/// <summary>Update the ModelView and Frustum. Done on every update cycle and before the world is initially loaded so we can preload chunks in the initial frustum.</summary> private static void UpdateFrustum() { ModelView = Matrix4d.LookAt(Player.Coords.Xf, Player.Coords.Yf + Constants.PLAYER_EYE_LEVEL, Player.Coords.Zf, Player.Coords.Xf + (float)Math.Cos(Player.Coords.Direction) * (float)Math.Cos(Player.Coords.Pitch), Player.Coords.Yf + Constants.PLAYER_EYE_LEVEL + (float)Math.Sin(Player.Coords.Pitch), Player.Coords.Zf + (float)Math.Sin(Player.Coords.Direction) * (float)Math.Cos(Player.Coords.Pitch), 0, 1, 0); Matrix4d clip; Matrix4d.Mult(ref ModelView, ref Projection, out clip); LeftFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 + clip.M11, clip.M24 + clip.M21, clip.M34 + clip.M31, clip.M44 + clip.M41); LeftFrustum.NormalizeFast(); RightFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 - clip.M11, clip.M24 - clip.M21, clip.M34 - clip.M31, clip.M44 - clip.M41); RightFrustum.NormalizeFast(); BottomFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 + clip.M12, clip.M24 + clip.M22, clip.M34 + clip.M32, clip.M44 + clip.M42); BottomFrustum.NormalizeFast(); TopFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 - clip.M12, clip.M24 - clip.M22, clip.M34 - clip.M32, clip.M44 - clip.M42); TopFrustum.NormalizeFast(); NearFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 + clip.M13, clip.M24 + clip.M23, clip.M34 + clip.M33, clip.M44 + clip.M43); NearFrustum.NormalizeFast(); FarFrustum = new Vector4d(clip.M14 - clip.M13, clip.M24 - clip.M23, clip.M34 - clip.M33, clip.M44 - clip.M43); FarFrustum.NormalizeFast(); }