public String totalCount(List <OrderDetails> panier) { decimal total = 0; decimal sousTotal; foreach (OrderDetails od in panier) { if (od.IdProduit.Substring(0, 2) == "01") { Alcool prod = lireAlcoolSpecifique(od.IdProduit); sousTotal = prod.PrixUnitaire * od.Quantity; total += sousTotal; } else if (od.IdProduit.Substring(0, 2) == "00") { Vin prod = lireVinSpecifique(od.IdProduit); sousTotal = prod.PrixUnitaire * od.Quantity; total += sousTotal; } else if (od.IdProduit.Substring(0, 2) == "02") { Chemise prod = lireChemiseSpecifique(od.IdProduit); sousTotal = prod.PrixUnitaire * od.Quantity; total += sousTotal; } } total = System.Math.Round(total, 2); return(total.ToString()); }
public void OnGet() { Name = "this"; if (Request.Query["id"].Count >= 1) { ClientID = Request.Query["id"].ToString(); } AppraisalsContext context = new AppraisalsContext(";port=3306;database=Appraisals;user=aapreferred;password=FiftyMillion%%01;"); if (ClientID != string.Empty && ClientID != null) { _report = context.getReport(ClientID); = context.getPhotoByClientID(ClientID); if ( != null) { VinDecoded = decodeVIN(; } string test = string.Empty; } else { _report = context.getReport("a07ba482-2551-445a-977a-9a4d86bfa0c4"); = context.getPhotoByClientID("a07ba482-2551-445a-977a-9a4d86bfa0c4"); VinDecoded = new Vin(); } }
public Vin decodeVIN(string VIN) { Vin decodedVehicleVINInfo = new Vin(); try { var uri = new Uri(string.Format("" + VIN + "?format=json", string.Empty)); HttpClient aapHttpClient = new HttpClient() { MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 2147483647, Timeout = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 15) // 15 second timeout }; HttpResponseMessage response = null; response = aapHttpClient.GetAsync(uri).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var vResponseContent = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; decodedVehicleVINInfo = Vin.FromJson(vResponseContent); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Error creating new customer " + ex.Message.ToString(), "OK"); } return(decodedVehicleVINInfo); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Brand.Length != 0) { hash ^= Brand.GetHashCode(); } if (Channel.Length != 0) { hash ^= Channel.GetHashCode(); } if (Authorization.Length != 0) { hash ^= Authorization.GetHashCode(); } if (Vin.Length != 0) { hash ^= Vin.GetHashCode(); } if (RequestId.Length != 0) { hash ^= RequestId.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public void TransportCountryTest() { Assert.True(Vin.GetVINCountry("52111111111111111") == "США"); Assert.True(Vin.GetVINCountry("TZ111111111111111") == "Португалия"); Assert.True(Vin.GetVINCountry("89111111111111111") == "unknown country"); Assert.True(Vin.GetVINCountry("TM111111111111111") == "Чехия"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutVin([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] Vin vin) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != vin.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(vin).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!VinExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public override int ExecuterRequete(SqlConnection sqlConn) { SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("LireVinSpecifiqueWeb", sqlConn); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@numVin", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = IdVin; SqlDataReader sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (sqlReader.Read() == true) { v = new Vin(Convert.ToString(sqlReader["idProduit"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["nomVin"]), Convert.ToDecimal(sqlReader["prixUnitaire"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["typeVin"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["saveur"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["provenanceVin"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["maturation"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["millesime"]), Convert.ToInt32(sqlReader["stockVin"]), Convert.ToString(sqlReader["imageVin"])); } sqlReader.Close(); return((v != null) ? 1 : 0); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Nom,Description,Type,Millesime,Volume,Image,CouleurId,PaysId,RegionId,CaveId,Quantite")] Vin vin, int[] AlimentsId, int?Parent) { if (id != vin.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (Parent != null) { vin.CaveId = Parent.Value; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(vin); var vinaliments = await _context.VinAlments.Where(va => va.VinId == vin.Id).