public void Display(object data, bool isRowOdd) { m_options = data as VehicleOptions; if (m_icon == null || m_options == null) { return; } m_icon.spriteName = UIMainPanel.vehicleIconList[(int)m_options.category]; m_icon.size = m_icon.spriteInfo.pixelSize; UIUtils.ResizeIcon(m_icon, new Vector2(32, 32)); m_icon.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, Mathf.Floor((height - m_icon.height) / 2)); m_name.text = m_options.localizedName; m_disabled.isVisible = !options.enabled; m_name.textColor = options.enabled ? new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255) : new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255); m_steamIcon.tooltip = m_options.steamID; m_steamIcon.isVisible = m_options.steamID != null; if (isRowOdd) { background.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingItemBackground"; background.color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 128); } else { background.backgroundSprite = null; } }
protected void OnCheckChanged(UIComponent component, bool state) { if (!m_initialized || m_options == null) { return; } m_initialized = false; if (component == m_enabled) { if (m_options.isTrailer) { VehicleOptions engine = m_options.engine; if (engine.enabled != state) { engine.enabled = state; VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); eventEnableCheckChanged(this, state); } } else { if (m_options.enabled != state) { m_options.enabled = state; VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); eventEnableCheckChanged(this, state); } } if (!state && !AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.CheckServiceValidity(m_options.category)) { GUI.UIWarningModal.instance.message = UIMainPanel.categoryList[(int)m_options.category + 1] + " may not work correctly because no vehicles are allowed to spawn."; UIView.PushModal(GUI.UIWarningModal.instance); GUI.UIWarningModal.instance.Show(true); } } else if (component == m_addBackEngine && m_options.addBackEngine != state) { m_options.addBackEngine = state; if (m_options.addBackEngine == state) { VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateEngine = m_options.prefab; new EnumerableActionThread(VehicleOptions.UpdateBackEngines); } } else if (component == m_useColors && m_options.useColorVariations != state) { m_options.useColorVariations = state; (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); } else if (component == m_isLargeVehicle) { m_options.isLargeVehicle = state; } m_initialized = true; }
protected void OnCheckChanged(UIComponent component, bool state) { if (!m_initialized || m_options == null) { return; } m_initialized = false; if (component == m_enabled) { if (m_options.isTrailer) { VehicleOptions engine = m_options.engine; if (engine.enabled != state) { engine.enabled = state; VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); eventEnableCheckChanged(this, state); } } else { if (m_options.enabled != state) { m_options.enabled = state; VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); eventEnableCheckChanged(this, state); } } if (!state && !AdvancedVehicleOptions.CheckServiceValidity(m_options.category)) { GUI.UIWarningModal.instance.message = UIMainPanel.categoryList[(int)m_options.category + 1] + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP42"); UIView.PushModal(GUI.UIWarningModal.instance); GUI.UIWarningModal.instance.Show(true); } } else if (component == m_addBackEngine && m_options.addBackEngine != state) { m_options.addBackEngine = state; if (m_options.addBackEngine == state) { VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateEngine = m_options.prefab; SimulationManager.instance.AddAction(VehicleOptions.UpdateBackEngines); } } else if (component == m_useColors && m_options.useColorVariations != state) { m_options.useColorVariations = state; (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); } else if (component == m_isLargeVehicle) { m_options.isLargeVehicle = state; } AdvancedVehicleOptions.ExportVehicleDataConfig(m_initialized); m_initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Convert the Option Codes into a VehicleOptions instance /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <param name="objectType"></param> /// <param name="existingValue"></param> /// <param name="serializer"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { string encoded = serializer.Deserialize <string>(reader); VehicleOptions options = new VehicleOptions(encoded); return(options); }
public void Show(VehicleOptions options) { m_initialized = false; m_options = options; if (m_color0 == null) { return; } m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 140 - 2); m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 165 - 2); m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(158, 140 - 2); m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(158, 165 - 2); m_maxSpeed.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(options.maxSpeed * maxSpeedToKmhConversionFactor).ToString(); m_acceleration.text = options.acceleration.ToString(); m_braking.text = options.braking.ToString(); m_turning.text = options.turning.ToString(); m_springs.text = options.springs.ToString(); m_dampers.text = options.dampers.ToString(); m_leanMultiplier.text = options.leanMultiplier.ToString(); m_nodMultiplier.text = options.nodMultiplier.ToString(); m_useColors.isChecked = options.useColorVariations; m_color0.selectedColor = options.color0; m_color1.selectedColor = options.color1; m_color2.selectedColor = options.color2; m_color3.selectedColor = options.color3; m_color0_hex.text = options.color0.ToString(); m_color1_hex.text = options.color1.ToString(); m_color2_hex.text = options.color2.ToString(); m_color3_hex.text = options.color3.ToString(); m_enabled.isChecked = options.enabled; //m_enabled.isVisible = !options.isTrailer; m_addBackEngine.isChecked = options.addBackEngine; m_addBackEngine.isVisible = options.isTrain; m_capacity.text = options.capacity.ToString(); m_capacity.parent.isVisible = options.hasCapacity; string name = options.localizedName; if (name.Length > 20) { name = name.Substring(0, 20) + "..."; } m_removeLabel.text = "Remove vehicles (" + name + "):"; (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); m_initialized = true; }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); canFocus = true; isInteractive = true; width = 315; height = 330; SetupControls(); m_options = new VehicleOptions(); }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); canFocus = true; isInteractive = true; width = 390; height = 370; SetupControls(); OldCapacityTooltip = m_capacity.tooltip; OldMaxSpeedTooltip = m_maxSpeed.tooltip; OldSpecialCapacityTooltip = m_specialcapacity.tooltip; OldColorTextField = m_capacity.color; OldColorText = m_capacity.textColor; m_options = new VehicleOptions(); }
public void Display(object data, bool isRowOdd) { m_options = data as VehicleOptions; if (m_icon == null || m_options == null) { return; } m_icon.spriteName = UIMainPanel.vehicleIconList[(int)m_options.category]; m_icon.size = m_icon.spriteInfo.pixelSize; UIUtils.ResizeIcon(m_icon, new Vector2(32, 32)); m_icon.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, Mathf.Floor((height - m_icon.height) / 2)); m_name.text = m_options.localizedName; m_disabled.isVisible = !options.enabled; //Verify if the vehicle is a Game Controlled Spawn Public Transport vehicle, where the game controls spawning; if disabled/deactivated set to enabled if (options.isPublicTransportGame == true) // && AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.SpawnControl == true) && options.isUncontrolledPublicTransport == false) { if (options.enabled == false) { options.enabled = true; } } m_disabled.isVisible = !options.enabled; m_name.textColor = options.enabled ? new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255) : new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255); m_steamIcon.tooltip = m_options.steamID; m_steamIcon.isVisible = m_options.steamID != null; if (isRowOdd) { background.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingItemBackground"; background.color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 128); } else { background.backgroundSprite = null; } }
private void FollowNextVehicle() { Array16 <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleManager.instance.m_vehicles; VehicleOptions options = m_optionPanel.m_options; for (uint i = (m_seekStart + 1) % vehicles.m_size; i != m_seekStart; i = (i + 1) % vehicles.m_size) { if (vehicles.m_buffer[i].Info == m_optionPanel.m_options.prefab) { bool isSpawned = (vehicles.m_buffer[i].m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Spawned) == Vehicle.Flags.Spawned; InstanceID instanceID = default(InstanceID); instanceID.Vehicle = (ushort)i; if (!isSpawned || instanceID.IsEmpty || !InstanceManager.IsValid(instanceID)) { continue; } Vector3 targetPosition; Quaternion quaternion; Vector3 vector; if (!InstanceManager.GetPosition(instanceID, out targetPosition, out quaternion, out vector)) { continue; } Vector3 pos = targetPosition; GameAreaManager.instance.ClampPoint(ref targetPosition); if (targetPosition != pos) { continue; } m_cameraController.SetTarget(instanceID, ToolsModifierControl.cameraController.transform.position, false); m_seekStart = (i + 1) % vehicles.m_size; return; } } m_seekStart = 0; }
