Esempio n. 1
        public void VertexColoringComputeFullGraph()
             *                                  _____(2)_____
             *                                 /    / | \    \
             * Generate undirected full graph:  (0)-(1)--+--(4)-(5)  + edges: (0-4), (0-5) and (1-5)
             \    \ | /    /
            var input = GenerateInputFull();
            var grafWithColoredVertices = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(input).Compute();

            // Graph doesn't have sixth vertex color

            var result = grafWithColoredVertices.Colors.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 6 diferent colors
            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Max() + 1);

            // not equal to null
            foreach (var color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 3 color
            Assert.AreEqual(4, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 4 color
            Assert.AreEqual(5, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 5 color
Esempio n. 2
        public void VertexColoringComputeEmptyGraph()
             *                        (1)
             * Generate empty graph: (0)     (3) (4)
             *                        (2)
            var input = GenerateInputEmpty();
            var grafWithColoredVertices = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(input).Compute();

            // Graph doesn't have first vertex color

            var result = grafWithColoredVertices.Colors.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get only 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Max() + 1);

            // not equal to null
            foreach (var color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 0 color
Esempio n. 3
        public void VertexColoringComputeSimpleGraph()
             *                                    (1)
             *                                   / | \
             * Generate undirected simple graph: (0)  |  (3)-(4)
             \ | /
             \                                    (2)
            var input = GenerateInputSimple();
            var grafWithColoredVertices = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(input).Compute();

            // Graph doesn't have third vertex color

            var result = grafWithColoredVertices.Colors.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 3 diferent colors
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Max() + 1);

            // not equal to null
            foreach (var color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 1 color
Esempio n. 4
        public static IDictionary <int, int?> Get(UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g)
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <int, Edge <int> >(g);

Esempio n. 5
        public static IDictionary <string, int?> Get(UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, string> > g)
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <string, TaggedEdge <string, string> >(g);

Esempio n. 6
        public void Constructor()
            var graph     = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <int, Edge <int> >(graph);

            AssertAlgorithmState(algorithm, graph);
Esempio n. 7
        public void VertexColoringNoEdge()
             *                        (1)
             * Generate empty graph: (0)     (3) (4)
             *                        (2)
            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > graph = CreateTestGraph();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have first vertex color

            int?[] result = coloredVertices.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get only 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Max() + 1);

            // Not equal to null
            foreach (int?color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 0 color

            #region Local function

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > CreateTestGraph()
                var g = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);

                g.AddVertex('0'); // 1 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('1'); // 2 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('2'); // 3 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('3'); // 4 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('4'); // 5 Vertex


Esempio n. 8
        public void VertexColoringEmptyGraph()
            var graph     = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have first vertex color

            // Expecting to no get any color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, coloredVertices.Values.Count);
Esempio n. 9
        public void VertexColoringComputeBipartiteGraph()
             *                                   (3)
             *                                  /
             *                               (1)-(4)
             *                                  X
             * Generate undirected empty graph: (0)-(5)    + edges: (1-6) and (2-4)
             *                                  /
             *                               (2)-(6)

            var input = GenerateInputBipartite();
            var grafWithColoredVertices = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(input).Compute();

            // Graph doesn't have second vertex color

            var result = grafWithColoredVertices.Colors.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 2 diferent colors
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Max() + 1);

            // not equal to null
            foreach (var color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[6]); // 6 vertex = 1 color
Esempio n. 10
        public void VertexColoringComputeTestGraph()
             *                                    (2)      (7)-(5)
             *                                   /   \     /
             * Generate undirected some graph:    (1)   (4)-(0)
             \   /
             \                               (6)  (3)
             \ (this graph has a minimum number of vertex colors only if to swap (1) and (4) vertices)
            var input = GenerateInputTest();
            var grafWithColoredVertices = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(input).Compute();

            // Graph doesn't have third vertex color

            var result = grafWithColoredVertices.Colors.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 3 diferent colors
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Max() + 1);

            // not equal to null
            foreach (var color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            //and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[6]); // 6 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[7]); // 7 vertex = 1 color
Esempio n. 11
        public void VertexColoringBipartiteGraph()
             *                                   (3)
             *                                  /
             *                               (1)-(4)
             *                                  X
             * Generate undirected empty graph: (0)-(5)    + edges: (1-6) and (2-4)
             *                                  /
             *                               (2)-(6)

