public virtual void ReadInput( Dictionary<int, List<InputSourceCollection>> inputSources,
                               Dictionary<string, VertexSet> vertexSets,
                               XmlNode node, ColladaMeshInfo meshInfo )
     InputSourceCollection input = null;
     string source = node.Attributes[ "source" ].Value;
     // Get the part after the '#'
     source = source.Substring( 1 );
     string semantic = node.Attributes[ "semantic" ].Value;
     int inputIndex = inputSources.Count;
     if( node.Attributes[ "idx" ] != null )
         inputIndex = int.Parse( node.Attributes[ "idx" ].Value );
     if( !inputSources.ContainsKey( inputIndex ) )
         inputSources[ inputIndex ] = new List<InputSourceCollection>();
     if( semantic == "VERTEX" )
         VertexSet vertexSet = vertexSets[ source ];
         // Dereference the vertex input and add that instead.
         if( inputSources != null )
             VertexInputSource vertexInput = new VertexInputSource();
             foreach( InputSourceCollection tmp in vertexSet.vertexEntries )
                 vertexInput.AddSource( tmp );
             inputSources[ inputIndex ].Add( vertexInput );
         if( !Accessors.ContainsKey( source ) )
             Debug.Assert( false, "Missing accessor for source: " + source );
         Accessor accessor = Accessors[ source ];
         if( inputSources != null )
             input = new InputSource( source, semantic, accessor );
             inputSources[ inputIndex ].Add( input );
        public override void ReadInput( Dictionary<int, List<InputSourceCollection>> inputSources,
                                       Dictionary<string, VertexSet> vertexSets,
                                       XmlNode node, ColladaMeshInfo meshInfo )
            InputSourceCollection input = null;
            string source = node.Attributes[ "source" ].Value;
            // Get the part after the '#'
            source = source.Substring( 1 );
            string semantic = node.Attributes[ "semantic" ].Value;
            int inputIndex = inputSources.Count;
            if( node.Attributes[ "offset" ] != null )
                inputIndex = int.Parse( node.Attributes[ "offset" ].Value );
            int inputSet = -1;
            if( node.Attributes[ "set" ] != null )
                inputSet = int.Parse( node.Attributes[ "set" ].Value );

            if( !inputSources.ContainsKey( inputIndex ) )
                inputSources[ inputIndex ] = new List<InputSourceCollection>();
            if( semantic == "VERTEX" )
                VertexSet vertexSet = vertexSets[ source ];
                // Dereference the vertex input and add that instead.
                if( inputSources != null )
                    VertexInputSource vertexInput = new VertexInputSource();
                    foreach( InputSourceCollection tmp in vertexSet.vertexEntries )
                        vertexInput.AddSource( tmp );
                    inputSources[ inputIndex ].Add( vertexInput );
                if( !Accessors.ContainsKey( source ) )
                    string msg = string.Format( "Missing accessor for source: {0}", source );
                    throw new Exception( msg );
                Accessor accessor = Accessors[ source ];
                if( inputSources != null )
                    input = new InputSource( source, semantic, accessor, inputSet );
                    inputSources[ inputIndex ].Add( input );