protected void OnSelectedItemChanged(UIComponent component, int i) { m_seekStart = 0; VehicleOptions options = m_fastList.rowsData[i] as VehicleOptions; m_optionPanel.Show(options); m_followVehicle.isVisible = m_preview.parent.isVisible = true; m_previewColor = options.color0; m_previewColor.a = 0; // Fixes the wrong lighting on one half of the vehicle m_previewRenderer.cameraRotation = -60; // 120f; m_previewRenderer.zoom = 3f; if (options.useColorVariations) { m_previewRenderer.RenderVehicle(m_optionPanel.m_options.prefab, m_previewColor); } else { m_previewRenderer.RenderVehicle(m_optionPanel.m_options.prefab); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the player options menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); Menu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Персонаж", "Настройки вашего персонажа.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); Menu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Автомобиль", "Настройки вашего автомобиля.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); Menu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Заспавнить автомобиль", "Меню спавна автомобилей.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Сохраненные автомобили", "Меню спавна/удаления и сохранения автомобилей.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories(); } }; } // Add the Personal Vehicle menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu)) { PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle(); Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Персональный автомобиль", "Меню настроек личного автомобиля.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); Menu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Внешний вид персонажа", "Меню выбора и кастомизации NPC/AI-персонажей.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization(); Menu menu2 = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("Внешний вид MP-персонажа", "Меню создания и модификации MP персонажей.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu2, button2); } // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); Menu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); Menu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); Menu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Оружие", "Меню добавления и редактирования оружия.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Weapon Loadouts menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu)) { WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts(); Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Боезапасы", "Меню создания и редактирования боезапасов.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); Menu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Голосовой чат", "Меню настроек голосового чата.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the online players menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); Menu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Игроки онлайн", "Все подключенные игроки.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); //menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers)) { BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); Menu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Заблокированные игроки", "Посмотреть всех заблокированных игроков.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle); menu.RefreshIndex(); //menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } // Add misc settings menu. //if (CommonFunctions.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu)) // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place. // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed. // no matter what. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); Menu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Прочие настройки", "Дополнительные опции и настройки меню сервера.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("О Меню", "Информация о меню.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(sub, btn); { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); Menu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Редактор ~y~R*", "Запись и редактирование клипов в игре.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Refresh everything. MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex()); if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used."); } }
public void Show(VehicleOptions options) { m_initialized = false; m_options = options; if (m_color0 == null) { return; } m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 135); m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 160); m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 135); m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 160); if (!AdvancedVehicleOptions.SpeedUnitOption) { m_maxSpeed.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(options.maxSpeed * maxSpeedToKmhConversionFactor).ToString(); kmhLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP01"); } else { m_maxSpeed.text = Mathf.RoundToInt((options.maxSpeed / mphFactor) * maxSpeedToKmhConversionFactor).ToString(); kmhLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP02"); } m_acceleration.text = options.acceleration.ToString(); m_braking.text = options.braking.ToString(); m_turning.text = options.turning.ToString(); m_springs.text = options.springs.ToString(); m_dampers.text = options.dampers.ToString(); m_leanMultiplier.text = options.leanMultiplier.ToString(); m_nodMultiplier.text = options.nodMultiplier.ToString(); m_useColors.isChecked = options.useColorVariations; m_color0.selectedColor = options.color0; m_color1.selectedColor = options.color1; m_color2.selectedColor = options.color2; m_color3.selectedColor = options.color3; m_color0_hex.text = options.color0.ToString(); m_color1_hex.text = options.color1.ToString(); m_color2_hex.text = options.color2.ToString(); m_color3_hex.text = options.color3.ToString(); m_isLargeVehicle.isChecked = options.isLargeVehicle; m_enabled.isChecked = options.enabled; m_enabled.Show(); m_enabled.isVisible = !options.isTrailer; m_addBackEngine.isChecked = options.addBackEngine; m_addBackEngine.isVisible = options.isTrain; m_maxSpeed.isInteractive = true; m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_isLargeVehicle.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.Hide(); m_capacity.parent.isVisible = true; m_capacity.isInteractive = true; m_capacity.text = options.capacity.ToString(); m_capacity.isVisible = options.hasCapacity; capacityLabel.isVisible = options.hasCapacity; bustrailerLabel.isVisible = false; m_specialcapacity.text = options.specialcapacity.ToString(); m_specialcapacity.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; specialcapacityLabel.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; m_userguidespecialcapacity.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; m_capacity.color = OldColorTextField; m_capacity.textColor = OldColorText; m_capacity.tooltip = OldCapacityTooltip; m_specialcapacity.tooltip = OldSpecialCapacityTooltip; m_maxSpeed.color = OldColorTextField; m_maxSpeed.textColor = OldColorText; m_maxSpeed.tooltip = OldMaxSpeedTooltip; //Only display Cargo Capacity or Passenger Capacity - not any other values if (options.isNonPaxCargo == true && options.hasCapacity == true && AdvancedVehicleOptions.ShowMoreVehicleOptions == true) { m_capacity.parent.isVisible = true; } else if (options.isNonPaxCargo == true && options.hasCapacity == true && AdvancedVehicleOptions.ShowMoreVehicleOptions == false) { m_capacity.parent.isVisible = false; } //Compatibility Patch for Vehicle Color Expander - hide all controls, if mod is active. Not relating to PublicTransport only, but all vehicles if (VCXCompatibilityPatch.IsVCXActive()) { m_useColors.enabled = false; m_color0.Hide(); m_color0_hex.Hide(); m_color1.Hide(); m_color1_hex.Hide(); m_color2.Hide(); m_color2_hex.Hide(); m_color3.Hide(); m_color3_hex.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.Show(); } // Compatibility Patch for IPT, TLM and Cities Skylines Vehicle Spawning, Vehicle values. Instead of Spawn Allowed buttons for the Vehicles the Line Overview Window will be shown. if (options.isPublicTransportGame == true) { m_enabled.Hide(); m_lineoverview.Show(); m_userguidespawn.Show(); LineOverviewType = options.ReturnLineOverviewType; } else { if (options.ValidateIsBusTrailer) { m_enabled.Hide(); bustrailerLabel.isVisible = true; } else { m_enabled.Show(); bustrailerLabel.isVisible = false; } m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_userguidespawn.Hide(); } if (AdvancedVehicleOptions.OverrideCompatibilityWarnings == true && options.isPublicTransport == true && !options.isNotPublicTransportMod == true) { if (IPTCompatibilityPatch.IsIPTActive() == true) { m_maxSpeed.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_capacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_specialcapacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_maxSpeed.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_capacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_specialcapacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_maxSpeed.tooltip = m_maxSpeed.tooltip + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP03"); m_capacity.tooltip = m_capacity.tooltip + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP03"); m_specialcapacity.tooltip = m_specialcapacity.tooltip + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP03"); } if (TLMCompatibilityPatch.IsTLMActive() == true) { m_capacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_capacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_capacity.tooltip = m_capacity.tooltip + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP04"); } } if (NoBigTruckCompatibilityPatch.IsNBTActive() == true && AdvancedVehicleOptions.ControlTruckDelivery == true && options.isDelivery == true && options.hasTrailer == true) { m_isLargeVehicle.Show(); Logging.Message("Vehicle " + options.localizedName + " is flagged as Large Vehicle."); } // Compatibility Patch section ends // Flight Stand Info introduced in Airports DLC if ((options.prefab.m_vehicleType == VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Plane && options.prefab.m_class.m_level != ItemClass.Level.Level5)) { if (options.prefab.m_class.m_level == ItemClass.Level.Level1) { m_planesize.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP43") + " " + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP45"); } if (options.prefab.m_class.m_level == ItemClass.Level.Level2) { m_planesize.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP43") + " " + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP46"); } if (options.prefab.m_class.m_level == ItemClass.Level.Level3) { m_planesize.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP43") + " " + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP44");; } if (options.prefab.m_class.m_level == ItemClass.Level.Level4) { m_planesize.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP43") + " " + Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP47");; } m_planesize.isVisible = true; } else { m_planesize.isVisible = false; } string name = options.localizedName; if (name.Length > 40) { name = name.Substring(0, 38) + "..."; } m_removeLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP05") + name; (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); capacityLabel.text = options.CapacityString; specialcapacityLabel.text = options.SpecialCapacityString; m_initialized = true; }
