public Vector3 GetActualSteer(Vector3 desiredSteer)
        Forces forces = mAttributes.Forces;
        float mag = desiredSteer.magnitude;

        if (mag < forces.MinSpeed)
            desiredSteer *= forces.MinSpeed;

        if (mag > forces.MaxSpeed)
            desiredSteer *= forces.MaxSpeed;

        float maxRateRadians = Mathf.Deg2Rad * forces.TurnRateDegrees * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 actualSteer = Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, desiredSteer, maxRateRadians, forces.MaxSpeed);
        //transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(actualSteer, transform.up);

            Vector3 desiredSteerNormalized = desiredSteer;
            Vector3 actualSteerNormalized = actualSteer;

            const float factor = 50.0f;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (desiredSteerNormalized * factor),;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (actualSteerNormalized * factor),;

        return actualSteer;
Esempio n. 2
 private static Vector3 BallFold(float r, Vector3 v)
     float len = v.Len();
     if (len < r) return v.Normalize(len / (r * r));
     else if (len < 1) return v.Normalize(1 / len);
     return v;
Esempio n. 3
	private void Awake()
		Axis = new Vector3( Random.value, Random.value, Random.value );
		transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis( 0.0f, Axis );
		SpinRate = ( Random.value * ( MaxSpinRate - MinSpinRate ) ) + MinSpinRate;
Esempio n. 4
    public void Move(Vector3 move, bool jump)
        if (move.magnitude > 1f)

        m_move = move;
        move = transform.InverseTransformDirection(move);
        move = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(move, m_GroundNormal);

        m_TurnAmount = Mathf.Atan2(move.x, move.z)*Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        m_ForwardAmount = move.z;
        if (m_isGround)
Esempio n. 5
	public void Reflect(Collider coll, Vector3 reflDir)
		if (coll.attachedRigidbody && coll.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bullet"))
			GameObject refl = Instantiate<GameObject>(bulletPrefab);
			refl.gameObject.tag = "SpawnedBullet";
			refl.transform.position = coll.transform.position;

			Vector3 vel;
			vel = reflDir;

			BulletBase reflBase = refl.GetComponent<BulletBase>();
			refl.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = vel * reflBase.bulletSpeed;

			reflBase.ignoreEnemies = false;
			reflBase.rend.material = reflBase.reflectMat;

		else if (coll.attachedRigidbody)
			Vector3 vel;
			vel = reflDir * coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.magnitude;
			coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = vel;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Matrix collisionworld = Matrix.Identity;
            collisionworld *=;

            if (this.CollidesWith(tank1.model, collisionworld))

                float distanceTotank1Position;
                float speed = 2;
                tankEnemyPosition = world.Translation;
                direction = - tankEnemyPosition;
                Vector3 tankVelocity = speed * direction;
                distanceTotank1Position = Vector3.Distance(, tankEnemyPosition);
                float timeTotank1Position = distanceTotank1Position / speed;
                Vector3 target =;
                Vector3 targeDirection = target - tankEnemyPosition;
                enemyPursueMove = targeDirection * speed;
                world *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(enemyPursueMove);
    public override void DoPolish()
        vectorToPlayer = Camera.main.transform.position - transform.position - Vector3.Project (Camera.main.transform.position - transform.position,Vector3.up);
        vectorToPlayer.Normalize ();

        Vector3 cameraRelativeVelocity = Vector3.Project (rigidbody.velocity  ,Camera.main.transform.right);

            //Focus camera on ball. Ideally this code would be in a proper CameraController class. However, for the purposes of this exercise, we are keeping all relevant code in one single file.
            Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (Camera.main.transform.rotation,Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position + cameraRelativeVelocity*cameraHorizontalOffsetPerSpeed + Camera.main.transform.up*cameraVerticalOffSet - Camera.main.transform.position,Vector3.up),cameraInterpolationStrength*Time.deltaTime);
            //Focus camera on ball.
            Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position + cameraRelativeVelocity*cameraHorizontalOffsetPerSpeed+ Camera.main.transform.up*cameraVerticalOffSet - Camera.main.transform.position,Camera.main.transform.up);

            Vector3 desiredPosition = transform.position + vectorToPlayer*distanceToPlayer + Vector3.up*height;

            Vector3 dir = desiredPosition - transform.position;
            float distanceToCamera = dir.magnitude;
            dir.Normalize ();

            RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
            if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, dir,out hit,distanceToCamera + distanceToWall,cameraCollisionLayers )) {
                Vector3 point = hit.point - dir*distanceToWall;
                desiredPosition = point + Vector3.up*(1 - (point - transform.position).magnitude/distanceToPlayer)*10;
            Camera.main.transform.position =Vector3.Lerp (Camera.main.transform.position ,desiredPosition,cameraMovementStrength*Time.deltaTime);
Esempio n. 8
    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void Update()
        transform.Rotate(0f, Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f); //turnSpeed is an absolute rotation

        // create a new vector for move which takes input values
        move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

        //normalize the vector first so that it moves at a consistent speed in all directions

        //before we call update, convert move to the direction our player is facing by using transformDirection
        //takes the local movement along x,y,z into a global movement
        move = transform.TransformDirection(move);

        //check if player wants to jump
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && control.isGrounded )
            jumping = true;

        running = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift);

Esempio n. 9
        public void Draw()
            RasterizerState rs = new RasterizerState();
            rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;
            rs.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
            device.RasterizerState = rs;

            worldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-terrainWidth / 2.0f, 0, terrainHeight / 2.0f) * (Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle2));

            effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Colored"];
            Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                device.Indices = myIndexBuffer;
                device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, vertices.Length, 0, indices.Length / 3);
Esempio n. 10
        public SteeringBehaviours(Fighter entity)
            this.fighter = entity;
            calculationMethod = CalculationMethods.WeightedTruncatedRunningSumWithPrioritisation;
            sphere = new Sphere(0.2f);
            wanderTarget = new Vector3(randomClamped(), randomClamped(), randomClamped());

            weights.Add(behaviour_type.allignment, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.cohesion, 2.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.obstacle_avoidance, 20.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.wall_avoidance, 20.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.wander, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.flee, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.arrive, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.pursuit, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.offset_pursuit, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.interpose, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.hide, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.evade, 0.01f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.follow_path, 1.0f);
            weights.Add(behaviour_type.separation, 1.0f);
    void Update()
        if (!isInitialized)
        else if (closestPlayerTransform == null)

        moveDir = closestPlayerTransform.position - transform.position;
        float distanceFromPlayer = moveDir.magnitude;

        if (distanceFromPlayer > minFollowDistance)
            furnitureRigidbody2D.velocity = moveDir * followSpeed;
            furnitureRigidbody2D.velocity =;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the angle between the segments of the body defined by the specified joints.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joints"></param>
        /// <param name="joint1"></param>
        /// <param name="joint2">Must be between joint1 and joint3</param>
        /// <param name="joint3"></param>
        /// <returns>The angle in degrees between the specified body segmeents.</returns>
        public double GetBodySegmentAngle(JointCollection joints)
            Joint joint1 = joints[_JointId1.JointType];
            Joint joint2 = joints[_JointId2.JointType];
            Joint joint3 = joints[_JointId3.JointType];

