSemaphores    = signal.Pin(pctx);
                if (wait != VkSemaphore.Null)
                    submit_info.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
                    submit_info.pWaitSemaphores    = wait.Pin(pctx);

                submit_info.commandBufferCount = 1;
                submit_info.pCommandBuffers    = handle.Pin(pctx);

                Utils.CheckResult(vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, ref submit_info, fence));
Esempio n. 6
         * Finish command buffer recording and submit it to a queue
         * @param commandBuffer Command buffer to flush
         * @param queue Queue to submit the command buffer to
         * @param free (Optional) Free the command buffer once it has been submitted (Defaults to true)
         * @note The queue that the command buffer is submitted to must be from the same family index as the pool it was allocated from
         * @note Uses a fence to ensure command buffer has finished executing
        public void flushCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueue queue, bool free = true)
            if (commandBuffer.Handle == NullHandle)


            VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = VkSubmitInfo.New();

            submitInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
            submitInfo.pCommandBuffers    = &commandBuffer;

            // Create fence to ensure that the command buffer has finished executing
            VkFenceCreateInfo fenceInfo = VkFenceCreateInfo.New();

            fenceInfo.flags = VkFenceCreateFlags.None;
            VkFence fence;

            Util.CheckResult(vkCreateFence(_logicalDevice, &fenceInfo, null, &fence));

            // Submit to the queue
            Util.CheckResult(vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence));
            // Wait for the fence to signal that command buffer has finished executing
            Util.CheckResult(vkWaitForFences(_logicalDevice, 1, &fence, True, DEFAULT_FENCE_TIMEOUT));

            vkDestroyFence(_logicalDevice, fence, null);

            if (free)
                vkFreeCommandBuffers(_logicalDevice, CommandPool, 1, &commandBuffer);
Esempio n. 7
 public static VkResult vkQueueBindSparse(VkQueue queue, ReadOnlySpan <VkBindSparseInfo> bindInfo, VkFence fence)
     fixed(VkBindSparseInfo *bindInfoPtr = bindInfo)
         return(vkQueueBindSparse(queue, bindInfo.Length, bindInfoPtr, fence));
Esempio n. 8
 public static VkResult vkQueueSubmit(VkQueue queue, ReadOnlySpan <VkSubmitInfo> submits, VkFence fence)
     fixed(VkSubmitInfo *submitsPtr = submits)
         return(vkQueueSubmit(queue, submits.Length, submitsPtr, fence));
Esempio n. 9
 internal Queue(Device device, VkQueue queue, uint familyIndex)
     this.device = device;
     this.queue  = queue;
     FamilyIndex = familyIndex;
     Family      = device.PhysicalDevice.QueueFamilies[(int)familyIndex];
Esempio n. 10
        private void CreateLogicalDevice()
            var indices = new QueueFamilyIndices(vkPhysicalDevice, vkSurface);

            float priority         = 1f;
            var   queueCreateInfos = stackalloc VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo[]
                new VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo()
                    sType            = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_INFO,
                    queueFamilyIndex = (uint)indices.GraphicsFamily,
                    queueCount       = 1,
                    pQueuePriorities = &priority,

            int     extensionsCount         = 1;
            IntPtr *extensionsToEnableArray = stackalloc IntPtr[extensionsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < extensionsCount; i++)
                string extension = "VK_KHR_swapchain";
                extensionsToEnableArray[i] = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(extension);

            VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures deviceFeatures = new VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures();

            var createInfo = new VkDeviceCreateInfo()
                sType = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO,
                ppEnabledExtensionNames = (byte **)extensionsToEnableArray,
                enabledExtensionCount   = (uint)extensionsCount,
                pQueueCreateInfos       = queueCreateInfos,
                queueCreateInfoCount    = 1,
                pEnabledFeatures        = &deviceFeatures,

            VkDevice newDevice;
            var      result = VulkanNative.vkCreateDevice(this.vkPhysicalDevice, &createInfo, null, &newDevice);

            this.vkDevice = newDevice;

            for (int i = 0; i < extensionsCount; i++)

