public void ChCBTExec(ManagedObjectReference vm, bool cbtbool) { VirtualMachineConfigSpec spec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); spec.changeTrackingEnabledSpecified = true; spec.changeTrackingEnabled = cbtbool; ManagedObjectReference taskMor = vimservice.ReconfigVM_Task(vm, spec); String res = cb.getServiceUtil().WaitForTask(taskMor); if (res.Equals("sucess")) { VirtualMachineConfigInfo realcfg = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(vm, "config"); if (realcfg != null) { if (realcfg.changeTrackingEnabled != cbtbool) { throw new Exception("Changeblocktracking updated but config does not reflect it"); } } else { throw new Exception("Executed CBT change to " + cbtbool + " but did not succeed in asking update"); } } else { throw new Exception("Not Succesful cbt" + res); } }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, string> > GetVMConfiguration(VirtualMachine machine, Feature feature) { VirtualDevice[] devices = machine.Devices; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); Dictionary <string, string> names = new Dictionary <string, string>(); switch (feature) { case Feature.iso: IEnumerable <Description> cdroms = devices.OfType <VirtualCdrom>().Select(c => c.deviceInfo); foreach (Description d in cdroms) { if (d != null) { names.Add(d.label, d.summary); } } break; case case Feature.eth: IEnumerable <VirtualEthernetCard> cards = devices.OfType <VirtualEthernetCard>(); foreach (VirtualEthernetCard c in cards) { var backingInfo = c.backing; var deviceInfo = c.deviceInfo; if (backingInfo != null && deviceInfo != null) { if (backingInfo.GetType() == typeof(VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo)) { var card = backingInfo as VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo; var portGroupKey = card?.port?.portgroupKey; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portGroupKey)) { var network = _connectionService.GetNetworkByReference(portGroupKey); string cardName = network?.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardName)) { names.Add(deviceInfo.label, cardName); } } } else if (backingInfo.GetType() == typeof(VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo)) { var card = backingInfo as VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo; names.Add(deviceInfo.label, card.deviceName); } // } } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid request."); //break; } return(names); }
public static void MergeGuestInfo(this VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs, string settings) { //constitue options dictionary //constitute settings array //foreach setting add/update options //persist result in annotation }
public void ChangeVMNetworkAdapterPortGroup(string vmName, string oldNetworkName, string newNetworkName) { try { VirtualMachine vm = this.GetVirtualMachines().Where(_vm => _vm.Name == vmName).FirstOrDefault(); if (vm != null) { VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); VirtualEthernetCard nic = null; VirtualDevice[] nics = vm.Config.Hardware.Device.Where(device => device is VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCard).Select(vnic => vnic as VirtualEthernetCard).ToArray(); nicSpec.Operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit; nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)nics.Where(vnic => vnic.DeviceInfo.Summary.Equals(oldNetworkName)).FirstOrDefault(); VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo nicBacking = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); Network vNic = new Network(vSphereClient, vm.Runtime.Host); nicBacking.Network = vNic.MoRef; nicBacking.DeviceName = newNetworkName; if (nic != null) { nic.Backing = nicBacking; nicSpec.Device = nic; } VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] nicSpecArray = { nicSpec }; vmConfigSpec.DeviceChange = nicSpecArray; vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vmConfigSpec); } } catch (VimException e) { lock (m_lock) { WriteLogText(logWriter, e.Message.ToString()); } } }
public void RemoveNetworkAdapterFromVM(string vmName, string networkName) { try { VirtualMachine vm = this.GetVirtualMachines().Where(_vm => _vm.Name == vmName).FirstOrDefault(); if (vm != null) { VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); VirtualEthernetCard nic = null; VirtualDevice[] nics = vm.Config.Hardware.Device.Where(device => device is VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCard).Select(vnic => vnic as VirtualEthernetCard).ToArray(); nicSpec.Operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.remove; nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)nics.Where(vnic => vnic.DeviceInfo.Summary.Equals(networkName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (nic != null) { nicSpec.Device = nic; } VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] nicSpecArray = { nicSpec }; vmConfigSpec.DeviceChange = nicSpecArray; vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vmConfigSpec); } } catch (VimException e) { lock (m_lock) { WriteLogText(logWriter, e.Message.ToString()); } } }
internal static VirtualMachineConfigSpec CreateVmConfigSpec(VirtualMachineConfigInfo srcVmCfgInfo, string targetDatastore, string replicaDisplayName) { VirtualMachineConfigSpec machineConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); machineConfigSpec.alternateGuestName = srcVmCfgInfo.alternateGuestName; machineConfigSpec.annotation = srcVmCfgInfo.annotation; machineConfigSpec.bootOptions = srcVmCfgInfo.bootOptions; machineConfigSpec.changeTrackingEnabled = false; machineConfigSpec.changeTrackingEnabledSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.consolePreferences = srcVmCfgInfo.consolePreferences; machineConfigSpec.cpuAffinity = srcVmCfgInfo.cpuAffinity; machineConfigSpec.cpuFeatureMask = VmHelper.GetCpuFeatureMask(srcVmCfgInfo.cpuFeatureMask); machineConfigSpec.extraConfig = VmHelper.GetExtraConfig(srcVmCfgInfo.extraConfig); machineConfigSpec.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo() { vmPathName = VmHelper.GetBracketedName(targetDatastore), snapshotDirectory = VmHelper.GetBracketedName(targetDatastore) }; machineConfigSpec.flags = srcVmCfgInfo.flags; machineConfigSpec.ftInfo = srcVmCfgInfo.ftInfo; machineConfigSpec.guestId = srcVmCfgInfo.guestId; machineConfigSpec.memoryAffinity = srcVmCfgInfo.memoryAffinity; machineConfigSpec.memoryMB = (long)srcVmCfgInfo.hardware.memoryMB; machineConfigSpec.memoryMBSpecified = true; = replicaDisplayName; machineConfigSpec.networkShaper = srcVmCfgInfo.networkShaper; machineConfigSpec.npivWorldWideNameType = srcVmCfgInfo.npivWorldWideNameType; machineConfigSpec.numCPUs = srcVmCfgInfo.hardware.numCPU; machineConfigSpec.numCPUsSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.powerOpInfo = srcVmCfgInfo.defaultPowerOps; machineConfigSpec.swapPlacement = srcVmCfgInfo.swapPlacement; =; machineConfigSpec.vAppConfig = VmHelper.VmConfigInfoToVmConfigSpec(srcVmCfgInfo.vAppConfig); machineConfigSpec.vAssertsEnabled = srcVmCfgInfo.vAssertsEnabled; machineConfigSpec.vAssertsEnabledSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.version = srcVmCfgInfo.version; machineConfigSpec.deviceChange = VmHelper.CreateVmDeviceSpecs(srcVmCfgInfo.hardware); if (srcVmCfgInfo.version != "vmx-04") { machineConfigSpec.cpuHotAddEnabled = srcVmCfgInfo.cpuHotAddEnabled; machineConfigSpec.cpuHotAddEnabledSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.cpuHotRemoveEnabled = srcVmCfgInfo.cpuHotRemoveEnabled; machineConfigSpec.cpuHotRemoveEnabledSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.memoryHotAddEnabled = srcVmCfgInfo.memoryHotAddEnabled; machineConfigSpec.memoryHotAddEnabledSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.npivDesiredNodeWwns = srcVmCfgInfo.npivDesiredNodeWwns; machineConfigSpec.npivDesiredNodeWwnsSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.npivDesiredPortWwns = srcVmCfgInfo.npivDesiredPortWwns; machineConfigSpec.npivDesiredPortWwnsSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.npivNodeWorldWideName = srcVmCfgInfo.npivNodeWorldWideName; machineConfigSpec.npivOnNonRdmDisks = srcVmCfgInfo.npivOnNonRdmDisks; machineConfigSpec.npivOnNonRdmDisksSpecified = true; machineConfigSpec.npivPortWorldWideName = srcVmCfgInfo.npivPortWorldWideName; machineConfigSpec.npivTemporaryDisabled = srcVmCfgInfo.npivTemporaryDisabled; machineConfigSpec.npivTemporaryDisabledSpecified = true; } return(machineConfigSpec); }
public TaskInfoState ReconfigVM(VirtualMachineConfigSpec spec) { ManagedObjectReference morTask = _vimService.ReconfigVM_Task(_morThis, spec); MyVMTask myTask = new MyVMTask(_vimService, _pc, morTask); TaskInfo ti = null; TaskInfoState state = myTask.Wait(3000, -1, out ti); return(state); }