            Vector3 vectorJoint1ToJoint2 = new Vector3(joint1.Position.X - joint2.Position.X, joint1.Position.Y - joint2.Position.Y, 0);
            Vector3 vectorJoint2ToJoint3 = new Vector3(joint2.Position.X - joint3.Position.X, joint2.Position.Y - joint3.Position.Y, 0);

            Vector3 crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(vectorJoint1ToJoint2, vectorJoint2ToJoint3);
            double crossProductLength = crossProduct.Z;
            double dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(vectorJoint1ToJoint2, vectorJoint2ToJoint3);
            double segmentAngle = Math.Atan2(crossProductLength, dotProduct);

            // Convert the result to degrees.
            double degrees = segmentAngle * (180 / Math.PI);

            // Add the angular offset.  Use modulo 360 to convert the value calculated above to a range
            // from 0 to 360.
            degrees = (degrees + _RotationOffset) % 360;

            // Calculate whether the coordinates should be reversed to account for different sides
            if (_ReverseCoordinates)
                degrees = CalculateReverseCoordinates(degrees);

            return degrees;
Esempio n. 13
 // call this function to add an impact force:
 public void AddImpact(Vector3 dir, float force)
     dir.Normalize ();
     if (dir.y < 0)
         dir.y = -dir.y; // reflect down force on the ground
     impact += dir.normalized * force / mass;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
            clickPosDown = Input.mousePosition;
            Debug.Log ("ClickDown(" + clickPosDown);
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0))

            clickPosUp = Input.mousePosition;
            //Debug.Log ("ClickUp(" + clickPosUp);

            if (clickPosUp == clickPosDown)

            //マウスポジションは(x, y, z)が画面上の位置でありzは奥行きである
            ballVec = (clickPosDown - clickPosUp);
            ballVec.z = ballVec.y;
            ballVec.y = 0;
            ballVec.Normalize ();

            rbWhiteBall.AddForce (ballVec * power);
Esempio n. 15
    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void Update()
        // Rotation

        transform.Rotate (0f, Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X") * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f);

        cameraRotX -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y") * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        cameraRotX = Mathf.Clamp(cameraRotX, -cameraPitchMax, cameraPitchMax);

        Camera.main.transform.forward = transform.forward;
        Camera.main.transform.Rotate (cameraRotX, 0f, 0f);

        // Movement

        move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxis ("Vertical"));

        move.Normalize ();

        move = transform.TransformDirection (move);

        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && control.isGrounded) {

            jump = true;

        running = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey (KeyCode.RightShift);

        base.Update ();
Esempio n. 16
    public void Move(float horizontal, float vertical)
        if (!AIManager.staticManager.EndGame)
            //velocity += new Vector3(horizontal, 0, vertical) * accel;
            /*if (Mathf.Abs(horizontal) < deadzone) horizontal = 0;
            if (Mathf.Abs(vertical) < deadzone) vertical = 0;

            if (horizontal > 3) horizontal = 3;
            if (vertical > 3) vertical = 3;*/

            velocity += new Vector3(horizontal, 0f, vertical).normalized * accel * accel;

            if (velocity.magnitude > maxVel)
                velocity *= maxVel;

            velocity -= velocity.normalized * drag;
            if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0 && velocity.magnitude < drag) velocity *= 0;

            transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x + velocity.x * Time.deltaTime, transform.position.y, transform.position.z + velocity.z * Time.deltaTime);
            anim.SetFloat("Speed", velocity.magnitude);

Esempio n. 17
	    // Equation
	    // (vRight ^ vUp) - vLookAt == 0  
	    // needn't apply

        public Matrix GetMatrix() {
            vRight = Vector3.Cross(vUp, vLookAt);
            vUp = Vector3.Cross(vLookAt, vRight);

            var view = Matrix.Identity;
            view.M11 = vRight.X;
            view.M12 = vUp.X;
            view.M13 = vLookAt.X;
            view.M14 = 0.0f;

            view.M21 = vRight.Y;
            view.M22 = vUp.Y;
            view.M23 = vLookAt.Y;
            view.M24 = 0.0f;

            view.M31 = vRight.Z;
            view.M32 = vUp.Z;
            view.M33 = vLookAt.Z;
            view.M34 = 0.0f;

            view.M41 = -Vector3.Dot(vPos, vRight);
            view.M42 = -Vector3.Dot(vPos, vUp);
            view.M43 = -Vector3.Dot(vPos, vLookAt);
            view.M44 = 1.0f;

            return view;
Esempio n. 18
    public void Move(Vector3 move, bool crouch, bool jump)
        // convert the world relative moveInput vector into a local-relative
        // turn amount and forward amount required to head in the desired
        // direction.
        if (move.magnitude > 1f)
            move.Normalize ();
        move = transform.InverseTransformDirection (move);
        CheckGroundStatus ();
        move = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane (move, m_GroundNormal);
        m_TurnAmount = Mathf.Atan2 (move.x, move.z);
        m_ForwardAmount = move.z;

        ApplyExtraTurnRotation ();

        // control and velocity handling is different when grounded and airborne:
        if (m_IsGrounded) {
            HandleGroundedMovement (crouch, jump);
        } else {
            HandleAirborneMovement ();

        ScaleCapsuleForCrouching (crouch);
        PreventStandingInLowHeadroom ();

        // send input and other state parameters to the animator
        UpdateAnimator (move);
Esempio n. 19
    //Calculate flock steering Vector based on the Craig Reynold's algorithm (Cohesion, Alignment, Follow leader and Seperation)
    private Vector3 steer()
        Vector3 center = controller.flockCenter - transform.localPosition;			// cohesion
        Vector3 velocity = controller.flockVelocity - GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity; 			// alignment
        Vector3 follow = controller.leader.localPosition - transform.localPosition; // follow leader
        Vector3 separation =; 											// separation

        foreach (Flock flock in controller.flockList)
            if (flock != this && flock != null)
                Vector3 relativePos = transform.localPosition - flock.transform.localPosition;
                separation += relativePos / (relativePos.sqrMagnitude);

        // randomize
        Vector3 randomize = new Vector3((Random.value * 2) - 1, (Random.value * 2) - 1, (Random.value * 2) - 1);


        return (controller.centerWeight * center +
            controller.velocityWeight * velocity +
            controller.separationWeight * separation +
            controller.followWeight * follow +
            controller.randomizeWeight * randomize);
Esempio n. 20
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!renderer.enabled)

        // Get the input vector from kayboard or analog stick
        var directionVector = player.transform.position - transform.position;

        if (script.pillPowerTime > 0.0f && directionVector.sqrMagnitude < 8.0f*8.0f)
            directionVector = -directionVector;

        if (directionVector.sqrMagnitude < 0.95f * 0.95f)
            renderer.enabled = false;
            transform.FindChild("Trail").renderer.enabled = false;
            Instantiate( death, transform.position, Quaternion.identity );

        transform.position += velocity * Time.deltaTime;

        velocity += directionVector;

