private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); using (RebuildLock()) { var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(Math.Sqrt(2), 0); path.LineTo(0, Height); var mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, 4); mesh.Transform(Matrix4X4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(45)) * Matrix4X4.CreateScale(Width / 2, Depth / 2, 1)); Mesh = mesh; if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); }
private void DrawSnappingMarks(DrawGlContentEventArgs drawEventArgs, double mouseAngle, double alphaValue, Matrix4X4 rotationCenterTransform, double distanceFromCenter, double dotRadius, int numSnapPoints, int markToSnapTo) { var graphics2DOpenGL = new Graphics2DOpenGL(); double snappingRadians = MathHelper.Tau / numSnapPoints; var clippingFrustum = GLHelper.GetClippingFrustum(InteractionContext.World); for (int i = 0; i < numSnapPoints; i++) { double startAngle = i * snappingRadians + mouseAngle; VertexStorage snapShape = new VertexStorage(); snapShape.MoveTo(-10, 0); snapShape.LineTo(5, 7); snapShape.LineTo(5, -7); snapShape.ClosePolygon(); var transformed = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(snapShape, Affine.NewTranslation(distanceFromCenter, 0) * Affine.NewRotation(startAngle)); // new Ellipse(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, dotRadius, dotRadius); var color = Color.Black; if (i == markToSnapTo) { color = Color.Red; } graphics2DOpenGL.RenderTransformedPath(rotationCenterTransform, transformed, new Color(color, (int)(254 * alphaValue)), drawEventArgs.ZBuffered); } }
public void JsonSerializeVertexStorage() { var test1Control = new VertexStorage(); test1Control.MoveTo(10, 11); test1Control.LineTo(100, 11); test1Control.LineTo(100, 110); test1Control.ClosePolygon(); string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(test1Control); var test1Result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VertexStorage>(jsonData); Assert.AreEqual(test1Control.Count, test1Result.Count); var control = test1Control.Vertices().GetEnumerator(); var result = test1Result.Vertices().GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < test1Control.Count; i++) { control.MoveNext(); result.MoveNext(); var controlVertex = control.Current; var resultVertex = result.Current; Assert.AreEqual(controlVertex.command, resultVertex.command); Assert.AreEqual(controlVertex.position, resultVertex.position); } }
public static void DrawMeasureLine(Graphics2D graphics2D, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd, Color color, LineArrows arrows) { graphics2D.Line(lineStart, lineEnd, Color.Black); Vector2 direction = lineEnd - lineStart; if (direction.LengthSquared > 0 && (arrows.HasFlag(LineArrows.Start) || arrows.HasFlag(LineArrows.End))) { VertexStorage arrow = new VertexStorage(); arrow.MoveTo(-3, -5); arrow.LineTo(0, 0); arrow.LineTo(3, -5); if (arrows.HasFlag(LineArrows.End)) { double rotation = Math.Atan2(direction.Y, direction.X); IVertexSource correctRotation = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(arrow, Affine.NewRotation(rotation - MathHelper.Tau / 4)); IVertexSource inPosition = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(correctRotation, Affine.NewTranslation(lineEnd)); graphics2D.Render(inPosition, Color.Black); } if (arrows.HasFlag(LineArrows.Start)) { double rotation = Math.Atan2(direction.Y, direction.X) + MathHelper.Tau / 2; IVertexSource correctRotation = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(arrow, Affine.NewRotation(rotation - MathHelper.Tau / 4)); IVertexSource inPosition = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(correctRotation, Affine.NewTranslation(lineStart)); graphics2D.Render(inPosition, Color.Black); } } }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; using (RebuildLock()) { InnerDiameter = agg_basics.Clamp(InnerDiameter, 0, OuterDiameter - .1, ref valuesChanged); Sides = agg_basics.Clamp(Sides, 3, 360, ref valuesChanged); RingSides = agg_basics.Clamp(RingSides, 3, 360, ref valuesChanged); StartingAngle = agg_basics.Clamp(StartingAngle, 0, 360 - .01, ref valuesChanged); EndingAngle = agg_basics.Clamp(EndingAngle, StartingAngle + .01, 360, ref valuesChanged); var ringSides = RingSides; var startingAngle = StartingAngle; var endingAngle = EndingAngle; var ringPhaseAngle = RingPhaseAngle; if (!Advanced) { ringSides = Math.Max(3, (int)(Sides / 2)); startingAngle = 0; endingAngle = 360; ringPhaseAngle = 0; } var innerDiameter = Math.Min(OuterDiameter - .1, InnerDiameter); using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { var poleRadius = (OuterDiameter / 2 - innerDiameter / 2) / 2; var toroidRadius = innerDiameter / 2 + poleRadius; var path = new VertexStorage(); var