Esempio n. 1
        private void CustomVisualizer_Draw(IVisualizer sender, VisualizerDrawEventArgs args)
            if (!MainPageViewModel.Current.IsVisualizing)
            var drawingSession = (CanvasDrawingSession)args.DrawingSession;

            float barWidth = canvasWidth / (2 * Consts.SpectrumBarCount);
            // Calculate spectum metrics
            var barSize = new Vector2(barWidth, canvasHeight - 2 * barWidth);

            // Get the data if data exists and source is in play state, else use empty
            var spectrumData = args.Data != null && Visualizer.Source?.PlaybackState == SourcePlaybackState.Playing ?
                               args.Data.Spectrum.LogarithmicTransform(Consts.SpectrumBarCount, 20f, 20000f) : _emptySpectrum;

            _previousSpectrum     = spectrumData.ApplyRiseAndFall(_previousSpectrum, _rmsRiseTime, _rmsFallTime, _frameDuration);
            _previousPeakSpectrum = spectrumData.ApplyRiseAndFall(_previousPeakSpectrum, _peakRiseTime, _peakFallTime, _frameDuration);

            var logSpectrum     = _previousSpectrum.ConvertToDecibels(-50, 0);
            var logPeakSpectrum = _previousPeakSpectrum.ConvertToDecibels(-50, 0);

            var step = canvasWidth / Consts.SpectrumBarCount;
            var flaw = (step - barSize.X) / 2;

            using (var brush = new CanvasLinearGradientBrush(drawingSession, new CanvasGradientStop[] { new CanvasGradientStop()
                                                                                                            Color = Context.CurrentColor[0], Position = 0f
                                                                                                        }, new CanvasGradientStop()
                                                                                                            Color = Context.CurrentColor[1], Position = 1f
                                                                                                        } })
                StartPoint = new Vector2(canvasWidth, 0),
                EndPoint = new Vector2(0, canvasHeight)
                // Draw spectrum bars
                for (int index = 0; index < Consts.SpectrumBarCount; index++)
                    float barX = step * index + flaw;
                    // use average of 2 channel
                    float spectrumBarHeight = barSize.Y * (1.0f - (logSpectrum[0][index] + logSpectrum[1][index]) / -100.0f);
                    drawingSession.FillRoundedRectangle(barX, canvasHeight - barWidth - spectrumBarHeight, barSize.X, spectrumBarHeight, barSize.X / 2, barSize.X / 2, brush);

            // Spectrum points to draw a slow decay line
            for (int index = 0; index < Consts.SpectrumBarCount; index++)
                float X = (index + 0.5f) * step;

                float spectrumBarHeight = barSize.Y * (1.0f - (logPeakSpectrum[0][index] + logPeakSpectrum[1][index]) / -100.0f);

                var decayPoint = new Vector2(X, canvasHeight - barWidth - spectrumBarHeight);
                drawingSession.FillCircle(decayPoint, barSize.X / 2, Context.CurrentColor[0]);
Esempio n. 2
 private void PositionDisplay_Draw(IVisualizer sender, VisualizerDrawEventArgs args)
     if (args.PresentationTime != null)
         string timeString = args.PresentationTime.Value.ToString("mm\\:ss\\.ff");
         var    ds         = (CanvasDrawingSession)args.DrawingSession;
         ds.DrawText(timeString, 0, 0, Colors.Gray);
Esempio n. 3
        private void CustomVisualizer_Draw(IVisualizer sender, VisualizerDrawEventArgs args)
            if (!MainPageViewModel.Current.IsVisualizing || Context.Palette == null)

            lock (drawingLock)
                var   drawingSession = (CanvasDrawingSession)args.DrawingSession;
                float barWidth       = canvasWidth / barCount;
                // Calculate spectum metrics
                var barSize = new Vector2(barWidth, canvasHeight - 2 * barWidth);

                // Get the data if data exists and source is in play state, else use empty
                var spectrumData = args.Data != null && Visualizer.Source?.PlaybackState == SourcePlaybackState.Playing ?
                                   args.Data.Spectrum.LogarithmicTransform(barCount, 20f, 20000f) : _emptySpectrum;

                _previousSpectrum     = spectrumData.ApplyRiseAndFall(_previousSpectrum, _rmsRiseTime, _rmsFallTime, _frameDuration);
                _previousPeakSpectrum = spectrumData.ApplyRiseAndFall(_previousPeakSpectrum, _peakRiseTime, _peakFallTime, _frameDuration);

                var logSpectrum     = _previousSpectrum.ConvertToDecibels(-50, 0);
                var logPeakSpectrum = _previousPeakSpectrum.ConvertToDecibels(-50, 0);

                var step = canvasWidth / barCount;
                var flaw = (step - barSize.X) / 2;
                // Draw spectrum bars
                for (int index = 0, j = 0; index < barCount; index++, j++)
                    float barX = step * index + flaw;

                    // use average of 2 channel and add a offset to pretty
                    float spectrumBarHeight = barSize.Y * (1.0f - (logSpectrum[0][index] + logSpectrum[1][index]) / -100.0f) + barSize.X;

                    if (j >= Context.Palette.Count)
                        j = 0;

                    drawingSession.FillRoundedRectangle(barX, 0, barSize.X, spectrumBarHeight, barSize.X / 2, barSize.X / 2, Context.Palette[j]);
                    drawingSession.FillRectangle(barX, 0, barSize.X, spectrumBarHeight - barSize.X / 2, Context.Palette[j]);
Esempio n. 4
 private void Visualizer_Draw(object sender, VisualizerDrawEventArgs args)