            VkQueue newGraphicsQueue;

            VulkanNative.vkGetDeviceQueue(vkDevice, (uint)indices.GraphicsFamily, 0, &newGraphicsQueue);
            this.vkGraphicsQueue = newGraphicsQueue;

            VkQueue newPresentQueue;

            VulkanNative.vkGetDeviceQueue(vkDevice, (uint)indices.PresentFamily, 0, &newPresentQueue);
            this.vkPresentQueue = newPresentQueue;
Esempio n. 11
        public void Submit(CommandBuffer[] buffers, VkSemaphore[] wait, VkPipelineStageFlag[] waitStages,
                           VkSemaphore[] signal, VkFence submit)
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                Debug.Assert((waitStages == null && wait == null) || waitStages.Length == wait.Length);
                var arrayBuffers = buffers.Where(x => !(x is CommandBufferPooledExclusiveUse)).Select(x =>
                var pooledBuffers = buffers.OfType <CommandBufferPooledExclusiveUse>().ToArray();
                Debug.Assert(pooledBuffers.Length == 0 || submit == VkFence.Null,
                             "Can't use custom submit fence on pooled buffers");
                fixed(VkSemaphore *waitPtr = wait)
                fixed(VkPipelineStageFlag * waitStagePtr = waitStages)
                fixed(VkSemaphore * signalPtr            = signal)
                    if (arrayBuffers.Length > 0)
                        fixed(VkCommandBuffer *buffer = arrayBuffers)
                            var info = new VkSubmitInfo()
                                SType = VkStructureType.SubmitInfo,
                                PNext = IntPtr.Zero,
                                CommandBufferCount   = (uint)arrayBuffers.Length,
                                PCommandBuffers      = buffer,
                                SignalSemaphoreCount = (uint)(signal?.Length ?? 0),
                                PSignalSemaphores    = signalPtr,
                                WaitSemaphoreCount   = (uint)(wait?.Length ?? 0),
                                PWaitSemaphores      = waitPtr,
                                PWaitDstStageMask    = waitStagePtr,

                            VkException.Check(VkQueue.vkQueueSubmit(Handle, 1, &info, submit));
                    foreach (var pooled in pooledBuffers)
                        var handle = pooled.Handle;
                        var info   = new VkSubmitInfo()
                            SType = VkStructureType.SubmitInfo,
                            PNext = IntPtr.Zero,
                            CommandBufferCount   = 1,
                            PCommandBuffers      = &handle,
                            SignalSemaphoreCount = (uint)(signal?.Length ?? 0),
                            PSignalSemaphores    = signalPtr,
                            WaitSemaphoreCount   = (uint)(wait?.Length ?? 0),
                            PWaitSemaphores      = waitPtr,
                            PWaitDstStageMask    = waitStagePtr,
                        pooled.DoSubmit(Handle, info);
Esempio n. 12
        public static VkResult vkQueueSubmit(VkQueue queue, int submitCount, VkSubmitInfo[] pSubmits, VkFence fence)
            VkPreconditions.CheckNull(queue, nameof(queue));
            VkPreconditions.CheckNull(pSubmits, nameof(pSubmits));

            VkPreconditions.CheckRange(submitCount, 1, int.MaxValue, nameof(submitCount));
            VkPreconditions.CheckRange(pSubmits.Length < submitCount, nameof(pSubmits.Length));

            return(GetQueue(queue).Submit(submitCount, pSubmits, fence));
Esempio n. 13
         * Queue an image for presentation
         * @param queue Presentation queue for presenting the image
         * @param imageIndex Index of the swapchain image to queue for presentation
         * @param waitSemaphore (Optional) Semaphore that is waited on before the image is presented (only used if != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
         * @return VkResult of the queue presentation
        public VkResult QueuePresent(VkQueue queue, uint imageIndex, VkSemaphore waitSemaphore = new VkSemaphore())
            var presentInfo = VkPresentInfoKHR.Alloc();

            // Check if a wait semaphore has been specified to wait for before presenting the image
            if (waitSemaphore != 0ul)
                presentInfo->waitSemaphores = waitSemaphore;
            return(vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, presentInfo));
Esempio n. 14
 internal unsafe void SubmitCommand(
     VkQueue queue,
     List <Semaphore> signalSemaphores,
     List <Semaphore> waitSemaphores,
     VkPipelineStageFlags waitStageMask = VkPipelineStageFlags.TopOfPipe
     ) => SubmitCommands(
     new List <CommandBuffer> {
Esempio n. 15
         * Queue an image for presentation
         * @param queue Presentation queue for presenting the image
         * @param imageIndex Index of the swapchain image to queue for presentation
         * @param waitSemaphore (Optional) Semaphore that is waited on before the image is presented (only used if != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
         * @return VkResult of the queue presentation
        public VkResult QueuePresent(VkQueue queue, uint imageIndex, VkSemaphore waitSemaphore = new VkSemaphore())
            VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = VkPresentInfoKHR.New();

            presentInfo.pNext          = null;
            presentInfo.swapchainCount = 1;
            var sc = Swapchain;

            presentInfo.pSwapchains   = &sc;
            presentInfo.pImageIndices = &imageIndex;
            // Check if a wait semaphore has been specified to wait for before presenting the image
            if (waitSemaphore.Handle != 0)
                presentInfo.pWaitSemaphores    = &waitSemaphore;
                presentInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
            return(vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo));
Esempio n. 16
        public void DeleteMessageInConversation(long conversationId, long messageId, bool clear)
                VkApi.Messages.Delete(new[] { (ulong)messageId }, null, null, true);

                if (clear)
                    VkQueue = new VkQueue();

                Log.Message("VkModule", $"Message {messageId} deleted");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new VkBotException($"Can't delete message in conversation. Error : {e.Message}");
Esempio n. 17
        public override void Init()
            queue = Graphics.WorkQueue;

            scene = new Scene()
                new Octree {
                new DebugRenderer {

                new Environment
                    SunlightDir = glm.normalize(new vec3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f))

                new Node("Camera", new vec3(0, 2, -10), glm.radians(10, 0, 0))
                    new Camera
                        NearClip = 0.5f,
                        FarClip  = 400,

            camera = scene.GetComponent <Camera>(true);

            PrepareSparseTexture(4096, 4096, 1, VkFormat.R8G8B8A8UNorm);

                var node        = scene.CreateChild("Plane");
                var staticModel = node.AddComponent <StaticModel>();
                var model       = GeometryUtil.CreatePlaneModel(100, 100, 1, 1);

                var mat = new Material("shaders/VirtualTexture.shader");
                mat.SetTexture("samplerColor", texture);

            MainView.Attach(camera, scene);
Esempio n. 18
        private void CreateTexture(VkDevice device, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkQueue graphicsQueue)
            SimpleTgaReader tex     = new SimpleTgaReader("resource/texture.tga");
            var             command = m_commandBuffers[1];

            SampleHelpers.CreateTexture(device, physicalDevice,
                                        tex.Width, tex.Height, tex.ImageData,
                                        out m_image, out m_imageMemory, graphicsQueue, command);

            // イメージビューの作成.
            var imageViewCreateInfo = new VkImageViewCreateInfo()
                image            = m_image,
                viewType         = VkImageViewType.VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D,
                format           = VkFormat.VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
                components       = new VkComponentMapping(),
                subresourceRange = new VkImageSubresourceRange()
                    aspectMask     = VkImageAspectFlags.VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
                    baseArrayLayer = 0,
                    baseMipLevel   = 0,
                    levelCount     = 1,
                    layerCount     = 1,

            VulkanAPI.vkCreateImageView(device, ref imageViewCreateInfo, out m_imageView);