angleDelta = MathHelper.Tau / ringSides; var ringStartAngle = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(ringPhaseAngle); var ringAngle = ringStartAngle; var circleCenter = new Vector2(toroidRadius, 0); path.MoveTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringStartAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringStartAngle))); for (int i = 0; i < ringSides - 1; i++) { ringAngle += angleDelta; path.LineTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringAngle))); } path.LineTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringStartAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringStartAngle))); var startAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(startingAngle)); var endAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(endingAngle)); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides, startAngle, endAngle); } } if (valuesChanged) { Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool changed = false; using (RebuildLock()) { InnerDiameter = agg_basics.Clamp(InnerDiameter, 0, OuterDiameter - .1, ref changed); Sides = agg_basics.Clamp(Sides, 3, 360, ref changed); RingSides = agg_basics.Clamp(RingSides, 3, 360, ref changed); var ringSides = RingSides; var startingAngle = StartingAngle; var endingAngle = EndingAngle; var ringPhaseAngle = RingPhaseAngle; if (!Advanced) { ringSides = Math.Max(3, (int)(Sides / 2)); startingAngle = 0; endingAngle = 360; ringPhaseAngle = 0; } var innerDiameter = Math.Min(OuterDiameter - .1, InnerDiameter); var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var poleRadius = (OuterDiameter / 2 - innerDiameter / 2) / 2; var toroidRadius = innerDiameter / 2 + poleRadius; var path = new VertexStorage(); var angleDelta = MathHelper.Tau / ringSides; var ringStartAngle = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(ringPhaseAngle); var ringAngle = ringStartAngle; var circleCenter = new Vector2(toroidRadius, 0); path.MoveTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringStartAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringStartAngle))); for (int i = 0; i < ringSides - 1; i++) { ringAngle += angleDelta; path.LineTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringAngle))); } path.LineTo(circleCenter + new Vector2(poleRadius * Math.Cos(ringStartAngle), poleRadius * Math.Sin(ringStartAngle))); var startAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(startingAngle)); var endAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(endingAngle)); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides, startAngle, endAngle); if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); if (changed) { base.OnInvalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Properties)); } }
public void CreateGrid(Affine transform) { Vector2 gridOffset = gridCenterMm - gridSizeMm / 2; if (gridSizeMm.X > 0 && gridSizeMm.Y > 0) { grid.remove_all(); for (int y = 0; y <= gridSizeMm.Y; y += 10) { Vector2 start = new Vector2(0, y) + gridOffset; Vector2 end = new Vector2(gridSizeMm.X, y) + gridOffset; transform.transform(ref start); transform.transform(ref end); grid.MoveTo((int)(start.X + .5), (int)(start.Y + .5) + .5); grid.LineTo((int)(int)(end.X + .5), (int)(end.Y + .5) + .5); } for (int x = 0; x <= gridSizeMm.X; x += 10) { Vector2 start = new Vector2(x, 0) + gridOffset; Vector2 end = new Vector2(x, gridSizeMm.Y) + gridOffset; transform.transform(ref start); transform.transform(ref end); grid.MoveTo((int)(start.X + .5) + .5, (int)(start.Y + .5)); grid.LineTo((int)(end.X + .5) + .5, (int)(end.Y + .5)); } } }
private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool changed = false; using (RebuildLock()) { Sides = agg_basics.Clamp(Sides, 3, 360, ref changed); var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(Diameter / 2, 0); path.LineTo(0, Height); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides); if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); if (changed) { base.OnInvalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Properties)); } }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { targetBounds = this.GetTargetBounds(productTour.ActiveItem.Widget); var dimRegion = new VertexStorage(); dimRegion.MoveTo(LocalBounds.Left, LocalBounds.Bottom); dimRegion.LineTo(LocalBounds.Right, LocalBounds.Bottom); dimRegion.LineTo(LocalBounds.Right, LocalBounds.Top); dimRegion.LineTo(LocalBounds.Left, LocalBounds.Top); var targetRect = new VertexStorage(); targetRect.MoveTo(targetBounds.Right, targetBounds.Bottom); targetRect.LineTo(targetBounds.Left, targetBounds.Bottom); targetRect.LineTo(targetBounds.Left, targetBounds.Top); targetRect.LineTo(targetBounds.Right, targetBounds.Top); var overlayMinusTargetRect = new CombinePaths(dimRegion, targetRect); graphics2D.Render(overlayMinusTargetRect, new Color(Color.Black, 180)); base.OnDraw(graphics2D); graphics2D.Render(new Stroke(new RoundedRect(targetBounds, 0), 2), Color.White.WithAlpha(50)); //graphics2D.Render(new Stroke(new RoundedRect(GetContentBounds(), 3), 4), theme.PrimaryAccentColor); }