public void Show(VehicleOptions options) { m_initialized = false; m_options = options; if (m_color0 == null) { return; } m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 135); m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 160); m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 135); m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 160); if (!AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.SpeedUnitOption) { m_maxSpeed.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(options.maxSpeed * maxSpeedToKmhConversionFactor).ToString(); kmhLabel.text = "km/h"; } else { m_maxSpeed.text = Mathf.RoundToInt((options.maxSpeed / mphFactor) * maxSpeedToKmhConversionFactor).ToString(); kmhLabel.text = "mph"; } m_acceleration.text = options.acceleration.ToString();//m_capacity m_braking.text = options.braking.ToString(); m_turning.text = options.turning.ToString(); m_springs.text = options.springs.ToString(); m_dampers.text = options.dampers.ToString(); m_leanMultiplier.text = options.leanMultiplier.ToString(); m_nodMultiplier.text = options.nodMultiplier.ToString(); m_useColors.isChecked = options.useColorVariations; m_color0.selectedColor = options.color0; m_color1.selectedColor = options.color1; m_color2.selectedColor = options.color2; m_color3.selectedColor = options.color3; m_color0_hex.text = options.color0.ToString(); m_color1_hex.text = options.color1.ToString(); m_color2_hex.text = options.color2.ToString(); m_color3_hex.text = options.color3.ToString(); m_isLargeVehicle.isChecked = options.isLargeVehicle; m_enabled.isChecked = options.enabled; m_enabled.Show(); m_enabled.isVisible = !options.isTrailer; m_addBackEngine.isChecked = options.addBackEngine; m_addBackEngine.isVisible = options.isTrain; m_maxSpeed.isInteractive = true; m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_isLargeVehicle.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.Hide(); m_capacity.parent.isVisible = true; m_capacity.isInteractive = true; m_capacity.text = options.capacity.ToString(); m_capacity.isVisible = options.hasCapacity; capacityLabel.isVisible = options.hasCapacity; bustrailerLabel.isVisible = false; m_specialcapacity.text = options.specialcapacity.ToString(); m_specialcapacity.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; specialcapacityLabel.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; m_userguidespecialcapacity.isVisible = options.hasSpecialCapacity; m_capacity.color = OldColorTextField; m_capacity.textColor = OldColorText; m_capacity.tooltip = OldCapacityTooltip; m_specialcapacity.tooltip = OldSpecialCapacityTooltip; m_maxSpeed.color = OldColorTextField; m_maxSpeed.textColor = OldColorText; m_maxSpeed.tooltip = OldMaxSpeedTooltip; //DebugUtils.Log("GameBalanceOptionsptions " + AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.GameBalanceOptions); //DebugUtils.Log("NonPaxCargo - Do Not Show Capacity " + options.isNonPaxCargo); //DebugUtils.Log("Capacity - Do Not Show Capacity " + options.hasCapacity); //Only display Cargo Capacity or Passenger Capacity - not any other values if (options.isNonPaxCargo == true && options.hasCapacity == true && AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.GameBalanceOptions == true) { m_capacity.parent.isVisible = true; } else if (options.isNonPaxCargo == true && options.hasCapacity == true && AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.GameBalanceOptions == false) { m_capacity.parent.isVisible = false; } //Compatibility Patch for Vehicle Color Expander - hide all controls, if mod is active. Not relating to PublicTransport only, but all vehicles if (VCXCompatibilityPatch.IsVCXActive()) { m_useColors.enabled = false; m_color0.Hide(); m_color0_hex.Hide(); m_color1.Hide(); m_color1_hex.Hide(); m_color2.Hide(); m_color2_hex.Hide(); m_color3.Hide(); m_color3_hex.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.Show(); } //DebugUtils.Log("IsIPTActive " + IPTCompatibilityPatch.IsIPTActive()); //DebugUtils.Log("OverrideIPT " + AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.OverrideIPT); //DebugUtils.Log("IsPublicTransport " + options.isPublicTransport); // Compatibility Patch for IPT, TLM and Cities Skylines Vehicle Spawning, Vehicle values. For Spawning Vehicles the Line Overview Window will be shown. if ((options.isPublicTransportGame == true) && AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.SpawnControl == true) { m_enabled.Hide(); m_lineoverview.Show(); m_userguidespawn.Show(); LineOverviewType = options.ReturnLineOverviewType; } else { if (options.ValidateIsBusTrailer) { m_enabled.Hide(); bustrailerLabel.isVisible = true; } else { m_enabled.Show(); bustrailerLabel.isVisible = false; } m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_userguidespawn.Hide(); } if (AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.OverrideCompatibilityWarnings == true && options.isPublicTransport == true && !options.isNotPublicTransportMod == true) { if (IPTCompatibilityPatch.IsIPTActive() == true) { m_maxSpeed.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_capacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_specialcapacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_maxSpeed.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_capacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_specialcapacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_maxSpeed.tooltip = m_maxSpeed.tooltip + "\n\nWarning: Improved Public Transport is active\nand may override this setting."; m_capacity.tooltip = m_capacity.tooltip + "\n\nWarning: Improved Public Transport is active\nand may override this setting."; m_specialcapacity.tooltip = m_specialcapacity.tooltip + "\n\nWarning: Improved Public Transport is active\nand may override this setting."; } if (TLMCompatibilityPatch.IsTLMActive() == true) { m_capacity.color = new Color32(240, 130, 130, 255); m_capacity.textColor = new Color32(255, 230, 130, 255); m_capacity.tooltip = m_capacity.tooltip + "\n\nWarning: Transport Lines Manager is active\nand may override this setting."; } } if (NoBigTruckCompatibilityPatch.IsNBTActive() == true && AdvancedVehicleOptionsUID.ControlTruckDelivery == true && options.isDelivery == true && options.hasTrailer == true) { m_isLargeVehicle.Show(); //DebugUtils.Log("AVO IsLargeVehicle"); } // Compatibility Patch section ends string name = options.localizedName; if (name.Length > 40) { name = name.Substring(0, 38) + "..."; } m_removeLabel.text = "Actions for: " + name; (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); capacityLabel.text = options.CapacityString; specialcapacityLabel.text = options.SpecialCapacityString; m_initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); Menu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("線上玩家列表", "當前在伺服器的所有玩家") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers)) { BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); Menu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("封鎖玩家列表", "當前在伺服器被封鎖的玩家名單") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("玩家相關選項", "查看與玩家相關的功能") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); // Add the player options menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); Menu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("玩家選項", "可以查看常見的玩家功能.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("載具相關選項", "打開此子選單以獲取與載具相關的子類別.") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); Menu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具相關選項", "您可以更改常用的載具選項,以及調整和样式化您的載具.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); Menu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具召喚", "召喚出任何一台載具.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具管理", "可以用來管你的載具.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories(); } }; } // Add the Personal Vehicle menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu)) { PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle(); Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("私人車輛", "將一輛車設置為私人車輛,不再室內時還可以對該車輛進行某些操作.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); Menu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("玩家容貌", "選擇一個PED模型,對其進行自定義,儲存加載角色.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization(); Menu menu2 = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("人物外觀選項", "創建、編輯、保存和加載外觀。 ~r~注意,您只能保存在此子選單中創建的外觀。 vMenu無法檢測到在此子選單之外創建的外觀。完全是由於GTA限制.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2); } MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("世界相關選項", "打開與世界相關的子類別的子選單.") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); Menu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("時間選項", "更改時間,並編輯其他與時間相關的選項.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); Menu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("天氣選項", "在此處更改所有與天氣相關的選項.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); Menu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("武器選項", "添加/刪除武器,修改武器並設置彈藥選項.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Weapon Loadouts menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu)) { WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts(); Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("武器裝載量", "管理,並生成節省的武器裝載.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip)) { MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("切換 NoClip", "切換 NoClip 啟用或停用."); PlayerSubmenu.AddMenuItem(toggleNoclip); PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == toggleNoclip) { NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled; } }; } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); Menu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("語音聊天設置", "在此處更改語音聊天選項.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); Menu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("錄影選項", "遊戲中的錄製選項.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); Menu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("其他設定", "可以在此處配置其他vMenu選項/設置。您也可以在此選單中保存設置.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("關於vMenu", "介紹 vMenu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn); // Refresh everything. MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex()); if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Alert("vMenu設置為忽略權限,將使用預設權限."); } if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); } if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); } if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); } if (MiscSettingsMenu != null) { MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport; } }
