/// <summary>
    /// Mage player's secondary attack
    /// </summary>
    protected override void SecondaryAttack()
        // Ensure player has enough mana to perform this attack
        if (AttackCooldown > 0 || (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.CurrentValue < secondaryAttackManaDepletion)

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(secondaryVFX, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), Quaternion.identity, PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(Stats.characterColour)));

        // Check all enemies within attack radius of the player
        List <Transform> enemies = GetSurroundingEnemies(secondaryAttackRadius);

        // Attack any enemies within the AOE range
        foreach (var enemy in enemies)
            StartCoroutine(PerformExplosiveDamage(enemy.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>(),
                                                  secondaryAttackMaxDamage, secondaryAttackStunTime, secondaryAttackExplosionForce,
                                                  transform.position, secondaryAttackRadius, secondaryAttackDamageDelay));

        // Trigger secondary attack animation

        // Play the attack audio
        StartCoroutine(AudioHelper.PlayAudioOverlap(WeaponAudio, secondaryAttackWeaponSFX));

        // Reset attack timeout and deplete mana
        AttackCooldown = secondaryAttackTimeout;
        (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.Subtract(secondaryAttackManaDepletion);

        // Apply movement speed modifier
        StartCoroutine(Motor.ApplyTimedMovementModifier(secondaryAttackMovementModifier, secondaryAttackTimeout));
    /// <summary>
    /// Lich's spell cast attack
    /// </summary>
    public override void SecondaryAttack()
        // Calculate direction to attack in relative to staff position
        Vector3 direction = secondaryAttackVFXRoot.up;

        direction.y = 0f;
        Vector3 position = secondaryAttackVFXRoot.position;

        position.y = 1f;

        // Spawn VFX from staff and in the direction its pointing
        Vector3 vfxPos = position + direction * 0.5f + new Vector3(0, 2f);

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(secondaryAttackVFX, vfxPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction)));

        // Calculate the hit raycast from closer to the enemy, in the direction of the staff
        Vector3 raycastPos  = position - direction * 2.5f;
        int     numHits     = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(raycastPos, direction, _hitBuffer, secondaryAttackRadius);
        float   damageValue = Random.Range(secondaryAttackMinDamage, secondaryAttackMaxDamage) + Stats.damage.GetValue();

        // Damage any players hit by the raycast
        for (int i = 0; i < numHits; i++)
            if (_hitBuffer[i].transform.tag.Equals("Player"))
                _hitBuffer[i].transform.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>().TakeDamage(Stats, damageValue, Time.deltaTime);
        public static void Postfix(CombatHUDStatusPanel __instance, List <CombatHUDStatusIndicator> ___Buffs, List <CombatHUDStatusIndicator> ___Debuffs)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("CHUDSP:RDC - entered.");
            if (__instance != null && __instance.DisplayedCombatant != null)
                AbstractActor target = __instance.DisplayedCombatant as AbstractActor;
                // We can receive a building here, so
                if (target != null)
                    if (target.Combat.HostilityMatrix.IsLocalPlayerEnemy(target.team))
                        SensorScanType scanType = SensorLockHelper.CalculateSharedLock(target, ModState.LastPlayerActorActivated);

                        // Hide the buffs and debuffs if the current scanType is less than allInfo
                        if (scanType < SensorScanType.AllInformation)
                            //// Hide the buffs and debuffs
                            ___Buffs.ForEach(si => si.gameObject.SetActive(false));
                            ___Debuffs.ForEach(si => si.gameObject.SetActive(false));

                    // Calculate stealth pips
                    Traverse stealthDisplayT = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("stealthDisplay");
                    CombatHUDStealthBarPips stealthDisplay = stealthDisplayT.GetValue <CombatHUDStealthBarPips>();
                    VfxHelper.CalculateMimeticPips(stealthDisplay, target);
        public static void Postfix(MechComponent __instance, bool __state)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("MC:CCE:post entered.");

            if (__state)
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" Stealth effect was cancelled, parent visibility needs refreshed.");

                EWState parentState = new EWState(__instance.parent);
                PilotableActorRepresentation par = __instance.parent.GameRep as PilotableActorRepresentation;
                if (parentState.HasStealth())

                if (parentState.HasMimetic())

                // Force a refresh in case the signature increased due to stealth loss
                // TODO: Make this player hostile only
                List <ICombatant> allLivingCombatants = __instance.parent.Combat.GetAllLivingCombatants();
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Melee's secondary attack
    /// </summary>
    protected override void SecondaryAttack()
        // Ensure player has enough mana to perform this attack
        if (AttackCooldown > 0 || (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.CurrentValue < secondaryAttackManaDepletion)