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(); _context.VinAlments.RemoveRange(vinaliments); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); foreach (int aliment in AlimentsId) { _context.Add(new VinAliment { VinId = vin.Id, AlimentId = aliment }); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!VinExists(vin.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } if (Parent != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Caves", new { id = Parent, Area = "BackOffice" })); } else { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } ViewBag.Parent = Parent; ViewBag.Caves = new SelectList(await _context.Caves.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom"); ViewBag.Couleurs = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Couleurs.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.CouleurId); ViewBag.Pays = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Pays.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.PaysId); ViewBag.Regions = new SelectList(await _context.Regions.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.RegionId); ViewBag.Aliments = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Aliments.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom"); ViewBag.VinAliments = await _context.VinAlments.Where(va => va.VinId == vin.Id).AsNoTracking().Select(va => va.AlimentId).ToListAsync(); return(View(vin)); }
public void TestVinToString() { var testVinValue = "3N1CN7AP0GL861987"; var testSubject = new Vin { Value = testVinValue }; Assert.AreEqual(testVinValue, testSubject.ToString()); }
public void TestGetRandoManufacturerId() { var testResult = Vin.GetRandomManufacturerId(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", testResult.Item1, testResult.Item2)); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult.Item1); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(testResult.Item2)); }
private void clear_butt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { R1.Clear(); Vin.Clear(); Vout.Clear(); MaxPower.Clear(); R1Val.Clear(); R2Val.Clear(); }
public bool Equals(PsaTrace another) { if (Vin.Equals(another.Vin, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && Date == another.Date) { return(true); } return(false); }
public async Task GetTaskAsync_Verbose_ReturnsTransactionVerboseModelAsync() { this.chainState.Setup(c => c.ConsensusTip) .Returns(this.chain.Tip); ChainedHeader block = this.chain.GetBlock(1); Transaction transaction = this.CreateTransaction(); var txId = new uint256(12142124); this.pooledTransaction.Setup(p => p.GetTransaction(txId)) .ReturnsAsync(transaction); var blockStore = new Mock <IBlockStore>(); blockStore.Setup(b => b.GetTrxBlockIdAsync(txId)) .ReturnsAsync(block.HashBlock); this.fullNode.Setup(f => f.NodeFeature <IBlockStore>(false)) .Returns(blockStore.Object); this.controller = new NodeController(this.fullNode.Object, this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.dateTimeProvider.Object, this.chainState.Object, this.nodeSettings, this.connectionManager.Object, this.chain,, this.pooledTransaction.Object, this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Object, this.getUnspentTransaction.Object, this.networkDifficulty.Object); string txid = txId.ToString(); bool verbose = true; var json = (JsonResult)await this.controller.GetRawTransactionAsync(txid, verbose).ConfigureAwait(false); var resultModel = (TransactionVerboseModel)json.Value; Assert.NotNull(resultModel); var model = Assert.IsType <TransactionVerboseModel>(resultModel); Assert.Equal(transaction.GetHash().ToString(), model.TxId); Assert.Equal(transaction.GetSerializedSize(), model.Size); Assert.Equal(transaction.Version, model.Version); Assert.Equal((uint)transaction.LockTime, model.LockTime); Assert.Equal(transaction.ToHex(), model.Hex); Assert.Equal(block.HashBlock.ToString(), model.BlockHash); Assert.Equal(3, model.Confirmations); Assert.Equal(Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(block.Header.BlockTime), model.Time); Assert.Equal(Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(block.Header.BlockTime), model.BlockTime); Assert.NotEmpty(model.VIn); Vin input = model.VIn[0]; var expectedInput = new Vin(transaction.Inputs[0].PrevOut, transaction.Inputs[0].Sequence, transaction.Inputs[0].ScriptSig); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.Coinbase, input.Coinbase); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.ScriptSig, input.ScriptSig); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.Sequence, input.Sequence); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.TxId, input.TxId); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.VOut, input.VOut); Assert.NotEmpty(model.VOut); Vout output = model.VOut[0]; var expectedOutput = new Vout(0, transaction.Outputs[0],; Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.Value, output.Value); Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.N, output.N); Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.ScriptPubKey.Hex, output.ScriptPubKey.Hex); }
TransactionInput GetTransactionInput(Vin transactionInput, string txid, int index) { string coinbase = transactionInput.CoinBase; string txidOut = transactionInput.TxId; long indexOut = Convert.ToInt32(transactionInput.Vout); string sAddress = ""; decimal sValue = 0; TransactionInput result = new TransactionInput(); if (coinbase != null) { txidOut = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; sAddress = "0000000000000000000000000000000000"; } else if (txidOut == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") { indexOut = 0; sAddress = "0000000000000000000000000000000001"; } else { string selectString = "SELECT [Address], [Value] FROM [TransactionOutput] WHERE [Txid] = '" + txidOut + "' AND [Index] = " + indexOut; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(selectString, conn)) { try { conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader dr = comm.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { sAddress = dr["Address"].ToString(); sValue = decimal.Parse(dr["Value"].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("SQL Error" + ex.Message); throw; } } } } result.TxidIn = txid; result.IndexIn = index; result.TxidOut = txidOut; result.IndexOut = Convert.ToInt32(indexOut); result.Address = sAddress; result.Value = sValue; return(result); }
public async Task GetTaskAsync_Verbose_ReturnsTransactionVerboseModelAsync() { // Add the 'txindex' setting, otherwise the transactions won't be found. this.nodeSettings.ConfigReader.MergeInto(new TextFileConfiguration("-txindex=1")); this.chainState.Setup(c => c.ConsensusTip) .Returns(this.chain.Tip); ChainedHeader block = this.chain.GetHeader(1); Transaction transaction = this.CreateTransaction(); var txId = new uint256(12142124); this.pooledTransaction.Setup(p => p.GetTransaction(txId)) .ReturnsAsync(transaction); this.blockStore.Setup(b => b.GetBlockIdByTransactionId(txId)) .Returns(block.HashBlock); this.controller = new FullNodeController(this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.pooledTransaction.Object, this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Object, this.getUnspentTransaction.Object, this.networkDifficulty.Object, this.fullNode.Object, this.nodeSettings,, this.chain, this.chainState.Object, this.connectionManager.Object, this.consensusManager.Object, this.blockStore.Object); TransactionModel result = await this.controller.GetRawTransactionAsync(txId.ToString(), true).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.NotNull(result); var model = Assert.IsType <TransactionVerboseModel>(result); Assert.Equal(transaction.GetHash().ToString(), model.TxId); Assert.Equal(transaction.GetSerializedSize(), model.Size); Assert.Equal(transaction.Version, model.Version); Assert.Equal((uint)transaction.LockTime, model.LockTime); Assert.Equal(transaction.ToHex(), model.Hex); Assert.Equal(block.HashBlock.ToString(), model.BlockHash); Assert.Equal(3, model.Confirmations); Assert.Equal(Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(block.Header.BlockTime), model.Time); Assert.Equal(Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(block.Header.BlockTime), model.BlockTime); Assert.NotEmpty(model.VIn); Vin input = model.VIn[0]; var expectedInput = new Vin(transaction.Inputs[0].PrevOut, transaction.Inputs[0].Sequence, transaction.Inputs[0].ScriptSig); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.Coinbase, input.Coinbase); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.ScriptSig, input.ScriptSig); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.Sequence, input.Sequence); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.TxId, input.TxId); Assert.Equal(expectedInput.VOut, input.VOut); Assert.NotEmpty(model.VOut); Vout output = model.VOut[0]; var expectedOutput = new Vout(0, transaction.Outputs[0],; Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.Value, output.Value); Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.N, output.N); Assert.Equal(expectedOutput.ScriptPubKey.Hex, output.ScriptPubKey.Hex); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostVin([FromBody] Vin vin) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } _context.Vins.Add(vin); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetVin", new { id = vin.Id }, vin)); }
