public static void VisualSearchImageBinary(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine("TestImages", "image.jpg"), FileMode.Open))
                    // The knowledgeRequest parameter is not required if an image binary is passed in the request body
                    var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(image: stream, knowledgeRequest: (string)null).Result;
                    Console.WriteLine("Search visual search request with binary of dog image");

                    if (visualSearchResults == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                        // Visual Search results
                        if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {visualSearchResults.Image.ImageInsightsToken}");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                        // List of tags
                        if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                            var firstTagResult = visualSearchResults.Tags.First();
                            Console.WriteLine($"Visual search tag count: {visualSearchResults.Tags.Count}");

                            // List of actions in first tag
                            if (firstTagResult.Actions.Count > 0)
                                var firstActionResult = firstTagResult.Actions.First();
                                Console.WriteLine($"First tag action count: {firstTagResult.Actions.Count}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"First tag action type: {firstActionResult.ActionType}");
                                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find tag actions!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
        public static void VisualSearchImageBinaryWithCropArea(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.VisualSearch.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                CropArea CropArea = new CropArea(top: (float)0.01, bottom: (float)0.30, left: (float)0.01, right: (float)0.20);

                // The ImageInfo struct specifies the crop area in the image and the URL of the larger image.
                string    imageURL  = "";
                ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(cropArea: CropArea, url: imageURL);

                VisualSearchRequest visualSearchRequest = new VisualSearchRequest(imageInfo: imageInfo);

                var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(knowledgeRequest: visualSearchRequest).Result;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nVisual search request with image from URL and crop area combined in knowledgeRequest");

                if (visualSearchResults == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                    // List of tags
                    if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ImageTag t in visualSearchResults.Tags)
                            foreach (ImageAction i in t.Actions)
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + "ActionType: " + i.ActionType + " -> WebSearchUrl: " + i.WebSearchUrl);

                                if (i.ActionType == "PagesIncluding")
                                    foreach (ImageObject o in (i as ImageModuleAction).Data.Value)
                                        Console.WriteLine("ContentURL: " + o.ContentUrl);
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        // This method will get Visual Search results from an imageInsightsToken obtained from the return value of the ImageResults method.
        // The method includes imageInsightsToken the in a knowledgeRequest parameter, along with a cropArea object.
        // It prints out the imageInsightsToken uploaded in the request.
        // Finally the example prints URLs of images found using the imageInsightsToken.

        public static void VisualSearchInsightsToken(string subscriptionKey, string insightsTok)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.VisualSearch.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                // The image can be specified via an insights token, in the ImageInfo object.
                ImageInfo ImageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageInsightsToken: insightsTok);

                // An image binary is not necessary here, as the image is specified by insights token.
                VisualSearchRequest VisualSearchRequest = new VisualSearchRequest(ImageInfo);

                var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(knowledgeRequest: VisualSearchRequest).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("\r\nVisual search request with imageInsightsToken and knowledgeRequest");

                if (visualSearchResults == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                    // Visual Search results
                    if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {insightsTok}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                    if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                        // List of tags
                        foreach (ImageTag t in visualSearchResults.Tags)
                            foreach (ImageAction i in t.Actions)
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + "ActionType: " + i.ActionType + " WebSearchURL: " + i.WebSearchUrl);

                                if (i.ActionType == "PagesIncluding")
                                    foreach (ImageObject o in (i as ImageModuleAction).Data.Value)
                                        Console.WriteLine("ContentURL: " + o.ContentUrl);

                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
        public static void VisualSearchImageBinaryWithCropArea(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine("TestImages", "image.jpg"), FileMode.Open))
                    // The ImageInfo struct contains a crop area specifying a region to crop in the uploaded image
                    CropArea            CropArea            = new CropArea(top: (float)0.1, bottom: (float)0.5, left: (float)0.1, right: (float)0.9);
                    ImageInfo           ImageInfo           = new ImageInfo(cropArea: CropArea);
                    VisualSearchRequest VisualSearchRequest = new VisualSearchRequest(imageInfo: ImageInfo);

                    // The knowledgeRequest here holds additional information about the image, which is passed in in binary form
                    var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(image: stream, knowledgeRequest: VisualSearchRequest).Result;
                    Console.WriteLine("Search visual search request with binary of dog image");

                    if (visualSearchResults == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                        // Visual Search results
                        if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {visualSearchResults.Image.ImageInsightsToken}");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                        // List of tags
                        if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                            var firstTagResult = visualSearchResults.Tags.First();
                            Console.WriteLine($"Visual search tag count: {visualSearchResults.Tags.Count}");