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(secondaryVFX, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), transform.rotation,
                                           PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(Stats.characterColour), secondaryAttackDamageDelay));

        // Check all enemies within attack radius of the player
        List <Transform> enemies = GetSurroundingEnemies(secondaryAttackRadius);

        // Attack any enemies within the attack sweep and range
        foreach (var enemy in enemies.Where(enemy => CanDamageTarget(enemy, secondaryAttackRadius, secondaryAttackSweepAngle)))
            // Calculate and perform damage
            float damageValue = Random.Range(secondaryAttackMinDamage, secondaryAttackMaxDamage + Stats.damage.GetValue());
            StartCoroutine(PerformDamage(enemy.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>(), damageValue, secondaryAttackDamageDelay));

        // Trigger secondary attack animation

        // Play the attack audio
        StartCoroutine(AudioHelper.PlayAudioOverlap(WeaponAudio, secondaryAttackWeaponSFX));

        // Reset attack timeout and deplete mana
        AttackCooldown = secondaryAttackTimeout;
        (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.Subtract(secondaryAttackManaDepletion);

        // Apply movement speed modifier
        StartCoroutine(Motor.ApplyTimedMovementModifier(secondaryAttackMovementModifier, secondaryAttackTimeout));
Esempio n. 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Mage player's primary attack
    /// </summary>
    protected override void PrimaryAttack()
        // Ensure player has enough mana to perform this attack
        if ((Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.CurrentValue < 1f)
            // Stop attack if not enough mana

        (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.Subtract(primaryAttackManaDepletion * Time.deltaTime);

        Vector3 vfxPos = transform.position + transform.forward * 1.6f + new Vector3(0, 2f);

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(primaryVFX, vfxPos, transform.rotation));

        // Check all enemies within attack radius of the player
        List <Transform> enemies     = GetSurroundingEnemies(primaryAttackRadius);
        float            baseDamage  = Stats.damage.GetValue();
        float            damageValue = Random.Range(primaryAttackMinDamage + baseDamage, primaryAttackMaxDamage + baseDamage);

        // Attack any enemies within the attack sweep and range
        foreach (var enemy in enemies.Where(enemy => CanDamageTarget(enemy, primaryAttackRadius, primaryAttackSweepAngle)))
            enemy.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>().TakeDamage(Stats, damageValue, Time.deltaTime);
    /// <summary>
    /// Mage player's primary attack
    /// </summary>
    protected override void PrimaryAttack()
        // Ensure player has enough mana to perform this attack
        if ((Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.CurrentValue < 1f)
            // Stop attack if not enough mana
            _isPrimaryActive = false;
            Anim.SetBool("PrimaryAttack", false);
            (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.StartRegen();

        (Stats as PlayerStatsController).mana.Subtract(primaryAttackManaDepletion * Time.deltaTime);

        Vector3 vfxPos = transform.position + transform.forward * 1.5f + new Vector3(0, 2f);

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(primaryVFX, vfxPos, transform.rotation));

        // Check all enemies within attack radius of the player
        List <Transform> enemies = GetSurroundingEnemies(primaryAttackRadius);

        // Attack any enemies within the attack sweep and range
        foreach (var enemy in enemies.Where(enemy => CanDamageTarget(enemy, primaryAttackRadius, primaryAttackSweepAngle)))
            float damageValue = Random.Range(primaryAttackMinDamage, primaryAttackMaxDamage + Stats.damage.GetValue());
            enemy.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>().TakeDamage(Stats, damageValue, Time.deltaTime);
Esempio n. 8
        public static void Prefix(TurnDirector __instance)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("TD:OEB:pre entered.");

            // Initialize the probabilities
            ModState.TurnDirectorStarted = true;

            // Do a pre-encounter populate
            if (__instance != null && __instance.Combat != null && __instance.Combat.AllActors != null)
                // If we are coming from a save, don't recalculate everything - just roll with what we already have
                if (!IsFromSave)
                    AbstractActor randomPlayerActor = null;
                    foreach (AbstractActor actor in __instance.Combat.AllActors)
                        if (actor != null)
                            // Make a pre-encounter detectCheck for them
                            ActorHelper.UpdateSensorCheck(actor, false);

                            bool isPlayer = actor.TeamId == __instance.Combat.LocalPlayerTeamGuid;
                            if (isPlayer && randomPlayerActor == null)
                                randomPlayerActor = actor;
                            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"  Actor:{CombatantUtils.Label(actor)} was NULL!");

                    if (randomPlayerActor != null)
                        Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Assigning actor: {CombatantUtils.Label(randomPlayerActor)} as lastActive.");
                        ModState.LastPlayerActorActivated = randomPlayerActor;

            // Initialize the VFX materials
            // TODO: Do a pooled instantiate here?