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > graph = CreateTestGraph();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have second vertex color

            int?[] result = coloredVertices.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 2 different colors
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Max() + 1);

            // Not equal to null
            foreach (int?color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[6]); // 6 vertex = 1 color

            #region Local function

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > CreateTestGraph()
                var g = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);

                g.AddVertex('0');                     // 1 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('1');                     // 2 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('2');                     // 3 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('3');                     // 4 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('4');                     // 5 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('5');                     // 6 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('6');                     // 7 Vertex

                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '4')); // 1 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '5')); // 2 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '3')); // 3 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '4')); // 4 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '5')); // 5 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '6')); // 6 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '5')); // 7 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '6')); // 8 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '4')); // 9 Edge


Esempio n. 12
        public void VertexColoringCompleteGraph()
             *                                  _____(2)_____
             *                                 /    / | \    \
             * Generate undirected full graph:  (0)-(1)--+--(4)-(5)  + edges: (0-4), (0-5) and (1-5)
             \    \ | /    /
            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > graph = CreateTestGraph();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have sixth vertex color

            int?[] result = coloredVertices.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 6 different colors
            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Max() + 1);

            // Not equal to null
            foreach (int?color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 3 color
            Assert.AreEqual(4, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 4 color
            Assert.AreEqual(5, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 5 color

            #region Local function

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > CreateTestGraph()
                var g = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);

                g.AddVertex('0');                     // 1 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('1');                     // 2 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('2');                     // 3 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('3');                     // 4 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('4');                     // 5 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('5');                     // 6 Vertex

                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '1')); // 1  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '2')); // 2  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '3')); // 3  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '4')); // 4  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '5')); // 5  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '2')); // 6  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '3')); // 7  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '4')); // 8  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '5')); // 9  Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '3')); // 10 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '4')); // 11 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '5')); // 12 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('3', '4')); // 13 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('3', '5')); // 14 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('4', '5')); // 15 Edge


Esempio n. 13
        public void VertexColoringGraph()
             *                                    (2)      (7)-(5)
             *                                   /   \     /
             * Generate undirected some graph:    (1)   (4)-(0)
             \   /
             \                               (6)  (3)
             \ (this graph has a minimum number of vertex colors only if to swap (1) and (4) vertices)
            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > graph = CreateTestGraph();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have third vertex color

            int?[] result = coloredVertices.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 3 different colors
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Max() + 1);

            // Not equal to null
            foreach (int?color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // And corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[5]); // 5 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[6]); // 6 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[7]); // 7 vertex = 1 color

            #region Local function

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > CreateTestGraph()
                var g = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);

                g.AddVertex('0');                     // 1 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('1');                     // 2 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('2');                     // 3 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('3');                     // 4 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('4');                     // 5 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('5');                     // 6 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('6');                     // 7 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('7');                     // 8 Vertex

                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '4')); // 1 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '2')); // 2 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '3')); // 3 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '4')); // 4 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('3', '4')); // 5 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('5', '7')); // 6 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('7', '0')); // 7 Edge


Esempio n. 14
        public void VertexColoringSimpleGraph()
             *                                    (1)
             *                                   / | \
             * Generate undirected simple graph: (0)  |  (3)-(4)
             \ | /
             \                                    (2)
            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > graph = CreateTestGraph();
            var algorithm = new VertexColoringAlgorithm <char, Edge <char> >(graph);


            IDictionary <char, int?> coloredVertices = algorithm.Colors;

            // Graph doesn't have third vertex color

            int?[] result = coloredVertices.Values.ToArray();

            // Expecting to get 3 different colors
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Max() + 1);

            // Not equal to null
            foreach (int?color in result)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, color);

            // and corresponding colors of vertices
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0]); // 0 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1]); // 1 vertex = 1 color
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[2]); // 2 vertex = 2 color
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[3]); // 3 vertex = 0 color
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[4]); // 4 vertex = 1 color

            #region Local function

            UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> > CreateTestGraph()
                var g = new UndirectedGraph <char, Edge <char> >(true);

                g.AddVertex('0');                     // 1 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('1');                     // 2 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('2');                     // 3 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('3');                     // 4 Vertex
                g.AddVertex('4');                     // 5 Vertex

                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '1')); // 1 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('0', '2')); // 2 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '2')); // 3 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('1', '3')); // 4 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('2', '3')); // 5 Edge
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <char>('3', '4')); // 6 Edge