private void SetupControls() { UIPanel panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.gameObject.AddComponent <UICustomControl>(); panel.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingPanel"; panel.width = width - 10; panel.height = height - 75; panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 0); // Max Speed UILabel maxSpeedLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); maxSpeedLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP06"); maxSpeedLabel.textScale = 0.8f; maxSpeedLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 14); m_maxSpeed = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_maxSpeed.numericalOnly = true; m_maxSpeed.width = 75; m_maxSpeed.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP07"); m_maxSpeed.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 33); kmhLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); kmhLabel.text = "km/h"; kmhLabel.textScale = 0.8f; kmhLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(95, 38); // Acceleration UILabel accelerationLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); accelerationLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP08"); accelerationLabel.textScale = 0.8f; accelerationLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 13); m_acceleration = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_acceleration.numericalOnly = true; m_acceleration.allowFloats = true; m_acceleration.width = 60; m_acceleration.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP09"); m_acceleration.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 33); // Braking m_braking = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_braking.numericalOnly = true; m_braking.allowFloats = true; m_braking.width = 60; m_braking.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP10"); m_braking.relativePosition = new Vector3(230, 33); // Turning m_turning = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_turning.numericalOnly = true; m_turning.allowFloats = true; m_turning.width = 60; m_turning.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP11"); m_turning.relativePosition = new Vector3(300, 33); // Springs UILabel springsLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); springsLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP12"); springsLabel.textScale = 0.8f; springsLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 66); m_springs = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_springs.numericalOnly = true; m_springs.allowFloats = true; m_springs.width = 60; m_springs.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP13"); m_springs.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 85); // Dampers m_dampers = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_dampers.numericalOnly = true; m_dampers.allowFloats = true; m_dampers.width = 60; m_dampers.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP14"); m_dampers.relativePosition = new Vector3(85, 85); // LeanMultiplier UILabel leanMultiplierLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); leanMultiplierLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP15"); leanMultiplierLabel.textScale = 0.8f; leanMultiplierLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 66); m_leanMultiplier = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_leanMultiplier.numericalOnly = true; m_leanMultiplier.allowFloats = true; m_leanMultiplier.width = 60; m_leanMultiplier.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP16"); m_leanMultiplier.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 85); // NodMultiplier m_nodMultiplier = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_nodMultiplier.numericalOnly = true; m_nodMultiplier.allowFloats = true; m_nodMultiplier.width = 60; m_nodMultiplier.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP17"); m_nodMultiplier.relativePosition = new Vector3(230, 85); // Colors m_useColors = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_useColors.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP18"); m_useColors.isChecked = true; m_useColors.width = width - 40; m_useColors.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP19"); m_useColors.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 116); m_color0 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color0"; m_color0.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 135); m_color0_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color0_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color0_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(80, 137); m_color1 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color1"; m_color1.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 160); m_color1_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color1_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color1_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(80, 162); m_color2 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color2"; m_color2.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 135); m_color2_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color2_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color2_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(225, 137); m_color3 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color3"; m_color3.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 160); m_color3_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color3_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color3_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(225, 162); m_useColorsLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_useColorsLabel.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.textScale = 0.8f; m_useColorsLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP20"); m_useColorsLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 116); // Enable & BackEngine m_enabled = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_enabled.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP21"); m_enabled.isChecked = true; m_enabled.width = width - 40; m_enabled.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP22"); m_enabled.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 195); m_addBackEngine = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_addBackEngine.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP23"); m_addBackEngine.isChecked = false; m_addBackEngine.width = width - 40; m_addBackEngine.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP24"); m_addBackEngine.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 215); // LargeVehicle Setting for NoBigTruck Delivery Mod m_isLargeVehicle = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_isLargeVehicle.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP25"); m_isLargeVehicle.width = width - 40; m_isLargeVehicle.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP26"); m_isLargeVehicle.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 215); // Capacity UIPanel capacityPanel = panel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); capacityPanel.size =; capacityPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 240); capacityLabel = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); capacityLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_CAPA"); capacityLabel.textScale = 0.8f; capacityLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 2); m_capacity = UIUtils.CreateTextField(capacityPanel); m_capacity.numericalOnly = true; m_capacity.maxLength = 8; m_capacity.width = 100; m_capacity.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP27"); m_capacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 21); m_planesize = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_planesize.textScale = 0.8f; m_planesize.relativePosition = new Vector3(170, 2); // Special Capacity specialcapacityLabel = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); specialcapacityLabel.Hide(); specialcapacityLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP28"); specialcapacityLabel.textScale = 0.8f; specialcapacityLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 2); m_specialcapacity = UIUtils.CreateTextField(capacityPanel); m_specialcapacity.Hide(); m_specialcapacity.numericalOnly = true; m_specialcapacity.maxLength = 8; m_specialcapacity.width = 100; m_specialcapacity.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP29"); m_specialcapacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 21); // Userguide Special Capacity Button m_userguidespecialcapacity = UIUtils.CreateButton(capacityPanel); m_userguidespecialcapacity.Hide(); m_userguidespecialcapacity.normalBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfo"; m_userguidespecialcapacity.hoveredBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfoHovered"; m_userguidespecialcapacity.size = new Vector2(14f, 14f); m_userguidespecialcapacity.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP30"); m_userguidespecialcapacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(265, 24); // Transport Line Overview Button m_lineoverview = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_lineoverview.textScale = 0.8f; m_lineoverview.height = 18; m_lineoverview.textVerticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Bottom; m_lineoverview.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP31"); m_lineoverview.width = 335; m_lineoverview.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP32"); m_lineoverview.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 194); // Userguide Spawn Button m_userguidespawn = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_userguidespawn.Hide(); m_userguidespawn.normalBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfo"; m_userguidespawn.hoveredBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfoHovered"; m_userguidespawn.size = new Vector2(14f, 14f); m_userguidespawn.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP33"); m_userguidespawn.relativePosition = new Vector3(355, 195); // Buslabel bustrailerLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); bustrailerLabel.textScale = 0.8f; bustrailerLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP34"); bustrailerLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 194); // Restore default m_restore = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_restore.