public static bool TryGetVersion(string directory, out VersionAndBranchAndDate versionAndBranch)
            var gitDirectory = GitDirFinder.TreeWalkForGitDir(directory);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gitDirectory))
                var message =
                    "No .git directory found in provided solution path. This means the assembly may not be versioned correctly. " +
                    "To fix this warning either clone the repository using git or remove the `GitVersion.Fody` nuget package. " +
                    "To temporarily work around this issue add a AssemblyInfo.cs with an appropriate `AssemblyVersionAttribute`." +
                    "If it is detected that this build is occurring on a CI server an error may be thrown.";
                versionAndBranch = null;

            var arguments = new Arguments();

            foreach (var buildServer in BuildServerList.GetApplicableBuildServers(arguments))
                Logger.WriteInfo(string.Format("Executing PerformPreProcessingSteps for '{0}'.", buildServer.GetType().Name));
            versionAndBranch = VersionCache.GetVersion(gitDirectory);
        void CreateTempAssemblyInfo(VersionAndBranchAndDate versionAndBranch)
            var assemblyInfoBuilder = new AssemblyInfoBuilder
                VersionAndBranch = versionAndBranch,
                SignAssembly     = SignAssembly
            var assemblyInfo = assemblyInfoBuilder.GetAssemblyInfoText();

            var tempFileName = string.Format("AssemblyInfo_{0}_{1}.g.cs", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProjectFile), Path.GetRandomFileName());

            AssemblyInfoTempFilePath = Path.Combine(TempFileTracker.TempPath, tempFileName);
            File.WriteAllText(AssemblyInfoTempFilePath, assemblyInfo);