public async Task <Vm> Deploy(VmTemplate template) { Vm vm = null; await Connect(); _logger.LogDebug("deploy: validate portgroups..."); await _netman.Provision(template); _logger.LogDebug("deploy: transform template..."); //var transformer = new VCenterTransformer { DVSuuid = _dvsuuid }; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs = Transform.TemplateToVmSpec( template, _config.VmStore.Replace("{host}", _hostPrefix), _dvsuuid ); _logger.LogDebug("deploy: create vm..."); ManagedObjectReference task = await _vim.CreateVM_TaskAsync(_vms, vmcs, _pool, null); TaskInfo info = await WaitForVimTask(task); if (info.state == TaskInfoState.success) { _logger.LogDebug("deploy: load vm..."); await Task.Delay(200); vm = await GetVirtualMachine((ManagedObjectReference)info.result); _logger.LogDebug("deploy: create snapshot..."); task = await _vim.CreateSnapshot_TaskAsync( vm.AsVim(), "Root Snap", "Created by TopoMojo Deploy at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s") + "Z", false, false); info = await WaitForVimTask(task); if (template.AutoStart && info.state == TaskInfoState.success) { _logger.LogDebug("deploy: start vm..."); vm = await Start(vm.Id); } } else { throw new Exception(info.error.localizedMessage); } return(vm); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn); IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn); oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn); string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://ohcleutl4001/sdk", 3, "Dalton"); if (strConnect == "") { VimService _service = oVMWare.GetService(); ServiceContent _sic = oVMWare.GetSic(); string strName = "txpv00001a"; ManagedObjectReference _vm_boot_order = oVMWare.GetVM(strName); OptionValue oValue = new OptionValue(); oValue.key = "bios.bootDeviceClasses"; // Set the PXE boot oValue.value = "allow:net"; // Remove the PXE boot oValue.value = ""; VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_order = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_boot_order.extraConfig = new OptionValue[] { oValue }; ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_order = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(_vm_boot_order, _cs_boot_order); TaskInfo _inf_boot_order = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_order, "info"); while (_inf_boot_order.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_boot_order = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_order, "info"); } if (_inf_boot_order.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult = "PXE Boot Forced"; } else { strResult = "PXE Boot NOT Forced"; } Response.Write(strResult); } else { Response.Write("LOGIN error"); } }
public static void AddBootOption(this VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs, int delay) { if (delay != 0) { vmcs.bootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions(); if (delay > 0) { vmcs.bootOptions.bootDelay = delay * 1000; vmcs.bootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true; } if (delay < 0) { vmcs.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup = true; vmcs.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetupSpecified = true; } } }
public static void AddGuestInfo(this VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs, string[] list) { List <OptionValue> options = new List <OptionValue>(); foreach (string item in list) { OptionValue option = new OptionValue(); int x = item.IndexOf('='); if (x > 0) { option.key = item.Substring(0, x).Replace(" ", "").Trim(); if (!option.key.StartsWith("guestinfo.")) { option.key = "guestinfo." + option.key; } option.value = item.Substring(x + 1).Trim(); options.Add(option); } } vmcs.extraConfig = options.ToArray(); }
public void AddNetworkAdapterToVM(string vmName, string networkName) { try { VirtualMachine vm = this.GetVirtualMachines().Where(_vm => _vm.Name == vmName).FirstOrDefault(); if (vm != null) { Network vNic = new Network(vSphereClient, vm.Runtime.Host); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); if (networkName != null) { nicSpec.Operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; VirtualEthernetCard nic = new VirtualVmxnet(); VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo nicBacking = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); nicBacking.Network = vNic.MoRef; nicBacking.DeviceName = networkName; nic.AddressType = "generated"; nic.Backing = nicBacking; nic.Key = 4; nicSpec.Device = nic; } VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] specs = { nicSpec }; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmConfSpec.DeviceChange = specs; vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vmConfSpec); } } catch (VimException e) { lock (m_lock) { WriteLogText(logWriter, e.Message.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { lock (m_lock) { WriteLogText(logWriter, e.Message.ToString()); } } }
protected virtual IVimVm _CreateVm() { this._Context.SetLowLevelState("CreatingVm"); IVimDatastore datastoreByUrl = this._ESXHost.GetDatastoreByUrl(this._Context.JobInfoWrapper.DataStoreUrl); string replicaVmName = this._Context.JobInfoWrapper.VmName; if (datastoreByUrl.IsFolderOnRootExist(replicaVmName, this._Context.ESXHost.ClientCtx)) { throw new OculiServiceServiceException(0, string.Format("The folder for the vm {0} already exists on the datastore {1}", (object)replicaVmName, (object)datastoreByUrl.BracketedName)); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec compatibleConfigSpec = this._Context.ESXHost.SourceVm().GetCompatibleConfigSpec(datastoreByUrl.Name, this._Context.JobInfoWrapper.VmName); compatibleConfigSpec.numCPUs = Math.Min((int)this._ESXHost.GetNumberCPU(), compatibleConfigSpec.numCPUs); long num = Math.Min(this._ESXHost.GetMemory() / 1048576L, compatibleConfigSpec.memoryMB); compatibleConfigSpec.memoryMB = num - num % 4L; this._Logger.FormatInformation(" VM will have {0} CPUs and {1}MB memory.", (object)compatibleConfigSpec.numCPUs, (object)compatibleConfigSpec.memoryMB); Dictionary <string, string> networkMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ((IEnumerable <VirtualSwitchMapping>) this._Context.JobInfoWrapper.VirtualSwitchMapping).ForEach <VirtualSwitchMapping>((System.Action <VirtualSwitchMapping>)(vsm => networkMap.Add(vsm.SourceVirtualSwitch.Label, vsm.TargetVirtualSwitch.Label))); Dictionary <string, string> distributedPortGroupMap = this._Context.ESXHost.SourceVm().GetHostAndProperties().GetDistributedVirtualPortgroups(); ((IEnumerable <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>)compatibleConfigSpec.deviceChange).Where <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>((Func <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec, bool>)(vdcs => { if (vdcs.device is VirtualEthernetCard) { return(vdcs.device.backing is VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo); } return(false); })).ForEach <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>((System.Action <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>)(vdcs => { string str1 = distributedPortGroupMap[((VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo)vdcs.device.backing).port.portgroupKey]; int length = str1.IndexOf(" (", 0); string str2 = str1.Substring(0, length); vdcs.device.deviceInfo.summary = str2; })); return(this._ESXHost.CreateVmWithNetworkMapping(compatibleConfigSpec, networkMap, this._Context.ESXHost.ClientCtx)); }
public static void AddCpu(this VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs, string cpu) { string[] p = cpu.Split('x'); int sockets = 1, coresPerSocket = 1; if (!Int32.TryParse(p[0], out sockets)) { sockets = 1; } if (p.Length > 1) { if (!Int32.TryParse(p[1], out coresPerSocket)) { coresPerSocket = 1; } } vmcs.numCPUs = sockets * coresPerSocket; vmcs.numCPUsSpecified = true; vmcs.numCoresPerSocket = coresPerSocket; vmcs.numCoresPerSocketSpecified = true; }
/// <summary> /// Reconfig the virtual machine. /// </summary> private void reconfigVirtualMachine() { Console.WriteLine("ReConfigure The Virtual Machine .........."); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); vmFileInfo.logDirectory = "[" + getDataStore() + "]" + getVmName(); vmFileInfo.snapshotDirectory = "[" + getDataStore() + "]" + getVmName(); vmFileInfo.suspendDirectory = "[" + getDataStore() + "]" + getVmName(); vmFileInfo.vmPathName = "[" + getDataStore() + "]" + getVmName() + "/" + getVmName() + ".vmx"; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmConfigSpec.files = vmFileInfo; ManagedObjectReference taskmor = _service.ReconfigVM_Task( getVmMor(getVmName()), vmConfigSpec); Object[] result = cb.getServiceUtil().WaitForValues( taskmor, new String[] { "info.state", "info.error" }, new String[] { "state" }, new Object[][] { new Object[] { TaskInfoState.success, TaskInfoState.error } } ); if (result[0].Equals(TaskInfoState.success)) { Console.WriteLine("ReConfigure The Virtual Machine .......... Done"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Some Exception While Reconfiguring The VM " + result[0]); } }