private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); using (RebuildLock()) { var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var radius = Diameter / 2; var angleDelta = MathHelper.Tau / 4 / LatitudeSides; var angle = 0.0; var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(new Vector2(radius * Math.Cos(angle), radius * Math.Sin(angle))); for (int i = 0; i < LatitudeSides; i++) { angle += angleDelta; path.LineTo(new Vector2(radius * Math.Cos(angle), radius * Math.Sin(angle))); } Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, LongitudeSides); if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); }
private void DrawSnappingMarks(DrawGlContentEventArgs drawEventArgs, double mouseAngle, double alphaValue, Matrix4X4 rotationCenterTransform, double distanceFromCenter, int numSnapPoints, int markToSnapTo) { var graphics2DOpenGL = new Graphics2DOpenGL(GuiWidget.DeviceScale); double snappingRadians = MathHelper.Tau / numSnapPoints; for (int i = 0; i < numSnapPoints; i++) { double startAngle = i * snappingRadians + mouseAngle; var snapShape = new VertexStorage(); var scale = GuiWidget.DeviceScale; snapShape.MoveTo(-10 * scale, 0); snapShape.LineTo(5 * scale, 7 * scale); snapShape.LineTo(5 * scale, -7 * scale); snapShape.ClosePolygon(); var transformed = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(snapShape, Affine.NewTranslation(distanceFromCenter, 0) * Affine.NewRotation(startAngle)); // new Ellipse(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, dotRadius, dotRadius); var color = theme.TextColor; if (i == markToSnapTo) { color = theme.PrimaryAccentColor; } graphics2DOpenGL.RenderTransformedPath(rotationCenterTransform, transformed, new Color(color, (int)(254 * alphaValue)), drawEventArgs.ZBuffered); } }
public void BuildHistogramFromImage(ImageBuffer image, ImageToPathObject3D_2.AnalysisTypes analysisType) { // build the histogram cache var height = (int)(100 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale); _histogramRawCache = new ImageBuffer(256, height); var counts = new int[_histogramRawCache.Width]; IThresholdFunction function = new MapOnMaxIntensity(0, 1); var bottom = 0; if (analysisType == ImageToPathObject3D_2.AnalysisTypes.Colors) { function = new QuickHue(); bottom = (int)(10 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale); } byte[] buffer = image.GetBuffer(); for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++) { int imageBufferOffset = image.GetBufferOffsetY(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++) { int imageBufferOffsetWithX = imageBufferOffset + x * 4; var color = GetRGBA(buffer, imageBufferOffsetWithX); counts[(int)(function.Transform(color) * (_histogramRawCache.Width - 1))]++; } } double max = counts.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }) .OrderByDescending(vi => vi.value) .First().value; var graphics = _histogramRawCache.NewGraphics2D(); var theme = ApplicationController.Instance.Theme; graphics.Clear(theme.SlightShade); var graphShape = new VertexStorage(); var graphHeight = height - bottom; graphShape.MoveTo(0, bottom); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { graphShape.LineTo(i, bottom + Easing.Exponential.Out(counts[i] / max) * graphHeight); // graphShape.LineTo(i, bottom + Easing.Cubic.Out(counts[i] / max) * graphHeight); // graphShape.LineTo(i, bottom + Easing.Exponential.Out(counts[i] / max) * graphHeight); // graphShape.LineTo(i, bottom + counts[i] / max * graphHeight); } graphShape.LineTo(256, bottom); graphShape.LineTo(0, bottom); graphics.Render(graphShape, 0, 0, theme.TextColor); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { var hue = ColorF.FromHSL(i / 255.0, 1, .49).ToColor(); graphics.Line(i, 0, i, bottom, hue); } }
// TODO: EditorTools owns this, move to more general location private static Mesh CreateCylinder(double height = 20, double radius = 10, int rotationCount = 30) { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(radius, 0); path.LineTo(radius, height); path.LineTo(0, height); return(VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, rotationCount)); }
