Esempio n. 1
    public void CreateGrid()
        grid       = new Grid(row, col);
        cellWidth  = gridWidth / col;
        cellHeight = gridHeight / row;

        cellViewArray = new View[row, col];
        tileViewArray = new View[row, col];

        for (int y = 0; y < row; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < col; x++)
                grid.CellArray[x, y] = new Cell(x, y);

                GameObject cellObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(cellViewTemplate.gameObject, cellViewTemplate.transform.parent);
                View cellView = cellObject.GetComponent <View>();
                cellView.SetSize(x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight);
                cellViewArray[x, y] = cellView;

        Vector3[] corners = GetCornors();
        gridOffsetX = corners[0].x;
        gridOffsetY = corners[0].y;
Esempio n. 2
 public void AddNewComponents(View[,] comps, bool replaceOld = true, bool vertical = false)
     if (replaceOld)
     Components = comps;
     for (var i = 0; i < comps.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (var j = 0; j < comps.GetLength(1); j++)
             var e = Components[i, j];
             if (e == null)
             if (vertical)
                 MGrid.Children.Add(e, j, i);
                 MGrid.Children.Add(e, i, j);
Esempio n. 3
        private static double[,] GetNumbersFromEntries(View[,] es)
            var sx = es.GetLength(0);
            var sy = es.GetLength(1);
            var n  = new double[sx, sy];

            for (var i = 0; i < sx; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                    var e  = es[i, j] as Entry;
                    var vs = e?.Text;
                    if (vs == null)
                    double v;
                    if (double.TryParse(vs, out v))
                        n[i, j] = v;
Esempio n. 4
        public GridView()
            //1 column 1 row

            ChildLocations = new View[1, 1];
Esempio n. 5
        // provides new views to use
        public void SetChildren(View[,] newChildren)
            // Remove removed children, then add new children
            // This is done in two passes in case a child moved to another location
            int rowNumber, columnNumber;

            for (columnNumber = 0; columnNumber < newChildren.GetLength(0); columnNumber++)
                for (rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < newChildren.GetLength(1); rowNumber++)
                    View newChild = newChildren[columnNumber, rowNumber];
                    View oldChild;
                    if (this.children == null)
                        oldChild = null;
                        oldChild = this.children[columnNumber, rowNumber];
                    if (newChild != oldChild)
                        if (oldChild != null)
            // add new children
            for (columnNumber = 0; columnNumber < newChildren.GetLength(0); columnNumber++)
                for (rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < newChildren.GetLength(1); rowNumber++)
                    View newChild = newChildren[columnNumber, rowNumber];
                    View oldChild;
                    if (this.children == null)
                        oldChild = null;
                        oldChild = this.children[columnNumber, rowNumber];
                    if (newChild != oldChild)
                        if (newChild != null)
                            Grid.SetColumn(newChild, columnNumber);
                            Grid.SetRow(newChild, rowNumber);
            this.children = newChildren;
Esempio n. 6
 public void SetRows(params RowDefinition[] rows)
     if (Children.Count > 0)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot change rows once children are added");
     if ((rows is null) || (rows.Length == 0))
         throw new ArgumentException("Must specify at least one row", nameof(rows));
     ChildLocations = new View[_columns.Count, _rows.Count];
Esempio n. 7
 public void SetColumns(params ColumnDefinition[] columns)
     if (Children.Any())
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot change columns once children are added");
     if (columns?.Any() != true)
         throw new ArgumentException("Must specify at least one column", nameof(columns));
     ChildLocations = new View[_columns.Count, _rows.Count];
Esempio n. 8
        public void SetGridComponents(View[,] cmps, bool reset = false)
            if (reset)
            if (cmps == null)
            var sx = cmps.GetLength(0);
            var sy = cmps.GetLength(1);

            for (var i = 0; i < sx; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                    MGrid.Children.Add(cmps[i, j], i, j);
Esempio n. 9
        // Do measurement when in horizontal orientation
        private void Measure(nfloat parentWidth, nfloat parentHeight)
            // Work out our height
            nfloat layoutWidth = LayoutParameters.TryResolveWidth(this, parentWidth);
            nfloat layoutHeight = LayoutParameters.TryResolveHeight(this, parentHeight);

            // Work out the total fixed size
            var paddings = Padding.TotalWidth();

            _goneViews = new List<View>();
            _arrangedViews = new View[RowDefinitions.Count, ColumnDefinitions.Count];
            var columnWidthFillParentSubviews = new List<View>();

