Esempio n. 1
        private void InitializeComponent()
            _hBox = new HorizontalBox()
                AllowPadding = true
            this.Child = _hBox;

            _group = new Group("Numbers")
                AllowMargins = true
            _hBox.Children.Add(_group, true);

            _vBox = new VerticalBox()
                AllowPadding = true
            _group.Child = _vBox;

            _spinBox = new SpinBox(0, 100);
            _slider  = new Slider(0, 100);

            _progressBar = new ProgressBar();

            _spinBox.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var value = _spinBox.Value;
                _slider.Value      = value;
                _progressBar.Value = value;

            _slider.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var value = _slider.Value;
                _spinBox.Value     = value;
                _progressBar.Value = value;


            _ip       = new ProgressBar();
            _ip.Value = -1;

            _group = new Group("Lists")
                AllowMargins = true
            _hBox.Children.Add(_group, true);

            _vBox = new VerticalBox()
                AllowPadding = true
            _group.Child = _vBox;

            _comboBox = new ComboBox();
            _comboBox.Add("Combobox Item 1", "Combobox Item 2", "Combobox Item 3");

            _editableComboBox = new EditableComboBox();
            _editableComboBox.Add("Editable Item 1", "Editable Item 2", "Editable Item 3");

            _radioButtons = new RadioButtonList();
            _radioButtons.Add("Radio Button 1", "Radio Button 2", "Radio Button 3");
Esempio n. 2
        protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment)
            var texFont = environment.MathFont;
            var style   = environment.Style;

            // set thickness to default if default value should be used
            double lineHeight;
            var    defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style);

            if (this.useDefaultThickness)
                lineHeight = this.lineRelativeThickness.HasValue ? this.lineRelativeThickness.Value * defaultLineThickness :
                lineHeight = new SpaceAtom(null, this.lineThicknessUnit, 0, this.lineThickness, 0)

            // Create boxes for numerator and demoninator atoms, and make them of equal width.
            var numeratorBox = this.Numerator == null ? StrutBox.Empty :
            var denominatorBox = this.Denominator == null ? StrutBox.Empty :

            if (numeratorBox.Width < denominatorBox.Width)
                numeratorBox = new HorizontalBox(numeratorBox, denominatorBox.Width, this.numeratorAlignment);
                denominatorBox = new HorizontalBox(denominatorBox, numeratorBox.Width, this.denominatorAlignment);

            // Calculate preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts.
            double shiftUp, shiftDown;

            if (style < TexStyle.Text)
                shiftUp   = texFont.GetNum1(style);
                shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom1(style);
                shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom2(style);
                if (lineHeight > 0)
                    shiftUp = texFont.GetNum2(style);
                    shiftUp = texFont.GetNum3(style);

            // Create result box.
            var resultBox = new VerticalBox();

            // add box for numerator.

            // Calculate clearance and adjust shift amounts.
            var axis = texFont.GetAxisHeight(style);

            if (lineHeight > 0)
                // Draw fraction line.

                // Calculate clearance amount.
                double clearance;
                if (style < TexStyle.Text)
                    clearance = 3 * lineHeight;
                    clearance = lineHeight;

                // Adjust shift amounts.
                var delta  = lineHeight / 2;
                var kern1  = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (axis + delta);
                var kern2  = axis - delta - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown);
                var delta1 = clearance - kern1;
                var delta2 = clearance - kern2;
                if (delta1 > 0)
                    shiftUp += delta1;
                    kern1   += delta1;
                if (delta2 > 0)
                    shiftDown += delta2;
                    kern2     += delta2;

                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern1, 0, 0));
                resultBox.Add(new HorizontalRule(environment, lineHeight, numeratorBox.Width, 0));
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern2, 0, 0));
                // Do not draw fraction line.

                // Calculate clearance amount.
                double clearance;
                if (style < TexStyle.Text)
                    clearance = 7 * defaultLineThickness;
                    clearance = 3 * defaultLineThickness;

                // Adjust shift amounts.
                var kern  = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown);
                var delta = (clearance - kern) / 2;
                if (delta > 0)
                    shiftUp   += delta;
                    shiftDown += delta;
                    kern      += 2 * delta;

                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0));

            // add box for denominator.

