private void FillPlayerGames() { //spPlayerGames ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(_player.PlayedGamesThisYear(), true, false, false, false, false, true); view.Full(spPlayerGames); }
public void FillGames() { List <Match> matchs = _club.Games; ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(matchs, true, true, false, true, false, true, 14, true, _club); view.Full(spMatchs); }
public Windows_AvantMatch(List <Match> m, Club c) { InitializeComponent(); _joueurs = new List <Player>(); _matchs = m; _club = c; ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(_matchs, false, true, false, false, true, false, 10); view.Full(spGames); foreach (Player j in c.Players()) { dgJoueursDispo.Items.Add(new JoueurCompoElement { Poste = j.position.ToString(), Age = j.Age, Energie =, Niveau = j.level, Nom = j }); } lbMatch.Content = m[0].home + " - " + m[0].away; lbStade.Content = m[0]; lbCote1.Content = m[0].odd1.ToString("0.00"); lbCoteN.Content = m[0].oddD.ToString("0.00"); lbCote2.Content = m[0].odd2.ToString("0.00"); try { imgEquipe1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Utils.Logo(m[0].home))); imgEquipe2.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Utils.Logo(m[0].away))); } catch { //We don't show any logo if one club has no logo } }
private void NextGamesOfClub() { if ( != null) { List <Match> matches = new List <Match>(); List <Match> clubMatches = new List <Match>(); foreach (Match m in _partie.kernel.Matchs) { if (m.home == || m.away == { clubMatches.Add(m); } } clubMatches.Sort(new MatchDateComparator()); int diff = -1; int indice = -1; foreach (Match m in clubMatches) { TimeSpan ts = -; int diffM = Math.Abs(ts.Days); if (diffM < diff || diff == -1) { diff = diffM; indice = clubMatches.IndexOf(m); } } indice = indice - 2; if (indice < 0) { indice = 0; } if (indice > clubMatches.Count - 3) { indice = clubMatches.Count - 3; } for (int i = indice; i < indice + 5; i++) { //Case if there is less than 5 games for the club if (i < clubMatches.Count && i >= 0) { matches.Add(clubMatches[i]); /*Match m = matchs[i]; * string score = m.score1 + " - " + m.score2; * if (!m.Played) * { * score =; * } * dgClubProchainsMatchs.Items.Add(new ProchainMatchElement { Match = m, Competition = m.Tournament, ShortName = m.Tournament.shortName, Equipe1 = m.home.shortName, Equipe2 = m.away.shortName, Score = score, LogoD = Utils.Logo(m.home), LogoE = Utils.Logo(m.away) });*/ } } ViewMatches viewMatches = new ViewMatches(matches, true, false, false, false, false, true); viewMatches.Full(spNextMatches); } }
private void Start() { boosterFinding = FindObjectOfType <BoosterFinding>(); boosterMatching = FindObjectOfType <BoosterMatching>(); viewMatches = FindObjectOfType <ViewMatches>(); matchedList = new List <int[]>(); data = FindObjectOfType <Data>(); }
public void FillGamesOfDayPanel() { List <Match> matchs = Session.Instance.Game.kernel.MatchsOfDate(; matchs.Sort(new MatchDateComparator()); ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(matchs, false, true, false, false, false, true, 11, false, null, false, false, false, true); view.Full(spFullGames); }
private void Calendrier(Round t) { List <Match> matchs = t.GetMatchesByDate(_resultsCurrentDate); matchs.Sort(new MatchDateComparator()); lbRoundDate.Content = _resultsCurrentDate.ToLongDateString(); ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(matchs, false, true, true, true, true, false); view.Full(spRoundGames); }
private void Calendrier() { spMatchs.Children.Clear(); List <Match> matchs = Journee(); matchs.Sort(new MatchDateComparator()); ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(matchs, true, true, true, false, false, false, 17, false, null, true, true, true, false, 1.5f); view.Full(spMatchs); }
private void Map_ShapeIdentified(object sender, AxMapWinGIS._DMapEvents_ShapeIdentifiedEvent e) { if (e.shapeIndex > -1) { spJournalistInfo.Children.Clear(); Journalist j = _media.journalists[_indexOrders[e.shapeIndex]]; spJournalistInfo.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabel(j.ToString() + " (" + j.age + " ans)", "StyleLabel2", 12, -1)); spJournalistInfo.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabel("Basé à " + j.baseCity.Name, "StyleLabel2", 12, -1)); List <Match> commentedGames = j.CommentedGames; commentedGames.Sort(new MatchDateComparator()); ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(commentedGames, true, false, false, false, false, true); view.Full(spMatches); } }