public void TestGetModelYearYyyy() { var testVinValue = "3N1CN7AP0GL861987"; var testSubject = new Vin { Value = testVinValue }; var testResult = testSubject.GetModelYearYyyy(); Assert.AreEqual(2016, testResult); }
public void TestVINClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Vin.IsValid(VINNumber.Text) == false) { DisplayAlert("Vin Number", "VIN number is not valid", "Ok"); } else { Year.Text = Vin.GetModelYear(VINNumber.Text).ToString(); Manufacturer.SelectedItem = Vin.GetWorldManufacturer(VINNumber.Text); } }
public void VimCorrectnessTest() { Assert.False(Vin.CheckVIN("1234567890ZQROOI0")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("12340723423423423")); Assert.False(Vin.CheckVIN("123407234234234X3")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("JH4KB16535L011820")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("WBABJ7326WEA15710")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("KLAJB82Z2XK338143")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("WVWHV7AJ0AW084467")); Assert.False(Vin.CheckVIN("KLAVA6928XdB203010")); Assert.False(Vin.CheckVIN("ZZZVA6928XB203ZZZ")); Assert.True(Vin.CheckVIN("4Y1SL65848Z411439")); }
public void TestVinEquality() { var testVinValue = "3N1CN7AP0GL861987"; var testSubject = new Vin { Value = testVinValue }; var compareTest = new Vin { Value = testVinValue }; Assert.IsTrue(testSubject.Equals(compareTest)); }
public Vin lireVinSpecifique(string idProduit) { Vin a = new Vin(); try { a = coucheAccesBD.lireVinSpecifique(idProduit); } catch (Exception) { throw new ExceptionMetier("Il n'y a pas d'alcool avec cet id dans la db."); } return(a); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (appraisalDate != null) { appraisalDate.Dispose(); appraisalDate = null; } if (ContainerView != null) { ContainerView.Dispose(); ContainerView = null; } if (Mileage != null) { Mileage.Dispose(); Mileage = null; } if (sacComment != null) { sacComment.Dispose(); sacComment = null; } if (SacCommentsWidth != null) { SacCommentsWidth.Dispose(); SacCommentsWidth = null; } if (Trim != null) { Trim.Dispose(); Trim = null; } if (Vin != null) { Vin.Dispose(); Vin = null; } if (YearMakeModel != null) { YearMakeModel.Dispose(); YearMakeModel = null; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostVinByCaveId([FromRoute] int caveid, [FromBody] Vin vin) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (caveid != vin.CaveId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Vins.Add(vin); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetVinByCaveId", new { caveid = vin.CaveId, id = vin.Id }, vin)); }
private void lvBouteilles_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (lvCaves.SelectedItem != null && lvBouteilles.SelectedItem != null) { Vin vinTrouve = gstCaves.LesCaves[lvCaves.SelectedItem as string].Find(bouteille => bouteille.IdBouteille == (lvBouteilles.SelectedItem as Bouteille).IdBouteille).LeVin; txtMillesime.Text = vinTrouve.MillesimeVin.ToString(); txtNomCepage.Text = vinTrouve.LeCepage.NomCepage; txtCouleur.Text = vinTrouve.LaCouleur.NomCouleur; txtPrix.Text = vinTrouve.PrixDuVin.ToString(); } else { txtMillesime.Text = ""; txtNomCepage.Text = ""; txtCouleur.Text = ""; txtPrix.Text = ""; } }
public void TestGetChkDigit() { var testSubject = new Vin { Wmi = new WorldManufacturerId { Country = '1', RegionMaker = '1', VehicleType = '1' }, Vds = new VehicleDescription { Four = '1', Five = '1', Six = '1', Seven = '1', Eight = '1' }, Vis = new VehicleIdSection { ModelYear = '1', PlantCode = '1', SequentialNumber = "111111" } }; var testREsult = testSubject.GetCheckDigit(); Assert.AreEqual('1', testREsult); }
public HitForm(string[] hit_info) { InitializeComponent(); int[] colors = new int[4] { 255, 128, 128, 128 }; string tmp = ""; try { tmp = hit_info[2].Replace("Color [", "").Replace("]", ""); string[] colors_temp = tmp.Split(','); colors[0] = int.Parse(colors_temp[0].Replace("A=", "").Replace(",", "")); colors[1] = int.Parse(colors_temp[1].Replace("R=", "").Replace(",", "")); colors[2] = int.Parse(colors_temp[2].Replace("G=", "").Replace(",", "")); colors[3] = int.Parse(colors_temp[3].Replace("B=", "").Replace(",", "")); } catch (Exception ex) { } label_database.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2], colors[3]); label_database.Text = hit_info[8]; label_vrm.Text = hit_info[13]; label_field1.Text = hit_info[3]; label_field2.Text = hit_info[4]; label_field3.Text = hit_info[5]; label_field4.Text = hit_info[6]; label_field5.Text = hit_info[7]; label_make.Text = Vin.GetWorldManufacturer(hit_info[3]); label_model.Text = Vin.GetModelYear(hit_info[3]).ToString(); label_information.Text = hit_info[8]; try { System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(@"sounds\Siren.wav"); player.Play(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public override string ToString() { var engine_code = (EngineCode?