            // サンプラーの作成.
            var samplerCreateInfo = new VkSamplerCreateInfo()
                magFilter    = VkFilter.VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
                minFilter    = VkFilter.VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
                mipmapMode   = VkSamplerMipmapMode.VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_NEAREST,
                addressModeU = VkSamplerAddressMode.VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
                addressModeV = VkSamplerAddressMode.VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,

            VulkanAPI.vkCreateSampler(device, ref samplerCreateInfo, out m_imageSampler);
Esempio n. 19
        protected void flushCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueue queue, bool free)
            if (commandBuffer.handle == 0)


            VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = new VkSubmitInfo();

            submitInfo.sType          = SubmitInfo;
            submitInfo.commandBuffers = commandBuffer;

            vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, new VkFence());

            if (free)
                vkFreeCommandBuffers(device, cmdPool, 1, &commandBuffer);
Esempio n. 20
        protected void flushCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueue queue, bool free)
            if (commandBuffer == NullHandle)


            VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = VkSubmitInfo.New();

            submitInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
            submitInfo.pCommandBuffers    = &commandBuffer;

            Util.CheckResult(vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, VkFence.Null));

            if (free)
                vkFreeCommandBuffers(device, cmdPool, 1, &commandBuffer);
Esempio n. 21
        public static VkResult vkQueuePresentKHR(VkQueue queue, VkSemaphore waitSemaphore, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, uint imageIndex)
            var presentInfo = new VkPresentInfoKHR
                sType = VkStructureType.PresentInfoKHR,
                pNext = null

            if (waitSemaphore != VkSemaphore.Null)
                presentInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = 1u;
                presentInfo.pWaitSemaphores    = &waitSemaphore;

            if (swapchain != VkSwapchainKHR.Null)
                presentInfo.swapchainCount = 1u;
                presentInfo.pSwapchains    = &swapchain;
                presentInfo.pImageIndices  = &imageIndex;

            return(vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo));
Esempio n. 22
        void CreateDevice()
            var features = physicalDevice.Features;

            var uniqueIndices = new HashSet <int> {
                graphicsIndex, presentIndex
            var priorities = new List <float> {
            var queueInfos = new List <VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo>(uniqueIndices.Count);

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var ind in uniqueIndices)
                var queueInfo = new VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo {
                    queueFamilyIndex = ind,
                    queueCount       = 1,
                    priorities       = priorities


            var info = new VkDeviceCreateInfo {
                extensions       = deviceExtensions,
                queueCreateInfos = queueInfos,
                features         = features

            device = new VkDevice(physicalDevice, info);

            graphicsQueue = device.GetQueue(graphicsIndex, 0);
            presentQueue  = device.GetQueue(presentIndex, 0);
Esempio n. 23
 public static extern VkResult QueueBindSparse(
     VkQueue queue,
     uint bindInfoCount,
     ref VkBindSparseInfo pBindInfo,
     VkFence fence
Esempio n. 24
        public void Init(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr processHandle)
            if (this.isInitialized)

            this.instance = InitInstance();
            this.surface          = InitSurface(this.instance, hwnd, processHandle);
            this.vkPhysicalDevice = InitPhysicalDevice(this.instance);
            VkSurfaceFormatKHR surfaceFormat = SelectFormat(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.surface);

            this.device = CreateDevice(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.surface);

            this.vkQueue = this.device.GetQueue(0, 0);

            VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surfaceCapabilities;

            //this.vkPhysicalDevice.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr(this.vkSurface, out surfaceCapabilities);
            vkAPI.vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.surface, &surfaceCapabilities).Check();

            this.swapchain = CreateSwapchain(this.device, this.surface, surfaceFormat, surfaceCapabilities);

            this.vkImages = this.device.GetSwapchainImages(this.swapchain);

            this.renderPass = CreateRenderPass(this.device, surfaceFormat);

            this.framebuffers = CreateFramebuffers(this.device, this.vkImages, surfaceFormat, this.renderPass, surfaceCapabilities);

            this.vkFence     = this.device.CreateFence();
            this.vkSemaphore = this.device.CreateSemaphore();