public static VirtualMachineConfigSpec TemplateToVmSpec(VmTemplate template, string datastore, string dvsuuid) { int key = -101, idekey = 200; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); List <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec> devices = new List <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>(); = template.Name; vmcs.extraConfig = GetExtraConfig(template); vmcs.AddRam(template.Ram); vmcs.AddCpu(template.Cpu); vmcs.AddBootOption(Math.Max(template.Delay, 10)); vmcs.version = (template.Version.HasValue()) ? template.Version : null; vmcs.guestId = (template.Guest.HasValue() ? template.Guest : "other"); if (!vmcs.guestId.EndsWith("Guest")) { vmcs.guestId += "Guest"; } if (datastore.HasValue()) { vmcs.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo { vmPathName = $"{datastore}/{template.Name}/{template.Name}.vmx" }; } //can't actually be applied via ExtraConfig if (template.GuestSettings.Length > 0 && template.GuestSettings.Any(s => s.Key == "vhv.enable" && s.Value == "true")) { vmcs.nestedHVEnabled = true; vmcs.nestedHVEnabledSpecified = true; } //video card devices.Add(GetVideoController(ref key, template.VideoRam)); //floppy disk if (template.Floppy.HasValue()) { devices.Add(GetFloppy(ref key, template.Floppy)); } //nics foreach (VmNet nic in template.Eth) { devices.Add(GetEthernetAdapter(ref key, nic, dvsuuid)); } // //network serial port // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(template.FindOne("nsp").Value())) // devices.Add(GetNetworkSerialPort(ref key, template.FindOne("nsp").Value())); //controller int controllerKey = 0, count = 0; foreach (VmDisk disk in template.Disks) { if (controllerKey == 0) { if (disk.Controller == "ide") { controllerKey = idekey; } else { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controller = GetSCSIController(ref key, disk.Controller); controllerKey = controller.device.key; devices.Add(controller); } } devices.Add(GetDisk(ref key, disk.Path, controllerKey, count++)); } //iso devices.Add(GetCdrom(ref key, idekey, (template.Iso.HasValue() ? template.Iso : "[iso] null.iso"))); //add all devices to spec vmcs.deviceChange = devices.ToArray(); return(vmcs); }
public void ConnectIso( string isoLocation ) { const string remotePath = "/Temp"; UploadArtifact( isoLocation, remotePath ); _virtualMachine.UpdateViewData(); VirtualCdrom cd = _virtualMachine.Config.Hardware.Device.FirstOrDefault( d => d is VirtualCdrom ) as VirtualCdrom; if ( cd == null ) { throw new ApplicationException( "CD is null" ); } VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo newBacking = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo { FileName = string.Format( "[{0}] {1}", "datastore1", remotePath ) }; cd.Backing = newBacking; cd.Connectable.StartConnected = true; cd.Connectable.Connected = true; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { Device = cd, Operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit }; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec { DeviceChange = new[] {deviceSpec} }; _virtualMachine.ReconfigVM( vmSpec ); }
private void reConfig() { String deviceType = cb.get_option("device"); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); if (deviceType.Equals("memory")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For Memory Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); try { vmConfigSpec.memoryAllocation = getShares(); } catch (Exception nfe) { Console.WriteLine("Value of Memory update must " + "be either Custom or Integer"); return; } } else if (deviceType.Equals("cpu")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For CPU Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); try { vmConfigSpec.cpuAllocation = getShares(); } catch (Exception nfe) { Console.WriteLine("Value of CPU update must " + "be either Custom or Integer"); return; } } else if (deviceType.Equals("disk")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For Disk Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec vdiskSpec = getDiskDeviceConfigSpec(); if (vdiskSpec != null) { VirtualMachineConfigInfo vmConfigInfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty( _virtualMachine, "config"); int ckey = -1; VirtualDevice[] test = vmConfigInfo.hardware.device; for (int k = 0; k < test.Length; k++) { if (test[k].deviceInfo.label.Equals( "SCSI Controller 0")) { ckey = test[k].key; } } if (ckey == -1) { int diskCtlrKey = 1; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiCtrlSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); scsiCtrlSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; scsiCtrlSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualLsiLogicController scsiCtrl = new VirtualLsiLogicController(); scsiCtrl.busNumber = 0; scsiCtrlSpec.device = scsiCtrl; scsiCtrl.key = diskCtlrKey; scsiCtrl.sharedBus = VirtualSCSISharing.physicalSharing; String ctlrType = scsiCtrl.GetType().Name; vdiskSpec.device.controllerKey = scsiCtrl.key; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] vdiskSpecArray = { scsiCtrlSpec, vdiskSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = vdiskSpecArray; } else { vdiskSpec.device.controllerKey = ckey; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] vdiskSpecArray = { vdiskSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = vdiskSpecArray; } } else { return; } } else if (deviceType.Equals("nic")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For NIC Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = getNICDeviceConfigSpec(); if (nicSpec != null) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec [] nicSpecArray = { nicSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = nicSpecArray; } else { return; } } else if (deviceType.Equals("cd")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For CD Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec cdSpec = getCDDeviceConfigSpec(); if (cdSpec != null) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec [] cdSpecArray = { cdSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = cdSpecArray; } else { return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invlaid device type [memory|cpu|disk|nic|cd]"); return; } ManagedObjectReference tmor = cb.getConnection()._service.ReconfigVM_Task( _virtualMachine, vmConfigSpec); monitorTask(tmor); }
public void RecordSessionOfVM() { try { _service = ecb.getConnection().Service; _sic = ecb.getConnection().ServiceContent; ArrayList supportedVersions = VersionUtil.getSupportedVersions(ecb.get_option("url")); ManagedObjectReference vmmor = ecb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "VirtualMachine", ecb.get_option("vmname")); if (vmmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find VirtualMachine named : " + ecb.get_option("vmname") + " in Inventory"); } if (VersionUtil.isApiVersionSupported(supportedVersions, "2.5")) { Boolean flag = VersionUtil.isApiVersionSupported(supportedVersions, "4.0"); if (flag) { if (ecb.get_option("snapshotname") == null || ecb.get_option("description") == null) { Console.WriteLine("snapshotname and description arguments are " + "mandatory for recording session feature"); return; } VirtualMachineFlagInfo flagInfo = new VirtualMachineFlagInfo(); flagInfo.recordReplayEnabled = true; flagInfo.recordReplayEnabledSpecified = true; VirtualMachineConfigSpec configSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); configSpec.flags = flagInfo; _service.ReconfigVM_TaskAsync(vmmor, configSpec); _service.StartRecording_TaskAsync(vmmor, ecb.get_option("snapshotname"), ecb.get_option("description")); _service.StopRecording_TaskAsync(vmmor); Console.WriteLine("Session recorded successfully"); } else { VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[] tree = (VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[])getObjectProperty(vmmor, "snapshot.rootSnapshotList"); if (tree != null && tree.Length != 0) { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = _service.RemoveAllSnapshots_Task(vmmor, true, false); object[] result = ecb.getServiceUtil().WaitForValues(taskMor, new string[] { "info.state", "info.result" }, new string[] { "state" }, // info has a property - state for state of the task new object[][] { new object[] { TaskInfoState.success, TaskInfoState.error } } ); if (result[0].Equals(TaskInfoState.success)) { Console.WriteLine("Removed all the snapshot successfully"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No snapshot found for this virtual machine"); } } } else { VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[] tree = (VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[])getObjectProperty(vmmor, "snapshot.rootSnapshotList"); if (tree != null && tree.Length != 0) { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = _service.RemoveAllSnapshots_Task(vmmor, true, false); object[] result = ecb.getServiceUtil().WaitForValues(taskMor, new string[] { "info.state", "info.result" }, new string[] { "state" }, // info has a property - state for state of the task new object[][] { new object[] { TaskInfoState.success, TaskInfoState.error } } ); if (result[0].Equals(TaskInfoState.success)) { Console.WriteLine("Removed all the snapshot successfully"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No snapshot found for this virtual machine"); } } } catch (Exception e) { ecb.log.LogLine("RecordSession : Failed Connect"); throw e; } finally { ecb.log.LogLine("Ended RecordSession"); ecb.log.