public Dashboard() { InitializeComponent(); vm = (ViewModelClass)this.DataContext; //DataContext = Status; //DataContext = new VM_Dashboard(new MySimApp(new MytelnetClient())); }
public void ApplicationStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs args) { MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(); // Instantiate the main window mainWindow.ViewModel = ViewModelClass.GetInstance(mainWindow); // Get an instance of the ViewModel and set the View's ViewModel pointer mainWindow.Show(); // Now display the view }
public async Task TestAddingClass_Defaults() { DataItemClass c = new DataItemClass() { Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(), UpperIdentifier = base.CurrentSemesterId, Credits = 3, Name = "Math", Details = "", RawColor = ColorTools.GetArray(Colors.Red, 3) }; DataChanges changes = new DataChanges(); changes.Add(c); await base.DataStore.ProcessLocalChanges(changes); var viewModel = await ViewModelClass.LoadAsync(base.LocalAccountId, c.Identifier, DateTime.Today); var viewClass = viewModel.Class; Assert.AreEqual("Math", viewClass.Name); Assert.AreEqual(3, viewClass.Credits); Assert.AreEqual("", viewClass.Details); Assert.AreEqual(Colors.Red, viewClass.Color); }
public MainWindow() { WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; vm = new ViewModelClass(new MySimApp(new MytelnetClient())); this.DataContext = vm; InitializeComponent(); }
public void BindingAcrossObjectBoundaries() { var binder = new Binder(); /* ViewModelClass, ViewClass, and ControlClass all implement interface * INotifyPropertyChanged. */ var view = new ViewClass() { MyControl = new ControlClass { Label = "aaa" } }; var viewModel = new ViewModelClass { MyControlLabel = "bbb" }; this._bindings = binder.Bind(viewModel, view); // viewModel.MyControlLabel is now bound to view.MyControl.Label. // both will have the value "bbb". Assert.AreEqual("bbb", ((ControlClass)view.MyControl).Label); ((ControlClass)view.MyControl).Label = "ccc"; // propagates "ccc" to viewModel.MyControlLabel Assert.AreEqual("ccc", viewModel.MyControlLabel); viewModel.MyControlLabel = "ddd"; // propagates "ddd" to view.MyControl.Label Assert.AreEqual("ddd", ((ControlClass)view.MyControl).Label); }
public void NameBasedBinding() { var binder = new Binder(); /* ViewModelClass and ViewClass both have a string property MyProperty, * and they both implement INotifyPropertyChanged */ var view = new ViewClass { MyProperty = "aaa" }; var viewModel = new ViewModelClass { MyProperty = "bbb" }; this._bindings = binder.Bind(viewModel, view); // viewModel.MyProperty is now bound to view.MyProperty. // view.MyProperty will have the value "bbb". Assert.AreEqual("bbb", view.MyProperty); view.MyProperty = "ccc"; // propagates "ccc" to viewModel.MyProperty Assert.AreEqual("ccc", viewModel.MyProperty); viewModel.MyProperty = "ddd"; // propagates "ddd" to view.MyProperty Assert.AreEqual("ddd", view.MyProperty); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task TestDeletingClassSchedule() { DataChanges changes = new DataChanges(); changes.Add(new DataItemSchedule() { Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(), UpperIdentifier = base.CurrentClassId, StartTime = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 8, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc), EndTime = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 8, 50, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc), Room = "Modern Languages 201", ScheduleWeek = Schedule.Week.BothWeeks, ScheduleType = Schedule.Type.Normal, DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday }); await DataStore.ProcessLocalChanges(changes); var viewModel = await ViewModelClass.LoadAsync(base.LocalAccountId, base.CurrentClassId, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)); Assert.AreEqual(1, viewModel.Class.Schedules.Count); var schedule = viewModel.Class.Schedules[0]; changes = new DataChanges(); changes.DeleteItem(schedule.Identifier); await DataStore.ProcessLocalChanges(changes); viewModel = await ViewModelClass.LoadAsync(base.LocalAccountId, base.CurrentClassId, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)); Assert.AreEqual(0, viewModel.Class.Schedules.Count); }
public MainWindow() { vm = new ViewModelClass(new MySimApp(new MytelnetClient())); this.DataContext = vm; InitializeComponent(); //this.JoystickVM = new VM_Joystick(new MySimApp(new MytelnetClient())); }