        Vector3 damping = -velocity;

        velocity += damping * dampingStrength * Time.deltaTime;

        if (velocity.sqrMagnitude > maxSpeed * maxSpeed)
            velocity *= maxSpeed;
Esempio n. 21
 // 지정한 방향으로 향한다.
 public void SetDirection(Vector3 direction)
     forceRotateDirection = direction;
     forceRotateDirection.y = 0;
     forceRotate = true;
	void Explode( GameObject obj, Vector3 explodeOrigin, string unitPrefix )
		//print( "Explode( " + + " );" );
		foreach ( Transform child in obj.transform )
			if ( unitPrefix ) != 0 )
				Explode( child.gameObject, explodeOrigin, unitPrefix );
				// this is one of the unit pieces, break it's parent transform and
				// give it a velocity
				Vector3 worldPos = child.parent.position + ( child.parent.rotation * child.position );
				Rigidbody rb = child.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
				// release all constraints
				rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None;				
				// impart velocity
				Vector3 dir = new Vector3();
				dir = worldPos - explodeOrigin;
				rb.velocity = dir * Random.Range( MinVelocity, MaxVelocity );	
				rb.angularVelocity = new Vector3( Random.Range( -1.0f, 1.0f ), Random.Range( -1.0f, 1.0f ), 
						Random.Range( -1.0f, 1.0f ) ) * Random.Range( MinRotation, MaxRotation );
Esempio n. 23
    void Update()
        Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
        if (pauseShoot)
            if (time % 50 == 0 && bullets < 5)

        if (pauseShoot)
            if (bullets > 0)
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))

                    Vector3 moveToward = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

                    moveDirection = moveToward - currentPosition;
                    moveDirection.z = 0;

                    GameObject projectile = (GameObject)Instantiate(bullet[Random.Range(0,3)], firePosition.position, firePosition.rotation);
                    projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = moveDirection * speed;
Esempio n. 24
	void AddForce(Vector3 vector, Vector3 rotation)
		vector.y = 1f;
		selfTf.eulerAngles = rotation;
		m_rigidbody.AddForce(vector * -1, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // move in horizontal pane

        float x = -Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float y = -Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        Vector3 cameraMovement = new Vector3(x, 0f, y);
        cameraMovement *= cameraSpeed;

        transform.Translate(cameraMovement * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);

        // set height

        float cameraRotation = 0;
        float zoomChange = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
        cameraHeight += zoomChange * zoomHeightSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        cameraRotation = zoomChange * zoomRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        cameraSpeed += zoomChange * zoomCameraAccelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 cameraPosition = transform.position;
        cameraPosition.y = Terrain.activeTerrain.SampleHeight(transform.position) + cameraHeight;
        cameraPosition.z += zoomChange * zoomRailSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        transform.Rotate(cameraRotation, 0, 0, Space.World);
        transform.position = cameraPosition;
    void move()
        float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float moveVertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

        Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, moveVertical, 0.0f);

        if (Input.GetKey("left shift"))
            movement *= (speed/focusDivision);
            movement *= speed;

        transform.position += movement * Time.deltaTime;

        transform.position = new Vector3(
            Mathf.Clamp (transform.position.x, boundary.xMin, boundary.xMax),
            Mathf.Clamp (transform.position.y, boundary.yMin, boundary.yMax),
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            RasterizerState rs = new RasterizerState();
            rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;
            device.RasterizerState = rs;

            viewMatrix = Game1.Instance.Camera.getView();
            projectionMatrix = Game1.Instance.Camera.getProjection();

            Matrix worldMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Colored"];
            Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

                device.Indices = myIndexBuffer;
                device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, vertices.Length, 0, indices.Length / 3);

Esempio n. 28
    protected void Fire(Character target, string fireBone, string bulletModel)
        Transform bullet = null;
        GameObject hand = attacker.FindBone(fireBone);
        EffectObject effObj = PlayEffect(bulletModel, -1f);
        GameObject bulletObj = effObj.obj;
        bullet = bulletObj.transform;
        bullet.position = hand.transform.position;

        Vector3 destPos = target.position;
        GameObject bone = target.FindBone("Bip01");
        if (bone != null)
            destPos.y = bone.transform.position.y;

        Vector3 dir = new Vector3(destPos.x - bullet.position.x, destPos.y - bullet.position.y, destPos.z - bullet.position.z);
        bullet.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z));

        // 子弹碰撞检测
        float bulletSpeed = BulletSpeed;

        Move(bullet, destPos, bulletSpeed, delegate

            if (--bulletNum <= 0)
Esempio n. 29
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     Vector3 movement = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"), 0, 0);
     movement = movement;
     controller.SimpleMove(movement * speed);
    void FixedUpdate()
        if(controller.levelFinished || controller.currentState == 0)
            rigidbody.velocity =;
            rigidbody.angularVelocity =;
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"),0,Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
        if(direction.magnitude > 1.0) direction.Normalize();

        if(direction.magnitude > 0){

            // lets set the direction according to the camera now.
            direction = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(direction) * speed * 2;
            // lets take the downward velocity from the current so that we dont get wierd physics results
            direction.y = rigidbody.velocity.y;

            // Now, lets keep track of a velocity.
            // This will let the ball move while we are not pressing anything.
            rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.Lerp(rigidbody.velocity, direction, 3.0f * Time.deltaTime);
            // Now, lets break the rotation out from the movement.
            Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(rigidbody.velocity.z,0,-rigidbody.velocity.x) * 20;

            // Lets add some spin to make the ball move better
            rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(rigidbody.angularVelocity, rotation, 3.0f * Time.deltaTime);
Esempio n. 31
        private static IRenderableObject Create(AiPoint[] aiPoints, AiPointExtra[] aiPointsExtra, float?fixedWidth, int from, int to)
            var vertices = new List <InputLayouts.VerticeP>();
            var indices  = new List <ushort>();

            var points = new Vector3[aiPoints.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i] = aiPoints[i].Position.ToVector3();

            for (var i = from; i < to; i++)
                var v0 = Get(points, i - 2);
                var v1 = Get(points, i - 1);
                var v2 = points[i];
                var v3 = Get(points, i + 1);

                if ((v1 - v2).LengthSquared() > 100f)
                if ((v0 - v1).LengthSquared() > 100f)
                    v0 = Prev(v1, v2);
                if ((v3 - v2).LengthSquared() > 100f)
                    v3 = Prev(v2, v1);

                var d = Vector3.Normalize(v2 - v1);

                var d0 = Vector3.Normalize(v1 - v0);
                var d3 = Vector3.Normalize(v3 - v2);

                var s0 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Normalize((d + d0) / 2), Vector3.UnitY));
                var s3 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Normalize((d + d3) / 2), Vector3.UnitY));

                var j = (ushort)vertices.Count;

                if (fixedWidth.HasValue)
                    s0 *= fixedWidth.Value;
                    s3 *= fixedWidth.Value;
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v1 + s0));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v1 - s0));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v2 + s3));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v2 - s3));
                    var p1 = Get(aiPointsExtra, i - 1);
                    var p2 = Get(aiPointsExtra, i);
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v1 + s0 * Math.Max(p1.SideRight, 0.5f)));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v1 - s0 * Math.Max(p1.SideLeft, 0.5f)));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v2 + s3 * Math.Max(p2.SideRight, 0.5f)));
                    vertices.Add(new InputLayouts.VerticeP(v2 - s3 * Math.Max(p2.SideLeft, 0.5f)));

                indices.Add((ushort)(j + 1));
                indices.Add((ushort)(j + 2));
                indices.Add((ushort)(j + 3));
                indices.Add((ushort)(j + 2));
                indices.Add((ushort)(j + 1));

            return(new AiLaneObject("_aiLine", vertices.ToArray(), indices.ToArray())
                OptimizedBoundingBoxUpdate = false