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP35"); m_restore.width = 120; m_restore.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP36"); m_restore.relativePosition = new Vector3(250, height - 45); // Remove Vehicles m_removeLabel = this.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_removeLabel.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP37"); m_removeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; m_removeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, height - 65); m_clearVehicles = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearVehicles.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP38"); m_clearVehicles.width = 120; m_clearVehicles.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP39"); m_clearVehicles.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, height - 45); m_clearParked = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearParked.text = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP40"); m_clearParked.width = 120; m_clearParked.tooltip = Translations.Translate("AVO_MOD_OP41"); m_clearParked.relativePosition = new Vector3(130, height - 45); panel.BringToFront(); // Event handlers m_maxSpeed.eventTextSubmitted += OnMaxSpeedSubmitted; m_acceleration.eventTextSubmitted += OnAccelerationSubmitted; m_braking.eventTextSubmitted += OnBrakingSubmitted; m_turning.eventTextSubmitted += OnTurningSubmitted; m_springs.eventTextSubmitted += OnSpringsSubmitted; m_dampers.eventTextSubmitted += OnDampersSubmitted; m_leanMultiplier.eventTextSubmitted += OnleanMultiplierSubmitted; m_nodMultiplier.eventTextSubmitted += OnnodMultiplierSubmitted; m_useColors.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; MouseEventHandler mousehandler = (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor((c as UIColorField).selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color1.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color2.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color3.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color0_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); } }; m_color1_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color1.selectedColor); } }; m_color2_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color2.selectedColor); } }; m_color3_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color3.selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color1.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color2.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color3.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color0_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color1_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color2_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color3_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_enabled.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_addBackEngine.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_isLargeVehicle.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_capacity.eventTextSubmitted += OnCapacitySubmitted; m_specialcapacity.eventTextSubmitted += OnSpecialCapacitySubmitted; m_restore.eventClick += (c, p) => { m_initialized = false; bool isEnabled = m_options.enabled; DefaultOptions.Restore(m_options.prefab); VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateEngine = m_options.prefab; VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateUnits = m_options.prefab; SimulationManager.instance.AddAction(VehicleOptions.UpdateBackEngines); SimulationManager.instance.AddAction(VehicleOptions.UpdateCapacityUnits); Show(m_options); if (m_options.enabled != isEnabled) { eventEnableCheckChanged(this, m_options.enabled); } }; m_clearVehicles.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; m_clearParked.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; m_lineoverview.eventClick += OnlineoverviewClicked; m_userguidespawn.eventClick += OnUserGuideSpawnClicked; m_userguidespecialcapacity.eventClick += OnUserGuideSpecialCapacityClicked; }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); UIMenu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban)) { //TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId()); BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); UIMenu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId()); menu.RefreshIndex(); menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } // Add the player options menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); UIMenu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); UIMenu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } var vl = new Vehicles().VehicleClasses; // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); UIMenu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); UIMenu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); UIMenu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); UIMenu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); UIMenu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); UIMenu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); UIMenu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); UIMenu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. //if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu)) // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place. // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed. // no matter what. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); UIMenu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); UIMenu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu."); btn.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(sub, btn); // Refresh everything. Mp.RefreshIndex(); Menu.UpdateScaleform(); // Globally disable the native ui controls disabling. Mp.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; // Globally disable the "mouse edge" feature. Mp.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Info("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions."); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); Menu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { PlayersList.RequestPlayerList(); await OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers)) { BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); Menu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Player Related Options", "Open this submenu for player related subcategories.") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); // Add the player options menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); Menu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Vehicle Related Options", "Open this submenu for vehicle related subcategories.") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); Menu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); Menu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories(); } }; } // Add the Personal Vehicle menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu)) { PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle(); Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); Menu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization(); Menu menu2 = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2); } MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("World Related Options", "Open this submenu for world related subcategories.") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); Menu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); Menu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); Menu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Weapon Loadouts menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu)) { WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts(); Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip)) { MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("Toggle NoClip", "Toggle NoClip on or off."); PlayerSubmenu.AddMenuItem(toggleNoclip); PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == toggleNoclip) { NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled; } }; } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); Menu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); Menu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); Menu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn); // Refresh everything. MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex()); if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used."); } if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); } if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); } if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); } if (MiscSettingsMenu != null) { MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); Menu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Joueurs en ligne", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers)) { BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); Menu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Joueurs bannis", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle); menu.RefreshIndex(); } }; } MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options du joueur", "") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); // Add the player options menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); Menu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Outils", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options du véhicule", "") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); Menu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Outils", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); Menu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Spawner", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. /*if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) * { * SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); * Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); * MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.") * { * Label = "→→→" * }; * AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); * VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => * { * if (item == button) * { * SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories(); * } * }; * } * * // Add the Personal Vehicle