Esempio n. 1
        public object GetVkRedirectPage()
            if (HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey("error"))
                throw new AuthenticationException($"Vk failed to authenticate user with error: {HttpContext.Request.Query["error"]}", "auth failed");

            var vkCode = HttpContext.Request.Query["code"];
            var vkApi  = new VkApi(socialConfig.Vk);

            var(vkAccessToken, vkUserId, vkEmail) = vkApi.RequestAccessToken(vkCode);

            if (vkEmail.Length > MaxEmailLength)
                vkEmail = null;

            if (vkAccessToken == null)
                throw new AuthenticationException("Failed to obtain vk access token.");

            // TODO: Check given permissions

            var sessionCode    = HttpContext.Request.Query["state"];
            var sessionHandler = AuthSessionStorage.GetHandler(sessionCode);

            if (sessionHandler == null)
                throw new AuthenticationException("Session handler not found.");

            if (sessionHandler.IsExpired)
                throw new AuthenticationException("Session handler has expired.");

            var userInfo = vkApi.GetUserName();
            var name     = FormatName(userInfo.firstName, userInfo.lastName);

            var data = userRepository.CreateOrUpdateWithVK(vkUserId, vkAccessToken, name, vkEmail);

            sessionHandler.UserUuid = data.User.Uuid;

            return(new OperationResultModel()
                Result = true