                            // List of actions in first tag
                            if (firstTagResult.Actions.Count > 0)
                                var firstActionResult = firstTagResult.Actions.First();
                                Console.WriteLine($"First tag action count: {firstTagResult.Actions.Count}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"First tag action type: {firstActionResult.ActionType}");
                                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find tag actions!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
        public static void VisualSearchUrlWithJson(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                 * The visual search request can be passed in as a JSON string
                 * The image is specified via URL in the ImageInfo object, along with a crop area as shown below:
                 * {
                 *   "imageInfo": {
                 *     "url": "",
                 *     "cropArea": {
                 *       "top": 0.1,
                 *       "bottom": 0.5,
                 *       "left": 0.1,
                 *       "right": 0.9
                 *     }
                 *   },
                 *   "knowledgeRequest": {
                 *     "filters": {
                 *       "site": ""
                 *     }
                 *   }
                 * }
                var VisualSearchRequestJSON = "{\"imageInfo\":{\"url\":\"\",\"cropArea\":{\"top\":0.1,\"bottom\":0.5,\"left\":0.1,\"right\":0.9}},\"knowledgeRequest\":{\"filters\":{\"site\":\"\"}}}";

                // An image binary is not necessary here, as the image is specified via URL
                var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(knowledgeRequest: VisualSearchRequestJSON).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Search visual search request with url of dog image");

                if (visualSearchResults == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                    // Visual Search results
                    if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {visualSearchResults.Image.ImageInsightsToken}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                    // List of tags
                    if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                        var firstTagResult = visualSearchResults.Tags.First();
                        Console.WriteLine($"Visual search tag count: {visualSearchResults.Tags.Count}");

                        // List of actions in first tag
                        if (firstTagResult.Actions.Count > 0)
                            var firstActionResult = firstTagResult.Actions.First();
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action count: {firstTagResult.Actions.Count}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action type: {firstActionResult.ActionType}");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find tag actions!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
        public static void VisualSearchInsightsTokenWithCropArea(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                // The image can be specified via an insights token, in the ImageInfo object
                var ImageInsightsToken = "bcid_113F29C079F18F385732D8046EC80145*ccid_oV/QcH95*mid_687689FAFA449B35BC11A1AE6CEAB6F9A9B53708*thid_R.113F29C079F18F385732D8046EC80145";

                // An optional crop area can be passed in to define a region of interest in the image
                CropArea  CropArea  = new CropArea(top: (float)0.1, bottom: (float)0.5, left: (float)0.1, right: (float)0.9);
                ImageInfo ImageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageInsightsToken: ImageInsightsToken, cropArea: CropArea);

                // An image binary is not necessary here, as the image is specified via insights token
                VisualSearchRequest VisualSearchRequest = new VisualSearchRequest(imageInfo: ImageInfo);
                var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(knowledgeRequest: VisualSearchRequest).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Search visual search request with url of dog image");

                if (visualSearchResults == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                    // Visual Search results
                    if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {visualSearchResults.Image.ImageInsightsToken}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                    // List of tags
                    if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                        var firstTagResult = visualSearchResults.Tags.First();
                        Console.WriteLine($"Visual search tag count: {visualSearchResults.Tags.Count}");

                        // List of actions in first tag
                        if (firstTagResult.Actions.Count > 0)
                            var firstActionResult = firstTagResult.Actions.First();
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action count: {firstTagResult.Actions.Count}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action type: {firstActionResult.ActionType}");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find tag actions!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);
        public static void VisualSearchUrlWithFilters(string subscriptionKey)
            var client = new VisualSearchAPI(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey));

                // The image can be specified via URL, in the ImageInfo object
                var       ImageUrl  = "";
                ImageInfo ImageInfo = new ImageInfo(url: ImageUrl);

                // Optional filters inside the knowledgeRequest will restrict similar products and images to certain domains
                Filters          Filters          = new Filters(site: "");
                KnowledgeRequest KnowledgeRequest = new KnowledgeRequest(filters: Filters);

                // An image binary is not necessary here, as the image is specified via URL
                VisualSearchRequest VisualSearchRequest = new VisualSearchRequest(imageInfo: ImageInfo, knowledgeRequest: KnowledgeRequest);
                var visualSearchResults = client.Images.VisualSearchMethodAsync(knowledgeRequest: VisualSearchRequest).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Search visual search request with url of dog image");

                if (visualSearchResults == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No visual search result data.");
                    // Visual Search results
                    if (visualSearchResults.Image?.ImageInsightsToken != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded image insights token: {visualSearchResults.Image.ImageInsightsToken}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image insights token!");

                    // List of tags
                    if (visualSearchResults.Tags.Count > 0)
                        var firstTagResult = visualSearchResults.Tags.First();
                        Console.WriteLine($"Visual search tag count: {visualSearchResults.Tags.Count}");

                        // List of actions in first tag
                        if (firstTagResult.Actions.Count > 0)
                            var firstActionResult = firstTagResult.Actions.First();
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action count: {firstTagResult.Actions.Count}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"First tag action type: {firstActionResult.ActionType}");
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find tag actions!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find image tags!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception. " + ex.Message);