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e) { base.OnInitialized(e); ViewModelClass _vm = (ViewModelClass)DataContext; _vm.AddWindow = new Lazy <IWindow>(() => new AddWindow()); _vm.UpdateWindow = new Lazy <IWindow>(() => new UpdateWindow()); }
public ActionResult Kesfet() { DatabaseContext db = new DatabaseContext(); ViewModelClass viewModelClass = new ViewModelClass(); viewModelClass.HomeSubCategories = db.Sub_Categories.ToList(); viewModelClass.HomeCategory = db.Categories.ToList(); viewModelClass.HomeExpert = db.Experts.ToList(); return(View(viewModelClass)); }
public Joystick() { InitializeComponent(); sb = Knob.FindResource("CenterKnob") as Storyboard; sb.Begin(); sb.Stop(); //_vm = ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).getVM(); _vm = (ViewModelClass)this.DataContext; //DataContext = _vm; }
private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) { viewModel = (ViewModelClass)DataContext; //===================================================== //viewModel.ResetValue(); //===================================================== //warSry = (Sky)DataContext; mainPlayer.Open(new Uri("C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/FULL/Invasion of Gooks/Resources/Sound/menuSingle.wav", UriKind.Absolute)); mainPlayer.Play(); }
private async void button_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { NoSearchText.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; NoResults.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; var searchText = textBox.Text.Replace(' ', '+'); if (searchText == "") { NoSearchText.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; textBlock1.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; return; } WebRequest webRequestHelper = WebRequest.CreateHttp(string.Format("{0}&type=video&key=AIzaSyA8M6liIdtVZCOibC6LC2sW8dmoJwiKEvA", searchText)); var results = await webRequestHelper.GetResponseAsync(); Stream dataStream = results.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); JToken result = JObject.Parse(responseFromServer); var values = result["items"]; if (values != null) { foreach (var item in values) { JObject id = item["id"] as JObject; var vId = id["videoId"].ToString(); JObject itemResult = item["snippet"] as JObject; if (itemResult != null) { var vm = new ViewModelClass(); vm.Title = itemResult["title"].ToString(); vm.Description = itemResult["description"].ToString(); vm.VideoId = vId; JObject thumbNails = itemResult["thumbnails"] as JObject; JObject image = thumbNails["medium"] as JObject; vm.Image = image["url"].ToString(); ViewModelClassObject.Add(vm); } } } else { NoResults.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; textBlock1.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; return; } listview.ItemsSource = ViewModelClassObject; }
private void Knob_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { sb.Begin(); knobPosition.X = 0; knobPosition.Y = 0; Window parentWin = Window.GetWindow(this); _vm = ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).getVM(); _vm.FlyPlane(0, 0); UIElement element = (UIElement)Knob; element.ReleaseMouseCapture(); }
//int animationIndex = 0; //int currenRow = 1; //ширина и высота одного кадра //double frameW = 299; //double frameH = 310; public BattleWind() { InitializeComponent(); //на паре gamePlayer.Open(new Uri("C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/FULL/Invasion of Gooks/Resources/Sound/rideOfTheValkyries.wav", UriKind.Absolute)); //дома //gamePlayer.Open(new Uri("C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Invasion of Gooks_фреймы/Invasion of Gooks/Resources/Sound/rideOfTheValkyries.wav", UriKind.Absolute)); gamePlayer.Volume = 0.4; gamePlayer.Play(); //на паре gamePlayerPropellers.Open(new Uri("C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/FULL/Invasion of Gooks/Resources/Sound/propeller1.wav", UriKind.Absolute)); //дома //gamePlayerPropellers.Open(new Uri("C:/User/Admin/Desktop/Invasion of Gooks_фреймы/Invasion of Gooks/Resources/Sound/propeller1.wav", UriKind.Absolute)); gamePlayerPropellers.Volume = 0.3; gamePlayerPropellers.Play(); viewModel = (ViewModelClass)DataContext; Resources["ViewModel"] = viewModel; //================================================!!!================= viewModel.own = this; viewModel.warSky.ExplosionEvent += WarSky_ExplosionEvent; //полyчение изображения из ресyрсов окна ExplosionImage = (BitmapImage)Resources["Explosion.Image"]; ////подключаем прослyшкy к событию взрыва //viewModel.warSky.ExplosionEvent += WarSky_ExplosionEvent; //timerExplosions.