            // buffers for vertex data.
            VkBuffer vertexBuffer = CreateBuffer(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.device, Vertices, VkBufferUsageFlagBits.VertexBuffer, typeof(float));

            VkBuffer indexBuffer = CreateBuffer(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.device, Indexes, VkBufferUsageFlagBits.IndexBuffer, typeof(short));

            var uniformBufferData = new AreaUniformBuffer(1, 1);

            this.originalWidth  = 1; this.width = this.originalWidth;
            this.originalHeight = 1; this.height = this.originalHeight;

            this.uniformBuffer = CreateBuffer(this.vkPhysicalDevice, this.device, uniformBufferData, VkBufferUsageFlagBits.UniformBuffer, typeof(AreaUniformBuffer));

            this.descriptorSetLayout = CreateDescriptorSetLayout(this.device);

            this.vkPipelineLayout = CreatePipelineLayout(this.device, this.descriptorSetLayout);

            VkPipeline pipeline = CreatePipeline(this.device, surfaceCapabilities, this.renderPass, this.vkPipelineLayout);

            this.descriptorSet = CreateDescriptorSet(this.device, this.descriptorSetLayout);

            UpdateDescriptorSets(this.device, this.uniformBuffer, this.descriptorSet);

            this.commandBuffers = CreateCommandBuffers(
                this.device, this.renderPass, surfaceCapabilities,
                this.vkImages, this.framebuffers, pipeline,
                vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, (uint)Indexes.Length,
                this.vkPipelineLayout, this.descriptorSet);

            this.isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 25
         * Load a 2D texture including all mip levels
         * @param filename File to load (supports .ktx and .dds)
         * @param format Vulkan format of the image data stored in the file
         * @param device Vulkan device to create the texture on
         * @param copyQueue Queue used for the texture staging copy commands (must support transfer)
         * @param (Optional) imageUsageFlags Usage flags for the texture's image (defaults to VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT)
         * @param (Optional) imageLayout Usage layout for the texture (defaults VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL)
         * @param (Optional) forceLinear Force linear tiling (not advised, defaults to false)
        public void loadFromFile(
            string filename,
            VkFormat format,
            vksVulkanDevice device,
            VkQueue copyQueue,
            VkImageUsageFlagBits imageUsageFlags = VkImageUsageFlagBits.Sampled,
            VkImageLayout imageLayout            = VkImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal,
            bool forceLinear = false)
            KtxFile tex2D;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filename)) {
                tex2D = KtxFile.Load(fs, false);

            this.device = device;
            width       = tex2D.Header.PixelWidth;
            height      = tex2D.Header.PixelHeight;
            if (height == 0)
                height = width;
            mipLevels = tex2D.Header.NumberOfMipmapLevels;

            // Get device properites for the requested texture format
            VkFormatProperties formatProperties;

            vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(device.PhysicalDevice, format, &formatProperties);

            // Only use linear tiling if requested (and supported by the device)
            // Support for linear tiling is mostly limited, so prefer to use
            // optimal tiling instead
            // On most implementations linear tiling will only support a very
            // limited amount of formats and features (mip maps, cubemaps, arrays, etc.)
            bool useStaging = !forceLinear;

            VkMemoryAllocateInfo memAllocInfo = new VkMemoryAllocateInfo();

            memAllocInfo.sType = MemoryAllocateInfo;
            VkMemoryRequirements memReqs;

            // Use a separate command buffer for texture loading
            VkCommandBuffer copyCmd = device.createCommandBuffer(VkCommandBufferLevel.Primary, true);

            if (useStaging)
                // Create a host-visible staging buffer that contains the raw image data
                VkBuffer       stagingBuffer;
                VkDeviceMemory stagingMemory;