            // Adjust height and depth of result box.
            resultBox.Height = shiftUp + numeratorBox.Height;
            resultBox.Depth  = shiftDown + denominatorBox.Depth;

Esempio n. 3
        protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment)
            var texFont = environment.MathFont;
            var style   = environment.Style;

            if ((this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && !this.UseVerticalLimits.Value) ||
                (!this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && style >= TexStyle.Text))
                // Attach atoms for limits as scripts.
                return(new ScriptsAtom(this.Source, this.BaseAtom, this.LowerLimitAtom, this.UpperLimitAtom)

            // Create box for base atom.
            Box    baseBox;
            double delta;

            if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator)
                // Find character of best scale for operator symbol.
                var opChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style).Value;
                if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(opChar))
                    opChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(opChar, style);
                var charBox = new CharBox(environment, opChar)
                    Source = this.BaseAtom.Source
                charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 -
                baseBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox);

                delta = opChar.Metrics.Italic;
                if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision)
                    baseBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0));
                baseBox = new HorizontalBox(this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment));
                delta   = 0;

            // Create boxes for upper and lower limits.
            var upperLimitBox = this.UpperLimitAtom == null ? null : this.UpperLimitAtom.CreateBox(
            var lowerLimitBox = this.LowerLimitAtom == null ? null : this.LowerLimitAtom.CreateBox(

            // Make all component boxes equally wide.
            var maxWidth = Math.Max(Math.Max(baseBox.Width, upperLimitBox == null ? 0 : upperLimitBox.Width),
                                    lowerLimitBox == null ? 0 : lowerLimitBox.Width);

            if (baseBox != null)
                baseBox = ChangeWidth(baseBox, maxWidth);
            if (upperLimitBox != null)
                upperLimitBox = ChangeWidth(upperLimitBox, maxWidth);
            if (lowerLimitBox != null)
                lowerLimitBox = ChangeWidth(lowerLimitBox, maxWidth);

            var resultBox  = new VerticalBox();
            var opSpacing5 = texFont.GetBigOpSpacing5(style);
            var kern       = 0d;

            // Create and add box for upper limit.
            if (this.UpperLimitAtom != null)
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0));
                upperLimitBox.Shift = delta / 2;
                kern = Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing1(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing3(style) -
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0));

            // Add box for base atom.

            // Create and add box for lower limit.
            if (this.LowerLimitAtom != null)
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing2(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing4(style) -
                                                       lowerLimitBox.Height), 0, 0));
                lowerLimitBox.Shift = -delta / 2;
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0));

            // Adjust height and depth of result box.
            var baseBoxHeight = baseBox.Height;
            var totalHeight   = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth;

            if (upperLimitBox != null)
                baseBoxHeight += opSpacing5 + kern + upperLimitBox.Height + upperLimitBox.Depth;
            resultBox.Height = baseBoxHeight;
            resultBox.Depth  = totalHeight - baseBoxHeight;

Esempio n. 4
        protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment)
            var texFont = environment.MathFont;
            var style   = environment.Style;

            // Create box for base atom.
            var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment);

            if (this.SubscriptAtom == null && this.SuperscriptAtom == null)
                if (baseBox is CharBox)
                    // This situation should only happen when CreateBox called on a temporary ScriptsAtom created from
                    // BigOperatorAtom.CreateBox. The CharBox's Shift should then be fixed up.
                    baseBox.Shift = -(baseBox.Height + baseBox.Depth) / 2
                                    - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style);


            // Create result box.
            var resultBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox);

            // Get last font used or default Mu font.
            int lastFontId = baseBox.GetLastFontId();

            if (lastFontId == TexFontUtilities.NoFontId)
                lastFontId = texFont.GetMuFontId();

            var subscriptStyle   = environment.GetSubscriptStyle();
            var superscriptStyle = environment.GetSuperscriptStyle();

            // Set delta value and preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts depending on type of base atom.
            var    delta = 0d;
            double shiftUp, shiftDown;

            if (this.BaseAtom is AccentedAtom)
                var accentedBox = ((AccentedAtom)this.BaseAtom).BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle());
                shiftUp   = accentedBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style);
                shiftDown = accentedBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style);
            else if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator)
                var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style).Value;
                if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo))
                    charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style);
                var charBox = new CharBox(environment, charInfo);

                charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(
                resultBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox);

                delta = charInfo.Metrics.Italic;
                if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null)
                    resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0));

                shiftUp   = resultBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style);
                shiftDown = resultBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style);
            else if (this.BaseAtom is CharSymbol charSymbol)
                var charFont = charSymbol.GetCharFont(texFont).Value;
                if (!charSymbol.IsTextSymbol || !texFont.HasSpace(charFont.FontId))
                    delta = texFont.GetCharInfo(charFont, style).Value.Metrics.Italic;
                if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null)
                    resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0));
                    delta = 0;

                shiftUp   = 0;
                shiftDown = 0;
                shiftUp   = baseBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style);
                shiftDown = baseBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style);

            Box superscriptBox          = null;
            Box superscriptContainerBox = null;
            Box subscriptBox            = null;
            Box subscriptContainerBox   = null;

            if (this.SuperscriptAtom != null)
                // Create box for superscript atom.
                superscriptBox          = this.SuperscriptAtom.CreateBox(superscriptStyle);
                superscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(superscriptBox);

                // Add box for script space.