            //calculating columns
            var minWidth = (nfloat)ColumnDefinitions.Sum(x => x.MinWidth);

            foreach (var v in SubViews.Where(x=>!x.Gone))
                _arrangedViews[v.Row, v.Column] = v;
                var columnDefinition = ColumnDefinitions[v.Column];
                var rowDefinition = RowDefinitions[v.Column];

                nfloat width;
                if (columnDefinition.Width > 0)
                    width = columnDefinition.Width;
                else if (columnDefinition.MaxWidth > 0)
                    width = columnDefinition.MaxWidth;
                    width = parentWidth - paddings;

                nfloat height;
                if (rowDefinition.Height > 0)
                    height = rowDefinition.Height;
                    height = adjustLayoutHeight(layoutHeight, v);

                if (v.LayoutParameters.WidthUnits != Units.ParentRatio)
                    v.Measure(width - v.LayoutParameters.Margins.TotalWidth(), height);
                    v._measuredSize = new CGSize(0, 0);
                    v._measuredSizeValid = true;

                nfloat totalWeight = 0;
                nfloat totalWidth = 0;
                var columnId = -1;
                foreach (var column in ColumnDefinitions)
                    column.CalculatedWidth = 0;

                    if (column.Width > 0)
                        column.CalculatedWidth = column.Width;
                    else if (column.Width == AutoSize.WrapContent)

                        for (int rowId = 0; rowId < RowDefinitions.Count; rowId++)
                            var v = _arrangedViews[rowId, columnId];

                            if (v != null)
                                column.CalculatedWidth = NMath.Max(column.CalculatedWidth, v.GetMeasuredSize().Width + v.LayoutParameters.Margins.TotalWidth());
                    else if (column.Width == AutoSize.FillParent)
                        totalWeight += column.Weight;
                    totalWidth += column.CalculatedWidth;

                var room = layoutWidth - totalWidth;
                foreach (var column in ColumnDefinitions.Where(x => x.Width == AutoSize.FillParent))

                    column.CalculatedWidth = room * column.Weight / totalWeight;

                var totalWeight = 0;
                var totalHeight = 0;
                var rowId = -1;
                foreach (var row in RowDefinitions)

                    if (row.Height > 0)
                        row.CalculatedHeight = row.Height;

                    if (row.Height == AutoSize.WrapContent)
                        row.CalculatedHeight = 0;
                        for (int columnId = 0; columnId < ColumnDefinitions.Count; columnId++)
                            var v = _arrangedViews[rowId, columnId];

                            if (v != null)
                                row.CalculatedHeight = NMath.Max(row.CalculatedHeight, v.GetMeasuredSize().Height);

                var room = layoutHeight - totalHeight;
                foreach (var row in RowDefinitions.Where(x => x.Height == AutoSize.FillParent))
                    row.CalculatedHeight = room * row.Weight / totalWeight;

            CGSize sizeMeasured = CGSize.Empty;
            foreach (var item in ColumnDefinitions)
                sizeMeasured.Width += item.CalculatedWidth;
            sizeMeasured.Width += ColSpacing * (ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1);
            foreach (var item in RowDefinitions)
                sizeMeasured.Height += item.CalculatedHeight;
            sizeMeasured.Height += RowSpacing * (RowDefinitions.Count - 1);

            foreach (var v in columnWidthFillParentSubviews)
                v.Measure(ColumnDefinitions[v.Column].CalculatedWidth, RowDefinitions[v.Row].CalculatedHeight);

            // And finally, set our measure dimensions
            SetMeasuredSize(LayoutParameters.ResolveSize(new CGSize(layoutWidth, layoutHeight), sizeMeasured));
Esempio n. 10
        public static IOrderedEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Tuple <double, double>, double> > GetHistResults(View[,] e1, View[,] e2)
            var h1 = GetNumbersFromEntries(e1);
            var h2 = GetNumbersFromEntries(e2);
            var sx = h1.GetLength(0);
            var sy = h1.GetLength(1);
            var d  = new Dictionary <Tuple <double, double>, double>();

            for (var i = 0; i < sx; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                    var v1 = h1[i, j];
                    var v2 = h2[i, j];
                    var t  = Tuple.Create(v2, v1);
                    if (!d.ContainsKey(t))
                        d.Add(t, 1);
            var en = d.OrderBy(pair => pair.Key.Item1).ThenBy(pair => pair.Key.Item2);