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; string strError = ""; Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn); IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn); oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(999); string strName = "healyTest"; string strCluster = "CLESVTLAB01"; double dblDriveC = 60.00; string strDatastore = "CTVXN00007"; double dblDrive2 = 10.00; double dblDrive3 = 10.00; string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5"; // DHCP enabled string strMDTos = "WABEx64"; string strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_STD"; string strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; string strVMguestOS = "windows7Server64Guest"; string strMACAddress = ""; string strResourcePool = ""; string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", 999, "PNC-TestLab"); if (strConnect == "") { VimService _service = oVMWare.GetService(); ServiceContent _sic = oVMWare.GetSic(); ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef = oVMWare.GetDataCenter(); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef); ManagedObjectReference clusterRef = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster); ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool"); if (strResourcePool != "") { resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); // Create computer ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null; oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line"; oConfig.guestId = strVMguestOS; string strRamConfig = "2048"; oConfig.memoryMB = long.Parse(strRamConfig); oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true; int intCpuConfig = 1; oConfig.numCPUs = intCpuConfig; oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true; = strName.ToLower(); oConfig.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx"; ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null); TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running) { oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); } if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success) { oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result; VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not created"; } if (strError == "") { // 2) SCSI Controller 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(0, 2, 1000); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 3) Create Hard Disk 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, 1000, ""); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 1 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 4) Create Hard Disk 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, 1000, "_2"); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 5) SCSI Controller 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(1, 3, 1001); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 6) Create Hard Disk 3 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive3 = dblDrive3 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive3.ToString(), 0, 1001, "_3"); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 3 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 3 Was Not Created"; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["build"]) == false) { if (strError == "") { bool boolCompleted = false; string strPortGroupKey = ""; ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network"); foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks) { if (boolCompleted == true) { break; } try { if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString()) { object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config"); if (oPortConfig != null) { DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig; if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey) { strPortGroupKey = oPort.key; ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch; string strSwitchUUID = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid"); Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>"); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(); DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(); connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey; connection.switchUuid = strSwitchUUID; vecdvpbi.port = connection; //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; boolCompleted = true; } //break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object) } } if (boolCompleted == false) { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group"; } } if (strError == "") { // 7) Boot Delay VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions(); oBootOptions.bootDelay = 10000; oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true; VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions; ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options); TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); } if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>"; } else { strError = "Boot delay NOT changed"; } } if (strError == "") { // 8) Get MAC Address VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); VirtualDevice[] _device = _vminfo.hardware.device; for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++) { // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1") { VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii]; strMACAddress = nic.macAddress; break; } } if (strMACAddress != "") { strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>"; } else { strError = "No MAC Address"; } } if (strError == "") { // 9) Configure WebService System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit(); oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials; oMDT.Url = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx"; string[] strExtendedMDT = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" }; string strExtendedMDTs = ""; foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT) { if (strExtendedMDTs != "") { strExtendedMDTs += ", "; } strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT; } string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT); strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>"; } if (strError == "") { // 10) Power On GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest"); if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN") { ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On"; } } else { strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")"; } } } // Logout if (_service != null) { _service.Abort(); if (_service.Container != null) { _service.Container.Dispose(); } try { _service.Logout(_sic.sessionManager); } catch { } _service.Dispose(); _service = null; _sic = null; } Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult); Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError); } else { Response.Write("LOGIN error"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; string strError = ""; Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn); IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn); oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn); string strName = "healytest2"; string strCluster = "CDALVMTEST01"; string strDatastore1 = "dt01-ibm-lun1"; string strDatastore2 = ""; string strVLAN = "VLAN52"; string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup255"; string strMACAddress = ""; string strResourcePool = ""; string strMDTos = "WABEx64"; string strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_ENT"; string strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; double dblDriveC = 27.5; double dblDrive2 = 2.5; string strVMguestOS = "winNetEnterprise64Guest"; intEnvironment = 999; string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wdsvt100a/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC"); if (Request.QueryString["old"] != null) { strName = "healytest"; strCluster = "ohcinxcv4003"; strDatastore1 = "CINDSSVCN40063"; strVLAN = "vlan250net"; intEnvironment = 3; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://ohcinutl4003/sdk", intEnvironment, "Dalton"); } if (Request.QueryString["w"] != null) { strName = "healytest2"; strCluster = "CLEVDTLAB01"; strDatastore1 = "VDItest"; strDatastore2 = "pagefile01"; strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup"; strResourcePool = "VDI"; strMDTos = "DesktopWABEx86"; strMDTtask = "VDIXP"; strMDTbuildDB = "DesktopDeploymentShare"; strVMguestOS = "windows7_64Guest"; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC-TestLab"); } if (Request.QueryString["t"] != null) { strName = "healyTest2012"; strCluster = "CLESVTLAB01"; dblDriveC = 45.00; strDatastore1 = "CTVXN00008"; strDatastore2 = "CTVXN00008"; dblDrive2 = 10.00; strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5"; // DHCP enabled strMDTos = "WABEx64"; strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_STD"; strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; strVMguestOS = "windows8Server64Guest"; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wcsvt013a.pnceng.pvt/sdk", (int)CurrentEnvironment.PNCENG, "PNC"); } Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); if (strConnect == "") { VimService _service = oVMWare.GetService(); ServiceContent _sic = oVMWare.GetSic(); ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef = oVMWare.GetDataCenter(); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef); ManagedObjectReference clusterRef = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster); ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool"); if (strResourcePool != "") { resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); int intStep = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["s"], out intStep); string strUUID = ""; ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null; if (intStep == 100 || intStep == 1) { if (oComputer != null && oComputer.Value != "") { // Destroy computer ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.Destroy_Task(oComputer); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Destroyed<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not destroyed"; } } if (strError == "") { // Create computer oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line"; oConfig.guestId = strVMguestOS; oConfig.firmware = "efi"; string strRamConfig = "2048"; oConfig.memoryMB = long.Parse(strRamConfig); oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true; int intCpuConfig = 1; oConfig.numCPUs = intCpuConfig; oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true; = strName.ToLower(); oConfig.