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", EngineCode) : ""; var version = (Version?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Version) : ""; var engine_capacity = (EngineCapacity?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", EngineCapacity) : ""; var vin = (Vin?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Vin) : ""; var engine_power = (EnginePower?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", EnginePower) : ""; var gearbox = (Gearbox?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Gearbox) : ""; var transmission = (Transmission?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Transmission) : ""; var door_count = (DoorCount?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", DoorCount) : ""; var nr_seats = (NrSeats?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", NrSeats) : ""; var color = (Color?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Color) : ""; var registration = (Registration?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Registration) : ""; //var features = (Features?.Any() ?? false) ? string.Join(",", Features) : ""; return string.Format("ID: " + AdId + "\nCena: " + PriceRaw + "\nTytul: " + Title + "\nOferta od: " + PrivateBusiness + "\nKategoria: " + Category + "\nWojewodztwo: " + Region + "\nMiasto: " + City + "\nMarka pojazdu: " + Make + "\nModel pojazdu: " + Model + "\nKod silnika: " + engine_code + "\nWersja: " + version + "\nRok produkcji: " + Year + "\nPrzebieg: " + Mileage + "\nPojemnosc skokowa: " + engine_capacity + "\nVin: " + vin + "\nRodzaj paliwa: " + FuelType + "\nMoc: " + engine_power + "\nSkrzynia biegow: " + gearbox + "\nNaped: " + transmission + "\nTyp: " + BodyType + "\nLiczba drzwi: " + door_count + "\nLiczba miejsc: " + nr_seats + "\nKolor: " + color + "\nNumer rejestracyjny pojazdu: " + registration //+ //"\nWyposazenie: " + features ); }
public void TestRandomVin() { for (var i = 0; i < 45; i++) { var testResult = Vin.RandomVin(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult); var testResultYear = testResult.GetModelYearYyyy(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResultYear); Assert.IsTrue(testResultYear.Value <= DateTime.Today.Year); } for (var i = 0; i < 45; i++) { var byYearTestResult = Vin.RandomVin(true, 2014); var testResultYear = byYearTestResult.GetModelYearYyyy(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResultYear); Assert.IsTrue(testResultYear.Value <= 2014); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", byYearTestResult.Value, byYearTestResult.Description, byYearTestResult.GetModelYearYyyy())); } }
public void TestVinSetValue() { var testVinValue = "3N1CN7AP0GL861987"; var testSubject = new Vin { Value = testVinValue }; Assert.AreEqual('3', testSubject.Wmi.Country); Assert.AreEqual('N', testSubject.Wmi.RegionMaker); Assert.AreEqual('1', testSubject.Wmi.VehicleType); Assert.AreEqual('C', testSubject.Vds.Four); Assert.AreEqual('N', testSubject.Vds.Five); Assert.AreEqual('7', testSubject.Vds.Six); Assert.AreEqual('A', testSubject.Vds.Seven); Assert.AreEqual('P', testSubject.Vds.Eight); Assert.AreEqual('G', testSubject.Vis.ModelYear); Assert.AreEqual('L', testSubject.Vis.PlantCode); Assert.AreEqual("861987", testSubject.Vis.SequentialNumber); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Nom,Description,Type,Millesime,Volume,Image,CouleurId,PaysId,RegionId,CaveId,Quantite")] Vin vin, int[] AlimentsId) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(vin); foreach (int aliment in AlimentsId) { _context.Add(new VinAliment { VinId = vin.Id, AlimentId = aliment }); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Caves")); } ViewBag.CaveId = vin.CaveId; ViewBag.Couleurs = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Couleurs.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.CouleurId); ViewBag.Pays = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Pays.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.PaysId); ViewBag.Regions = new SelectList(await _context.Regions.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom", vin.RegionId); ViewBag.Aliments = _localization.ApplyTranslateSelectList(await _context.Aliments.ToListAsync(), "Id", "Nom"); return(View(vin)); }
public Vehicle(Vin vin) { VinDetails = new VinDetails(); Vin = vin; VinDetails.SetModelYear(Vin.ModelCode, vin.Number[8]); }