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)Resources["Explosion.Interval"]); //timerExplosions.Tick += TimerExplosions_Tick; //список кадров, полyчаемый из ресyрсов rects = (Rect[])Resources["Explosion.Frames"]; //создаём массив для отдельных кадров //ImageFrames = new ImageSource[rects.Length]; //for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++) //{ // ImageFrames[i] = ExplosionImage.Clone() //} //ExplosionCanvas.Children.Add(image = new Image() { Source = ExplosionImage, Clip = new RectangleGeometry(rects[0]) }); timerAnimation.Tick += AnimationTimer_Tick /* new EventHandler()*/; timerAnimation.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)Resources["Explosion.Interval"]);/* new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 800);*/ timerAnimation.Start(); //timerExplosions.Start(); viewModel.KeyUser(KeyControl.Continue); }
public void AddViewModel() { ObservableCollection <ModelClass> model = new ObservableCollection <ModelClass>(); ViewModelObservableCollection <ViewModelClass, ModelClass> viewModel = new ViewModelObservableCollection <ViewModelClass, ModelClass>(model); Assert.AreEqual(model.Count, 0); Assert.AreEqual(viewModel.Count, 0); var newViewItem = new ViewModelClass(new ModelClass() { Data = "Set" }); viewModel.Add(newViewItem); Assert.AreEqual(model.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(viewModel.Count, 1); }
//public delegate void ProcessRecordHandler(SqlDataReader record); /* * "Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Music;" + * "Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;" + * "TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"; */ /* * void DoWork() * { * } */ public void ProcessRecord(ViewModelClass model) { string SQLConnectionString = "Server =,1433;Initial Catalog = DSED; " + "Persist Security Info=False;User ID = kiwizen-dsed; Password=Monday99; " + "MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout = 30"; //DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(SQLConnectionString)) { try { string SelectAllQuery = "select OwnerID, FirstName, LastName from Owner"; sqlConnection.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SelectAllQuery, sqlConnection)) using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { model.Clear(); while (reader.Read()) { model.Add(new { LastName = reader[DBString.LastNameKey].ToString(), FirstName = reader[DBString.FirstNameKey].ToString() }); } } sqlConnection.Close(); } catch { throw new Exception("SQL Database Error Exception."); } finally { if (sqlConnection != null) { sqlConnection.Close(); } } } }
public void Tldr() { var viewModel = new ViewModelClass(); var view = new ViewClass(); /* Create binder */ var binder = new Binder(); /* Establish bindings. * Store the bindings in this._bindings to make sure it is not garbage collected. * This is typically done when the view appears (*not* when it is created!) */ this._bindings = binder.Bind(viewModel, view); /* Destroy bindings. * Typically when the view disappears. */ this._bindings.Dispose(); this._bindings = null; }
// GET: Category public ActionResult Category(int id) { ViewModelClass modelClass = new ViewModelClass(); var experts = db.Experts.Where(ex => ex.Sub_Category.topCategoryID == id || ex.abilityID == id).Select(s => new Expert() { abilityID = s.abilityID, name = }).ToList(); modelClass.HomeExpert = experts; var sub_Category = db.Sub_Categories.Where(x => x.topCategoryID == id).Select(s => new Sub_Category() { topCategoryID = s.topCategoryID, name = }).ToList(); modelClass.HomeSubCategories = sub_Category; //ViewData["kategoriler"] = sub_Category; //ViewData["expertler"] = experts; return(View(modelClass)); }
private async void GetButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { MusicDBServiceClient client = new MusicDBServiceClient(); ViewModelClass model = new ViewModelClass(); model.AddMethod = Add; model.ClearMethod = Clear; await client.ProcessRecordAsync(model); //IList<Owner> articleList = await client.QueryOwnerAsync(); //set the result to UI //lvDataTemplates.ItemsSource = articleList; } catch //(Exception ex) { //NotifyUser(ex.Message); } }
