Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, ViewModels.Forms.FormViewModel viewModel)
            // TODO : Cleanup - should probably wrap this in a transaction with rollback on
            // error from the SaveAs method of FileUpload

            Common.Models.Account.Users currentUser;
            Common.Models.Forms.Form    model, currentModel;

            currentUser = Data.Account.Users.Get(User.Identity.Name);

            currentModel = Data.Forms.Form.Get(viewModel.Id.Value);
            model        = Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Forms.Form>(viewModel);

            // Path is based on base path + id, so, during an edit, it should NEVER change under
            // the current model - May change in the future if versioning or something similar
            // is supported
            model.Path = currentModel.Path;

            model = Data.Forms.Form.Edit(model, currentUser);

            // Only overwrite is the user gave us a file to use, otherwise, keep
            // the existing file - user just wants to update the matter type
            if (viewModel.FileUpload != null && viewModel.FileUpload.ContentLength > 0)
            { // Posted file - overwrites existing

Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Create(ViewModels.Forms.FormViewModel viewModel)
            Common.Models.Account.Users currentUser;
            Common.Models.Forms.Form    model;

            currentUser = Data.Account.Users.Get(User.Identity.Name);

            model = Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Forms.Form>(viewModel);

            // File to upload is mandatory in creation, no file -> Fail

            if (viewModel.FileUpload == null || viewModel.FileUpload.ContentLength <= 0)
            { // NO FILE - FAIL
                ModelState.AddModelError("FileUpload", "File to upload is required");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Determine path

                // Create path if it does not exist - IIS may not like this if it does not have
                // the appropriate permissions
                // TODO : Error handling
                if (!Directory.Exists(Common.Settings.Manager.Instance.FileStorage.FormsPath))

                // Make sure the path ends with a directory separator character
                model.Path = Common.Settings.Manager.Instance.FileStorage.FormsPath;
                if (!model.Path.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) && !model.Path.EndsWith(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
                    model.Path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                // Must create in DB so that ID is known.

                // TODO : error checking, transaction rollback, etc.
                model = Data.Forms.Form.Create(model, currentUser);

                // Append ID then the extension (if present)
                model.Path += model.Id.Value.ToString();
                if (Path.HasExtension(viewModel.FileUpload.FileName))
                    model.Path += Path.GetExtension(viewModel.FileUpload.FileName);

                // Must update to update the path to pickup the file name
                model = Data.Forms.Form.Edit(model, currentUser);



Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Delete(int id, ViewModels.Forms.FormViewModel viewModel)
            Common.Models.Account.Users currentUser;
            Common.Models.Forms.Form    model;

            currentUser = Data.Account.Users.Get(User.Identity.Name);

            model = Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Forms.Form>(viewModel);

            model = Data.Forms.Form.Disable(model, currentUser);

            // Don't delete the file - in theory a system admin could enable this again
            // deleting file would leave a form in the DB without a corresponding file