            // Attach to the message bus so we get updates on selected actor
            SelectedActorHelper.Combat = __instance.Combat;
                                                      new ReceiveMessageCenterMessage(SelectedActorHelper.OnActorSelectedMessage), true);
                                                      new ReceiveMessageCenterMessage(SelectedActorHelper.OnAuraAddedMessage), true);
                                                      new ReceiveMessageCenterMessage(SelectedActorHelper.OnAuraRemovedMessage), true);
        public static void Postfix(CombatHUDStatusPanel __instance, AbstractActor target, float previewStealth, CombatHUDStealthBarPips ___stealthDisplay)
            if (___stealthDisplay == null)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("CHUDSP:SSI:float - entered.");

            VfxHelper.CalculateMimeticPips(___stealthDisplay, target);
            public static void Postfix(CombatHUDActorInfo __instance, MessageCenterMessage message, AbstractActor ___displayedActor)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("CHUDAI:OSC entered");

                StealthChangedMessage stealthChangedMessage = message as StealthChangedMessage;

                if (___displayedActor != null && stealthChangedMessage.affectedObjectGuid == ___displayedActor.GUID && __instance.StealthDisplay != null)
                    VfxHelper.CalculateMimeticPips(__instance.StealthDisplay, ___displayedActor);
        public static void Prefix(AbstractActor __instance)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("AA:OnAEnd - entered.");

            if (__instance != null)
                // Disable night vision
                if (ModState.IsNightVisionMode)
            public static void Postfix(CombatHUDActorInfo __instance, AbstractActor ___displayedActor)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("CHUDAI:RAI entered");

                if (___displayedActor == null || ModState.LastPlayerActorActivated == null)

                if (__instance.StealthDisplay != null)
                    VfxHelper.CalculateMimeticPips(__instance.StealthDisplay, ___displayedActor);
Esempio n. 13
    private void Start()
        // Assign enemy a colour
        if (characterColour == CharacterColour.None)

        // Create a VFX where the enemy will spawn - just slightly above the stage (0.1f) - and change the VFX colour to match the enemy colour
        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(spawnVFX, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0),
                                           Quaternion.identity, PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(characterColour), 0.5f));
        // "Spawn" the enemy (they float up through the stage)
        StartCoroutine(Spawn(gameObject, spawnSpeed, spawnDelay, spawnCooldown));
Esempio n. 14
    private void Start()
        Color playerColour = PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(characterColour);

        // colour the player's weapon
        AssignWeaponColour(gameObject, playerColour);

        if (shouldSpawn)
            // Create a VFX where the player will spawn - just slightly above the stage (0.1f) - and change the VFX colour to match the player colour
            StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(spawnVFX, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), Quaternion.identity, playerColour, 0.5f));
            // "Spawn" the player (they float up through the stage)
            StartCoroutine(Spawn(gameObject, spawnSpeed, spawnDelay, spawnCooldown));
    private void Start()
        playerInput = GetComponent <PlayerInput>();
        Color playerColour = PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(characterColour);

        // colour the player's weapon
        AssignWeaponColour(gameObject, playerColour);

        // Scale player damage based on number of levels cleared

        if (shouldSpawn)
            // Create a VFX where the player will spawn - just slightly above the stage (0.1f) - and change the VFX colour to match the player colour
            StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(spawnVFX, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), Quaternion.identity, playerColour, 0.5f));
            // "Spawn" the player (they float up through the stage)
            StartCoroutine(Spawn(gameObject, spawnSpeed, spawnDelay, spawnCooldown));
        public static void Prefix(AbstractActor __instance, int stackItemID)
            if (stackItemID == -1 || __instance == null || __instance.HasBegunActivation)
                // For some bloody reason DoneWithActor() invokes OnActivationBegin, EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOTHING. GAH!