static DropArrow() { DownArrow = new VertexStorage(); DownArrow.MoveTo(-ArrowHeight, 0); DownArrow.LineTo(ArrowHeight, 0); DownArrow.LineTo(0, -ArrowHeight); UpArrow = new VertexStorage(); UpArrow.MoveTo(-ArrowHeight, -ArrowHeight); UpArrow.LineTo(ArrowHeight, -ArrowHeight); UpArrow.LineTo(0, 0); }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; var roundSegments = RoundSegments.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 2, 90, ref valuesChanged); Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); using (RebuildLock()) { var height = Height.Value(this); var width = Width.Value(this); using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(width, 0); var range = 360 / 4.0; switch (Round) { case RoundTypes.Up: for (int i = 1; i < roundSegments - 1; i++) { var angle = range / (roundSegments - 1) * i; var rad = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(angle); path.LineTo(Math.Cos(rad) * width, Math.Sin(rad) * height); } break; case RoundTypes.Down: for (int i = 1; i < roundSegments - 1; i++) { var angle = range / (roundSegments - 1) * i; var rad = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(angle); path.LineTo(width - Math.Sin(rad) * width, height - Math.Cos(rad) * height); } break; } path.LineTo(0, height); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(path, Depth.Value(this)); Mesh.Transform(Matrix4X4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.Tau / 4)); } } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void ThreeItemPolygonCountTest() { var storage = new VertexStorage(); // Square storage.MoveTo(0, 0); storage.LineTo(100, 0); storage.LineTo(100, 100); storage.LineTo(0, 100); storage.ClosePolygon(); // Triangle storage.MoveTo(30, 30); storage.LineTo(40, 30); storage.LineTo(35, 40); storage.ClosePolygon(); // Small Square storage.MoveTo(20, 20); storage.LineTo(25, 20); storage.LineTo(25, 25); storage.LineTo(20, 25); storage.ClosePolygon(); var polygons = storage.CreatePolygons(); //var image = new ImageBuffer(200, 200); //var graphics = image.NewGraphics2D(); //graphics.Render(new Stroke(storage), Color.Blue); //ImageTgaIO.Save(image, @"c:\temp\some.tga"); Assert.AreEqual(3, polygons.Count, "Three polygons should be create for a two squares and a triangle"); }
public void CubePolygonCountTest() { var square = new VertexStorage(); square.MoveTo(0, 0); square.LineTo(100, 0); square.LineTo(100, 100); square.LineTo(0, 100); square.ClosePolygon(); var polygons = square.CreatePolygons(); Assert.AreEqual(1, polygons.Count, "One polygon should be created for a simple 4 point cube path"); }
private static void BuildDropArrow() { _downArrow = new VertexStorage(); _downArrow.MoveTo(-ArrowHeight, 0); _downArrow.LineTo(ArrowHeight, 0); _downArrow.LineTo(0, -ArrowHeight); _upArrow = new VertexStorage(); _upArrow.MoveTo(-ArrowHeight, -ArrowHeight); _upArrow.LineTo(ArrowHeight, -ArrowHeight); _upArrow.LineTo(0, 0); calculatedDeviceScale = GuiWidget.DeviceScale; }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect()); GammaLookUpTable gamma = new GammaLookUpTable(gammaSlider.Value); IRecieveBlenderByte NormalBlender = new BlenderBGRA(); IRecieveBlenderByte GammaBlender = new BlenderGammaBGRA(gamma); ImageBuffer rasterGamma = new ImageBuffer(); rasterGamma.Attach(widgetsSubImage, GammaBlender); ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyNormal = new ImageClippingProxy(widgetsSubImage); ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyGamma = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterGamma); clippingProxyNormal.clear(new ColorF(1, 1, 1)); ScanlineRasterizer rasterizer = new ScanlineRasterizer(); scanline_unpacked_8 sl = new scanline_unpacked_8(); int size_mul = (int)pixelSizeSlider.Value; renderer_enlarged ren_en = new renderer_enlarged(size_mul); rasterizer.reset(); rasterizer.move_to_d(m_x[0] / size_mul, m_y[0] / size_mul); rasterizer.line_to_d(m_x[1] / size_mul, m_y[1] / size_mul); rasterizer.line_to_d(m_x[2] / size_mul, m_y[2] / size_mul); ren_en.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, rasterizer, sl, Color.Black); ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer(); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, rasterizer, sl, Color.Black); rasterizer.gamma(new gamma_none()); VertexStorage ps = new VertexStorage(); Stroke pg = new Stroke(ps); pg.Width = 2; ps.remove_all(); ps.MoveTo(m_x[0], m_y[0]); ps.LineTo(m_x[1], m_y[1]); ps.LineTo(m_x[2], m_y[2]); ps.LineTo(m_x[0], m_y[0]); rasterizer.add_path(pg); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyNormal, rasterizer, sl, new Color(0, 150, 160, 200)); base.OnDraw(graphics2D); }