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore1 + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx"; ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null); TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running) { oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); } if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success) { oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result; VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not created"; } } } if (intStep > 1) { oComputer = oVMWare.GetVM(strName); } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 2) && strError == "") { // 2) SCSI Controller VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(true); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 3) && strError == "") { // 3) Create Hard Disk 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore1, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, ""); // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024 _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 33) && strError == "") { if (strDatastore2 != "") { // 33) Create Hard Disk 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore2, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, (strDatastore1 == strDatastore2 ? "_1" : "")); // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024 _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDrive2.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created"; } } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 4) && strError == "") { // 4) Create Network Adapter bool boolISVmware4 = true; if (boolISVmware4 == false) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo vecnbi = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); vecnbi.deviceName = strVLAN; VirtualEthernetCard newethdev; //newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecnbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created"; } } else { bool boolCompleted = false; string strPortGroupKey = ""; ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network"); foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks) { if (boolCompleted == true) { break; } try { if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString()) { object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config"); if (oPortConfig != null) { DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig; if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey) { strPortGroupKey = oPort.key; ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch; string strSwitchUUID = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid"); Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>"); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(); DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(); connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey; connection.switchUuid = strSwitchUUID; vecdvpbi.port = connection; //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; boolCompleted = true; } //break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object) } } if (boolCompleted == false) { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group"; } } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 5) && strError == "") { VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_swap = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_swap.swapPlacement = "hostLocal"; ManagedObjectReference _task_swap = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_swap); TaskInfo _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info"); while (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info"); } if (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Swap File Configured<br/>"; } else { strError = "Swap File Was Not Configured"; } /* * // 5) Attach Floppy Drive * VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_floppy = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); * VirtualDeviceConfigSpec _dcs_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); * _dcs_floppy.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; * _dcs_floppy.operationSpecified = true; * VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(); * _ci_floppy.startConnected = false; * VirtualFloppy floppy = new VirtualFloppy(); * VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo floppyBack = new VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo(); * floppyBack.deviceName = ""; * floppy.backing = floppyBack; * floppy.key = 8000; * floppy.controllerKey = 400; * floppy.controllerKeySpecified = true; * floppy.connectable = _ci_floppy; * _dcs_floppy.device = floppy; * _cs_floppy.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_floppy }; * ManagedObjectReference _task_floppy = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_floppy); * TaskInfo _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info"); * while (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.running) * _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info"); * if (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.success) * strResult += "Floppy Drive Created<br/>"; * else * strError = "Floppy Drive Was Not Created"; */ } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 6) && strError == "") { // 6) Attach CD-ROM Drive VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_cd = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec _dcs_cd = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); _dcs_cd.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; _dcs_cd.operationSpecified = true; VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_cd = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(); _ci_cd.startConnected = false; VirtualCdrom cd = new VirtualCdrom(); VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo cdBack = new VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo(); cdBack.exclusive = false; cdBack.deviceName = ""; cd.backing = cdBack; cd.key = 3000; cd.controllerKey = 200; cd.controllerKeySpecified = true; cd.connectable = _ci_cd; _dcs_cd.device = cd; _cs_cd.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_cd }; ManagedObjectReference _task_cd = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_cd); TaskInfo _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info"); while (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info"); } if (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "CD-ROM Was Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "CD-ROM Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 7) && strError == "") { // 7) Boot Delay VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions(); oBootOptions.bootDelay = 10000; oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true; VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions; ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options); TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); } if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>"; } else { strError = "Boot delay NOT changed"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 8) && strError == "") { // 8) Get MAC Address VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); VirtualDevice[] _device = _vminfo.hardware.device; for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++) { // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1") { VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii]; strMACAddress = nic.macAddress; break; } } if (strMACAddress != "") { strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>"; } else { strError = "No MAC Address"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 9) && strError == "") { // 9) Configure WebService System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit(); oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials; oMDT.Url = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx"; string[] strExtendedMDT = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" }; string strExtendedMDTs = ""; foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT) { if (strExtendedMDTs != "") { strExtendedMDTs += ", "; } strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT; } string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT); strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>"; } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 10) && strError == "") { // 10) Power On GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest"); if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN") { ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On"; } } else { strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")"; } } // Logout if (_service != null) { _service.Abort(); if (_service.Container != null) { _service.Container.Dispose(); } try { _service.Logout(_sic.sessionManager); } catch { } _service.Dispose(); _service = null; _sic = null; } Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult); Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError); } else { Response.Write("LOGIN error"); } }