            T Get <T>(T[] array, int index)
                return(index < 0 ? array[array.Length + index]
                        : index >= array.Length ? array[index - array.Length] : array[index]);
Esempio n. 32
 public Vector3 GetDirection(Vector3 origin, Vector3 destination)
     Vector3 direction = destination - origin;
     return direction;
Esempio n. 33
    void OnMouseOver()
        if (cueControllerScript.isServer)
            if (mouseDown)
                Vector3 pos   = circle1.transform.position;
                float   initZ = pos.z;
                pos.x = Input.mousePosition.x;
                pos.y = Input.mousePosition.y;

                pos   = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
                pos.z = initZ;

                float dist = Vector3.Distance(pos, centerStart);

                if (dist > 1.65f)
                    pos   = pos - centerStart;
                    pos.z = 0;
                    pos  *= 1.65f;
                    pos   = pos + centerStart;
                    pos.z = initZ;

                circle1.transform.position = pos;

                //			localPosInit.z = circle1.transform.localPosition.z;
                //			float dist = Vector3.Distance (, localPosInit);
                //			if (dist > 1.63f) {
                //				Vector3 newPos = circle1.transform.localPosition - localPosInit;
                //				newPos.Normalize ();
                //				newPos *= 1.63f;
                //				circle1.transform.position = newPos;
                //			}

                //			if (dist > 1.63f) {
                //				pos.x = pos.x * (1.63f / dist);
                //				pos.y = pos.y * (1.63f / dist);
                //			}
                //			circle1.transform.position = pos;

                //			Debug.Log ("" + Vector3.Distance (circle1.transform.localPosition, localPosInit));

                //			float dist = Vector3.Distance (circle2.transform.localPosition, initialPosStart);
                //			Vector3 offset = pos - initialPos;
                //			if (dist > 1.6f) {
                //				Vector3 newpos = circle1.transform.localPosition - initialPosStart;
                //				newpos.Normalize ();
                //				newpos *= 1.6f;
                //				circle1.transform.localPosition = newpos;
                //				offset = newpos - initialPos;
                //			}

                Vector3 offset = pos - initialPos;
                offset.z = 0;
                circle2.transform.localPosition = initialPosCircle2 + (offset);

                if (!PoolGameManager.Instance.offlineMode)
                    PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(11, circle2.transform.localPosition, true, null);

                Vector3 offsetSpin = circle2.transform.localPosition - initialPosStart;

                cueControllerScript.trickShotAdd = new Vector3(0, -offsetSpin.x / 20.0f, -offsetSpin.y / 20.0f);
Esempio n. 34
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var gameWidth  = 800;
            var gameHeight = 600;

            var solarSystemGame = Game.CreateGame("Space", gameWidth, gameHeight, true);

            var testModel = MeshImporter.ImportModelFromFile("Models/Earth/Earth.obj");
            var planet    = testModel[0];
            var tableMesh = MeshImporter.ImportModelFromFile("Models/Table/table.obj")[0];

            solarSystemGame.CurrentWorld = new World("Solar System");


            var center = new WorldObject(objectName: "System center")
                WorldLocation = Vector3.Up * 400

            var CameraLocation = new Vector3(0, 1000, 2000);
            var camera         = new SimpleControllableCamera(objectName: "Camera")
                ForwardAxis   = "Forward",
                RightAxis     = "Right",
                UpAxis        = "Up",
                TurnRightAxis = "Turn Right",
                TurnUpAxis    = "Turn Up",
                WorldLocation = CameraLocation,
                WorldRotation = Quaternion.Invert(Quaternion.LookAtRH(CameraLocation, center.WorldLocation, Vector3.Up)),

            var table          = new WorldObject(objectName: "Table mesh");
            var tableComponent = new StaticMeshComponent(table)
                Mesh          = tableMesh,
                DefaultShader = new PhongVertexColorShader()
                    AmbientReflection  = .23125f,
                    DiffuseReflection  = 0.2775f,
                    SpecularReflection = .1f,
                    Shininess          = 6.0f,

            var sun = new Planet(0, planet, center, "Sun")
                PlanetSize           = 100,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 0.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = 1.0f,
            var mercury = new Planet(400, planet, center, "Mercury")
                PlanetSize           = 9,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 5.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = 2.0f,
            var venus = new Planet(700, planet, center, "Venus")
                PlanetSize           = 27,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 3.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = -1.0f,
            var earth = new Planet(1000, planet, center, "Earth")
                PlanetSize           = 30,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 1.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = 1.0f,
            var moon = new Planet(6, planet, earth.PlanetCenter, "Moon")
                PlanetSize           = 6,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 2.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = 1.0f,
            var mars = new Planet(1500, planet, center, "Mars")
                PlanetSize           = 15,
                RotationAngularSpeed = 1.0f,
                TurningAngularSpeed  = 0.8f,

            var directionalLight = new DirectionalLightComponent(center)
                Direction = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Down + Vector3.Right),
                Intensity = 3,
            var moonPointLight = new PointLightComponent(moon.PlanetCenter)
                Intensity = 2
            var sunPointLight = new PointLightComponent(sun)
                Intensity = 10,


            Console.WriteLine("Game finished. Press Enter.");
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a plane from a normal and a point on the plane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="normal">The normal of the plane.</param>
 /// <param name="point">A point on the plane.</param>
 public Plane(Vector3 normal, Vector3 point)
     m_plane = new Vector4(normal, -Vector3.Dot(normal, point));
Esempio n. 36
    protected virtual void UpdateMoveVelocity()
        //Initialize moveVelocity to zero.
        Vector3 desiredVelocity =;

        //Modify input data to remove issue of faster movement on non-axes
        Vector2 inputVector = Util.VectorInCircleSpace(new Vector2(_forwardVelocity, _strafeVelocity));

        //Apply sprint effects if trying to sprint forwards.
        if (energySource)
            _isSprinting = energySource.Energy >= minimumSprintEnergy && _isSprinting;
        if (_isSprinting && _forwardVelocity > 0.0f)
            inputVector.x *= sprintMultiplier;

            if (fovManager)
                fovManager.FOV.SetModifier("sprinting", sprintFOV);
            if (energySource)
                energySource.DrainRate.SetModifier("sprinting", sprintEnergyCost);
            if (fovManager)
            if (energySource)