menu. * if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu)) * { * PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle(); * Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu(); * MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.") * { * Label = "→→→" * }; * AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button); * } */ // Add the player appearance menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); Menu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization(); Menu menu2 = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2); } MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options Météo-Heure", "") { Label = "→→→" }; Menu.AddMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); Menu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Heure du jeu", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); Menu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Météo", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); Menu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Options des Armes", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); } // Add Weapon Loadouts menu. /* if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu)) * { * WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts(); * Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu(); * MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.") * { * Label = "→→→" * }; * AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button); * }*/ if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip)) { MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("Toggle NoClip", "Toggle NoClip on or off."); PlayerSubmenu.AddMenuItem(toggleNoclip); PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == toggleNoclip) { NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled; } }; } { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); Menu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); Menu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Divers", "") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(Menu, menu, button); } // Add About Menu. /* * AboutMenu = new About(); * Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); * MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.") * { * Label = "→→→" * }; * AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn); */ // Refresh everything. MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex()); if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used."); } if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(playerSubmenuBtn); } if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(vehicleSubmenuBtn); } if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0) { MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn); } else { Menu.RemoveMenuItem(worldSubmenuBtn); } if (MiscSettingsMenu != null) { MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); UIMenu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } // Add the player options menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); UIMenu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); UIMenu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } var vl = new Vehicles().VehicleClasses; // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); UIMenu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); UIMenu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); UIMenu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && MenuOptions["disableSync"] != "true") { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); UIMenu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && MenuOptions["disableSync"] != "true") { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); UIMenu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); UIMenu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu)) { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); UIMenu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Misc Settings", "Change general settings."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); UIMenu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here."); button.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); UIMenu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about this menu and it's creators."); btn.SetRightLabel("→→→"); AddMenu(sub, btn); // Refresh everything. Mp.RefreshIndex(); Menu.UpdateScaleform(); // Globally disable the native ui controls disabling. Mp.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; // Globally disable the "mouse edge" feature. Mp.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; }
private void SetupControls() { UIPanel panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.gameObject.AddComponent <UICustomControl>(); panel.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingPanel"; panel.width = width - 10; panel.height = height - 75; panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 0); // Max Speed UILabel maxSpeedLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); maxSpeedLabel.text = "Maximum speed:"; maxSpeedLabel.textScale = 0.8f; maxSpeedLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 15); m_maxSpeed = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_maxSpeed.numericalOnly = true; m_maxSpeed.width = 75; m_maxSpeed.tooltip = "Change the maximum speed of the vehicle\nPlease note that vehicles do not go beyond speed limits"; m_maxSpeed.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 35); UILabel kmh = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); kmh.text = "km/h"; kmh.textScale = 0.8f; kmh.relativePosition = new Vector3(95, 40); // Acceleration UILabel accelerationLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); accelerationLabel.text = "Acceleration/Brake:"; accelerationLabel.textScale = 0.8f; accelerationLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 15); m_acceleration = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_acceleration.numericalOnly = true; m_acceleration.allowFloats = true; m_acceleration.width = 60; m_acceleration.tooltip = "Change the vehicle acceleration factor"; m_acceleration.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 35); // Braking m_braking = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_braking.numericalOnly = true; m_braking.allowFloats = true; m_braking.width = 60; m_braking.tooltip = "Change the vehicle braking factor"; m_braking.relativePosition = new Vector3(230, 35); // Colors m_useColors = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_useColors.text = "Color variations:"; m_useColors.isChecked = true; m_useColors.width = width - 40; m_useColors.tooltip = "Enable color variations\nA random color is chosen between the four following colors"; m_useColors.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 70); m_color0 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color0"; m_color0.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 95 - 2); m_color0_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color0_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color0_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(55, 95); m_color1 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color1"; m_color1.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 120 - 2); m_color1_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color1_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color1_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(55, 120); m_color2 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color2"; m_color2.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(158, 95 - 2); m_color2_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color2_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color2_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(200, 95); m_color3 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color3"; m_color3.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(158, 120 - 2); m_color3_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color3_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color3_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(200, 120); // Enable & BackEngine m_enabled = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_enabled.text = "Allow this vehicle to spawn"; m_enabled.isChecked = true; m_enabled.width = width - 40; m_enabled.tooltip = "Make sure you have at least one vehicle allowed to spawn for that category"; m_enabled.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 155);; m_addBackEngine = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_addBackEngine.text = "Replace last car with engine"; m_addBackEngine.isChecked = false; m_addBackEngine.width = width - 40; m_addBackEngine.tooltip = "Make the last car of this train be an engine"; m_addBackEngine.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 175); // Capacity UIPanel capacityPanel = panel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); capacityPanel.size =; capacityPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 200); UILabel capacityLabel = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); capacityLabel.text = "Capacity:"; capacityLabel.textScale = 0.8f; capacityLabel.relativePosition =; m_capacity = UIUtils.CreateTextField(capacityPanel); m_capacity.numericalOnly = true; m_capacity.width = 110; m_capacity.tooltip = "Change the capacity of the vehicle"; m_capacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 20); // Restore default m_restore = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_restore.text = "Restore default"; m_restore.width = 130; m_restore.tooltip = "Restore all values to default"; m_restore.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 215); // Remove Vehicles m_removeLabel = this.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_removeLabel.text = "Remove vehicles:"; m_removeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; m_removeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, height - 60); m_clearVehicles = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearVehicles.text = "Driving"; m_clearVehicles.width = 90f; m_clearVehicles.tooltip = "Remove all driving vehicles of that type\nHold the SHIFT key to remove all types"; m_clearVehicles.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, height - 40); m_clearParked = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearParked.text = "Parked"; m_clearParked.width = 90f; m_clearParked.tooltip = "Remove all parked vehicles of that type\nHold the SHIFT key to remove all types"; m_clearParked.relativePosition = new Vector3(105, height - 40); panel.BringToFront(); // Event handlers m_maxSpeed.eventTextSubmitted += OnMaxSpeedSubmitted; m_acceleration.eventTextSubmitted += OnAccelerationSubmitted; m_braking.eventTextSubmitted += OnBrakingSubmitted; m_useColors.