public void ShouldNotIncrementPatchVersionForEmptyCommitsIfIgnoreInsignificantIsGiven() { var strategy = VersionIncrementStrategy.CreateFrom(new List <ConventionalCommit>()); strategy.NextVersion(new Version(1, 1, 1), true) .ShouldBe(new Version(1, 1, 1)); }
public void ShouldIncrementPatchVersionForEmptyCommits() { var strategy = VersionIncrementStrategy.CreateFrom(new List <ConventionalCommit>()); strategy.NextVersion(new Version(1, 1, 1)) .ShouldBe(new Version(1, 1, 2)); }
public void ShouldIncrementVersionFromPrereleaseToStable(TestScenario testScenario) { var strategy = new VersionIncrementStrategy(testScenario.Commits); var nextVersion = strategy.NextVersion(testScenario.FromVersion, testScenario.PrereleaseLabel); nextVersion.ShouldBe(testScenario.ExpectedVersion); }
public void ShouldIncrementPatchVersionForFixCommitsIfIgnoreInsignificantIsGiven() { var strategy = VersionIncrementStrategy.CreateFrom(new List<ConventionalCommit>() { new ConventionalCommit() { Type = "fix"} }); strategy.NextVersion(new Version(1, 1, 1), true) .ShouldBe(new Version(1, 1, 2)); }
public void ShouldIncrementMinorVersionForFeatures() { var strategy = new VersionIncrementStrategy(new List <ConventionalCommit> { new ConventionalCommit { Type = "feat" } }); strategy.NextVersion(new SemanticVersion(1, 1, 1)).ShouldBe(new SemanticVersion(1, 2, 0)); }
public void ShouldIncrementPatchVersionForFixCommitsIfIgnoreInsignificantIsGiven() { var strategy = new VersionIncrementStrategy(new List <ConventionalCommit> { new ConventionalCommit { Type = "fix" } }); strategy.NextVersion(new SemanticVersion(1, 1, 1)).ShouldBe(new SemanticVersion(1, 1, 2)); }
public void ShouldIncrementMinorVersionForFeatures() { var strategy = VersionIncrementStrategy.CreateFrom(new List<ConventionalCommit>() { new ConventionalCommit() { Type = "feat" } }); strategy.NextVersion(new Version(1, 1, 1)) .ShouldBe(new Version(1, 2, 0)); }
public void ShouldIncrementMajorVersionForBreakingChanges() { var strategy = VersionIncrementStrategy.CreateFrom(new List<ConventionalCommit>() { new ConventionalCommit() { Type = "chore", Notes = new List<ConventionalCommitNote>() { new ConventionalCommitNote() { Title = "BREAKING CHANGE"} } } }); strategy.NextVersion(new Version(1, 1, 1)) .ShouldBe(new Version(2, 0, 0)); }
public SemanticVersion Versionize(VersionizeOptions options) { var workingDirectory = _directory.FullName; using var repo = new Repository(workingDirectory); var isDirty = repo.RetrieveStatus(new StatusOptions()).IsDirty; if (!options.SkipDirty && isDirty) { Exit($"Repository {workingDirectory} is dirty. Please commit your changes.", 1); } var projects = Projects.Discover(workingDirectory); if (projects.IsEmpty()) { Exit($"Could not find any projects files in {workingDirectory} that have a <Version> defined in their csproj file.", 1); } if (projects.HasInconsistentVersioning()) { Exit($"Some projects in {workingDirectory} have an inconsistent <Version> defined in their csproj file. Please update all versions to be consistent or remove the <Version> elements from projects that should not be versioned", 1); } Information($"Discovered {projects.GetProjectFiles().Count()} versionable projects"); foreach (var project in projects.GetProjectFiles()) { Information($" * {project}"); } var versionTag = repo.SelectVersionTag(projects.Version); var isInitialRelease = versionTag == null; var commitsInVersion = repo.GetCommitsSinceLastVersion(versionTag); var conventionalCommits = ConventionalCommitParser.Parse(commitsInVersion); var versionIncrement = new VersionIncrementStrategy(conventionalCommits); var nextVersion = isInitialRelease ? projects.Version : versionIncrement.NextVersion(projects.Version, options.Prerelease); // For non initial releases: for insignificant commits such as chore increment the patch version if IgnoreInsignificantCommits is not set if (!isInitialRelease && nextVersion == projects.Version) { if (options.IgnoreInsignificantCommits || options.ExitInsignificantCommits) { var exitCode = options.ExitInsignificantCommits ? 1 : 0; Exit($"Version was not affected by commits since last release ({projects.Version})", exitCode); } else { nextVersion = nextVersion.IncrementPatchVersion(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ReleaseAs)) { try { nextVersion = SemanticVersion.Parse(options.ReleaseAs); } catch (Exception) { Exit($"Could not parse the specified release version {options.ReleaseAs} as valid version", 1); } } if (nextVersion < projects.Version) { Exit($"Semantic versioning conflict: the next version {nextVersion} would be lower than the current version {projects.Version}. This can be caused by using a wrong pre-release label or release as version", 1); } if (!options.DryRun && !options.SkipCommit && repo.VersionTagsExists(nextVersion)) { Exit($"Version {nextVersion} already exists. Please use a different version.", 1); } var versionTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; // Commit changelog and version source if (!options.DryRun && (nextVersion != projects.Version)) { projects.WriteVersion(nextVersion); foreach (var projectFile in projects.GetProjectFiles()) { Commands.Stage(repo, projectFile); } } Step($"bumping version from {projects.Version} to {nextVersion} in projects"); var changelog = ChangelogBuilder.CreateForPath(workingDirectory); var changelogLinkBuilder = LinkBuilderFactory.CreateFor(repo); if (options.DryRun) { string markdown = ChangelogBuilder.GenerateMarkdown(nextVersion, versionTime, changelogLinkBuilder, conventionalCommits, options.Changelog); DryRun(markdown.TrimEnd('\n')); } else { changelog.Write(nextVersion, versionTime, changelogLinkBuilder, conventionalCommits, options.Changelog); } Step("updated"); if (!options.DryRun && !options.SkipCommit) { if (!repo.IsConfiguredForCommits()) { Exit(@"Warning: Git configuration is missing. Please configure git before running versionize: git config --global ""John Doe"" $ git config --global [email protected]", 1); } Commands.Stage(repo, changelog.FilePath); foreach (var projectFile in projects.GetProjectFiles()) { Commands.Stage(repo, projectFile); } var author = repo.Config.BuildSignature(versionTime); var committer = author; var releaseCommitMessage = $"chore(release): {nextVersion} {options.CommitSuffix}".TrimEnd(); var versionCommit = repo.Commit(releaseCommitMessage, author, committer); Step("committed changes in projects and"); repo.Tags.Add($"v{nextVersion}", versionCommit, author, $"{nextVersion}"); Step($"tagged release as {nextVersion}"); Information(""); Information("i Run `git push --follow-tags origin master` to push all changes including tags"); } else if (options.SkipCommit) { Information(""); Information($"i Commit and tagging of release was skipped. Tag this release as `v{nextVersion}` to make versionize detect the release"); } return(nextVersion); }