        //Combine the vectors of transform.forward and tranform.right to find the desired move vector.
        //Use modified input data stored in _forwardVelocity and _strafeVelocity as the scalars for these vectors, respectively.
        if (movementRelativeTransform)
            Vector3 correctForward = movementRelativeTransform.forward;
            correctForward.y = 0.0f;
            Vector3 correctRight = movementRelativeTransform.right;
            correctRight.y = 0.0f;

            desiredVelocity = correctForward * inputVector.x + correctRight * inputVector.y;
            desiredVelocity = transform.forward * inputVector.x + transform.right * inputVector.y;
        desiredVelocity.y = 0.0f;

        //Scale velocity by moveSpeed
        desiredVelocity *= acceleration;

        //Scale velocity by crouch multiplier if the player is crouching
        if (_isCrouching)
            desiredVelocity *= crouchMultiplier;

        //Figure out what velocity the player should be moving at.
        Vector3 newVelocity;

        //If the player is grounded and isn't trying to jump, then have them move along the surface they're standing on.
        //Using _shouldBeGrounded instead of _isGrounded because then the groundContactNormal is accurate.
        //Else move the player in the air.
        if (_shouldBeGrounded && !_tryingToJump)
            desiredVelocity.y = _rb.velocity.y;
            desiredVelocity   = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(desiredVelocity, _groundContactNormal);
            newVelocity       = Vector3.Lerp(desiredVelocity, _rb.velocity, groundedFriction);
            //If the player is trying to move, then move them in the desired direction. Else, keep them going on their current course.
            if (inputVector.sqrMagnitude > float.Epsilon)
                desiredVelocity.y = _rb.velocity.y;
                newVelocity       = Vector3.Lerp(desiredVelocity, _rb.velocity, airborneFriction);
                newVelocity = _rb.velocity;

            //If the player is jumping, then cancel their y velocity and then make them move up at jumpForce. Else, just have gravity effect them.
            if (_tryingToJump)
                newVelocity.y = jumpForce;
                _tryingToJump = false;
                _isGrounded   = false;
                _isJumping    = true;
                newVelocity.y -= gravity * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                if (!_isJumping)
                    //Going to need something similar to the ground check, but with a different, slightly further, groundCheckDistance
                    newVelocity = HelpStickToGround(newVelocity);

        //Apply player's new velocity
        _rb.AddForce(newVelocity - _rb.velocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Do any necessary computations to prepare the constraint for this frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Simulation step length.</param>
        public override void Update(float dt)
            basisA.rotationMatrix = connectionA.orientationMatrix;
            basisB.rotationMatrix = connectionB.orientationMatrix;

            Quaternion rotation;

            Toolbox.GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(ref basisB.primaryAxis, ref basisA.primaryAxis, out rotation);

            //Transform b's 'Y' axis so that it is perpendicular with a's 'X' axis for measurement.
            Vector3 twistMeasureAxis;

            Vector3.Transform(ref basisB.xAxis, ref rotation, out twistMeasureAxis);

            //By dotting the measurement vector with a 2d plane's axes, we can get a local X and Y value.
            float y, x;

            Vector3.Dot(ref twistMeasureAxis, ref basisA.yAxis, out y);
            Vector3.Dot(ref twistMeasureAxis, ref basisA.xAxis, out x);
            var angle = (float)Math.Atan2(y, x);

            float distanceFromCurrent, distanceFromMaximum;

            if (IsAngleValid(angle, out distanceFromCurrent, out distanceFromMaximum))
                isActiveInSolver   = false;
                accumulatedImpulse = 0;
                error         = 0;
                isLimitActive = false;
            isLimitActive = true;

            //Compute the jacobian.
            if (error > 0)
                Vector3.Add(ref basisA.primaryAxis, ref basisB.primaryAxis, out jacobianB);
                if (jacobianB.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    //A nasty singularity can show up if the axes are aligned perfectly.
                    //In a 'real' situation, this is impossible, so just ignore it.
                    isActiveInSolver = false;

                jacobianA.X = -jacobianB.X;
                jacobianA.Y = -jacobianB.Y;
                jacobianA.Z = -jacobianB.Z;
                //Reverse the jacobian so that the solver loop is easier.
                Vector3.Add(ref basisA.primaryAxis, ref basisB.primaryAxis, out jacobianA);
                if (jacobianA.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    //A nasty singularity can show up if the axes are aligned perfectly.
                    //In a 'real' situation, this is impossible, so just ignore it.
                    isActiveInSolver = false;

                jacobianB.X = -jacobianA.X;
                jacobianB.Y = -jacobianA.Y;
                jacobianB.Z = -jacobianA.Z;

            //****** VELOCITY BIAS ******//
            //Compute the correction velocity.
            error = ComputeAngleError(distanceFromCurrent, distanceFromMaximum);
            float errorReduction;

            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, out errorReduction, out softness);

            //biasVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(-error * myCorrectionStrength / dt, -myMaxCorrectiveVelocity, myMaxCorrectiveVelocity);
            biasVelocity = MathHelper.Min(MathHelper.Max(0, Math.Abs(error) - margin) * errorReduction, maxCorrectiveVelocity);
            if (bounciness > 0)
                float relativeVelocity;
                float dot;
                //Find the velocity contribution from each connection
                Vector3.Dot(ref connectionA.angularVelocity, ref jacobianA, out relativeVelocity);
                Vector3.Dot(ref connectionB.angularVelocity, ref jacobianB, out dot);
                relativeVelocity += dot;
                if (-relativeVelocity > bounceVelocityThreshold)
                    biasVelocity = MathHelper.Max(biasVelocity, -bounciness * relativeVelocity);

            //The nice thing about this approach is that the jacobian entry doesn't flip.
            //Instead, the error can be negative due to the use of Atan2.
            //This is important for limits which have a unique high and low value.

            //****** EFFECTIVE MASS MATRIX ******//
            //Connection A's contribution to the mass matrix
            float   entryA;
            Vector3 transformedAxis;

            if (connectionA.isDynamic)
                Matrix3X3.Transform(ref jacobianA, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out transformedAxis);
                Vector3.Dot(ref transformedAxis, ref jacobianA, out entryA);
                entryA = 0;

            //Connection B's contribution to the mass matrix
            float entryB;

            if (connectionB.isDynamic)
                Matrix3X3.Transform(ref jacobianB, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out transformedAxis);
                Vector3.Dot(ref transformedAxis, ref jacobianB, out entryB);
                entryB = 0;

            //Compute the inverse mass matrix
            velocityToImpulse = 1 / (softness + entryA + entryB);
Esempio n. 38
    Vector3 lerpByDistance(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float x)
        Vector3 P = x * Vector3.Normalize(B - A) + A;

        // Packs all billboards into single mesh
        private void CreateMesh()
            // Using half way between forward and up for billboard normal
            // Workable for most lighting but will need a better system eventually
            Vector3 normalTemplate = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.up + Vector3.forward);

            // Create billboard data
            // Serializing UV array creates less garbage than recreating every time animation ticks
            Bounds newBounds   = new Bounds();
            int    vertexCount = billboardItems.Count * vertsPerQuad;
            int    indexCount  = billboardItems.Count * indicesPerQuad;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            Vector3[] normals  = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
            uvs = new Vector2[vertexCount];
            int[] indices      = new int[indexCount];
            int   currentIndex = 0;

            for (int billboard = 0; billboard < billboardItems.Count; billboard++)
                int           offset = billboard * vertsPerQuad;
                BillboardItem bi     = billboardItems[billboard];