                // Adjust shift-up amount.
                double p;
                if (style == TexStyle.Display)
                    p = texFont.GetSup1(style);
                else if (environment.GetCrampedStyle().Style == style)
                    p = texFont.GetSup3(style);
                    p = texFont.GetSup2(style);
                shiftUp = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftUp, p), superscriptBox.Depth + Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(
                                                                                             style, lastFontId)) / 4);

            if (this.SubscriptAtom != null)
                // Create box for subscript atom.
                subscriptBox          = this.SubscriptAtom.CreateBox(subscriptStyle);
                subscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(subscriptBox);

                // Add box for script space.

            // Check if only superscript is set.
            if (subscriptBox == null)
                superscriptContainerBox.Shift = -shiftUp;

            // Check if only subscript is set.
            if (superscriptBox == null)
                subscriptContainerBox.Shift = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub1(style)), subscriptBox.Height - 4 *
                                                       Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) / 5);

            // Adjust shift-down amount.
            shiftDown = Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub2(style));

            // Reposition both subscript and superscript.
            double defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style);
            // Space between subscript and superscript.
            double scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height;

            if (scriptsInterSpace < 4 * defaultLineThickness)
                shiftUp += 4 * defaultLineThickness - scriptsInterSpace;

                // Position bottom of superscript at least 4/5 of X-height above baseline.
                double psi = 0.8 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) - (shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth);
                if (psi > 0)
                    shiftUp   += psi;
                    shiftDown -= psi;
            scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height;

            // Create box containing both superscript and subscript.
            var scriptsBox = new VerticalBox();

            superscriptContainerBox.Shift = delta;
            scriptsBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, scriptsInterSpace, 0, 0));
            scriptsBox.Height = shiftUp + superscriptBox.Height;
            scriptsBox.Depth  = shiftDown + subscriptBox.Depth;

Esempio n. 5
            private void InitializeComponent()
                _hBox = new HorizontalBox()
                    AllowPadding = true
                this.Child = _hBox;

                _vBox = new VerticalBox()
                    AllowPadding = true

                _vBox.Children.Add(new DatePicker());
                _vBox.Children.Add(new TimePicker());
                _vBox.Children.Add(new DateTimePicker());
                _vBox.Children.Add(new FontPicker());
                _vBox.Children.Add(new ColorPicker());

                _hBox.Children.Add(new Separator(Orientation.Vertical));

                _vBox = new VerticalBox()
                    AllowPadding = true

                _grid = new Grid()
                    AllowPadding = true

                _button = new Button("Open File");
                _entry  = new Entry()
                    IsReadOnly = true

                _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                    var dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                    if (!dialog.Show())
                        _entry.Text = "(cancelled)";
                    _entry.Text = dialog.Path;

                _grid.Children.Add(_button, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);
                _grid.Children.Add(_entry, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);

                _button = new Button("Save File");
                _entry2 = new Entry()
                    IsReadOnly = true

                _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                    var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                    if (!dialog.Show())
                        _entry2.Text = "(cancelled)";
                    _entry2.Text = dialog.Path;

                _grid.Children.Add(_button, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);
                _grid.Children.Add(_entry2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);

                _msgGrid = new Grid()
                    AllowPadding = true
                _grid.Children.Add(_msgGrid, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center, 0, VerticalAlignment.Top);

                _button        = new Button("Message Box");
                _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                    MessageBox.Show("This is a normal message box.", "More detailed information can be shown here.");
                _msgGrid.Children.Add(_button, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);

                _button        = new Button("Error Box");
                _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                    MessageBox.Show("This message box describes an error.", "More detailed information can be shown here.", MessageBoxTypes.Error);
                _msgGrid.Children.Add(_button, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, 0, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);
Esempio n. 6
        private void InitializeComponent()
            _container = new VerticalBox();
            this.Child = _container;

            var hbox = new HorizontalBox();


            hbox.Children.Add(new Label("Size"));

            _width = new SpinBox(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
            hbox.Children.Add(_width, true);

            _height = new SpinBox(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
            hbox.Children.Add(_height, true);

            _fullscreen = new CheckBox("Fullscreen");

            _width.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var size = _mainWindow.Size;
                _mainWindow.Size = new Size(_width.Value, size.Height);

            _height.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var size = _mainWindow.Size;
                _mainWindow.Size = new Size(size.Width, _height.Value);

            _fullscreen.Checked += (sender, args) =>
                _mainWindow.FullScreen = true;

            _fullscreen.UnChecked += (sender, args) =>
                _mainWindow.FullScreen = false;

            _mainWindow.Resize += (sender, args) =>

            var checkbox = new CheckBox("Borderless");

            checkbox.Checked += (sender, args) =>
                _mainWindow.Borderless = true;

            checkbox.UnChecked += (sender, args) =>
                _mainWindow.Borderless = false;

            var button = new Button("Borderless Resizes");

            button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                if (!borderAHInit)
                    _borderAH    = new AreaHandler();
                    borderAHInit = true;
                var window = new Window("Border Resize Test", 300, 500);
                window.Borderless = true;

                var area = new Area(_borderAH);

                var b = new HorizontalBox();
                b.Children.Add(area, true);
                window.Child = b;

            hbox = new HorizontalBox();
            _container.Children.Add(hbox, true);
            hbox.Children.Add(new Separator(Orientation.Vertical));
Esempio n. 7
        private void InitializeComponent()
            _container = new VerticalBox();
            this.Child = _container;