private static IVertexSource BuildShape(RectangleDouble rect, double topLeftRadius, double topRightRadius, double bottomRightRadius, double bottomLeftRadius) { // See for point diagram var centerY = rect.YCenter; double radius; var tabShape2 = new VertexStorage(); // A -> B radius = bottomLeftRadius; tabShape2.MoveTo(rect.Left + radius, rect.Bottom); if (radius > 0) { tabShape2.curve3(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Bottom + radius); } // C -> D radius = topLeftRadius; tabShape2.LineTo(rect.Left, rect.Top - radius); if (radius > 0) { tabShape2.curve3(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Left + radius, rect.Top); } // E -> F radius = topRightRadius; tabShape2.LineTo(rect.Right - radius, rect.Top); if (radius > 0) { tabShape2.curve3(rect.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top - radius); } // G -> H radius = bottomRightRadius; tabShape2.LineTo(rect.Right, rect.Bottom + radius); if (radius > 0) { tabShape2.curve3(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Right - radius, rect.Bottom); } // H -> A radius = bottomLeftRadius; tabShape2.LineTo(rect.Left - radius, rect.Bottom); return(new FlattenCurves(tabShape2)); }
public void TwoItemPolygonCountTest() { var square = new VertexStorage(); square.MoveTo(0, 0); square.LineTo(100, 0); square.LineTo(100, 100); square.LineTo(0, 100); square.ClosePolygon(); var result = square.CombineWith(new Ellipse(Vector2.Zero, 10)); var polygons = result.CreatePolygons(); Assert.AreEqual(2, polygons.Count, "Two polygons should be create for a combined square and ellipse"); }
public void MoveToCreatesAdditionalPolygonTest() { // Any MoveTo should always create a new Polygon var storage = new VertexStorage(); storage.MoveTo(0, 0); storage.LineTo(100, 0); storage.LineTo(100, 100); storage.MoveTo(30, 30); storage.LineTo(0, 100); storage.ClosePolygon(); var polygons = storage.CreatePolygons(); Assert.AreEqual(2, polygons.Count, "Two polygons should be created for a path with a floating MoveTo command"); }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { base.OnDraw(graphics2D); // draw the right arrow var x = this.LocalBounds.Right - this.LocalBounds.Height / 2; var y = this.Size.Y / 2 + 2; var arrow = new VertexStorage(); arrow.MoveTo(x + 3, y); arrow.LineTo(x - 3, y + 5); arrow.LineTo(x - 3, y - 5); graphics2D.Render(arrow, theme.TextColor); }
public static void DrawTo(Graphics2D graphics2D, Mesh meshToDraw, Matrix4X4 matrix, Vector2 offset, double scale, Color silhouetteColor) { graphics2D.Rasterizer.gamma(new gamma_power(.3)); VertexStorage polygonProjected = new VertexStorage(); foreach (Face face in meshToDraw.Faces) { if (Vector3.TransformNormal(face.Normal, matrix).Z > 0) { polygonProjected.remove_all(); bool first = true; foreach (FaceEdge faceEdge in face.FaceEdges()) { var position3D = Vector3.Transform(faceEdge.FirstVertex.Position, matrix); Vector2 position = new Vector2(position3D.X, position3D.Y); position += offset; position *= scale; if (first) { polygonProjected.MoveTo(position.X, position.Y); first = false; } else { polygonProjected.LineTo(position.X, position.Y); } } graphics2D.Render(polygonProjected, silhouetteColor); } } graphics2D.Rasterizer.gamma(new gamma_none()); }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; using (RebuildLock()) { var sides = Sides.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 3, 180, ref valuesChanged); using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(Width.Value(this) / 2, 0); for (int i = 1; i < sides; i++) { var angle = MathHelper.Tau * i / 2 / (sides - 1); path.LineTo(Math.Cos(angle) * Width.Value(this) / 2, Math.Sin(angle) * Width.Value(this) / 2); } var mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(path, Depth.Value(this)); mesh.Transform(Matrix4X4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.Tau / 4)); Mesh = mesh; } } Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); using (RebuildLock()) { var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(Width / 2, 0); for (int i = 1; i < Sides; i++) { var angle = MathHelper.Tau * i / 2 / (Sides - 1); path.LineTo(Math.Cos(angle) * Width / 2, Math.Sin(angle) * Width / 2); } var mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(path, Depth); mesh.Transform(Matrix4X4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.Tau / 4)); Mesh = mesh; if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; double height = Height.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged); var diameter = Diameter.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged); var diameterTop = DiameterTop.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged); var sides = Sides.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 3, 360, ref valuesChanged); var startingAngle = StartingAngle.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 0, 360 - .01, ref valuesChanged); var endingAngle = EndingAngle.