Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Create()
            //variable that will contain the Characters that are into the database
            var ch = db.Charas.ToList();
            //new Model to be possible represent the fks
            var model = new ViewModelCreateFilmePerso();

            //get the length necessary to put all the ids from the characters database
            model.idsCharacters = new int[db.Charas.Count()];
            //define characters list
            model.Listcharacters = ch;

            //variable that will contain the Directors that are into the database
            var dr = db.Directores.ToList();

            //get the length necessary to put all the ids from the Directors database
            model.idsDirectores = new int[db.Directores.Count()];
            //define Directors list
            model.ListDirectors = dr;

            //variable that will contain the Writers that are into the database
            var wr = db.Writers.ToList();

            //get the length necessary to put all the ids from the Writers database
            model.idsWriters = new int[db.Writers.Count()];
            //define Writers list
            model.ListWriters = wr;

Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Create(ViewModelCreateFilmePerso movie, HttpPostedFileBase photo, DateTime date, int valueButton)
            //-----valueButton  "exception"------

            if (valueButton == 1)
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Characters"));
            if (valueButton == 2)
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Directors"));
            if (valueButton == 3)
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Writers"));
            //new movie creation
            Movie newmovie = new Movie();
            //define the movie ID
            int newID;

            //if we have 0 ids then the id will be one
            if (db.Movies.Count() == 0)
                newID = 1;
                //the id will be the higher ID value plus One
                newID = db.Movies.Max(a => a.ID) + 1;

            //the id will be equals to the variable
            newmovie.ID = newID;

            //-----Lists inicialization ------ thats because the Lists are null and that will generate an error in the end----
            //characters List inicialization
            var chr = db.Charas.ToList();

            movie.Listcharacters = chr;

            //Directors list inicialization
            var drs = db.Directores.ToList();

            movie.ListDirectors = drs;

            //Writers list inicialization
            var wrs = db.Writers.ToList();

            movie.ListWriters = wrs;

            //This will verify the name, this statement is not necessary but in the begin an error occurred
            if (movie.Name == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Name not found");

            //define the photo Name
            string photoName = "MoviePhoto" + newID;

            //will define the photo path
            string pathPhoto = "";

            if (photo == null)
                movie.idsCharacters = new int[0];
                movie.idsDirectores = new int[0];
                movie.idsWriters    = new int[0];
                //photo cannot be null if that happens then this error will appear
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Image not found");
                if (photo.ContentType == "image/jpeg")
                    //the content needs to be jpeg if not the site will reject it
                    photoName           = photoName + ".jpg";
                    newmovie.Photograph = photoName;
                    pathPhoto           = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Multimedia/Filme/"), photoName);
                    movie.idsCharacters = new int[0];
                    movie.idsDirectores = new int[0];
                    movie.idsWriters    = new int[0];
                    //rejection of the photo
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid photo type");
            //--see if the following fks are selected

            if (movie.idsCharacters == null)
                movie.idsCharacters = new int[0];
                movie.idsDirectores = new int[0];
                movie.idsWriters    = new int[0];
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "No Characters selected ");

            if (movie.idsDirectores == null)
                movie.idsCharacters = new int[0];
                movie.idsDirectores = new int[0];
                movie.idsWriters    = new int[0];

                ModelState.AddModelError("", "No Directors selected ");
            if (movie.idsWriters == null)
                movie.idsCharacters = new int[0];
                movie.idsDirectores = new int[0];
                movie.idsWriters    = new int[0];

                ModelState.AddModelError("", "No Writers selected ");

            //-----Date validation------
            if (date == null)
                //if date equals Null then the an error will appear
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "no date defined");
                if (date > DateTime.Now)
                    //if date is not below today's date an error will appear
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid date");
                    //if not the movie receives the date value
                    newmovie.dataDePub = date;

            //----change the trailer
            //string that will contain the Trailer
            string verNumbTrailer = movie.Trailer;

            //if Trailer characters are less then 32 then the trailer is not from youtube
            if (verNumbTrailer.Length > 32)
                //var that will contain the trailer withou the youtube trailer reference
                var verTrailer = movie.Trailer.Substring(0, 32);
                //if the varTrailer is equals to the Trailer can be added
                if (verTrailer.Equals(""))
                    //trailers will be only from youtube so we replace the watch value to facilitate the user
                    newmovie.Trailer = movie.Trailer.Replace("/watch?v=", "/embed/");
                    //if not th trailler its not valid
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Trailer");
                //if not the trailer do not have even the length to be an youtube link
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Trailer thats not even from Youtube");
            //define movie rating this one will start at zero for default
            newmovie.Rating = 0;

            //---Lists Values atribution
            newmovie.CharactersList = new List <Characters> {
            //this foreach will find the characters based on FKS ids
            foreach (var ch in movie.idsCharacters.ToList())
                Characters charac = db.Charas.Find(ch);
                //add the Character to the Character List

            newmovie.DirectorList = new List <Director> {
            //this foreach will find the Directors based on FKS ids
            foreach (var ch in movie.idsDirectores.ToList())
                Director dir = db.Directores.Find(ch);
                //add the Director to the Directors List

            newmovie.WriterList = new List <Writer> {
            //this foreach will find the Writers based on FKS ids
            foreach (var ch in movie.idsWriters.ToList())
                Writer writer = db.Writers.Find(ch);

                //add the Writer to the Writer List

            //List (Comments,Rates) will be empty for defauult
            newmovie.Comments = new List <Comment> {
            newmovie.Rates    = new List <Rate> {

            //Synopse will not be verified
            newmovie.sinopse = movie.sinopse;
            //name attribution
            newmovie.Name = movie.Name;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Cover path