                VkBufferCreateInfo bufferCreateInfo = new VkBufferCreateInfo();
                bufferCreateInfo.sType = BufferCreateInfo;
                bufferCreateInfo.size  = tex2D.GetTotalSize();
                // This buffer is used as a transfer source for the buffer copy
                bufferCreateInfo.usage       = VkBufferUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc;
                bufferCreateInfo.sharingMode = VkSharingMode.Exclusive;

                vkCreateBuffer(device.LogicalDevice, &bufferCreateInfo, null, &stagingBuffer);

                // Get memory requirements for the staging buffer (alignment, memory type bits)
                vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(device.LogicalDevice, stagingBuffer, &memReqs);

                memAllocInfo.allocationSize = memReqs.size;
                // Get memory type index for a host visible buffer
                memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = device.getMemoryType(memReqs.memoryTypeBits,
                                                                    VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits.HostVisible | VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits.HostCoherent);

                vkAllocateMemory(device.LogicalDevice, &memAllocInfo, null, &stagingMemory);
                vkBindBufferMemory(device.LogicalDevice, stagingBuffer, stagingMemory, 0);

                // Copy texture data into staging buffer
                IntPtr data;
                vkMapMemory(device.LogicalDevice, stagingMemory, 0, memReqs.size, 0, &data);
                byte[] pixelData = tex2D.GetAllTextureData();
                fixed(byte *pixelDataPtr = &pixelData[0])
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(data, pixelDataPtr, (uint)pixelData.Length);

                vkUnmapMemory(device.LogicalDevice, stagingMemory);

                // Setup buffer copy regions for each mip level
                var  bufferCopyRegions = new List <VkBufferImageCopy>();
                uint offset            = 0;

                for (uint i = 0; i < mipLevels; i++)
                    VkBufferImageCopy bufferCopyRegion = new VkBufferImageCopy();
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.aspectMask     = VkImageAspectFlagBits.Color;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.mipLevel       = i;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.layerCount     = 1;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageExtent.width  = tex2D.Faces[0].Mipmaps[i].Width;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageExtent.height = tex2D.Faces[0].Mipmaps[i].Height;
                    bufferCopyRegion.imageExtent.depth  = 1;
                    bufferCopyRegion.bufferOffset       = offset;


                    offset += tex2D.Faces[0].Mipmaps[i].SizeInBytes;

                // Create optimal tiled target image
                VkImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo = new VkImageCreateInfo();
                imageCreateInfo.sType         = ImageCreateInfo;
                imageCreateInfo.imageType     = VkImageType._2d;
                imageCreateInfo.format        = format;
                imageCreateInfo.mipLevels     = mipLevels;
                imageCreateInfo.arrayLayers   = 1;
                imageCreateInfo.samples       = VkSampleCountFlagBits._1;
                imageCreateInfo.tiling        = VkImageTiling.Optimal;
                imageCreateInfo.sharingMode   = VkSharingMode.Exclusive;
                imageCreateInfo.initialLayout = VkImageLayout.Undefined;
                imageCreateInfo.extent        = new VkExtent3D {
                    width = width, height = height, depth = 1
                imageCreateInfo.usage = imageUsageFlags;
                // Ensure that the TRANSFER_DST bit is set for staging
                if ((imageCreateInfo.usage & VkImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst) == 0)
                    imageCreateInfo.usage |= VkImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst;
                    VkImage vkImage;
                    vkCreateImage(device.LogicalDevice, &imageCreateInfo, null, &vkImage);
                    this.image = vkImage;

                vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device.LogicalDevice, image, &memReqs);

                memAllocInfo.allocationSize = memReqs.size;

                memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = device.getMemoryType(memReqs.memoryTypeBits,
                    VkDeviceMemory memory;
                    vkAllocateMemory(device.LogicalDevice, &memAllocInfo, null, &memory);
                    this.deviceMemory = memory;
                vkBindImageMemory(device.LogicalDevice, image, deviceMemory, 0);

                VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange = new VkImageSubresourceRange();
                subresourceRange.aspectMask   = VkImageAspectFlagBits.Color;
                subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
                subresourceRange.levelCount   = mipLevels;
                subresourceRange.layerCount   = 1;

                // Image barrier for optimal image (target)
                // Optimal image will be used as destination for the copy

                // Copy mip levels from staging buffer
                fixed(VkBufferImageCopy *pointer = bufferCopyRegions.ToArray())

                // Change texture image layout to shader read after all mip levels have been copied
                this.imageLayout = imageLayout;

                device.flushCommandBuffer(copyCmd, copyQueue);

                // Clean up staging resources
                vkFreeMemory(device.LogicalDevice, stagingMemory, null);
                vkDestroyBuffer(device.LogicalDevice, stagingBuffer, null);
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                 * // Prefer using optimal tiling, as linear tiling
                 * // may support only a small set of features
                 * // depending on implementation (e.g. no mip maps, only one layer, etc.)
                 * // Check if this support is supported for linear tiling
                 * Debug.Assert((formatProperties.linearTilingFeatures & VkFormatFeatureFlags.SampledImage) != 0);
                 * VkImage mappableImage;
                 * VkDeviceMemory mappableMemory;
                 * VkImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo = Initializers.imageCreateInfo();
                 * imageCreateInfo.imageType = VkImageType._2d;
                 * imageCreateInfo.format = format;
                 * imageCreateInfo.extent = new VkExtent3D { width = width, height = height, depth = 1 };
                 * imageCreateInfo.mipLevels = 1;
                 * imageCreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
                 * imageCreateInfo.samples = VkSampleCountFlags._1;
                 * imageCreateInfo.tiling = VkImageTiling.Linear;
                 * imageCreateInfo.usage = imageUsageFlags;
                 * imageCreateInfo.sharingMode = VkSharingMode.Exclusive;
                 * imageCreateInfo.initialLayout = VkImageLayout.Undefined;
                 * // Load mip map level 0 to linear tiling image
                 * Util.CheckResult(vkCreateImage(device.LogicalDevice, &imageCreateInfo, null, &mappableImage));
                 * // Get memory requirements for this image
                 * // like size and alignment
                 * vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device.LogicalDevice, mappableImage, &memReqs);
                 * // Set memory allocation size to required memory size
                 * memAllocInfo.allocationSize = memReqs.size;
                 * // Get memory type that can be mapped to host memory
                 * memAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = device.GetMemoryType(memReqs.memoryTypeBits, VkMemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisible | VkMemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherent);
                 * // Allocate host memory
                 * Util.CheckResult(vkAllocateMemory(device.LogicalDevice, &memAllocInfo, null, &mappableMemory));
                 * // Bind allocated image for use
                 * Util.CheckResult(vkBindImageMemory(device.LogicalDevice, mappableImage, mappableMemory, 0));
                 * // Get sub resource layout
                 * // Mip map count, array layer, etc.
                 * VkImageSubresource subRes = new VkImageSubresource();
                 * subRes.aspectMask = VkImageAspectFlags.Color;
                 * subRes.mipLevel = 0;
                 * VkSubresourceLayout subResLayout;
                 * void* data;
                 * // Get sub resources layout
                 * // Includes row pitch, size offsets, etc.
                 * vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(device.LogicalDevice, mappableImage, &subRes, &subResLayout);
                 * // Map image memory
                 * Util.CheckResult(vkMapMemory(device.LogicalDevice, mappableMemory, 0, memReqs.size, 0, &data));
                 * // Copy image data into memory
                 * memcpy(data, tex2D[subRes.mipLevel].data(), tex2D[subRes.mipLevel].size());
                 * vkUnmapMemory(device.LogicalDevice, mappableMemory);
                 * // Linear tiled images don't need to be staged
                 * // and can be directly used as textures
                 * image = mappableImage;
                 * deviceMemory = mappableMemory;
                 * imageLayout = imageLayout;
                 * // Setup image memory barrier
                 * vks::tools::setImageLayout(copyCmd, image, VkImageAspectFlags.Color, VkImageLayout.Undefined, imageLayout);
                 * device.flushCommandBuffer(copyCmd, copyQueue);