            _group = new Group("Moving Label");

            _vBox        = new VerticalBox();
            _group.Child = _vBox;

            _hBox          = new HorizontalBox();
            _button        = new Button("Move the Label!");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                var to = _movingCurrent == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                _movingCurrent = to;
            _hBox.Children.Add(_button, true);
            _hBox.Children.Add(new Label(""), true);

            _hBox           = new HorizontalBox();
            _movingBoxes[0] = new VerticalBox();
            _hBox.Children.Add(_movingBoxes[0], true);
            _movingBoxes[1] = new VerticalBox();
            _hBox.Children.Add(_movingBoxes[1], true);

            _movingLabel = new Label("This label moves!");

            _hBox          = new HorizontalBox();
            _button        = new Button(MoveOutText);
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                var btn = sender as Button;
                if (btn == null)
                if (_moveBack)
                    _mainTab.Children.Insert(0, _page1);
                    btn.Text  = MoveOutText;
                    _moveBack = false;
                    _mainBox.Children.Add(_page1, true);
                    btn.Text  = MoveBackText;
                    _moveBack = true;

            _hBox = new HorizontalBox();
            _hBox.Children.Add(new Label("Label Alignment Test"));
            _button        = new Button("Open Menued Window");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>

            _button        = new Button("Open Menuless Window");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>

            _button        = new Button("Disabled Menued");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>

            _button        = new Button("Disabled Menuless");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>


            _nestedBox = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox.Children.Add(new Button("These"));
            _innerhbox.Children.Add(new Button("buttons")
                Enabled = false

            _innerhbox = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox.Children.Add(new Button("are"));
            _innerhbox2 = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox2.Children.Add(new Button("in")
                Enabled = false

            _innerhbox  = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox2 = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox2.Children.Add(new Button("nested"));
            _innerhbox3 = new HorizontalBox();
            _innerhbox3.Children.Add(new Button("boxes")
                Enabled = false

            _hBox          = new HorizontalBox();
            _button        = new Button("Enable Nested Box");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                _nestedBox.Enabled = true;
            _button        = new Button("Disable Nested Box");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                _nestedBox.Enabled = false;

            _disabledTab = new Tab();
            _disabledTab.Children.Add(new TabPage("Disabled", new Button("Button")));
            _disabledTab.Children.Add(new TabPage("Tab", new Label("Label")));
            _disabledTab.Enabled = false;
            _container.Children.Add(_disabledTab, true);

            _entry              = new Entry();
            _readonly           = new Entry();
            _entry.TextChanged += (sender, args) =>
                _readonly.Text = args.Text;
            _readonly.Text       = "If you can see this, uiEntryReadOnly() isn't working properly.";
            _readonly.IsReadOnly = true;
            if (_readonly.IsReadOnly)
                _readonly.Text = "";

            _hBox          = new HorizontalBox();
            _button        = new Button("Show Button 2");
            _button2       = new Button("Button 2");
            _button.Click += (sender, args) =>
            // It doesn't hide on unix. libui bug?
            _hBox.Children.Add(_button, true);
Esempio n. 8
        private VerticalBox ApplyCellPaddings(
            TexEnvironment environment,
            IList <List <Box> > matrix,
            int columnCount,
            IList <List <CellGaps> > matrixCellGaps)
            var rowsContainer = new VerticalBox();

            for (var i = 0; i < matrix.Count; ++i)
                var rowContainer = new HorizontalBox();
                for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; ++j)
                    var cell = matrix[i][j];

                    var cellContainer = new VerticalBox();
                    var(topPadding, bottomPadding) = GetVerticalPadding(i, j);
                    cellContainer.Height = cellContainer.TotalHeight;
                    cellContainer.Depth  = 0;

                    var(leftPadding, rightPadding) = GetHorizontalPadding(i, j);
                    if (leftPadding != null)


            var axis            = environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style);
            var containerHeight = rowsContainer.TotalHeight;

            rowsContainer.Depth  = containerHeight / 2 - axis;
            rowsContainer.Height = containerHeight / 2 + axis;


            (Box TopPadding, Box BottomPadding) GetVerticalPadding(int i, int j)
                var value     = matrixCellGaps[i][j].Vertical;
                var topBox    = new StrutBox(0.0, VerticalPadding / 2 + value, 0.0, VerticalPadding);
                var bottomBox = new StrutBox(0.0, VerticalPadding / 2 + value, 0.0, VerticalPadding);

                return(topBox, bottomBox);