public void DynamicRebinding() { var binder = new Binder(); /* ViewModelClass, ViewClass, ControlModelClass, ControlClass and TextControlClass all * implement interface INotifyPropertyChanged. */ var view = new ViewClass() { MyControl = new ControlClass { Label = "aaa" } }; var viewModel = new ViewModelClass() { MyControl = new ControlModelClass { Label = "bbb", Text = "ccc" } }; this._bindings = binder.Bind(viewModel, view); // viewModel.MyControl.Label is now bound to view.MyControl.Label. // Both will have the value "bbb". // viewModel.MyControl.Text is not bound to anything and will have its original value ("ccc") Assert.AreEqual("bbb", ((ControlClass)view.MyControl).Label); Assert.AreEqual("ccc", viewModel.MyControl.Text); view.MyControl = new TextControlClass { Text = "ddd" }; // viewModel.MyControl.Text gets *rebound* to view.MyControl.Text. // Both will now have value "ddd". // viewModel.MyControl.Label will still have value "bbb". Assert.AreEqual("bbb", viewModel.MyControl.Label); Assert.AreEqual("ddd", viewModel.MyControl.Text); }
private void Knob_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { double slope, absX, absY; if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { double x = e.GetPosition(this).X - knobLocation.X; double y = e.GetPosition(this).Y - knobLocation.Y; //knobPosition.X = x; //knobPosition.Y = y; if (Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) <= Base.Width / 2) { knobPosition.X = x; knobPosition.Y = y; } else { //linear equation to calculate point at radious on same line. slope = y / x; absX = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Base.Width / 2, 2) / (Math.Pow(slope, 2) + 1)); absY = absX * slope; if (x > 0) { knobPosition.X = absX; } else if (x < 0) { knobPosition.X = -absX; } else { knobPosition.X = 0; } if (y > 0) { if (x > 0) { knobPosition.Y = absY; } else { knobPosition.Y = -absY; } } else if (y < 0) { if (x < 0) { knobPosition.Y = -absY; } else { knobPosition.Y = absY; } } else { knobPosition.Y = 0; } } Window parentWin = Window.GetWindow(this); _vm = ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).getVM(); /// the values to send to simulator, the joystick range is between -1 to 1 when the horizontal to the right take value 1 and most vertical up takes vlaue 1 _vm.FlyPlane(knobPosition.X / (Base.Width / 2), knobPosition.Y / (Base.Height / -2)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the GameComplete window. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Message to display in this form.</param> public GameComplete(ViewModelClass vm) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = vm; // Set the data context for this window }
protected override void OnAppearing() { BindingContext = new ViewModelClass(); }
public View() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = new ViewModelClass(); }
public static List <ViewModelClass> ReadViewModels(SwaggerObject swaggerObject, string apiNameSpace, string clientNameSpace) { List <ViewModelClass> viewModelList = new List <ViewModelClass>(); foreach (var definition in swaggerObject.definitions) { ViewModelClass viewModelClass = new ViewModelClass(); viewModelClass.NameOfClass = TranslateNameSpace(definition.Key, apiNameSpace, clientNameSpace); foreach (var property in { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Value.type) && property.Value.type.Equals("object")) { // INNER VIEW MODEL CLASS DETECTED ViewModelClass innerViewModelClass = new ViewModelClass(); string nameOfClassAdjusted = definition.Key + char.ToUpper(property.Key[0]) + property.Key.Substring(1); innerViewModelClass.NameOfClass = TranslateNameSpace(nameOfClassAdjusted, apiNameSpace, clientNameSpace); foreach (var innerProperty in { string CSharpType = TranslateCSharpType(innerProperty.Value.type, innerProperty.Value.format, innerProperty.Value._ref, innerProperty.Value.items, apiNameSpace, clientNameSpace); innerViewModelClass.Properties.Add(new ViewModelProperty { Name = innerProperty.Key, Type = CSharpType }); } viewModelList.Add(innerViewModelClass); viewModelClass.Properties.Add(new ViewModelProperty { Name = property.Key, Type = innerViewModelClass.NameOfClass }); } else { string CSharpType = TranslateCSharpType(property.Value.type, property.Value.format, property.Value._ref, property.Value.items, apiNameSpace, clientNameSpace); viewModelClass.Properties.Add(new ViewModelProperty { Name = property.Key, Type = CSharpType }); } } viewModelList.Add(viewModelClass); } return(viewModelList); }
public MainWindow(ViewModelClass viewmodel) { this.Viewmodel = viewmodel; InitializeComponent(); }
public Dashboard() { InitializeComponent(); vm = (ViewModelClass)this.DataContext; }