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, StartingAngle.Value(this) + .01, 360, ref valuesChanged); if (valuesChanged) { Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); } using (RebuildLock()) { using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { if (!Advanced) { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, -height / 2); path.LineTo(diameter / 2, -height / 2); path.LineTo(diameter / 2, height / 2); path.LineTo(0, height / 2); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, sides); } else { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, -height / 2); path.LineTo(diameter / 2, -height / 2); path.LineTo(diameterTop / 2, height / 2); path.LineTo(0, height / 2); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, sides, MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(startingAngle), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(endingAngle)); } } } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer) { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool changed = false; using (RebuildLock()) { InnerDiameter = agg_basics.Clamp(InnerDiameter, 0, OuterDiameter - .1, ref changed); Sides = agg_basics.Clamp(Sides, 3, 360, ref changed); var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var startingAngle = StartingAngle; var endingAngle = EndingAngle; if (!Advanced) { startingAngle = 0; endingAngle = 360; } var innerDiameter = Math.Min(OuterDiameter - .1, InnerDiameter); var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(OuterDiameter / 2, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(OuterDiameter / 2, Height / 2); path.LineTo(innerDiameter / 2, Height / 2); path.LineTo(innerDiameter / 2, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(OuterDiameter / 2, -Height / 2); var startAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(startingAngle)); var endAngle = MathHelper.Range0ToTau(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(endingAngle)); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides, startAngle, endAngle); if (aabb.ZSize > 0) { // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height. PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z); } } Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); if (changed) { base.OnInvalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Properties)); } }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; using (RebuildLock()) { var latitudeSides = LatitudeSides.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 3, 180, ref valuesChanged); var longitudeSides = LongitudeSides.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, 3, 360, ref valuesChanged); var diameter = Diameter.Value(this); using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { if (longitudeSides != lastLongitudeSides || latitudeSides != lastLatitudeSides || diameter != lastDiameter) { var radius = diameter / 2; var angleDelta = MathHelper.Tau / 4 / latitudeSides; var angle = 0.0; var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, 0); path.LineTo(new Vector2(radius * Math.Cos(angle), radius * Math.Sin(angle))); for (int i = 0; i < latitudeSides; i++) { angle += angleDelta; path.LineTo(new Vector2(radius * Math.Cos(angle), radius * Math.Sin(angle))); } Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, longitudeSides); } lastDiameter = diameter; lastLongitudeSides = longitudeSides; lastLatitudeSides = latitudeSides; } } if (valuesChanged) { Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; Sides = agg_basics.Clamp(Sides, 3, 360, ref valuesChanged); Height = agg_basics.Clamp(Height, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged); Diameter = agg_basics.Clamp(Diameter, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged); StartingAngle = agg_basics.Clamp(StartingAngle, 0, 360 - .01, ref valuesChanged); EndingAngle = agg_basics.Clamp(EndingAngle, StartingAngle + .01, 360, ref valuesChanged); if (valuesChanged) { Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); } using (RebuildLock()) { using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this)) { if (!Advanced) { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(Diameter / 2, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(Diameter / 2, Height / 2); path.LineTo(0, Height / 2); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides); } else { var path = new VertexStorage(); path.MoveTo(0, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(Diameter / 2, -Height / 2); path.LineTo(DiameterTop / 2, Height / 2); path.LineTo(0, Height / 2); Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Revolve(path, Sides, MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(StartingAngle), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(EndingAngle)); } } } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Mesh)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }