Esempio n. 1
 public void OpenDoor()
     opening = true;
     opened  = true;
     //Removes the window spam and tells shows you that you were succesful at opening the door
     VirusGUI.PopupVariables vars = new VirusGUI.PopupVariables("Success!", "You have successfully removed the Trojan from Door(0)!");
     new VirusGUI.PopupWindow(vars, new Vector2(Screen.width * .5f - 125, Screen.height * .5f - 75));
Esempio n. 2
 public void WindowSpam()
     //Opens 3 windows that are the same
     //If you press Yes, it calls the OpenDoor function
     //If you press No, it calls the CancelWindow function
     VirusGUI.PopupVariables vars  = new VirusGUI.PopupVariables("You've done it now!", "Door(0) has received a Trojan. Delete Trojan?", gameObject, "OpenDoor", "", "CancelWindow", "");
     VirusGUI.MultiWindow    multi = new VirusGUI.MultiWindow(3, 5, vars);
     multi.popupVariables.runFromCursor = true;
Esempio n. 3
 void OnMouseUp()       //Creates the warning here
     if (mouseOver)
         if (!opened && !windowOpen)
             //Creates a Warning window that will call the WindowSpam function if you press either the Yes or No button
             VirusGUI.PopupVariables vars   = new VirusGUI.PopupVariables("Virus Detected!", "This game has detected a type of Door virus. Scan?", gameObject, "WindowSpam", "", "WindowSpam", "");
             VirusGUI.PopupWindow    window = new VirusGUI.PopupWindow(vars, new Vector2(Screen.width * .5f - 125, Screen.height * .5f - 75));
             window.popupVariables.closeButton = false;
             windowOpen = true;