            (Box LeftPadding, Box RightPadding) GetHorizontalPadding(int i, int j)
                var value        = matrixCellGaps[i][j].Horizontal;
                var leftPadding  = MatrixCellAlignment == MatrixCellAlignment.Left ? 0.0 : value;
                var rightPadding = MatrixCellAlignment == MatrixCellAlignment.Left ? value * 2 : value;
                var leftBox      = MatrixCellAlignment == MatrixCellAlignment.Left
                    ? null
                    : new StrutBox(HorizontalPadding / 2 + leftPadding, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                var rightBox = new StrutBox(HorizontalPadding / 2 + rightPadding, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                return(leftBox, rightBox);
Esempio n. 9
        protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment)
            CharSymbol GetBaseChar()
                var baseAtom = this.BaseAtom;

                while (baseAtom is AccentedAtom a)
                    baseAtom = a.BaseAtom;

                return(baseAtom as CharSymbol);

            var texFont = environment.MathFont;
            var style   = environment.Style;

            // Create box for base atom.
            var baseBox      = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle());
            var baseCharFont = GetBaseChar()?.GetCharFont(texFont).Value;
            var skew         = baseCharFont == null ? 0.0 : texFont.GetSkew(baseCharFont, style);

            // Find character of best scale for accent symbol.
            var accentChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(this.AccentAtom.Name, style).Value;

            while (texFont.HasNextLarger(accentChar))
                var nextLargerChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(accentChar, style);
                if (nextLargerChar.Metrics.Width > baseBox.Width)
                accentChar = nextLargerChar;

            var resultBox = new VerticalBox();

            // Create and add box for accent symbol.
            Box accentBox;
            var accentItalicWidth = accentChar.Metrics.Italic;

            if (accentItalicWidth > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision)
                accentBox = new HorizontalBox(new CharBox(environment, accentChar));
                accentBox.Add(new StrutBox(accentItalicWidth, 0, 0, 0));
                accentBox = new CharBox(environment, accentChar);

            var delta = Math.Min(baseBox.Height, texFont.GetXHeight(style, accentChar.FontId));

            resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, -delta, 0, 0));

            // Centre and add box for base atom. Centre base box and accent box with respect to each other.
            var boxWidthsDiff = (baseBox.Width - accentBox.Width) / 2;

            accentBox.Shift = skew + Math.Max(boxWidthsDiff, 0);
            if (boxWidthsDiff < 0)
                baseBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox, accentBox.Width, TexAlignment.Center);

            // Adjust height and depth of result box.
            var depth       = baseBox.Depth;
            var totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth;

            resultBox.Depth  = depth;
            resultBox.Height = totalHeight - depth;

Esempio n. 10
        protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment)
            var texFont = environment.MathFont;
            var style   = environment.Style;
            var axis    = texFont.GetAxisHeight(style);

            //Region for adjustment vars
            double maxrowWidth = 0;

            //stores the max cell height for each row
            var RowsMaxCellHeight = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++)
            //stores the max cell width for each column
            var ColumnsMaxCellWidth = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnCount; i++)
            //Create a vertical box to hold the rows and their cells
            var resultBox = new VerticalBox();

            for (int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++)
                //row top pad
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(maxrowWidth, CellBottomTopPadding / 2, 0, 0));

                var rowbox = new HorizontalBox()
                    Tag = $"Row:{i}",

                for (int j = 0; j < ColumnCount; j++)
                    double maxrowHeight = 0;
                    //cell left pad
                    var cellleftpad = new StrutBox(CellLeftRightPadding / 2, 0, 0, 0)
                        Tag   = $"CellLeftPad{i}:{j}",
                        Shift = 0,

                    //cell right pad
                    var cellrightpad = new StrutBox(CellLeftRightPadding / 2, 0, 0, 0)
                        Tag   = $"CellRightPad{i}:{j}",
                        Shift = 0,

                    //cell box
                    var rowcellbox = TableCells[i][j] == null ? StrutBox.Empty : TableCells[i][j].CreateBox(environment);
                    ColumnsMaxCellWidth[j] = rowcellbox.TotalWidth > ColumnsMaxCellWidth[j] ? rowcellbox.TotalWidth : ColumnsMaxCellWidth[j];
                    rowcellbox.Tag         = "innercell";
                    //cell box holder
                    var rowcolbox = new VerticalBox()
                        Tag = $"Cell{i}:{j}", ShowBounds = false

                    var celltoppad = new StrutBox(rowcellbox.TotalWidth, CellBottomTopPadding / 2, 0, 0)
                        Tag = $"CellTopPad{i}:{j}",
                    var cellbottompad = new StrutBox(rowcellbox.TotalWidth, CellBottomTopPadding / 2, 0, 0)
                        Tag = $"CellBottomPad{i}:{j}",

                    //maxrowHeight += rowcolbox.TotalHeight;
                    maxrowHeight   += rowcellbox.TotalHeight + CellBottomTopPadding;
                    rowcolbox.Width = rowcellbox.TotalWidth;
                    //rowcolbox.Height = maxrowHeight;