                // Billboard size and origin
                Vector2 finalSize = GetScaledBillboardSize(bi.record);
                //float hx = (finalSize.x / 2);
                float   hy       = (finalSize.y / 2);
                Vector3 position = bi.position + new Vector3(0, hy, 0);

                // Billboard UVs
                Rect rect = cachedMaterial.atlasRects[cachedMaterial.atlasIndices[bi.record].startIndex + bi.currentFrame];
                uvs[offset]     = new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax);
                uvs[offset + 1] = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax);
                uvs[offset + 2] = new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y);
                uvs[offset + 3] = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y);

                // Tangent data for shader is used to size billboard
                tangents[offset]     = new Vector4(finalSize.x, finalSize.y, 0, 1);
                tangents[offset + 1] = new Vector4(finalSize.x, finalSize.y, 1, 1);
                tangents[offset + 2] = new Vector4(finalSize.x, finalSize.y, 0, 0);
                tangents[offset + 3] = new Vector4(finalSize.x, finalSize.y, 1, 0);

                // Other data for shader
                for (int vertex = 0; vertex < vertsPerQuad; vertex++)
                    vertices[offset + vertex] = position;
                    normals[offset + vertex]  = normalTemplate;

                // Assign index data
                indices[currentIndex]     = offset;
                indices[currentIndex + 1] = offset + 1;
                indices[currentIndex + 2] = offset + 2;
                indices[currentIndex + 3] = offset + 3;
                indices[currentIndex + 4] = offset + 2;
                indices[currentIndex + 5] = offset + 1;
                currentIndex += indicesPerQuad;

                // Update bounds tracking using actual position and size
                // This can be a little wonky with single billboards side-on as AABB does not rotate
                // But it generally works well for large batches as intended
                // Multiply finalSize * 2f if culling problems with standalone billboards
                Bounds currentBounds = new Bounds(position, finalSize);

            // Create mesh
            if (billboardMesh == null)
                // New mesh
                billboardMesh      = new Mesh();
       = "BillboardBatchMesh";
                // Existing mesh
                if (billboardMesh.vertexCount == vertices.Length)
                    billboardMesh.Clear(true);      // Same vertex layout
                    billboardMesh.Clear(false);     // New vertex layout

            // Assign mesh data
            billboardMesh.vertices  = vertices;             // Each vertex is positioned at billboard origin
            billboardMesh.tangents  = tangents;             // Tangent stores corners and size
            billboardMesh.triangles = indices;              // Standard indices
            billboardMesh.normals   = normals;              // Standard normals
            billboardMesh.uv        = uvs;                  // Standard uv coordinates into atlas

            // Manually update bounds to account for max billboard height
            billboardMesh.bounds = newBounds;

            // Assign mesh
            MeshFilter filter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            filter.sharedMesh = billboardMesh;
Esempio n. 40
    public Vector3 TransformDirection(Vector3 directionInCharacterCoordinates)
        Vector3 characterForward = Vector3.forward;

        if (skeletonController)
            characterForward = skeletonController.transform.localRotation * Vector3.forward;

        switch (characterPivotType)
        case CharacterPivotType.KinectHead:
            if ((bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect2SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect2) ||
                (bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect1SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect))
            if (skeletonManager != null && skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId] != null)
                characterForward = skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].head.rotation * Vector3.forward;
                characterForward = Vector3.forward;

        case CharacterPivotType.KinectTorso:
            if ((bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect2SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect2) ||
                (bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect1SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect))
            if (skeletonManager != null && skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId] != null)
                characterForward = skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].torso.rotation * Vector3.forward;
                characterForward = Vector3.forward;

        case CharacterPivotType.MoveController:
            if (!inputManager.enablePSMove || !headPointsWalkingDirection)
            RUISPSMoveWand psmove = inputManager.GetMoveWand(moveControllerId);
            if (psmove != null)
                characterForward = psmove.localRotation * Vector3.forward;

        if (skeletonManager != null && (skeletonController.followOculusController || skeletonController.followMoveController) && headPointsWalkingDirection)
            characterForward = skeletonController.trackedDeviceYawRotation * Vector3.forward;

        if (ignorePitchAndRoll)
            characterForward.y = 0;

        characterForward = transform.TransformDirection(characterForward);

        return(Quaternion.LookRotation(characterForward, transform.up) * directionInCharacterCoordinates);
Esempio n. 41
 private void Move()
     direction = Vector3.Normalize(currentTarget.transform.position - parentTransform.position);
     parentTransform.position += direction * speed * Time.deltaTime;
Esempio n. 42
 private void SetNextNode()
     currentTarget = targetNodes.transform.GetChild(nodeIndex);
     direction = Vector3.Normalize(currentTarget.transform.position - parentTransform.position);
Esempio n. 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct & display the curve from DragPointsHandler control points
        /// Find the curve traveller position along the curve
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Will use the DragPointExposure from the handler's item to display slingshot segments accordingly
        /// Will update handler's curve traveller position and control point base index for point insertion
        /// </remarks>
        private void DisplayCurve()
            List <Vector3>[] controlPointsSegments = new List <Vector3> [_handler.ControlPoints.Count].Select(item => new List <Vector3>()).ToArray();

            // Display Curve & handle curve traveller
            if (_handler.ControlPoints.Count > 1)
                var transformedDPoints = new List <DragPointData>();
                foreach (var controlPoint in _handler.ControlPoints)
                    var newDp = new DragPointData(controlPoint.DragPoint)
                        Center = controlPoint.WorldPos.ToVertex3D()

                var vAccuracy =;
                vAccuracy = _handler.Transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(vAccuracy);
                var accuracy = Mathf.Abs(vAccuracy.x * vAccuracy.y * vAccuracy.z);
                accuracy *= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(_handler.CurveTravellerPosition) * ControlPoint.ScreenRadius;
                var vVertex = DragPoint.GetRgVertex <RenderVertex3D, CatmullCurve3DCatmullCurveFactory>(
                    transformedDPoints.ToArray(), _handler.DragPointEditable.PointsAreLooping(), accuracy

                if (vVertex.Length > 0)
                    // Fill Control points paths
                    ControlPoint currentControlPoint = null;
                    foreach (var v in vVertex)
                        if (v.IsControlPoint)
                            if (currentControlPoint != null)
                            currentControlPoint = _handler.ControlPoints.Find(cp => cp.WorldPos == v.ToUnityVector3());
                        if (currentControlPoint != null)

                    // close loop if needed
                    if (_handler.DragPointEditable.PointsAreLooping())
                        controlPointsSegments[_handler.ControlPoints.Count - 1].Add(controlPointsSegments[0][0]);

