Esempio n. 1
        protected override void LoadModel(GraphicFactory factory, out BatchInformation[][] BatchInformations, out TextureInformation[][] TextureInformations)
            List <VertexPositionNormalTexture> vertexList = new List <VertexPositionNormalTexture>();

            ////gambi shortcut
            List <int> indexList2 = new List <int>();
            GetVertexData(vertexList, indexList2, terrainObject);
            List <short> indexList = new List <short>();
            foreach (var item in indexList2)
            List <int> indexList = new List <int>();
            GetVertexData(vertexList, indexList, terrainObject);
            modelRadius = (terrainObject.BoundingBox.Value.Max - terrainObject.BoundingBox.Value.Max).Length() / 2;

            var newVertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[vertexList.Count];

            var newIndices = new short[indexList.Count];
            var newIndices = new int[indexList.Count];


            VertexBuffer vertexBufferS = factory.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexDeclaration, newVertices.Count(), BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
            IndexBuffer indexBufferS = factory.CreateIndexBuffer(IndexElementSize.SixteenBits, newIndices.Count(), BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
            IndexBuffer indexBufferS = factory.CreateIndexBuffer(IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, newIndices.Count(), BufferUsage.WriteOnly);

            BatchInformations = new BatchInformation[1][];
            BatchInformation[] b = new BatchInformation[1];
            b[0] = new BatchInformation(0, newVertices.Count(), newIndices.Count() / 3, 0, 0, VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexDeclaration, VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexDeclaration.VertexStride);
            b[0].VertexBuffer             = vertexBufferS;
            b[0].IndexBuffer              = indexBufferS;
            b[0].ModelLocalTransformation = Matrix.Identity;
            BatchInformations[0]          = b;

            TextureInformations       = new TextureInformation[1][];
            TextureInformations[0]    = new TextureInformation[1];
            TextureInformations[0][0] = new TextureInformation(isInternal, factory, null, null, null, null);
Esempio n. 2
        // woot
        protected override void LoadContent()
            cube_map = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"skycubemap-RC3");
            alt_map  = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"skycubemap-plus-cat");
            int scale = 100;

            be                 = new BasicEffect(game.GraphicsDevice);
            be.Texture         = cube_map;
            be.TextureEnabled  = true;
            be.SpecularPower   = 0.0f;
            be.LightingEnabled = false; // I don't know! blarf.

            // the definition of a cube, lifted from
            // which probably originally got it from an older version of ... OK.... duh.....

            // I had to beat into XNA 4.0 shape a bit, though..
            //VertexDeclaration cubeVertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(
            //       game.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionColorTexture.VertexElements);

            VertexPositionNormalTexture[] cubeVertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[24];

            Vector3 topLeftFront     = new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);     topLeftFront *= scale;
            Vector3 bottomLeftFront  = new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); bottomLeftFront *= scale;
            Vector3 topRightFront    = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);     topRightFront *= scale;
            Vector3 bottomRightFront = new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); bottomRightFront *= scale;
            Vector3 topLeftBack      = new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f);     topLeftBack *= scale;
            Vector3 topRightBack     = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f);     topRightBack *= scale;
            Vector3 bottomLeftBack   = new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); bottomLeftBack *= scale;
            Vector3 bottomRightBack  = new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); bottomRightBack *= scale;

            Vector2 topLeft     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector2 topRight    = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 0.0f);     // texture coordinates will be for a cubemap, not a regular texture
            Vector2 bottomLeft  = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f / 4);     // the cubemap is 3x4 squares in the stupid layout spat out by
            Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 1.0f / 4); // ATI's CubeMapGen.exe

            Vector2 Ypos = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 0);               // these define the offsets of the different texture squares in the cubemap, see referencemap.png
            Vector2 Yneg = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 0.5f);            // this process seems a little demented, though
            Vector2 Xpos = new Vector2(2.0f / 3, 0.25f);
            Vector2 Xneg = new Vector2(0, 0.25f);
            Vector2 Zpos = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 0.25f); // which one of these is front and which is back? F.U., MS and your BS right-handed coordinate system.
            Vector2 Zneg = new Vector2(1.0f / 3, 0.75f); // and the horse your rode in on

            // I guess with a stupid-looking field of stars/nebulae, it might not matter if the skybox is ass-backwards, at least

            // update: Skybox is verified to be correct with clown-colored reference texture.

            // Front face
            cubeVertices[0] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Zneg); // NOTE: the normals are bogus but it doesn't matter as we're not doing any kind of lighting with the skybox! duh!
            cubeVertices[1] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Zneg);
            cubeVertices[2] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Zneg);
            cubeVertices[3] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Zneg);

            // Back face
            cubeVertices[4] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Zpos);
            cubeVertices[5] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Zpos);
            cubeVertices[6] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Zpos);
            cubeVertices[7] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Zpos);

            // Top face
            cubeVertices[8]  = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Ypos);
            cubeVertices[9]  = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Ypos);
            cubeVertices[10] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Ypos);
            cubeVertices[11] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Ypos);

            // Bottom face
            cubeVertices[12] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Yneg);
            cubeVertices[13] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Yneg);
            cubeVertices[14] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Yneg);
            cubeVertices[15] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Yneg);

            // Left face
            cubeVertices[16] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Xneg);
            cubeVertices[17] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Xneg);
            cubeVertices[18] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomLeftFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Xneg);
            cubeVertices[19] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topLeftBack, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Xneg);

            // Right face
            cubeVertices[20] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, topLeft + Xpos);
            cubeVertices[21] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightFront, Vector3.UnitX, bottomLeft + Xpos);
            cubeVertices[22] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(bottomRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, bottomRight + Xpos);
            cubeVertices[23] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(topRightBack, Vector3.UnitX, topRight + Xpos);

#if true
            // these are outward-facing triangles, naturally... we want inward-facing ones, I guess?
            // but does that mess up our texture-stitching?
            // is our texture correctly mapped to begin with??? feck.

            // nevermind! handled by resetting rasterizerstate :D

            short[] cubeIndices = new short[] {
                0, 1, 2,                 // front face
                1, 3, 2,
                4, 5, 6,                 // back face
                6, 5, 7,
                8, 9, 10,                // top face
                8, 11, 9,
                12, 13, 14,              // bottom face
                12, 14, 15,
                16, 17, 18,              // left face
                19, 17, 16,
                20, 21, 22,              // right face
                23, 20, 22
            short[] cubeIndices = new short[] {
                0, 2, 1,                 // front face
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 6, 5,                 // back face
                6, 7, 5,
                8, 10, 9,                // top face
                8, 9, 11,
                12, 14, 13,              // bottom face
                12, 15, 14,
                16, 18, 17,              // left face
                19, 16, 17,
                20, 22, 21,              // right face
                23, 22, 20

            // wow, these sure changed with 4.0:
            vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(


            indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(game.GraphicsDevice,


            // (for the better :D)

            depthThingy.DepthBufferEnable = false; // always draw sky box... also, it's drawn first anyway
            depthThingy.StencilEnable     = false;

            rasterThingy.CullMode   = CullMode.None; // draw the stupid ugly triangles without culling! woo! no need to rearrange them!
            saneRasterizer.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace;