                    RowsMaxCellHeight[i] = maxrowHeight > RowsMaxCellHeight[i] ? maxrowHeight : RowsMaxCellHeight[i];

                rowbox.Shift = 0;
                //row bottom pad
                resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(maxrowWidth, CellBottomTopPadding / 2, 0, 0));

            int rows    = 0;
            int columns = 0;
            //1->Left and right, 2->Top and Bottom
            //create the item below to hold the left-right gaps(Tuple.Item1) and top-bottom gaps (Tuple.Item2) for the rows
            List <List <Tuple <double, double> > > TableCellGaps = new List <List <Tuple <double, double> > >();

            for (int i = 0; i < resultBox.Children.Count; i++)
                var tablerowitem = resultBox.Children[i];
                List <Tuple <double, double> > RowGaps = new List <Tuple <double, double> >();

                if (tablerowitem is HorizontalBox && tablerowitem.Tag.ToString() == $"Row:{rows}")
                    for (int j = 0; j < ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children.Count; j++)
                        var rowcolitem = ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j];
                        if (rowcolitem is StrutBox)
                            rowcolitem.Height = RowsMaxCellHeight[rows];
                        else if (rowcolitem is VerticalBox && rowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == $"Cell{rows}:{columns}")
                            double cellVShift = RowsMaxCellHeight[rows] - rowcolitem.TotalHeight;

                            double cellHShift = ColumnsMaxCellWidth[columns] - rowcolitem.TotalWidth;

                            ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j - 1].Shift = rowcolitem.Depth; // + (cellVShift / 2);//.Width += cellHShift / 2;
                            ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j + 1].Shift = rowcolitem.Depth; // +(cellVShift / 2);// Width += cellHShift / 2;
                            RowGaps.Add(new Tuple <double, double> (cellHShift / 2, cellVShift / 2));


                    columns = 0;

            rows    = 0;
            columns = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < resultBox.Children.Count; i++)
                var tablerowitem = resultBox.Children[i];

                if (tablerowitem is HorizontalBox && tablerowitem.Tag.ToString() == $"Row:{rows}")
                    double rowwidth = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children.Count; j++)
                        var currowcolitem  = ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j];
                        var prevrowcolitem = j > 0 ? ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j - 1] : ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j];
                        var nextrowcolitem = j < ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children.Count - 1 ? ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j + 1] : ((HorizontalBox)tablerowitem).Children[j];

                        if (currowcolitem is VerticalBox && Regex.IsMatch(currowcolitem.Tag.ToString(), @"Cell[0-9]+:[0-9]+"))
                            rowwidth += currowcolitem.TotalWidth;
                            var leftstructboxtag  = $"CellLeftPad{rows}:{columns}";
                            var rightstructboxtag = $"CellRightPad{rows}:{columns}";

                            switch (CellHorizontalAlignment)
                            case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                                if (prevrowcolitem is StrutBox && prevrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == leftstructboxtag)
                                    //prevrowcolitem.Width += TableCellGaps[a][b].Item1;
                                    rowwidth += prevrowcolitem.TotalWidth;
                                if (nextrowcolitem is StrutBox && nextrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == rightstructboxtag)
                                    nextrowcolitem.Width += 2 * TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item1;
                                    rowwidth             += nextrowcolitem.TotalWidth;

                            case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                                if (prevrowcolitem is StrutBox && prevrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == leftstructboxtag)
                                    prevrowcolitem.Width += 2 * TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item1;
                                    rowwidth             += prevrowcolitem.TotalWidth;
                                if (nextrowcolitem is StrutBox && nextrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == rightstructboxtag)
                                    //nextrowcolitem.Width += TableCellGaps[a][b].Item1;
                                    rowwidth += nextrowcolitem.TotalWidth;

                            case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                                if (prevrowcolitem is StrutBox && prevrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == leftstructboxtag)
                                    prevrowcolitem.Width += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item1;
                                    rowwidth             += prevrowcolitem.TotalWidth;
                                if (nextrowcolitem is StrutBox && nextrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == rightstructboxtag)
                                    nextrowcolitem.Width += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item1;
                                    rowwidth             += nextrowcolitem.TotalWidth;

                            case HorizontalAlignment.Stretch:
                                if (prevrowcolitem is StrutBox && prevrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == leftstructboxtag)
                                    prevrowcolitem.Width  = 0;
                                    prevrowcolitem.Italic = 0;
                                    rowwidth += prevrowcolitem.TotalWidth;
                                if (nextrowcolitem is StrutBox && nextrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == rightstructboxtag)
                                    nextrowcolitem.Width  = 0;
                                    nextrowcolitem.Italic = 0;
                                    rowwidth += nextrowcolitem.TotalWidth;


                            double cellheight = 0;
                            //check the vertical cell gap size and increase appropriately
                            for (int k = 0; k < ((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children.Count; k++)
                                var curcellitem  = ((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children[k];
                                var prevcellitem = k > 0? ((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children[k - 1]:((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children[k];
                                var nextcellitem = k < (((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children.Count - 1)? ((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children[k + 1]:((VerticalBox)currowcolitem).Children[k];