                    // construct full path
                    const float splitRatio = 0.1f;
                    foreach (var controlPoint in _handler.ControlPoints)
                        // Split straight segments to avoid HandleUtility.ClosestPointToPolyLine issues
                        ref var segments = ref controlPointsSegments[controlPoint.Index];
                        if (segments.Count == 2)
                            var dir  = segments[1] - segments[0];
                            var dist = dir.magnitude;
                            dir = Vector3.Normalize(dir);
                            var newPath = new List <Vector3> {
                            for (var splitDist = dist * splitRatio; splitDist < dist; splitDist += dist * splitRatio)
                                newPath.Add(newPath[0] + dir * splitDist);
                            segments = newPath;

                    _curveTravellerMoved = false;
                    if (_pathPoints.Count > 1)
                        var newPos = HandleUtility.ClosestPointToPolyLine(_pathPoints.ToArray());
                        if ((newPos - _handler.CurveTravellerPosition).magnitude >= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(_handler.CurveTravellerPosition) * ControlPoint.ScreenRadius * CurveTravellerSizeRatio * 0.1f)
                            _handler.CurveTravellerPosition = newPos;
                            _curveTravellerMoved            = true;

                    // Render Curve with correct color regarding drag point properties & find curve section where the curve traveller is
                    _handler.CurveTravellerControlPointIdx = -1;
                    var minDist = float.MaxValue;
                    foreach (var controlPoint in _handler.ControlPoints)
                        var segments = controlPointsSegments[controlPoint.Index].ToArray();
                        if (segments.Length > 1)
                            Handles.color = _handler.DragPointEditable.GetDragPointExposition().Contains(DragPointExposure.SlingShot) && controlPoint.DragPoint.IsSlingshot ? CurveSlingShotColor : CurveColor;
                            Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(CurveWidth, segments);
                            var closestToPath = HandleUtility.ClosestPointToPolyLine(segments);
                            var dist          = (closestToPath - _handler.CurveTravellerPosition).magnitude;
                            if (dist < minDist)
                                minDist = dist;
                                _handler.CurveTravellerControlPointIdx = controlPoint.Index;
Esempio n. 44
        private static void CreateWaterFaces(
            VoxelHandle voxel, 
            VoxelChunk chunk,
            int x, int y, int z,
                                            ExtendedVertex[] vertices,
                                            ushort[] Indexes,
                                            int startVertex,
                                            int startIndex)
            // Reset the appropriate parts of the cache.

            // These are reused for every face.
            var origin = voxel.WorldPosition;
            float centerWaterlevel = voxel.LiquidLevel;

            var below = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelBelow(voxel);
            bool belowFilled = false;
            bool belowLiquid = below.IsValid && below.LiquidLevel > 0;
            bool belowRamps = below.IsValid && below.RampType != RampType.None;
            if ((below.IsValid && !below.IsEmpty) || belowLiquid)
                belowFilled = true;

            float[] foaminess = new float[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < cache.drawFace.Length; i++)
                if (!cache.drawFace[i]) continue;
                BoxFace face = (BoxFace)i;

                var faceDescriptor = primitive.GetFace(face);
                int indexOffset = startVertex;

                for (int vertOffset = 0; vertOffset < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; vertOffset++)
                    VoxelVertex currentVertex = primitive.VertexClassifications[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + vertOffset];

                    // These will be filled out before being used   lh  .
                    //float foaminess1;
                    foaminess[vertOffset] = 0.0f;
                    bool shoreLine = false;

                    Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;
                    Vector3 rampOffset = Vector3.Zero;
                    var uv = primitive.UVs.Uvs[vertOffset + faceDescriptor.VertexOffset];
                    // We are going to have to reuse some vertices when drawing a single so we'll store the position/foaminess
                    // for quick lookup when we find one of those reused ones.
                    // When drawing multiple faces the Vertex overlap gets bigger, which is a bonus.
                    if (!cache.vertexCalculated[(int)currentVertex])
                        float count = 1.0f;
                        float emptyNeighbors = 0.0f;
                        float averageWaterLevel = centerWaterlevel;

                        var vertexSucc = VoxelHelpers.VertexNeighbors[(int)currentVertex];

                        // Run through the successors and count up the water in each voxel.
                        for (int v = 0; v < vertexSucc.Length; v++)
                            var neighborVoxel = new VoxelHandle(chunk.Manager, voxel.Coordinate + vertexSucc[v]);
                            if (!neighborVoxel.IsValid) continue;

                            // Now actually do the math.
                            if (neighborVoxel.LiquidLevel < 1) emptyNeighbors++;
                            if (neighborVoxel.LiquidType == LiquidType.None && !neighborVoxel.IsEmpty) shoreLine = true;

                        foaminess[vertOffset] = emptyNeighbors / count;

                        if (foaminess[vertOffset] <= 0.5f)
                            foaminess[vertOffset] = 0.0f;
                        // Check if it should ramp.
                        else if (!shoreLine)
                            //rampOffset.Y = -0.4f;

                        pos = primitive.Vertices[vertOffset + faceDescriptor.VertexOffset].Position;
                        if ((currentVertex & VoxelVertex.Top) == VoxelVertex.Top)
                            if (belowFilled)
                                pos.Y -= 0.6f;// Minimum ramp position 

                            var neighbors = VoxelHelpers.EnumerateVertexNeighbors2D(voxel.Coordinate, currentVertex)
                                .Select(c => new VoxelHandle(chunk.Manager, c))
                                .Where(h => h.IsValid)
                                .Select(h => MathFunctions.Clamp((float)h.LiquidLevel / 8.0f, 0.25f, 1.0f));

                            if (neighbors.Count() > 0)
                                if (belowFilled)
                                    pos.Y *= neighbors.Average();
                            uv.Y -= 0.6f;

                        pos += VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(voxel.WorldPosition +
                            primitive.Vertices[vertOffset + faceDescriptor.VertexOffset].Position);

                        if (!belowFilled)
                            pos = (pos - Vector3.One * 0.5f);
                            pos *= 0.35f;
                            pos += Vector3.One * 0.5f;
                        else if ((belowLiquid || belowRamps) && IsBottom(currentVertex))
                            if  (belowRamps)
                                pos -= Vector3.Up * 0.5f;
                                pos -= Vector3.Up * 0.8f;

                        pos += origin + rampOffset;
                        // Store the vertex information for future use when we need it again on this or another face.
                        cache.vertexCalculated[(int)currentVertex] = true;
                        cache.vertexFoaminess[(int)currentVertex] = foaminess[vertOffset];
                        cache.vertexPositions[(int)currentVertex] = pos;
                        // We've already calculated this one.  Time for a cheap grab from the lookup.
                        foaminess[vertOffset] = cache.vertexFoaminess[(int)currentVertex];
                        pos = cache.vertexPositions[(int)currentVertex];

                        new Color(foaminess[vertOffset], 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
                        new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1));


                bool flippedQuad = foaminess[1] + foaminess[3] > 
                                   foaminess[0] + foaminess[2];

                for (int idx = faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx < faceDescriptor.IndexCount + faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx++)
                    ushort offset = flippedQuad ? primitive.FlippedIndexes[idx] : primitive.Indexes[idx];
                    ushort offset0 = flippedQuad ? primitive.FlippedIndexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset] : primitive.Indexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset];

