Esempio n. 1
        protected override Vector3 ArrangeOverride(Vector3 finalSizeWithoutMargins)
            // calculate the remaining space for the child after having removed the padding space.
            ViewPort = finalSizeWithoutMargins;

            // arrange the content
            if (VisualContent != null)
                // calculate the final size given to the child (scroll view virtual size)
                var childSizeWithoutPadding = CalculateSizeWithoutThickness(ref finalSizeWithoutMargins, ref padding);
                foreach (var index in ScrollModeToDirectionIndices[ScrollMode])
                    if (ContentAsScrollInfo == null || !ContentAsScrollInfo.CanScroll((Orientation)index))
                        childSizeWithoutPadding[index] = Math.Max(VisualContent.DesiredSizeWithMargins[index], childSizeWithoutPadding[index]);

                // arrange the child
                VisualContent.Arrange(childSizeWithoutPadding, IsCollapsed);

                // update the scrolling bars

                // update the scrolling
                if (scrollingRequests.Count > 0)
                    // perform the scrolling requests
                    foreach (var request in scrollingRequests)
                        var scrollPosition = request.IsRelative ? ScrollOffsets - request.ScrollValue : -request.ScrollValue;
                    UpdateScrollOffsets(ScrollOffsets); // insures that scrolling is not out of bounds

                // update the position of the child


Esempio n. 2
        protected override Vector3 ArrangeOverride(Vector3 finalSizeWithoutMargins)
            // arrange the content
            if (VisualContent != null)
                // calculate the remaining space for the child after having removed the padding and border space.
                var availableLessBorders    = CalculateSizeWithoutThickness(ref finalSizeWithoutMargins, ref borderThickness);
                var childSizeWithoutPadding = CalculateSizeWithoutThickness(ref availableLessBorders, ref padding);

                // arrange the child
                VisualContent.Arrange(childSizeWithoutPadding, IsCollapsed);

                // compute the rendering offsets of the child element wrt the parent origin (0,0,0)
                var childOffsets = new Vector3(padding.Left + borderThickness.Left, padding.Top + borderThickness.Top, padding.Front + borderThickness.Front) - finalSizeWithoutMargins / 2;

                // set the arrange matrix of the child.
                VisualContent.DependencyProperties.Set(ContentArrangeMatrixPropertyKey, Matrix.Translation(childOffsets));