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; MouseEventHandler mousehandler = (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor((c as UIColorField).selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color1.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color2.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color3.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color0_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); } }; m_color1_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color1.selectedColor); } }; m_color2_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color2.selectedColor); } }; m_color3_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color3.selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color1.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color2.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color3.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color0_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color1_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color2_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color3_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_enabled.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_addBackEngine.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_capacity.eventTextSubmitted += OnCapacitySubmitted; m_restore.eventClick += (c, p) => { m_initialized = false; bool isEnabled = m_options.enabled; DefaultOptions.Restore(m_options.prefab); VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateEngine = m_options.prefab; VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateUnits = m_options.prefab; new EnumerableActionThread(VehicleOptions.UpdateBackEngines); new EnumerableActionThread(VehicleOptions.UpdateCapacityUnits); Show(m_options); if (m_options.enabled != isEnabled) { eventEnableCheckChanged(this, m_options.enabled); } }; m_clearVehicles.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; m_clearParked.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; }
/// <summary> /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user. /// </summary> private void CreateSubmenus() { // Add the online players menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu)) { OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers(); Menu menu = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist(); menu.RefreshIndex(); //menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers)) { BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers(); Menu menu = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle); menu.RefreshIndex(); //menu.UpdateScaleform(); } }; } // Add the player options menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu)) { PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions(); Menu menu = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle options Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu)) { VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions(); Menu menu = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the vehicle spawner menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu)) { VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner(); Menu menu = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Saved Vehicles menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu)) { SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles(); Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) => { if (item == button) { SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories(); } }; } // Add the Personal Vehicle menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu)) { PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle(); Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the player appearance menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu)) { PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance(); Menu menu = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization(); Menu menu2 = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu2, button2); } // Add the time options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync)) { TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions(); Menu menu = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weather options menu. // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync)) { WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions(); Menu menu = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add the weapons menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu)) { WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions(); Menu menu = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Weapon Loadouts menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu)) { WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts(); Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add Voice Chat Menu. if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu)) { VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat(); Menu menu = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } { RecordingMenu = new Recording(); Menu menu = RecordingMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add misc settings menu. //if (CommonFunctions.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu)) // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place. // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed. // no matter what. { MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings(); Menu menu = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(menu, button); } // Add About Menu. AboutMenu = new About(); Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu(); MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.") { Label = "→→→" }; AddMenu(sub, btn); // Refresh everything. MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex()); if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions)) { Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used."); } }
private void SetupControls() { UIPanel panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.gameObject.AddComponent <UICustomControl>(); panel.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingPanel"; panel.width = width - 10; panel.height = height - 75; panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 0); // Max Speed UILabel maxSpeedLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); maxSpeedLabel.text = "Maximum speed:"; maxSpeedLabel.textScale = 0.8f; maxSpeedLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 14); m_maxSpeed = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_maxSpeed.numericalOnly = true; m_maxSpeed.width = 75; m_maxSpeed.tooltip = "Change the maximum speed of the vehicle\nPlease note that vehicles do not go beyond speed limits"; m_maxSpeed.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 33); kmhLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); kmhLabel.text = "km/h"; kmhLabel.textScale = 0.8f; kmhLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(95, 38); // Acceleration UILabel accelerationLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); accelerationLabel.text = "Acceleration/Brake/Turning:"; accelerationLabel.textScale = 0.8f; accelerationLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 13); m_acceleration = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_acceleration.numericalOnly = true; m_acceleration.allowFloats = true; m_acceleration.width = 60; m_acceleration.tooltip = "Change the vehicle acceleration factor"; m_acceleration.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 33); // Braking m_braking = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_braking.numericalOnly = true; m_braking.allowFloats = true; m_braking.width = 60; m_braking.tooltip = "Change the vehicle braking factor"; m_braking.relativePosition = new Vector3(230, 33); // Turning m_turning = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_turning.numericalOnly = true; m_turning.allowFloats = true; m_turning.width = 60; m_turning.tooltip = "Change the vehicle turning factor;\nDefines how well the car corners"; m_turning.relativePosition = new Vector3(300, 33); // Springs UILabel springsLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); springsLabel.text = "Springs/Dampers:"; springsLabel.textScale = 0.8f; springsLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 66); m_springs = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_springs.numericalOnly = true; m_springs.allowFloats = true; m_springs.width = 60; m_springs.tooltip = "Change the vehicle spring factor;\nDefines how much the suspension moves"; m_springs.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 85); // Dampers m_dampers = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_dampers.numericalOnly = true; m_dampers.allowFloats = true; m_dampers.width = 60; m_dampers.tooltip = "Change the vehicle damper factor;\nDefines how quickly the suspension returns to the default state"; m_dampers.relativePosition = new Vector3(85, 85); // LeanMultiplier UILabel leanMultiplierLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); leanMultiplierLabel.text = "Lean/Nod Multiplier:"; leanMultiplierLabel.textScale = 0.8f; leanMultiplierLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 66); m_leanMultiplier = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_leanMultiplier.numericalOnly = true; m_leanMultiplier.allowFloats = true; m_leanMultiplier.width = 60; m_leanMultiplier.tooltip = "Change the vehicle lean multiplication factor;\nDefines how much the vehicle leans to the sides when turning"; m_leanMultiplier.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 85); // NodMultiplier m_nodMultiplier = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_nodMultiplier.numericalOnly = true; m_nodMultiplier.allowFloats = true; m_nodMultiplier.width = 60; m_nodMultiplier.tooltip = "Change the vehicle nod multiplication factor;\nDefines how much the vehicle nods forward/backward when braking or accelerating"; m_nodMultiplier.relativePosition = new Vector3(230, 85); // Colors m_useColors = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_useColors.text = "Enable Color variations:"; m_useColors.isChecked = true; m_useColors.width = width - 40; m_useColors.tooltip = "Enable color variations\nA random color is chosen between the four following colors"; m_useColors.