            // Create a defaultsampler
            VkSamplerCreateInfo samplerCreateInfo = new VkSamplerCreateInfo();

            samplerCreateInfo.sType        = SamplerCreateInfo;
            samplerCreateInfo.magFilter    = VkFilter.Linear;
            samplerCreateInfo.minFilter    = VkFilter.Linear;
            samplerCreateInfo.mipmapMode   = VkSamplerMipmapMode.Linear;
            samplerCreateInfo.addressModeU = VkSamplerAddressMode.Repeat;
            samplerCreateInfo.addressModeV = VkSamplerAddressMode.Repeat;
            samplerCreateInfo.addressModeW = VkSamplerAddressMode.Repeat;
            samplerCreateInfo.mipLodBias   = 0.0f;
            samplerCreateInfo.compareOp    = VkCompareOp.Never;
            samplerCreateInfo.minLod       = 0.0f;
            // Max level-of-detail should match mip level count
            samplerCreateInfo.maxLod = (useStaging) ? (float)mipLevels : 0.0f;
            // Enable anisotropic filtering
            samplerCreateInfo.maxAnisotropy    = 8;
            samplerCreateInfo.anisotropyEnable = true;
            samplerCreateInfo.borderColor      = VkBorderColor.FloatOpaqueWhite;
                VkSampler vkSampler;
                vkCreateSampler(device.LogicalDevice, &samplerCreateInfo, null, &vkSampler);
                this.sampler = vkSampler;

            // Create image view
            // Textures are not directly accessed by the shaders and
            // are abstracted by image views containing additional
            // information and sub resource ranges
            VkImageViewCreateInfo viewCreateInfo = new VkImageViewCreateInfo();

            viewCreateInfo.sType      = ImageViewCreateInfo;
            viewCreateInfo.viewType   = VkImageViewType._2d;
            viewCreateInfo.format     = format;
            viewCreateInfo.components = new VkComponentMapping {
                r = VkComponentSwizzle.R,
                g = VkComponentSwizzle.G,
                b = VkComponentSwizzle.B,
                a = VkComponentSwizzle.A
            viewCreateInfo.subresourceRange = new VkImageSubresourceRange {
                aspectMask   = VkImageAspectFlagBits.Color,
                baseMipLevel = 0, levelCount = 1, baseArrayLayer = 0, layerCount = 1
            // Linear tiling usually won't support mip maps
            // Only set mip map count if optimal tiling is used
            viewCreateInfo.subresourceRange.levelCount = (useStaging) ? mipLevels : 1;
            viewCreateInfo.image = image;
                VkImageView vkImageView;
                vkCreateImageView(device.LogicalDevice, &viewCreateInfo, null, &vkImageView);
                this.view = vkImageView;

            // Update descriptor image info member that can be used for setting up descriptor sets
Esempio n. 26
 private static IVkQueue GetQueue(VkQueue queue)
Esempio n. 27
        public static VkResult vkQueueWaitIdle(VkQueue queue)
            VkPreconditions.CheckNull(queue, nameof(queue));

Esempio n. 28
        public static VkResult vkQueuePresentKHR(VkQueue queue, VkPresentInfoKHR pPresentInfo)
            VkPreconditions.CheckNull(queue, nameof(queue));

Esempio n. 29
 public static extern VkResult QueueWaitIdle(
     VkQueue queue
Esempio n. 30
        public static void vkGetDeviceQueue(VkDevice device, int queueFamilyIndex, int queueIndex, out VkQueue pQueue)
            VkPreconditions.CheckNull(device, nameof(device));
            VkPreconditions.CheckRange(queueFamilyIndex, 0, int.MaxValue, nameof(queueFamilyIndex));
            VkPreconditions.CheckRange(queueIndex, 0, int.MaxValue, nameof(queueIndex));

            GetDevice(device).GetQueue(queueFamilyIndex, queueIndex, out pQueue);