                                if (curcellitem.Tag.ToString() == "innercell")
                                    cellheight += curcellitem.TotalHeight;
                                    var topstructboxtag    = $"CellTopPad{rows}:{columns}";
                                    var bottomstructboxtag = $"CellBottomPad{rows}:{columns}";

                                    switch (CellVerticalAlignment)
                                    case VerticalAlignment.Bottom:
                                        if (prevcellitem.Tag.ToString() == topstructboxtag)
                                            prevcellitem.Height += 2 * TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                            //prevcellitem.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
                                            cellheight += prevcellitem.TotalHeight;
                                            if (prevcellitem.Height > (currowcolitem.Height / 2))
                                        if (nextcellitem.Tag.ToString() == bottomstructboxtag)
                                            //nextcellitem.Height += TableCellGaps[a][b].Item2;
                                            //nextcellitem.Background = Brushes.BurlyWood;
                                            cellheight += nextcellitem.TotalHeight;

                                    case VerticalAlignment.Center:
                                        if (prevcellitem.Tag.ToString() == topstructboxtag)
                                            prevcellitem.Height += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                            //prevcellitem.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
                                            cellheight += prevcellitem.TotalHeight;
                                            if (prevcellitem.Height > (currowcolitem.Height / 2))
                                        if (nextcellitem.Tag.ToString() == bottomstructboxtag)
                                            nextcellitem.Height += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                            //nextcellitem.Background = Brushes.BurlyWood;
                                            cellheight += nextcellitem.TotalHeight;

                                    case VerticalAlignment.Stretch:
                                        if (prevcellitem.Tag.ToString() == topstructboxtag)
                                            prevcellitem.Height = 0;
                                            prevcellitem.Depth  = 0;
                                            //prevcellitem.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
                                            cellheight += prevcellitem.TotalHeight;
                                            if (prevcellitem.Height > (currowcolitem.Height / 2))
                                        if (nextcellitem.Tag.ToString() == bottomstructboxtag)
                                            nextcellitem.Height = 0;
                                            nextcellitem.Depth  = 0;
                                            //nextcellitem.Background = Brushes.BurlyWood;
                                            cellheight += nextcellitem.TotalHeight;

                                    case VerticalAlignment.Top:
                                        if (prevcellitem.Tag.ToString() == topstructboxtag)
                                            //prevcellitem.Height += TableCellGaps[a][b].Item2;
                                            //prevcellitem.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
                                            cellheight += prevcellitem.TotalHeight;
                                            if (prevcellitem.Height > (currowcolitem.Height / 2))
                                        if (nextcellitem.Tag.ToString() == bottomstructboxtag)
                                            nextcellitem.Height += 2 * TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                            //nextcellitem.Background = Brushes.BurlyWood;
                                            cellheight += nextcellitem.TotalHeight;


                                    if (prevrowcolitem is StrutBox && prevrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == leftstructboxtag)
                                        prevrowcolitem.Shift += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                    if (nextrowcolitem is StrutBox && nextrowcolitem.Tag.ToString() == rightstructboxtag)
                                        nextrowcolitem.Shift += TableCellGaps[rows][columns].Item2;
                                    //currowcolitem.Shift -= TableCellGaps[a][b].Item2; ;
                            //currowcolitem.Height = cellheight;

                    tablerowitem.Width = rowwidth;
                    columns            = 0;

            double sigmaTotalHeight = 0;
            double adjustedwidth    = 0;

            foreach (var item in resultBox.Children)
                sigmaTotalHeight += item.TotalHeight;
                if (item.TotalWidth > adjustedwidth)
                    adjustedwidth = item.TotalWidth;

            double adjustedTotalHeight = RowsMaxCellHeight.Sum() + (RowCount * CellBottomTopPadding);

            resultBox.Depth  = 0;
            resultBox.Height = adjustedTotalHeight > sigmaTotalHeight?adjustedTotalHeight:sigmaTotalHeight;
            resultBox.Width  = adjustedwidth > resultBox.TotalWidth?adjustedwidth:resultBox.TotalWidth;
            var enviroYDiff = axis >= resultBox.TotalHeight ? -(axis - resultBox.TotalHeight) / 2: (resultBox.TotalHeight - axis) / 2;

            resultBox.Shift = enviroYDiff;

            var finalbox = new HorizontalBox();

            finalbox.Add(new StrutBox(CellLeftRightPadding / 8, 0, 0, 0));
            finalbox.Add(new StrutBox(CellLeftRightPadding / 8, 0, 0, 0));

Esempio n. 11
    private void InitializeComponent()
        //Setup grid and layout
        // grid = new Grid(){ AllowPadding = true };
        // form = new Form();
        // this.Child = grid;

        // vbox = new VerticalBox();
        // displayLayout = new HorizontalBox();
        // messageLayout = new HorizontalBox();
        // vbox.Children.Add(messageLayout);