private void reConfig() { String deviceType = cb.get_option("device"); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); if(deviceType.Equals("memory")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For Memory Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); try { vmConfigSpec.memoryAllocation = getShares(); } catch(Exception nfe) { Console.WriteLine("Value of Memory update must " +"be either Custom or Integer"); return; } } else if(deviceType.Equals("cpu")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For CPU Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); try { vmConfigSpec.cpuAllocation=getShares(); } catch(Exception nfe) { Console.WriteLine("Value of CPU update must " +"be either Custom or Integer"); return; } } else if(deviceType.Equals("disk")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For Disk Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec vdiskSpec = getDiskDeviceConfigSpec(); if(vdiskSpec != null) { VirtualMachineConfigInfo vmConfigInfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty( _virtualMachine, "config"); int ckey = -1; VirtualDevice[] test = vmConfigInfo.hardware.device; for (int k = 0; k < test.Length; k++) { if (test[k].deviceInfo.label.Equals( "SCSI Controller 0")) { ckey = test[k].key; } } if (ckey == -1) { int diskCtlrKey = 1; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiCtrlSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); scsiCtrlSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; scsiCtrlSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualLsiLogicController scsiCtrl = new VirtualLsiLogicController(); scsiCtrl.busNumber = 0; scsiCtrlSpec.device = scsiCtrl; scsiCtrl.key = diskCtlrKey; scsiCtrl.sharedBus = VirtualSCSISharing.physicalSharing; String ctlrType = scsiCtrl.GetType().Name; vdiskSpec.device.controllerKey = scsiCtrl.key; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] vdiskSpecArray = { scsiCtrlSpec, vdiskSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = vdiskSpecArray; } else { vdiskSpec.device.controllerKey = ckey; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] vdiskSpecArray = { vdiskSpec }; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = vdiskSpecArray; } } else { return; } } else if(deviceType.Equals("nic")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For NIC Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = getNICDeviceConfigSpec(); if(nicSpec != null) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec [] nicSpecArray = {nicSpec}; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange=nicSpecArray; } else { return; } } else if(deviceType.Equals("cd")) { Console.WriteLine("Reconfiguring The Virtual Machine For CD Update " + cb.get_option("vmname")); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec cdSpec = getCDDeviceConfigSpec(); if(cdSpec != null) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec [] cdSpecArray = {cdSpec}; vmConfigSpec.deviceChange=cdSpecArray; } else { return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invlaid device type [memory|cpu|disk|nic|cd]"); return; } ManagedObjectReference tmor = cb.getConnection()._service.ReconfigVM_Task( _virtualMachine, vmConfigSpec); monitorTask(tmor); }
public static void AddRam(this VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs, int ram) { vmcs.memoryMB = (ram > 0) ? ram * 1024 : 1024; vmcs.memoryMBSpecified = true; }
//id, feature (iso, net, boot, guest), label, value public async Task <Vm> ReconfigureVm(string id, string feature, string label, string newvalue) { await Connect(); int index = 0; if (int.TryParse(label, out index)) { label = ""; } Vm vm = _vmCache[id]; RetrievePropertiesResponse response = await _vim.RetrievePropertiesAsync( _props, FilterFactory.VmFilter(vm.AsVim(), "config")); ObjectContent[] oc = response.returnval; VirtualMachineConfigInfo config = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oc[0].GetProperty("config"); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); switch (feature) { case "iso": VirtualCdrom cdrom = (VirtualCdrom)((label.HasValue()) ? config.hardware.device.Where(o => o.deviceInfo.label == label).SingleOrDefault() : config.hardware.device.OfType <VirtualCdrom>().ToArray()[index]); if (cdrom != null) { if (cdrom.backing.GetType() != typeof(VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo)) { cdrom.backing = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo(); } ((VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo)cdrom.backing).fileName = newvalue; cdrom.connectable = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo { connected = true, startConnected = true }; vmcs.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { device = cdrom, operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit, operationSpecified = true } }; } break; case "net": case "eth": VirtualEthernetCard card = (VirtualEthernetCard)((label.HasValue()) ? config.hardware.device.Where(o => o.deviceInfo.label == label).SingleOrDefault() : config.hardware.device.OfType <VirtualEthernetCard>().ToArray()[index]); if (card != null) { if (newvalue.StartsWith("_none_")) { card.connectable = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo() { connected = false, startConnected = false, }; } else { _netman.UpdateEthernetCardBacking(card, newvalue); card.connectable.connected = true; } vmcs.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { device = card, operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit, operationSpecified = true } }; } break; case "boot": int delay = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(newvalue, out delay)) { vmcs.AddBootOption(delay); } break; case "guest": if (newvalue.HasValue() && !newvalue.EndsWith("\n")) { newvalue += "\n"; } vmcs.annotation = config.annotation + newvalue; if (vm.State == VmPowerState.Running && vmcs.annotation.HasValue()) { vmcs.AddGuestInfo(Regex.Split(vmcs.annotation, "\r\n|\r|\n")); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid change request."); //break; } ManagedObjectReference task = await _vim.ReconfigVM_TaskAsync(vm.AsVim(), vmcs); TaskInfo info = await WaitForVimTask(task); if (info.state == TaskInfoState.error) { throw new Exception(info.error.localizedMessage); } return(await GetVirtualMachine(vm.AsVim())); }
public VirtualMachineConfigSpec createVmConfigSpec(String vmName, String datastoreName, int diskSizeMB, ManagedObjectReference computeResMor, ManagedObjectReference hostMor) { ConfigTarget configTarget = getConfigTargetForHost(computeResMor, hostMor); VirtualDevice[] defaultDevices = getDefaultDevices(computeResMor, hostMor); VirtualMachineConfigSpec configSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); String networkName = null; if ( != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { VirtualMachineNetworkInfo netInfo =[i]; NetworkSummary netSummary =; if (netSummary.accessible) { networkName =; break; } } } ManagedObjectReference datastoreRef = null; if (datastoreName != null) { Boolean flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < configTarget.datastore.Length; i++) { VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo vdsInfo = configTarget.datastore[i]; DatastoreSummary dsSummary = vdsInfo.datastore; if ( { flag = true; if (dsSummary.accessible) { datastoreName =; datastoreRef = dsSummary.datastore; } else { throw new Exception("Specified Datastore is not accessible"); } break; } } if (!flag) { throw new Exception("Specified Datastore is not Found"); } } else { Boolean flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < configTarget.datastore.Length; i++) { VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo vdsInfo = configTarget.datastore[i]; DatastoreSummary dsSummary = vdsInfo.datastore; if (dsSummary.accessible) { datastoreName =; datastoreRef = dsSummary.datastore; flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { throw new Exception("No Datastore found on host"); } } String datastoreVolume = getVolumeName(datastoreName); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmfi = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); vmfi.vmPathName = datastoreVolume; configSpec.files = vmfi; // Add a scsi controller int diskCtlrKey = 1; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiCtrlSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); scsiCtrlSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; scsiCtrlSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualLsiLogicController scsiCtrl = new VirtualLsiLogicController(); scsiCtrl.busNumber = 0; scsiCtrlSpec.device = scsiCtrl; scsiCtrl.key = diskCtlrKey; scsiCtrl.sharedBus = VirtualSCSISharing.noSharing; String ctlrType = scsiCtrl.GetType().Name; // Find the IDE controller VirtualDevice ideCtlr = null; for (int di = 0; di < defaultDevices.Length; di++) { if (defaultDevices[di].GetType().Name.Equals("VirtualIDEController")) { ideCtlr = defaultDevices[di]; break; } } // Add a floppy VirtualDeviceConfigSpec floppySpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); floppySpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; floppySpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualFloppy floppy = new VirtualFloppy(); VirtualFloppyDeviceBackingInfo flpBacking = new VirtualFloppyDeviceBackingInfo(); flpBacking.deviceName = "/dev/fd0"; floppy.backing = flpBacking; floppy.key = 3; floppySpec.device = floppy; // Add a cdrom based on a physical device VirtualDeviceConfigSpec cdSpec = null; if (ideCtlr != null) { cdSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); cdSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; cdSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualCdrom cdrom = new VirtualCdrom(); VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo cdDeviceBacking = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo(); cdDeviceBacking.datastore = datastoreRef; cdDeviceBacking.fileName = datastoreVolume + "testcd.iso"; cdrom.backing = cdDeviceBacking; cdrom.key = 20; cdrom.controllerKey = ideCtlr.key; cdrom.controllerKeySpecified = true; cdrom.unitNumberSpecified = true; cdrom.unitNumber = 0; cdSpec.device = cdrom; } // Create a new disk - file based - for the vm VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskSpec = null; diskSpec = createVirtualDisk(datastoreName, diskCtlrKey, datastoreRef, diskSizeMB); // Add a NIC. the network Name must be set as the device name to create the NIC. VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); if (networkName != null) { nicSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; nicSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualEthernetCard nic = new VirtualPCNet32(); VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo nicBacking = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); nicBacking.deviceName = networkName; nic.addressType = "generated"; nic.backing = nicBacking; nic.key = 4; nicSpec.device = nic; } var deviceConfigSpec = new List <VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>(); deviceConfigSpec.Add(scsiCtrlSpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(floppySpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(diskSpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(nicSpec); if (ideCtlr != null) { deviceConfigSpec.Add(cdSpec); } configSpec.deviceChange = deviceConfigSpec.ToArray(); return(configSpec); }
public async Task <TaskInfo> ReconfigureVm(Guid id, Feature feature, string label, string newvalue) { VirtualMachine machine = await GetMachineById(id); ManagedObjectReference vmReference = machine.Reference; VirtualDevice[] devices = machine.Devices; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmcs = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); switch (feature) { case Feature.iso: VirtualCdrom cdrom = (VirtualCdrom)((label.HasValue()) ? devices.Where(o => o.deviceInfo.label == label).SingleOrDefault() : devices.OfType <VirtualCdrom>().FirstOrDefault()); if (cdrom != null) { if (cdrom.backing.GetType() != typeof(VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo)) { cdrom.backing = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo(); } ((VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo)cdrom.backing).datastore = (await GetDatastoreByName(_options.DsName)).Reference; ((VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo)cdrom.backing).fileName = newvalue; cdrom.connectable = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo { connected = true, startConnected = true }; vmcs.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { device = cdrom, operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit, operationSpecified = true } }; } break; case case Feature.eth: VirtualEthernetCard card = (VirtualEthernetCard)((label.HasValue()) ? devices.Where(o => o.deviceInfo.label == label).SingleOrDefault() : devices.OfType <VirtualEthernetCard>().FirstOrDefault()); if (card != null) { Network network = _connectionService.GetNetworkByName(newvalue); if (network.IsDistributed) { card.backing = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo { port = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection { portgroupKey = network.Reference, switchUuid = network.SwitchId } }; } else { card.backing = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo { deviceName = newvalue }; } //if (card.backing is VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo) // ((VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo)card.backing).deviceName = newvalue; //if (card.backing is VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo) // ((VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo)card.backing).port.portgroupKey = newvalue; card.connectable = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo() { connected = true, startConnected = true, }; vmcs.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { device = card, operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit, operationSpecified = true } }; } break; case Feature.boot: int delay = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(newvalue, out delay)) { vmcs.AddBootOption(delay); } break; //case Feature.guest: // if (newvalue.HasValue() && !newvalue.EndsWith("\n")) // newvalue += "\n"; // vmcs.annotation = config.annotation + newvalue; // if (vm.State == VmPowerState.running && vmcs.annotation.HasValue()) // vmcs.AddGuestInfo(Regex.Split(vmcs.annotation, "\r\n|\r|\n")); // break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid change request."); //break; } ManagedObjectReference task = await _client.ReconfigVM_TaskAsync(vmReference, vmcs); TaskInfo info = await WaitForVimTask(task); if (info.state == TaskInfoState.error) { throw new Exception(info.error.localizedMessage); } return(info); }
public byte[] SerializeVMConfig(object vmConfig) { var sourceConfig = vmConfig as VirtualMachineConfigInfo; if (sourceConfig == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(vmConfig)} must be of type VirtualMachineConfigInfo"); } var configSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec { name =, version = sourceConfig.version, guestId = sourceConfig.guestId, alternateGuestName = sourceConfig.alternateGuestName, files = sourceConfig.files, tools =, flags = sourceConfig.flags, consolePreferences = null, powerOpInfo = sourceConfig.defaultPowerOps, numCPUs = sourceConfig.hardware.numCPU, memoryMB = sourceConfig.hardware.memoryMB, cpuHotAddEnabled = sourceConfig.cpuHotAddEnabled, memoryHotAddEnabled = sourceConfig.memoryHotAddEnabled, numCoresPerSocket = sourceConfig.hardware.numCoresPerSocket, cpuFeatureMask = sourceConfig.cpuFeatureMask.Select(info => new VirtualMachineCpuIdInfoSpec { operation = ArrayUpdateOperation.add, info = info }).ToArray(), deviceChange = sourceConfig.hardware.device.Where( device => !( device is VirtualIDEController || device is VirtualPS2Controller || device is VirtualPCIController || device is VirtualSIOController || device is VirtualMachineVMCIDevice || device is VirtualKeyboard || device is VirtualPointingDevice ) ).Select( device => new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add, device = device, }).ToArray(), cpuAllocation = sourceConfig.cpuAllocation, memoryAllocation = sourceConfig.memoryAllocation, cpuAffinity = null, memoryAffinity = null, networkShaper = null, bootOptions = null }; byte[] result = null; using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var zippedStream = new DeflateStream(memStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) using (var writeStream = new StreamWriter(zippedStream)) { writeStream.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configSpec)); } result = memStream.ToArray(); } return(result); }
