/// <summary>
        /// Dehydrates a runtime object model <see cref="FieldAssociation"/> to a persistence object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="association">
        /// The association.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="FieldAssociationData"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static FieldAssociationData ConvertAndCache(FieldAssociation association)
            if (association == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullResourceException("association", Resources.General_Given_Parameter_Cannot_Be_Null);

            FieldAssociationData converted;
            if (association is StaticAssociation)
                converted = new StaticAssociationData();
            else if (association is ConsumeAssociation)
                converted = new ConsumeAssociationData();
                converted = new FieldAssociationData();

            converted.Name = association.Name;
            VisualisableTypeDataContainer typeData;
            if (!FieldDataCache.TryGetValue(association.AssociatedTo.Id, out typeData))
                typeData = new VisualisableTypeDataContainer();
                FieldDataCache.Add(association.AssociatedTo.Id, typeData); // Stack Overflow potential, be sure to cache converted types to ensure no circular references.
                typeData.Data = association.AssociatedTo.ExtractPersistentData();

            if (typeData.Data == null)
                // Should be free from memory leaks being a private class
                typeData.DataReady += (s, e) => converted.AssociatedTo = typeData.Data;

            converted.AssociatedTo = typeData.Data;
            converted.UsageCount = association.UsageCount;
            return converted;
        private static ParentAssociationData ConvertAndCache(ParentAssociation parentAssociation)
            if (parentAssociation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullResourceException("parentAssociation", Resources.General_Given_Parameter_Cannot_Be_Null);

            VisualisableTypeDataContainer typeData;
            if (!FieldDataCache.TryGetValue(parentAssociation.AssociatedTo.Id, out typeData))
                typeData = new VisualisableTypeDataContainer();
                FieldDataCache.Add(parentAssociation.AssociatedTo.Id, typeData);
                typeData.Data = parentAssociation.AssociatedTo.ExtractPersistentData(); // Stack Overflow potential, be sure to cache converted types to ensure no circular references.

            var parentData = new ParentAssociationData { Name = parentAssociation.Name, AssociatedTo = typeData.Data };

            if (typeData.Data == null)
                // Should be free from memory leaks being a private class
                typeData.DataReady += (s, e) => parentData.AssociatedTo = typeData.Data;

            // This must be stored in the cache before ExtractPersistentData is called, which is a recursive call and could cause infinite recursion.
            return parentData;