Esempio n. 1
    private bool CheckInsideRoomTile(VirtualMap map, CellLocation loc)
        CellLocation[] neigh_locs      = map.GetAllNeighbours(loc);
        int            countRoomFloors = 0;

        foreach (CellLocation nl in neigh_locs)
            if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(nl) &&
        return(countRoomFloors == 4);
Esempio n. 2
    public void ConvertDirectionalRoomColumn(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        CellLocation l = conversion_cell.location;

        if (behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
            CellLocation[] border_neighs;

            bool considerDoorsAsWalls = true;

            // Count how many border neighbours are room walls
            int    countWallNeighs = 0;
            bool[] validIndices    = new bool[4];

            // This was a 'tile', check neigh walls
            border_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
            for (int i = 0; i < border_neighs.Length; i++)
                CellLocation other_l = border_neighs[i];
                if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l)
                    (((behaviour.isolateDirectionalWallsForRooms && map.GetCell(other_l).IsRoomWall()) ||
                      (!behaviour.isolateDirectionalWallsForRooms && map.GetCell(other_l).IsWall())) ||
                     (considerDoorsAsWalls && map.GetCell(other_l).IsDoor())) &&
                    !map.IsPassageRemovable(other_l)      // Make sure the wall is not being removed!
                    //Debug.Log(l + " -  " + other_l + " " + map.GetCell(other_l).Type);
                    validIndices[i] = true;

            // Define the adbvanced tiles
            //Debug.Log ("Cell " + l + " has neigh walls " + countWallNeighs);
            if (countWallNeighs == 0)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallO;
            else if (countWallNeighs == 1)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallU;
            else if (countWallNeighs == 2)
                // Wall I
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallI;
                //Debug.Log("SETTING " + l + " TO I");
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[i])
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];

                // Wall L
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                        // This and the next are valid: left turn (we consider all of them to be left turns(
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
                        conversion_cell.Type        = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallL;
            else if (countWallNeighs == 3)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallT;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i - 1, 4)] && validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];
            else if (countWallNeighs == 4)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallX;
Esempio n. 3
    public void ConvertDirectionalCorridorColumn(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        CellLocation l = conversion_cell.location;

        if (behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
            // Count how many border neighbours are walls
            int    countWallNeighs = 0;
            bool[] validIndices    = new bool[4];

            // This was a 'tile', check neigh walls
            CellLocation[] border_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
            for (int i = 0; i < border_neighs.Length; i++)
                CellLocation other_l = border_neighs[i];
                if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) // && other_l.isValid()
                    )                                     // TODO: Maybe isValid is not needed!
                    VirtualCell other_cell = map.GetCell(other_l);
                    if (other_cell.IsWall() && !map.IsPassageRemovable(other_cell.location))
                        validIndices[i] = true;

            // Define the advanced tile to use
            // TODO: merge this with the one for directional floors somehow!
            if (countWallNeighs == 0)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallO;
            else if (countWallNeighs == 1)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallU;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[i])
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
            else if (countWallNeighs == 2)
                // Corridor I
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallI;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[i])
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];

                // Corridor L
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                        // This and the next are valid: left turn (we consider all of them to be left turns(
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
                        conversion_cell.Type        = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallL;
            else if (countWallNeighs == 3)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallT;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i - 1, 4)] && validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                        // This, the one before and the next are valid: T cross (with this being the middle road)
                        conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];
            else if (countWallNeighs == 4)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallX;
Esempio n. 4
    public void ConvertDirectionalRoomFloor(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        CellLocation l = conversion_cell.location;

        if (behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
            if (conversion_cell.IsRoomFloor())
                CellLocation[] border_neighs;
                CellLocation[] floor_neighs;

                bool considerDoorsAsWalls = true;

                // Count how many border neighbours are non-walls
                int    countFloorNeighs = 0;
                bool[] validIndices     = new bool[4];

                if (conversion_cell.IsTile())
                    // This was a tile, check neigh walls
                    border_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
                    for (int i = 0; i < border_neighs.Length; i++)
                        CellLocation other_l = border_neighs[i];
                        if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) && other_l.isValid() &&
                            !(map.GetCell(other_l).IsWall()) &&
                            !(considerDoorsAsWalls && map.GetCell(other_l).IsDoor())
                            validIndices[i] = true;
                    // This was a border, check neigh floors instead
                    floor_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
                    //					Debug.Log ("From " + l);None

                    for (int i = 0; i < floor_neighs.Length; i++)
                        CellLocation other_l = floor_neighs[i];
                        //						Debug.Log ("At " + other_l + " is " + map.GetCell(other_l).Type);
                        bool insideRoomTile = CheckInsideRoomTile(map, other_l);                        // We need this to be checked now, or we cannot know if a tile is inside a room reliably
                        if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) && other_l.isValid() &&
                            (map.GetCell(other_l).IsFloor() ||                       //|| map.GetCell(other_l).IsNone()
                             map.GetCell(other_l).IsInsideRoomColumn() ||                       // Treat inside room columns as floors here
//						 || map.GetCell(other_l).IsNone()
                            validIndices[i] = true;

                // Define the adbvanced floors
                //	Debug.Log (countFloorNeighs);
                if (countFloorNeighs == 2)
                    bool adjacentFloors = false;

                    // This is a room corner
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
                            adjacentFloors = true;

                    if (adjacentFloors)
                        conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloorCorner;
                        conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloorInside;
                else if (countFloorNeighs == 3)
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloorBorder;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i - 1, 4)] && validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 2, 4)];
                else if (countFloorNeighs == 4)
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloorInside;
                    // Wrong number of floor neighs, may happen if we have too small rooms. We always use the INSIDE one, then.
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloorInside;
Esempio n. 5
    public void ConvertDirectionalCorridorFloor(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        CellLocation l = conversion_cell.location;

        if (behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
            if (conversion_cell.IsCorridorFloor())
                // Count how many border neighbours are non-walls
                int    countFloorNeighs = 0;
                bool[] validIndices     = new bool[4];

                if (conversion_cell.IsTile())
                    // This was a tile, check neigh walls
                    CellLocation[] border_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
                    for (int i = 0; i < border_neighs.Length; i++)
                        CellLocation other_l = border_neighs[i];
                        if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) && other_l.isValid() && !(map.GetCell(other_l).IsWall()))                             // TODO: Maybe isValid is not needed!
                            validIndices[i] = true;
                    // This was a border, check neigh floors instead
                    CellLocation[] floor_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(l);
                    for (int i = 0; i < floor_neighs.Length; i++)
                        CellLocation other_l = floor_neighs[i];
                        if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) && other_l.isValid() && map.GetCell(other_l).IsFloor())                                       // TODO: Maybe isValid is not needed!
                            validIndices[i] = true;

                // Define the adbvanced floors
                if (countFloorNeighs == 1)
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloorU;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[i])
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
                else if (countFloorNeighs == 2)
                    // Corridor I
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloorI;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[i])
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];

                    // Corridor L
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                            // This and the next are valid: left turn (we consider all of them to be left turns(
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 3, 4)];
                            conversion_cell.Type        = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloorL;
                else if (countFloorNeighs == 3)
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloorT;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i - 1, 4)] && validIndices[i] && validIndices[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)])
                            // This, the one before and the next are valid: T cross (with this being the middle road)
                            conversion_cell.Orientation = map.directions[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i + 1, 4)];
                else if (countFloorNeighs == 4)
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloorX;