Esempio n. 1
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        if (!VehicleAPI.IsValidIndividualLight(lightType))
            throw new Exception("Light sides need to have a valid value, revise your code.");

        GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);

        //If you uncomment this wheels won't steer
        //Destroy(obj.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>());               = string.Format("Blinker ({0})", lightType.ToString());
        obj.transform.parent   = parent;
        obj.transform.position = parent.position + Vector3.right * (IsLeftSide ? -1 : 1) * .2f;
        //obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 30 * (IsLeftSide ? -1 : 1), 0));
        obj.transform.localScale = * .2f;

        blinkerRenderer = obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        blinkerRenderer.material = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/Blinker");
        defaultIntensity         = blinkerRenderer.material.GetFloat("_MKGlowPower");

        blinkerSwitch = false;

        InvokeRepeating("Cycle", 0, repeatInterval);
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //lightSide = GetVehicleLightSide(lightType);

        if (!VehicleAPI.IsValidIndividualLight(lightType))
            throw new Exception("Light sides need to have a valid value, revise your code.");

        setAppart = gameObject.GetComponent <Light>() != null;

        GameObject obj = gameObject;

        if (setAppart)
            obj = new GameObject("Blinker");
            obj.transform.parent        = parent;
            obj.transform.position      = parent.position + Vector3.right * (IsLeftSide ? -1 : 1) * .2f;
            obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 30 * (IsLeftSide ? -1 : 1), 0));

        blinkerLight = obj.AddComponent <Light>();

        VehicleAPI.SetLightProps(lightType, ref blinkerLight, true);

        defaultIntensity = blinkerLight.intensity;


        InvokeRepeating("Cycle", 0, repeatInterval);
Esempio n. 3
        async private void HistoryList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            SearchHistoryItem item = (SearchHistoryItem)HistoryList.SelectedItem;

                // Active ProgressSpinner and Show Progress Text
                SearchProgress.IsActive = true;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Searching...";
                SearchResult.Vehicles   = await VehicleAPI.GetVehiclesAsync(item.Query);

                // Disable ProgressSpinner and Show Progress Text
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "";
                if (SearchResult.Vehicles.Count > 0)
                    Frame.Navigate(typeof(SearchResult), null, new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo());
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message);
                dialog.Title = "Info";
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
Esempio n. 4
 public IndexModel(VehicleAPI vehicleAPI)
     _vehicleAPI       = vehicleAPI;
     _controller       = new VeiculoController(_vehicleAPI);
     veiculosBasicos   = new List <Veiculo>();
     veiculosCompletos = new List <Veiculo>();
     veiculosLuxo      = new List <Veiculo>();
        // Get Data from API
        public void TestLoadData()
            QueryBuilder query = new QueryBuilder();

            query.AddField(Field.Fields.ID, "8897");
            string actual   = VehicleAPI.LoadData(query.QueryString);
            string expected = "[{\"ID\":\"8897\",\"ajoneuvoluokka_koodi\":\"O2\",\"ajoneuvoluokka_lyhytselite\":\"Perävaunu\",\"ajoneuvoluokka_pitkaselite\":\"Perävaunu, 750 < m <= 3500 kg\",\"ensirekisterointipvm\":\"1998-04-22\",\"ajoneuvoryhma\":\"Keskiakseliperävaunu\",\"ajoneuvonkaytto\":\"Yksityinen\",\"variantti\":null,\"versio\":null,\"kayttoonottopvm\":\"1998-04-22\",\"vari\":null,\"ovienLukumaara\":null,\"korityyppi_koodi\":null,\"korityyppi_pitkaselite\":null,\"ohjaamotyyppi\":null,\"istumapaikkojenLkm\":null,\"omamassa\":\"640\",\"teknSuurSallKokmassa\":null,\"tieliikSuurSallKokmassa\":\"2100\",\"ajonKokPituus\":null,\"ajonLeveys\":\"2250\",\"ajonKorkeus\":null,\"kayttovoima\":null,\"iskutilavuus\":null,\"suurinNettoteho\":null,\"sylintereidenLkm\":null,\"ahdin\":null,\"sahkohybridi\":null,\"sahkohybridinluokka\":null,\"merkkiSelvakielinen\":\"Omavalmiste\",\"mallimerkinta\":\"PV 2100\",\"vaihteisto\":null,\"vaihteidenLkm\":null,\"kaupallinenNimi\":null,\"voimanvalJaTehostamistapa\":\"8\",\"tyyppihyvaksyntanro\":null,\"yksittaisKayttovoima\":null,\"kunta\":\"Oulu\",\"Co2\":null,\"matkamittarilukema\":null,\"alue\":\"901\",\"valmistenumero2\":null}]";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        // Test Get ChartData
        public void TestGetChartData()
            List <ChartItem> values   = VehicleAPI.GetChartData(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartVari);
            string           actual   = values[1].Name;
            string           expected = "Turkoosi";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            double actual1   = values[1].Value;
            double expected1 = 4835;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected1, actual1);
        // Test Get Vehicles
        public void TestGetVehicles()
            QueryBuilder query = new QueryBuilder();

            query.AddField(Field.Fields.ID, "8897");
            List <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleAPI.GetVehicles(query.QueryString);
            string         actual   = vehicles[0].Ensirekisterointipvm;
            string         expected = "1998-04-22";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Load ComboBox Items from API
        /// </summary>
        private async void LoadComboBoxItems()
            // Activate ProgressSpinner and Show progress text
            LoadingProgress.IsActive = true;
            txtLoadingProgress.Text  = "Loading values...";

            //Load Values to Vehicle Class Combobox
            VehicleClasses = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VAjoneuvoluokka);

            cbVehicleClass.ItemsSource       = VehicleClasses;
            cbVehicleClass.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbVehicleClass.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            // Disable ProgressSpinner and Show progress text
            LoadingProgress.IsActive = false;
            txtLoadingProgress.Text  = "";
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Load ComboBox Items from API
        /// </summary>
        private async void LoadComboBoxItems()
            // Activate ProgressSpinner and Show progress text
            LoadingProgress.IsActive = true;
            txtLoadingProgress.Text  = "Loading values...";

            //Retrieve data to Color combobox
            vColor = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VVari);

            cbColor.ItemsSource       = vColor;
            cbColor.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbColor.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            //Retrieve data to FuelType combobox
            vFuelType = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VKayttovoima);

            cbFuelType.ItemsSource       = vFuelType;
            cbFuelType.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbFuelType.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            //Retrieve data to FrameType combobox
            vFrameType = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VKorityyppi);

            cbFrameType.ItemsSource       = vFrameType;
            cbFrameType.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbFrameType.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            //Retrieve data to County combobox
            vCounty = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VKunta);

            cbCounty.ItemsSource       = vCounty;
            cbCounty.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbCounty.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            //Retrieve data to Car Class combobox
            vCarClass = await VehicleAPI.GetOptionsAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.VAjoneuvoluokka);

            cbCarClass.ItemsSource       = vCarClass;
            cbCarClass.SelectedValuePath = "Value";
            cbCarClass.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";

            // Disable ProgressSpinner and Show progress text
            LoadingProgress.IsActive = false;
            txtLoadingProgress.Text  = "";
        // Test Get Options
        public void TestGetOptions()
            List <Option> values    = VehicleAPI.GetOptions(QueryBuilder.Table.VOhjaamotyyppi);
            string        actual1   = values[0].Value;
            string        expected1 = "Umpiohjaamo";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected1, actual1);
            string actual2   = values[1].Value;
            string expected2 = "Suojakehys";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected2, actual2);
            string actual3   = values[2].Value;
            string expected3 = "Jatko-ohjaamo";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected3, actual3);
            string actual4   = values[3].Value;
            string expected4 = "Avo-ohjaamo";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected4, actual4);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Event Handler for Search Button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        async private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                // Activate ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Disable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = true;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Searching...";
                btnSearch.IsEnabled     = false;

                switch (cbType.SelectedItem.ToString())
                case "Ajoneuvoluokka":
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartAjoneuvoluokka);


                case "Väri":
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartVari);


                case "Käyttövoima":
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartKayttovoima);


                case "Ajoneuvon käyttö":
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartAjoneuvonKaytto);


                case "Korityyppi":
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.ChartKorityyppi);


                case "Merkki":
                    string vehicleClass = cbVehicleClass.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    string query        = $"SELECT merkkiSelvakielinen as Name, COUNT(merkkiSelvakielinen) as Value FROM Ajoneuvo WHERE ajoneuvoluokka=(SELECT ID FROM Ajoneuvoluokka WHERE Kooditunnus = '{vehicleClass}') GROUP BY merkkiSelvakielinen HAVING Value > 100 ORDER BY Value DESC;";
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.Ajoneuvo, query);


                case "Ensirekisteröintimäärät":
                    string startDate     = StartDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string endDate       = EndDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string vehicleClass2 = "";
                    string brand         = "";
                    if (cbVehicleClass.SelectedValue != null)
                        vehicleClass2 = $" ajoneuvoluokka=(SELECT ID FROM Ajoneuvoluokka WHERE Kooditunnus = '{cbVehicleClass.SelectedValue.ToString()}') AND ";
                    if (txtBrand.Text != "")
                        brand = $" merkkiSelvakielinen='{txtBrand.Text}' AND ";
                    string query2 = $"SELECT YEAR(ensirekisterointipvm) as Name, COUNT(ensirekisterointipvm) as Value FROM Ajoneuvo WHERE{vehicleClass2}{brand} ensirekisterointipvm BETWEEN '{startDate}' AND '{endDate}' GROUP BY YEAR(ensirekisterointipvm) ORDER BY Name DESC;";
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.Ajoneuvo, query2);


                case "Sähköhybridien määrä":
                    string startDate2 = StartDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string endDate2   = EndDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string query3     = $"SELECT YEAR(ensirekisterointipvm) as Name, COUNT(sahkohybridi) as Value FROM Ajoneuvo WHERE sahkohybridi=1 AND ensirekisterointipvm BETWEEN '{startDate2}' AND '{endDate2}' GROUP BY YEAR(ensirekisterointipvm) ORDER BY Name DESC;";
                    SearchResult = await VehicleAPI.GetChartDataAsync(QueryBuilder.Table.Ajoneuvo, query3);

                // Disable ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Enable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Done";
                btnSearch.IsEnabled     = true;

                PieChart.DataSource      = SearchResult;
                PieChart.TitleMemberPath = "Name";
                PieChart.ValueMemberPath = "Value";
                dgData.ItemsSource       = SearchResult;
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Fill all enabled fields!");
                dialog.Title = "Info";
                await dialog.ShowAsync();

                // Disable ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Enable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Done";
                btnSearch.IsEnabled     = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message);
                dialog.Title = "Exception";
                await dialog.ShowAsync();

                // Disable ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Enable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Done";
                btnSearch.IsEnabled     = true;
Esempio n. 12
        async private void BtnDoSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Upon clock perform the folllowing actions if possible.
                QueryBuilder searchquery = new QueryBuilder();
                //If Brand field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (txtBrand.Text != "")

                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.merkkiSelvakielinen, txtBrand.Text);
                //If Model field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (txtModel.Text != "")
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.mallimerkinta, txtModel.Text);

                //If Color field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (cbColor.SelectedValue != null)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.vari, cbColor.SelectedValue.ToString());

                //If First Registration Date field is not empty and the checkbox was checked to activate the field, perform the following:
                if (dpFirstRegDate1.Date != null && dpFirstRegDate2.Date != null && cbFirstRegDate.IsChecked == true)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.ensirekisterointipvm, dpFirstRegDate1.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dpFirstRegDate2.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

                if (dpDeployDate1.Date != null && dpDeployDate2.Date != null && cbDeployDate.IsChecked == true)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.kayttoonottopvm, dpDeployDate1.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dpDeployDate2.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

                //If Fuel Type field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (cbFuelType.SelectedValue != null)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.kayttovoima, cbFuelType.SelectedValue.ToString());

                //If Frame Type field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (cbFrameType.SelectedValue != null)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.korityyppi_pitkaselite, cbFrameType.SelectedValue.ToString());

                //If County field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (cbCounty.SelectedValue != null)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.kunta, cbCounty.SelectedValue.ToString());

                //If Gears field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (txtGears.Text != "")
                    int value;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtGears.Text, out value) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Number of Gears value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.vaihteisto, value.ToString());

                //If Serial Number field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (txtSerialNmb.Text != "")
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.valmistenumero2, txtSerialNmb.Text);

