Esempio n. 1
        public FeatureDataVideoProcessorSize1
            uint?nodeMask = null,
            VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc *pOutputStreamDesc = null,
            uint?numInputStreamDescs = null,
            VideoProcessInputStreamDesc *pInputStreamDescs = null,
            int? @protected        = null,
            ulong?memoryPoolL0Size = null,
            ulong?memoryPoolL1Size = null
        ) : this()
            if (nodeMask is not null)
                NodeMask = nodeMask.Value;

            if (pOutputStreamDesc is not null)
                POutputStreamDesc = pOutputStreamDesc;

            if (numInputStreamDescs is not null)
                NumInputStreamDescs = numInputStreamDescs.Value;

            if (pInputStreamDescs is not null)
                PInputStreamDescs = pInputStreamDescs;

            if (@protected is not null)
                Protected = @protected.Value;

            if (memoryPoolL0Size is not null)
                MemoryPoolL0Size = memoryPoolL0Size.Value;

            if (memoryPoolL1Size is not null)
                MemoryPoolL1Size = memoryPoolL1Size.Value;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
        public readonly unsafe int CreateVideoProcessor(uint NodeMask, ref VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc pOutputStreamDesc, uint NumInputStreamDescs, VideoProcessInputStreamDesc *pInputStreamDescs, ref Guid riid, ref void *ppVideoProcessor)
            var @this = (ID3D12VideoDevice *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
            int ret   = default;

            fixed(VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc *pOutputStreamDescPtr = &pOutputStreamDesc)
                fixed(Guid *riidPtr = &riid)
                    fixed(void **ppVideoProcessorPtr = &ppVideoProcessor)
                        ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D12VideoDevice *, uint, VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc *, uint, VideoProcessInputStreamDesc *, Guid *, void **, int >)LpVtbl[6])(@this, NodeMask, pOutputStreamDescPtr, NumInputStreamDescs, pInputStreamDescs, riidPtr, ppVideoProcessorPtr);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
        public readonly unsafe int CreateVideoProcessor(uint NodeMask, VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc *pOutputStreamDesc, uint NumInputStreamDescs, VideoProcessInputStreamDesc *pInputStreamDescs, Guid *riid, void **ppVideoProcessor)
            var @this = (ID3D12VideoDevice *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
            int ret   = default;

            ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D12VideoDevice *, uint, VideoProcessOutputStreamDesc *, uint, VideoProcessInputStreamDesc *, Guid *, void **, int >)LpVtbl[6])(@this, NodeMask, pOutputStreamDesc, NumInputStreamDescs, pInputStreamDescs, riid, ppVideoProcessor);