            // Draw stealth if applicable
            EWState actorState = new EWState(__instance);

            if (actorState.HasStealth())
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"-- Sending message to update stealth");
                StealthChangedMessage message = new StealthChangedMessage(__instance.GUID);

            // If friendly, reset the map visibility
            if (__instance.TeamId != __instance.Combat.LocalPlayerTeamGuid &&
                Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"{CombatantUtils.Label(__instance)} IS FRIENDLY, REBUILDING FOG OF WAR");

                if (actorState.HasNightVision() && ModState.GetMapConfig().isDark)
                    Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"Enabling night vision mode.");
                    // TODO: This is likely never triggered due to the patch below... remove?
                    if (ModState.IsNightVisionMode)

    protected override void Update()

        // Handle attack charge ups
        if (_isPrimaryCharging)
            _primaryChargeTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (_primaryChargeTime >= primaryAttackChargeTime)
                if (!_sparkleShown)
                    StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(sparkleVFX, transform.position + transform.forward * 1.6f + new Vector3(0, 2f, 0), transform.rotation));
                    StartCoroutine(AudioHelper.PlayAudioOverlap(WeaponAudio, sparkleSFX));
                    _sparkleShown = true;
                // Clamp to max charge time
                _primaryChargeTime = primaryAttackChargeTime;
Esempio n. 18
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the colour of the orb to the set colour when enabled
    /// </summary>
    private void OnEnable()
        if (LaunchedByPlayer)

        // Select an orb colour randomly
        List <CharacterColour> orbColours = (LauncherStats as RhakStatsController).OrbsRequired;

        _colour = orbColours[Random.Range(0, orbColours.Count)];
        Color orbColour = PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(_colour);

        // Set the colour of the particle systems to the orb colour
        foreach (ParticleSystem p in colourParticleSystems)
            VfxHelper.SetParticleSystemColour(p, orbColour);

        // Set interactable colour
        _interactable.colour = _colour;
Esempio n. 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Enemy boss's tertiary attack
    /// </summary>
    public override void TertiaryAttack()
        if (AttackCooldown > 0f)

        // audio
        StartCoroutine(AudioHelper.PlayAudioOverlap(WeaponAudio, tertiaryAttackSFX));

        StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(tertiaryAttackVFX, gameObject.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1f, 0), gameObject.transform.rotation,
                                           PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(Stats.characterColour), tertiaryAttackDelay * 0.5f));

        // Attack any enemies within the attack sweep and range
        foreach (GameObject player in Players.Where(player => CanDamageTarget(player.transform.position, attackRadius, attackAngle)))
            // Calculate and perform damage
            StartCoroutine(PerformDamage(player.GetComponent <EntityStatsController>(), Stats.ComputeDamageModifer(), tertiaryAttackDelay * 0.5f));
        AttackCooldown = tertiaryAttackCooldown;
Esempio n. 20
 private void UpdateRespawnPercentage(bool playersOnBeacon)
     if (playersOnBeacon)
         respawnPercentage += respawnRate;
         if (respawnPercentage >= 100f)
             StartCoroutine(VfxHelper.CreateVFX(respawnEffectPrefab, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), Quaternion.identity, PlayerManager.colours.GetColour(playerStatsController.characterColour)));
         respawnPercentage = Mathf.Max(0, respawnPercentage - 2f * respawnRate);
         if (respawnPercentage <= 0)
             text.text = reviveText;
     text.text = respawnPercentage.ToString("N0") + "%";
        public static void Postfix(PilotableActorRepresentation __instance, VisibilityLevel newLevel)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("PAR:OPVC entered.");

            Traverse      parentT     = Traverse.Create(__instance).Property("parentActor");
            AbstractActor parentActor = parentT.GetValue <AbstractActor>();

            if (parentActor == null)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write($"ParentActor is null, skipping!");

            EWState parentState = new EWState(parentActor);

            if (newLevel == VisibilityLevel.LOSFull)
                if (parentState.HasStealth())

                if (parentState.HasMimetic())

            else if (newLevel >= VisibilityLevel.Blip0Minimum)
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Actor: {CombatantUtils.Label(parentActor)} has changed player visibility to: {newLevel}");

                if (parentActor.team.IsFriendly(parentActor.Combat.LocalPlayerTeam))
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" Target actor is friendly, forcing blip off");
                    // Because Blip1 corresponds to ArmorAndWeapon, go ahead and show the model as the chassis is 'known'
                    if (newLevel >= VisibilityLevel.Blip1Type)
                        Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" Actor is a foe,  disabling the identified blip and showing the object");

                        __instance.BlipObjectUnknown.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.8f, 1f);