                //If Co2 field is not empty and the input is in integer format, perform the following:
                if (txtStartCo2.Text != "" && txtEndCo2.Text != "")
                    int start, end;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtStartCo2.Text, out start) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Co2 Start value isn't integer");
                    if (int.TryParse(txtEndCo2.Text, out end) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Co2 End value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.Co2, start.ToString(), end.ToString());

                //If Mileage field is not empty and the input is in integer format, perform the following:
                if (txtStartMileage.Text != "" && txtEndMileage.Text != "")
                    int start, end;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtStartMileage.Text, out start) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Mileage Start value isn't integer");
                    if (int.TryParse(txtEndMileage.Text, out end) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Mileage End value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.matkamittarilukema, start.ToString(), end.ToString());

                //If Mass field is not empty and the input is in integer format, perform the following:
                if (txtStartMass.Text != "" && txtEndMass.Text != "")
                    int start, end;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtStartMass.Text, out start) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Weight Start value isn't integer");
                    if (int.TryParse(txtEndMass.Text, out end) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Weight End value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.omamassa, start.ToString(), end.ToString());

                //If Cylinder Cap field is not empty and the input is in integer format, perform the following:
                if (txtStartCylinderCap.Text != "" && txtEndCylinderCap.Text != "")
                    int start, end;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtStartCylinderCap.Text, out start) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Engine Size Start value isn't integer");
                    if (int.TryParse(txtEndCylinderCap.Text, out end) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Engine Size End value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.sylintereidenLkm, start.ToString(), end.ToString());

                //If Power field is not empty and the input is in integer format, perform the following:
                if (txtStartNetPower.Text != "" && txtEndNetPower.Text != "")
                    int start, end;
                    if (int.TryParse(txtStartNetPower.Text, out start) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Power Start value isn't integer");
                    if (int.TryParse(txtEndNetPower.Text, out end) == false)
                        throw new Exception("Power End value isn't integer");
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.suurinNettoteho, start.ToString(), end.ToString());

                //If Car Class field is not empty, perform the following:
                if (cbCarClass.SelectedValue != null)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.ajoneuvoluokka_koodi, cbCarClass.SelectedValue.ToString());

                //If Electric Hybrid field is checked, perform the following:
                if (ckbElecHybrid.IsChecked == true)
                    searchquery.AddField(Field.Fields.sahkohybridi, "1");

                // Build Query and set limit to 100
                searchquery.Build(QueryBuilder.QueryType.Select, 1000);

                // Activate ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Disable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = true;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Searching...";
                btnDoSearch.IsEnabled   = false;
                // Load Vehicles from API asynchronously
                SearchResult.Vehicles = await VehicleAPI.GetVehiclesAsync(searchquery.QueryString);

                // Disable ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Enable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Done";
                btnDoSearch.IsEnabled   = true;
                // If there was no result, stay in search page
                if (SearchResult.Vehicles.Count > 0)
                    // Add Search to History
                    SearchHistory.AddItem(new SearchHistoryItem("Search", DateTime.Now, SearchResult.Vehicles.Count + " results", searchquery.QueryString, searchquery.FieldsToString()));
                    // Navigate to SearchResult page
                    Frame.Navigate(typeof(SearchResult), null, new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo());
            //Handle exceptions
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message);
                dialog.Title = "Info";
                await dialog.ShowAsync();

                // Disable ProgressSpinner, Show Progress Text and Enable Search button
                SearchProgress.IsActive = false;
                txtSearchProgress.Text  = "Done";
                btnDoSearch.IsEnabled   = true;
 public void TestMySQLError()
     List <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleAPI.GetVehicles("SELECT  FROM Vehicle LIMIT 1;");
 public void TestZeroResultsError()
     List <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleAPI.GetVehicles("SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE ID = 630902340;");
 public void TestIncorrectAPIKey()
     VehicleAPI.URL = $"";;
     List <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleAPI.GetVehicles("SELECT  FROM Vehicle LIMIT 1;");
 public void TestQueryEmptyError()
     List <Vehicle> vehicles = VehicleAPI.GetVehicles("");
Esempio n. 17
 public VeiculoController(VehicleAPI vehicleAPI)
     _vehicleAPI = vehicleAPI;