private void Matchs() { ViewMatches view = new ViewMatches(_matchs, false, false, false, false, false, false); view.Full(spGames); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleKeyInfo saisie; do { //menu principal int startMenu = ViewMenu.StartMenu(); //scores if (startMenu == 1) { ContMenu.ExecScores(); } //points if (startMenu == 2) { ContMenu.ExecPoints(); } //nations if (startMenu == 3) { int confMenu = ViewConf.MenuConf(); //Europe Conf europe = new Conf("Europe", "European", 54, "2018"); ViewConf.DoViewConf(europe); TimeZoneInfo euZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Romance Standard Time"); if (confMenu == 1) { int natMenu = ViewNation.MenuNations(); //France if (natMenu == 1) { Nation france = new Nation("France", 302.40, 0, europe, "Stade de France", "2018", 10, 3); ViewNation.DoViewNation(france); ViewCup.DoViewCup("World Cup", 0, "qualifications", "2021"); string confCup = france.Conf.Adj + " Cup"; ViewCup.DoViewCup(confCup, 1, "finalist", "2019"); String confLeague = "League of Nations - " + france.Conf.Name; ViewLeague.DoViewLeague(confLeague, "1A", "N/A"); char[] results = new char[5]; for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { results[i] = 'V'; } for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { Console.Write(results[i]); } Console.Write("\n\n"); List <Match> tabMatches = new List <Match>(); DateTime locDate1 = new DateTime(2020, 03, 06, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches.Add(new Match("France", 18, "Albania", 9, locDate1)); DateTime locDate2 = new DateTime(2020, 02, 12, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches.Add(new Match("France", 23, "Cyprus", 9, locDate2)); DateTime locDate3 = new DateTime(2020, 02, 07, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches.Add(new Match("France", 23, "Israel", 9, locDate3)); DateTime locDate4 = new DateTime(2020, 01, 08, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches.Add(new Match("France", 23, "Moldova", 16, locDate4)); DateTime locDate5 = new DateTime(2020, 01, 03, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches.Add(new Match("France", 23, "Italy", 13, locDate5)); foreach (Match item in tabMatches) { ViewMatches.DoViewMatches(item, euZone); } } //Italy if (natMenu == 2) { Nation italy = new Nation("Italy", 127.58, 0, europe, "Stadio Olympico", "2018", 31, 11); ViewNation.DoViewNation(italy); ViewCup.DoViewCup("World Cup", 0, "qualifications", "2021"); String confCup = italy.Conf.Adj + " Cup"; ViewCup.DoViewCup(confCup, 1, "quarter-finalist", "2019"); String confLeague = "League of Nations - " + italy.Conf.Name; ViewLeague.DoViewLeague(confLeague, "2A", "N/A"); char[] results = new char[5]; results[0] = 'V'; results[1] = 'V'; results[2] = 'V'; results[3] = 'V'; results[4] = 'D'; for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { Console.Write(results[i]); } Console.Write("\n\n"); Match[] tabMatches = new Match[5]; DateTime locDate1 = new DateTime(2020, 03, 06, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches[0] = new Match("Italy", 18, "Cyprus", 13, locDate1); DateTime locDate2 = new DateTime(2020, 02, 12, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches[1] = new Match("Italy", 18, "Albania", 9, locDate2); DateTime locDate3 = new DateTime(2020, 02, 07, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches[2] = new Match("Italy", 16, "Moldova", 9, locDate3); DateTime locDate4 = new DateTime(2020, 01, 08, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches[3] = new Match("Italy", 18, "Israel", 13, locDate4); DateTime locDate5 = new DateTime(2020, 01, 03, 20, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc); tabMatches[4] = new Match("France", 23, "Italy", 13, locDate5); for (int i = 0; i < tabMatches.Length; i++) { ViewMatches.DoViewMatches(tabMatches[i], euZone); } } } } Console.WriteLine("Quitter ? y/n"); saisie = Console.ReadKey(true); } while (saisie.Key != ConsoleKey.Y); }