public VirtualMachineConfigSpec createVmConfigSpec(String vmName, String datastoreName, int diskSizeMB, ManagedObjectReference computeResMor, ManagedObjectReference hostMor) { ConfigTarget configTarget = getConfigTargetForHost(computeResMor, hostMor); VirtualDevice[] defaultDevices = getDefaultDevices(computeResMor, hostMor); VirtualMachineConfigSpec configSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); String networkName = null; if ( != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { VirtualMachineNetworkInfo netInfo =[i]; NetworkSummary netSummary =; if (netSummary.accessible) { networkName =; break; } } } ManagedObjectReference datastoreRef = null; if (datastoreName != null) { Boolean flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < configTarget.datastore.Length; i++) { VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo vdsInfo = configTarget.datastore[i]; DatastoreSummary dsSummary = vdsInfo.datastore; if ( { flag = true; if (dsSummary.accessible) { datastoreName =; datastoreRef = dsSummary.datastore; } else { throw new Exception("Specified Datastore is not accessible"); } break; } } if (!flag) { throw new Exception("Specified Datastore is not Found"); } } else { Boolean flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < configTarget.datastore.Length; i++) { VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo vdsInfo = configTarget.datastore[i]; DatastoreSummary dsSummary = vdsInfo.datastore; if (dsSummary.accessible) { datastoreName =; datastoreRef = dsSummary.datastore; flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { throw new Exception("No Datastore found on host"); } } String datastoreVolume = getVolumeName(datastoreName); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmfi = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); vmfi.vmPathName = datastoreVolume; configSpec.files = vmfi; // Add a scsi controller int diskCtlrKey = 1; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiCtrlSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); scsiCtrlSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; scsiCtrlSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualLsiLogicController scsiCtrl = new VirtualLsiLogicController(); scsiCtrl.busNumber = 0; scsiCtrlSpec.device = scsiCtrl; scsiCtrl.key = diskCtlrKey; scsiCtrl.sharedBus = VirtualSCSISharing.noSharing; String ctlrType = scsiCtrl.GetType().Name; // Find the IDE controller VirtualDevice ideCtlr = null; for (int di = 0; di < defaultDevices.Length; di++) { if (defaultDevices[di].GetType().Name.Equals("VirtualIDEController")) { ideCtlr = defaultDevices[di]; break; } } // Add a floppy VirtualDeviceConfigSpec floppySpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); floppySpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; floppySpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualFloppy floppy = new VirtualFloppy(); VirtualFloppyDeviceBackingInfo flpBacking = new VirtualFloppyDeviceBackingInfo(); flpBacking.deviceName = "/dev/fd0"; floppy.backing = flpBacking; floppy.key = 3; floppySpec.device = floppy; // Add a cdrom based on a physical device VirtualDeviceConfigSpec cdSpec = null; if (ideCtlr != null) { cdSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); cdSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; cdSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualCdrom cdrom = new VirtualCdrom(); VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo cdDeviceBacking = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo(); cdDeviceBacking.datastore = datastoreRef; cdDeviceBacking.fileName = datastoreVolume + "testcd.iso"; cdrom.backing = cdDeviceBacking; cdrom.key = 20; cdrom.controllerKey = ideCtlr.key; cdrom.controllerKeySpecified = true; cdrom.unitNumberSpecified = true; cdrom.unitNumber = 0; cdSpec.device = cdrom; } // Create a new disk - file based - for the vm VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskSpec = null; diskSpec = createVirtualDisk(datastoreName, diskCtlrKey, datastoreRef, diskSizeMB); // Add a NIC. the network Name must be set as the device name to create the NIC. VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); if (networkName != null) { nicSpec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; nicSpec.operationSpecified = true; VirtualEthernetCard nic = new VirtualPCNet32(); VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo nicBacking = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); nicBacking.deviceName = networkName; nic.addressType = "generated"; nic.backing = nicBacking; nic.key = 4; nicSpec.device = nic; } var deviceConfigSpec = new List<VirtualDeviceConfigSpec>(); deviceConfigSpec.Add(scsiCtrlSpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(floppySpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(diskSpec); deviceConfigSpec.Add(nicSpec); if (ideCtlr != null) { deviceConfigSpec.Add(cdSpec); } configSpec.deviceChange = deviceConfigSpec.ToArray(); return configSpec; }
/// <summary> /// Reconfig the virtual machine. /// </summary> private void reconfigVirtualMachine() { Console.WriteLine("ReConfigure The Virtual Machine .........."); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); vmFileInfo.logDirectory = "["+getDataStore()+"]"+getVmName(); vmFileInfo.snapshotDirectory= "["+getDataStore()+"]"+getVmName(); vmFileInfo.suspendDirectory= "["+getDataStore()+"]"+getVmName(); vmFileInfo.vmPathName= "["+getDataStore() +"]"+getVmName()+"/"+getVmName()+".vmx"; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmConfigSpec.files =vmFileInfo; ManagedObjectReference taskmor = _service.ReconfigVM_Task( getVmMor(getVmName()),vmConfigSpec); Object[] result = cb.getServiceUtil().WaitForValues( taskmor, new String[] { "info.state", "info.error" }, new String[] { "state" }, new Object[][] { new Object[] { TaskInfoState.success, TaskInfoState.error }} ); if (result[0].Equals(TaskInfoState.success)) { Console.WriteLine("ReConfigure The Virtual Machine .......... Done"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Some Exception While Reconfiguring The VM " + result[0]); } }
public void DeployAndConnectIso( string localPath, string remotePath ) { UploadArtifact( localPath, remotePath ); _vm.UpdateViewData(); VirtualCdrom cd = _vm.Config.Hardware.Device.FirstOrDefault( d => d is VirtualCdrom ) as VirtualCdrom; if ( cd == null ) { throw new ApplicationException( "CD is null" ); } VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo newBacking = new VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo { FileName = string.Format( "[{0}] {1}", _vmWareConfiguration.DataStoreName, remotePath ) }; cd.Backing = newBacking; cd.Connectable.StartConnected = true; cd.Connectable.Connected = true; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec { Device = cd, Operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit }; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec { DeviceChange = new[] {deviceSpec} }; _vm.ReconfigVM( vmSpec ); }
private void createVM() { _service = cb.getConnection()._service; String dcName = cb.get_option("datacentername"); ManagedObjectReference dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", dcName); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter " + dcName + " not found."); return; } try { ManagedObjectReference hfmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetMoRefProp(dcmor, "hostFolder"); ArrayList crmors = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRefs(hfmor, "ComputeResource", null); String hostName = cb.get_option("hostname"); ManagedObjectReference hostmor; if (hostName != null) { hostmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(hfmor, "HostSystem", hostName); if (hostmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Host " + hostName + " not found"); return; } } else { hostmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetFirstDecendentMoRef(dcmor, "HostSystem"); } ManagedObjectReference crmor = null; hostName = (String)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "name"); for (int i = 0; i < crmors.Count; i++) { ManagedObjectReference[] hrmors = (ManagedObjectReference[])cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty((ManagedObjectReference)crmors[i], "host"); if (hrmors != null && hrmors.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < hrmors.Length; j++) { String hname = (String)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hrmors[j], "name"); if (hname.Equals(hostName)) { crmor = (ManagedObjectReference)crmors[i]; i = crmors.Count + 1; j = hrmors.Length + 1; } } } } if (crmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Compute Resource Found On Specified Host"); return; } ManagedObjectReference resourcePool = cb.getServiceUtil().GetMoRefProp(crmor, "resourcePool"); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderMor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetMoRefProp(dcmor, "vmFolder"); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = vmUtils.createVmConfigSpec(cb.get_option("vmname"), cb.get_option("datastorename"), int.Parse(cb.get_option("disksize")), crmor, hostmor); = cb.get_option("vmname"); vmConfigSpec.annotation = "VirtualMachine Annotation"; vmConfigSpec.memoryMB = (long)(int.Parse(cb.get_option("memorysize"))); vmConfigSpec.memoryMBSpecified = true; vmConfigSpec.numCPUs = int.Parse(cb.get_option("cpucount")); vmConfigSpec.numCPUsSpecified = true; vmConfigSpec.guestId = (cb.get_option("guestosid")); ManagedObjectReference taskmor = _service.CreateVM_Task( vmFolderMor, vmConfigSpec, resourcePool, hostmor ); String res = cb.getServiceUtil().WaitForTask(taskmor); if (res.Equals("sucess")) { Console.WriteLine("Virtual Machine Created Sucessfully"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Virtual Machine could not be created. "); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); } }