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 116); m_color0 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color0"; m_color0.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color0.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 135); m_color0_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color0_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color0_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(80, 137); m_color1 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color1"; m_color1.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color1.relativePosition = new Vector3(35, 160); m_color1_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color1_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color1_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(80, 162); m_color2 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color2"; m_color2.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color2.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 135); m_color2_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color2_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color2_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(225, 137); m_color3 = UIUtils.CreateColorField(panel); = "AVO-color3"; m_color3.popupTopmostRoot = false; m_color3.relativePosition = new Vector3(182, 160); m_color3_hex = UIUtils.CreateTextField(panel); m_color3_hex.maxLength = 6; m_color3_hex.relativePosition = new Vector3(225, 162); m_useColorsLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_useColorsLabel.Hide(); m_useColorsLabel.textScale = 0.8f; m_useColorsLabel.text = "Colors are managed by Vehicle Color Expander"; m_useColorsLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 116); // Enable & BackEngine m_enabled = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_enabled.text = "Allow this vehicle to spawn"; m_enabled.isChecked = true; m_enabled.width = width - 40; m_enabled.tooltip = "Make sure you have at least one vehicle allowed to spawn for that category"; m_enabled.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 195);; m_addBackEngine = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_addBackEngine.text = "Replace last car with engine"; m_addBackEngine.isChecked = false; m_addBackEngine.width = width - 40; m_addBackEngine.tooltip = "Make the last car of this train be an engine"; m_addBackEngine.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 215); // LargeVehicle Setting for NoBigTruck Delivery Mod m_isLargeVehicle = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(panel); m_isLargeVehicle.text = "Flag as Large Vehicle"; m_isLargeVehicle.width = width - 40; m_isLargeVehicle.tooltip = "Prevent vehicles with trailer to deliver to small buildings\n\nNeeds No Big Trucks mod to work"; m_isLargeVehicle.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 215); // Capacity UIPanel capacityPanel = panel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); capacityPanel.size =; capacityPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 240); capacityLabel = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); capacityLabel.text = "Capacity: "; capacityLabel.textScale = 0.8f; capacityLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 2); m_capacity = UIUtils.CreateTextField(capacityPanel); m_capacity.numericalOnly = true; m_capacity.maxLength = 8; m_capacity.width = 100; m_capacity.tooltip = "Change the capacity of the vehicle"; m_capacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 21); // Special Capacity specialcapacityLabel = capacityPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); specialcapacityLabel.Hide(); specialcapacityLabel.text = "Special Capacity: "; specialcapacityLabel.textScale = 0.8f; specialcapacityLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 2); m_specialcapacity = UIUtils.CreateTextField(capacityPanel); m_specialcapacity.Hide(); m_specialcapacity.numericalOnly = true; m_specialcapacity.maxLength = 8; m_specialcapacity.width = 100; m_specialcapacity.tooltip = "Change special parameters of the vehicle"; m_specialcapacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(160, 21); // Userguide Special Capacity Button m_userguidespecialcapacity = UIUtils.CreateButton(capacityPanel); m_userguidespecialcapacity.Hide(); m_userguidespecialcapacity.normalBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfo"; m_userguidespecialcapacity.hoveredBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfoHovered"; m_userguidespecialcapacity.size = new Vector2(14f, 14f); m_userguidespecialcapacity.tooltip = "If you do not know, what this value is:\nDo not touch it!\n\nClick for User Guide: Special Capacity"; m_userguidespecialcapacity.relativePosition = new Vector3(265, 24); // Transport Line Overview Button m_lineoverview = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_lineoverview.Hide(); m_lineoverview.textScale = 0.8f; m_lineoverview.height = 18; m_lineoverview.textVerticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Bottom; m_lineoverview.text = "Manage Spawning in Transport Line Overview"; m_lineoverview.width = 335; m_lineoverview.tooltip = "Open the Transport Line Overview and manage the vehicle spawning"; m_lineoverview.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 194); // Userguide Spawn Button m_userguidespawn = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_userguidespawn.Hide(); m_userguidespawn.normalBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfo"; m_userguidespawn.hoveredBgSprite = "EconomyMoreInfoHovered"; m_userguidespawn.size = new Vector2(14f, 14f); m_userguidespawn.tooltip = "Click for User Guide: Spawn Control"; m_userguidespawn.relativePosition = new Vector3(355, 195); // Buslabel bustrailerLabel = panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); bustrailerLabel.textScale = 0.8f; bustrailerLabel.text = "Bus trailers spawning is controlled by the main\n" + "Bus vehicle. Settings must be configured from\n" + "the Transport Line Overview panel."; bustrailerLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(15, 194); // Restore default m_restore = UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); m_restore.text = "Default Values"; m_restore.width = 120; m_restore.tooltip = "Restore all values to default"; m_restore.relativePosition = new Vector3(250, height - 45); // Remove Vehicles m_removeLabel = this.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); m_removeLabel.text = "Global Actions for: "; m_removeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; m_removeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, height - 65); m_clearVehicles = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearVehicles.text = "Remove Driving"; m_clearVehicles.width = 120; m_clearVehicles.tooltip = "Remove all driving vehicles of that type\nHold the SHIFT key to remove all types"; m_clearVehicles.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, height - 45); m_clearParked = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_clearParked.text = "Remove Parked"; m_clearParked.width = 120; m_clearParked.tooltip = "Remove all parked vehicles of that type\nHold the SHIFT key to remove all types"; m_clearParked.relativePosition = new Vector3(130, height - 45); panel.BringToFront(); // Event handlers m_maxSpeed.eventTextSubmitted += OnMaxSpeedSubmitted; m_acceleration.eventTextSubmitted += OnAccelerationSubmitted; m_braking.eventTextSubmitted += OnBrakingSubmitted; m_turning.eventTextSubmitted += OnTurningSubmitted; m_springs.eventTextSubmitted += OnSpringsSubmitted; m_dampers.eventTextSubmitted += OnDampersSubmitted; m_leanMultiplier.eventTextSubmitted += OnleanMultiplierSubmitted; m_nodMultiplier.eventTextSubmitted += OnnodMultiplierSubmitted; m_useColors.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; MouseEventHandler mousehandler = (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor((c as UIColorField).selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color1.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color2.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color3.eventMouseEnter += mousehandler; m_color0_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color0.selectedColor); } }; m_color1_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color1.selectedColor); } }; m_color2_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color2.selectedColor); } }; m_color3_hex.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { if (m_initialized) { (parent as UIMainPanel).ChangePreviewColor(m_color3.selectedColor); } }; m_color0.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color1.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color2.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color3.eventSelectedColorChanged += OnColorChanged; m_color0_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color1_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color2_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_color3_hex.eventTextSubmitted += OnColorHexSubmitted; m_enabled.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_addBackEngine.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_isLargeVehicle.eventCheckChanged += OnCheckChanged; m_capacity.eventTextSubmitted += OnCapacitySubmitted; m_specialcapacity.eventTextSubmitted += OnSpecialCapacitySubmitted; m_restore.eventClick += (c, p) => { m_initialized = false; bool isEnabled = m_options.enabled; DefaultOptions.Restore(m_options.prefab); VehicleOptions.UpdateTransfertVehicles(); VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateEngine = m_options.prefab; VehicleOptions.prefabUpdateUnits = m_options.prefab; new EnumerableActionThread(VehicleOptions.UpdateBackEngines); new EnumerableActionThread(VehicleOptions.UpdateCapacityUnits); Show(m_options); if (m_options.enabled != isEnabled) { eventEnableCheckChanged(this, m_options.enabled); } }; m_clearVehicles.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; m_clearParked.eventClick += OnClearVehicleClicked; m_lineoverview.eventClick += OnlineoverviewClicked; m_userguidespawn.eventClick += OnUserGuideSpawnClicked; m_userguidespecialcapacity.eventClick += OnUserGuideSpecialCapacityClicked; }