        // this.Child = vbox;

        // messageDisplay = new MultilineEntry();
        // // messageDisplay.Enabled = false;

        // //Setup buttons and controls
        // sendButton = new Button("Send");
        // sendButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs args) =>
        // {
        //   MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You said {0}", messageArea.Text));
        // };

        // messageArea = new Entry();

        // //Add controls to the grid
        // // vbox.Children.Add(displayLayout);
        // displayLayout.Children.Add(messageDisplay);
        // messageLayout.Children.Add(messageArea);
        // messageLayout.Children.Add(sendButton);

        _hBox = new HorizontalBox()
            AllowPadding = true

        _vBox = new VerticalBox()
            AllowPadding = true

        this.Child = _vBox;

        messageDisplay = new MultilineEntry();
        _vBox.Children.Add(messageDisplay, true);

        messageArea = new Entry();

        sendButton = new Button("Send");

Esempio n. 12
        public static Box CreateBox(string symbol, double minHeight, TexEnvironment environment)
            var texFont  = environment.TexFont;
            var style    = environment.Style;
            var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(symbol, style);

            // Find first version of character that has at least minimum height.
            var metrics     = charInfo.Metrics;
            var totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth;

            while (totalHeight < minHeight && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo))
                charInfo    = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style);
                metrics     = charInfo.Metrics;
                totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth;

            if (totalHeight >= minHeight)
                // Character of sufficient height was found.
                return(new CharBox(environment, charInfo));
            if (texFont.IsExtensionChar(charInfo))
                var resultBox = new VerticalBox();

                // Construct box from extension character.
                var extension = texFont.GetExtension(charInfo, style);
                if (extension.Top != null)
                    resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Top));
                if (extension.Middle != null)
                    resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Middle));
                if (extension.Bottom != null)
                    resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Bottom));

                // Insert repeatable part multiple times until box is high enough.
                var repeatBox = new CharBox(environment, extension.Repeat);
                    if (extension.Top != null && extension.Bottom != null)
                        resultBox.Add(1, repeatBox);
                        if (extension.Middle != null)
                            resultBox.Add(resultBox.Children.Count - 1, repeatBox);
                    else if (extension.Bottom != null)
                        resultBox.Add(0, repeatBox);
                } while(resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth < minHeight);

            // No extensions available, so use tallest available version of character.
            return(new CharBox(environment, charInfo));
Esempio n. 13
        public override Box CreateBox()
            float lineHeight = lineThickness * TexContext.Scale;

            // Create boxes for numerator and demoninator atoms, and make them of equal width.
            var numeratorBox = numerator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : numerator.CreateBox();


            var denominatorBox = denominator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : denominator.CreateBox();


            float maxWidth = (numeratorBox.width < denominatorBox.width ? denominatorBox.width : numeratorBox.width) + TEXConfiguration.main.FractionMargin * TexContext.Scale;

            numeratorBox   = HorizontalBox.Get(numeratorBox, maxWidth, numeratorAlignment);
            denominatorBox = HorizontalBox.Get(denominatorBox, maxWidth, denominatorAlignment);

            // Calculate preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts.
            float shiftUp, shiftDown;
            var   styleFactor = TexContext.Scale;

            if (TexContext.Environment.value >= TexEnvironment.Text)
                styleFactor *= TEXConfiguration.main.FractionNarrowFactor;

            shiftUp   = TEXConfiguration.main.NumeratorShift * styleFactor;
            shiftDown = TEXConfiguration.main.DenominatorShift * styleFactor;

            // Create result box.
            var resultBox = VerticalBox.Get();

            // add box for numerator.

            // Calculate clearance and adjust shift amounts.
            //var axis = TEXConfiguration.main.AxisHeight * TexContext.Scale;

            // Calculate clearance amount.
            float clearance = lineHeight > 0 ? TEXConfiguration.main.FractionGap : TEXConfiguration.main.FractionGapNoLine;

            // Adjust shift amounts.
            var kern1  = shiftUp - numeratorBox.depth;
            var kern2  = shiftDown - denominatorBox.height;
            var delta1 = clearance - kern1;
            var delta2 = clearance - kern2;

            if (delta1 > 0)
                shiftUp += delta1;
                kern1   += delta1;
            if (delta2 > 0)
                shiftDown += delta2;
                kern2     += delta2;

            if (lineHeight > 0)
                // Draw fraction line.

                resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, kern1, 0, 0));
                resultBox.Add(HorizontalRule.Get(lineHeight, numeratorBox.width, 0));
                resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, kern2, 0, 0));
                // Do not draw fraction line.

                var kern = kern1 + kern2;
                resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, kern, 0, 0));

            // add box for denominator.

            // Adjust height and depth of result box.
            resultBox.height = shiftUp + numeratorBox.height;
            resultBox.depth  = shiftDown + lineHeight + denominatorBox.depth;