Esempio n. 11
        // Do measurement when in horizontal orientation
        private void MeasureHorizontal(nfloat parentWidth, nfloat parentHeight)
            // Work out our height
            nfloat layoutWidth  = LayoutParameters.TryResolveWidth(this, parentWidth, parentHeight);
            nfloat layoutHeight = LayoutParameters.TryResolveHeight(this, parentWidth, parentHeight);

            // Work out the total fixed size
            var paddings = Padding.TotalWidth();

            _goneViews     = new List <View>();
            _arrangedViews = new View[RowDefinitions.Count, ColumnDefinitions.Count];
            var columnWidthFillParentSubviews = new List <View>();

            //calculating columns
            var minWidth = (nfloat)ColumnDefinitions.Sum(x => x.MinWidth);

            foreach (var v in SubViews.Where(x => !x.Gone))
                _arrangedViews[v.Row, v.Column] = v;
                var columnDefinition = ColumnDefinitions[v.Column];
                var rowDefinition    = RowDefinitions[v.Column];

                nfloat width;
                if (columnDefinition.Width > 0)
                    width = columnDefinition.Width;
                else if (columnDefinition.MaxWidth > 0)
                    width = columnDefinition.MaxWidth;
                    width = parentWidth - paddings;

                nfloat height;
                if (rowDefinition.Height > 0)
                    height = rowDefinition.Height;
                    height = adjustLayoutHeight(layoutHeight, v);

                if (v.LayoutParameters.WidthUnits != Units.ParentRatio)
                    v.Measure(width - v.LayoutParameters.Margins.TotalWidth(), height);
                    v._measuredSize      = new CGSize(0, 0);
                    v._measuredSizeValid = true;

                nfloat totalWeight = 0;
                nfloat totalWidth  = 0;
                var    columnId    = -1;
                foreach (var column in ColumnDefinitions)
                    column.CalculatedWidth = 0;

                    if (column.Width > 0)
                        column.CalculatedWidth = column.Width;
                    else if (column.Width == AutoSize.WrapContent)
                        for (int rowId = 0; rowId < RowDefinitions.Count; rowId++)
                            var v = _arrangedViews[rowId, columnId];

                            if (v != null)
                                column.CalculatedWidth = NMath.Max(column.CalculatedWidth, v.GetMeasuredSize().Width + v.LayoutParameters.Margins.TotalWidth());
                    else if (column.Width == AutoSize.FillParent)
                        totalWeight += column.Weight;
                    totalWidth += column.CalculatedWidth;

                var room = layoutWidth - totalWidth;
                foreach (var column in ColumnDefinitions.Where(x => x.Width == AutoSize.FillParent))

                    column.CalculatedWidth = room * column.Weight / totalWeight;

                var totalWeight = 0;
                var totalHeight = 0;
                var rowId       = -1;
                foreach (var row in RowDefinitions)

                    if (row.Height > 0)
                        row.CalculatedHeight = row.Height;

                    if (row.Height == AutoSize.WrapContent)
                        row.CalculatedHeight = 0;
                        for (int columnId = 0; columnId < ColumnDefinitions.Count; columnId++)
                            var v = _arrangedViews[rowId, columnId];

                            if (v != null)
                                row.CalculatedHeight = NMath.Max(row.CalculatedHeight, v.GetMeasuredSize().Height);

                var room = layoutHeight - totalHeight;
                foreach (var row in RowDefinitions.Where(x => x.Height == AutoSize.FillParent))
                    row.CalculatedHeight = room * row.Weight / totalWeight;

            CGSize sizeMeasured = CGSize.Empty;

            foreach (var item in ColumnDefinitions)
                sizeMeasured.Width += item.CalculatedWidth;
            sizeMeasured.Width += ColSpacing * (ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1);
            foreach (var item in RowDefinitions)
                sizeMeasured.Height += item.CalculatedHeight;
            sizeMeasured.Height += RowSpacing * (RowDefinitions.Count - 1);

            foreach (var v in columnWidthFillParentSubviews)
                v.Measure(ColumnDefinitions[v.Column].CalculatedWidth, RowDefinitions[v.Row].CalculatedHeight);

            // And finally, set our measure dimensions
            SetMeasuredSize(LayoutParameters.ResolveSize(new CGSize(layoutWidth, layoutHeight), sizeMeasured));