//this attempts to load a video from the preloaded video cache,
	// stops the last video playing to this texture if nobody else is using it,
	// and calls a method to resize the texture if necessary.
	//returns true if it could find the video that has been attempted to load.
	//returns false if it can't.
	virtual public bool drawVideoToTexture(int index){
		//print(videos[index] + " is ATTEMPTING TO LOAD");
		//if the movie you're trying to load does not have a null name and is less than the video count
		if(index < videos.Count && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(videos[index])){
			//if the list of videos actually contains that video
				//get the object we want to load, selected from the name we chose
				VideoObject myObj = videoManagerScript.preLoadedInstances[videos[index]];
					//Debug.Log(gameObject.name + "VideoTexture:drawVideoToTexture:: ERROR LOADING");
					return false;
				playingVideoIndex = index;
				if(myObj == videoObject){
					//Debug.Log(gameObject.name + "VideoTexture:drawVideoToTexture:: trying to load an already loaded file");	
					//trying to load a video that already is playing on this object. 
					//there are a number of ways to handle this- i just chose this for myself. you may change this...
					return true;

				//cache old video 
				VideoObject cachedObj = videoObject;
				//test if someone else is using the currently loaded video
				bool someoneElseIsUsingTheVideo = isAnyoneElseUsingThisVideo();
				//assign the new video
				videoObject = myObj;
				//initialize using the volume, speed, isPaused, and loopType settings from the last video played.
				//clean up the old video

			}//contains the video requested
				return false;
		//array index > the videos in the queue or video requested is null string
			print("VideoInstance::drawVideoToTexture: tried to pass a null string as video name!");
			return false;
		return true;
	public void createVideoObject(){
		VideoObject cachedObj = videoObject;
		//create a new movie object reference with the path
		videoObject = new VideoObject(fullPathToMovie);
		//set it to use the full path, instead of one relative to your video manager's pre-set path
		//store the settings that you setup in the inspector.