                    Indexes[startIndex] = (ushort)(indexOffset + offset - offset0);
            // End cache.drawFace loop
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a random normalized 3D direction vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="random">An instance of <see cref="Random"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>A random normalized 3D direction vector.</returns>
 public static Vector3 NextDirection3D(this Random random)
     return(Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3((float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble())));
Esempio n. 46
    void FixedUpdate()
        //getting input to aim
        lookRotation = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_P" + controllerIndex), 0, -Input.GetAxis("Vertical_P" + controllerIndex));

        //play sound when gnome starts moving
        if (lookRotation.x != 0 || lookRotation.z != 0)
            if (!isMoving)
                //AudioManager.instance?.PlaySound(AudioEffect.normal_gibberish, .1f);
        isMoving = lookRotation.x != 0 || lookRotation.z != 0;

        //rotates the gnome relative to camera rotation
        if (relativeToCamera)
            Vector3 forward = Camera.main.transform.forward;
            forward.y = 0;
            lookRotation = forward * -Input.GetAxis("Vertical_P" + controllerIndex);

            Vector3 right = Camera.main.transform.right;
            right.y = 0;
            lookRotation += right * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_P" + controllerIndex);

            lookRotation.y = 0;

        //move function
        if (canMove && rb != null)
            //look rotational speed
            if (playerAboveMe == null)
                rb.velocity = new Vector3(lookRotation.x * normalSpeed, rb.velocity.y, lookRotation.z * normalSpeed);
                rb.velocity = new Vector3(lookRotation.x * stackedSpeed, rb.velocity.y, lookRotation.z * stackedSpeed);
            anim.SetFloat("Velocity", rb.velocity.magnitude);
            bushEffect.UpdateBush(rb.velocity.magnitude / normalSpeed);
            anim.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);

        if (isOnTop)
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, balanceUI.Val * 20f);
            if (balanceUI.InBalance(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_P" + controllerIndex)) == false)

        if (canMove)
            if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_P" + controllerIndex) == 0 && Input.GetAxis("Vertical_P" + controllerIndex) == 0)
                //rb.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(rb.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(lookRotation), Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed);
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(lookRotation), Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed);

Esempio n. 47
        private void JungleClear()
            if (!ManaManager.HasMana("JungleClear"))

            var mobs = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.Position, 800, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.Neutral,

            if (mobs.Any())
                var mob = mobs.FirstOrDefault();

                if (!IsMelee)
                    if (Menu.Item("UseEJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady() &&
                        Menu.Item("UseQJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady())
                        var gateVector = Player.ServerPosition +
                                         Vector3.Normalize(Game.CursorPos - Player.ServerPosition) * 50;

                        if (mob != null && mob.IsValidTarget(QExtend.Range))

                    if (Menu.Item("UseQJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady())
                        var qFarm = MinionManager.GetBestLineFarmLocation(mobs.Select(x => x.Position.To2D()).ToList(),
                                                                          Q.Width, Q.Range);

                        if (qFarm.MinionsHit >= 1)

                    if (Menu.Item("UseWJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady())
                        if (mob.Distance(Player) <= 550)

                    if (Menu.Item("UseRJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && R.IsReady())
                        if (Qcd != 0 && Wcd != 0 && Ecd != 0)
                    if (Menu.Item("UseWJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && W2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(300))

                    if (Menu.Item("UseQJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(Q2.Range))

                    if (Menu.Item("UseEJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && E2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(E2.Range))

                    if (Menu.Item("UseRJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && R.IsReady())
                        if (Q1Cd != 0 && W1Cd != 0 && E1Cd != 0)
Esempio n. 48
 public BSD31()
Esempio n. 49
 public void UpdateParam(Vector3 inNormal, Vector3 inPoint)
     m_Normal   = Vector3.Normalize(inNormal);
     m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, inPoint);
Esempio n. 50
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (_isDead)
            float step = 2 * Time.deltaTime;
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, new Vector3(transform.position.x, -41f, transform.position.z), step);
        Vector3 dir = _inputAxis;


        if (dir.x > 0)
            mirror = false;
        if (dir.x < 0)
            mirror = true;

        if (!mirror)
            rot = Mathf.Atan2(dir.y, dir.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            transform.localScale = new Vector3(_startScale, _startScale, 1);
            //_Blade.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rot, Vector3.forward);
        if (mirror)
            rot = Mathf.Atan2(-dir.y, -dir.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            transform.localScale = new Vector3(-_startScale, _startScale, 1);
            //_Blade.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rot, Vector3.forward);
        if (_inputAxis.x != 0)
            rig.velocity = new Vector2(_inputAxis.x * WalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime, rig.velocity.y);

            if (_canWalk)
                if (!_isWalk)
                    _isWalk = true;

            rig.velocity = new Vector2(0, rig.velocity.y);
            _isWalk = false;

        if (_isJump)
            if (_canJump)
                _afterJump = true;
            rig.AddForce(new Vector2(0, JumpForce));
            _canJump = false;
            _isJump  = false;
Esempio n. 51
    public Vector3 getSteering(ICollection <MovementAIRigidbody> targets)
        Vector3 acceleration =;

        /* 1. Find the target that the character will collide with first */

        /* The first collision time */
        float shortestTime = float.PositiveInfinity;

        /* The first target that will collide and other data that
         * we will need and can avoid recalculating */
        MovementAIRigidbody firstTarget = null;
        //float firstMinSeparation = 0, firstDistance = 0;
        float   firstMinSeparation = 0, firstDistance = 0, firstRadius = 0;
        Vector3 firstRelativePos =, firstRelativeVel =;

        foreach (MovementAIRigidbody r in targets)
            /* Calculate the time to collision */
            Vector3 relativePos   = transform.position - r.position;
            Vector3 relativeVel   = rb.velocity - r.velocity;
            float   distance      = relativePos.magnitude;
            float   relativeSpeed = relativeVel.magnitude;

            if (relativeSpeed == 0)

            float timeToCollision = -1 * Vector3.Dot(relativePos, relativeVel) / (relativeSpeed * relativeSpeed);

            /* Check if they will collide at all */
            Vector3 separation    = relativePos + relativeVel * timeToCollision;
            float   minSeparation = separation.magnitude;

            float targetRadius = r.boundingRadius;

            if (minSeparation > rb.boundingRadius + targetRadius)
            //if (minSeparation > 2 * agentRadius)

            /* Check if its the shortest */
            if (timeToCollision > 0 && timeToCollision < shortestTime)
                shortestTime       = timeToCollision;
                firstTarget        = r;
                firstMinSeparation = minSeparation;
                firstDistance      = distance;
                firstRelativePos   = relativePos;
                firstRelativeVel   = relativeVel;
                firstRadius        = targetRadius;

        /* 2. Calculate the steering */

        /* If we have no target then exit */
        if (firstTarget == null)

        /* If we are going to collide with no separation or if we are already colliding then
         * steer based on current position */
        if (firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < rb.boundingRadius + firstRadius)
        //if (firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < 2 * agentRadius)
            acceleration = transform.position - firstTarget.position;
        /* Else calculate the future relative position */
            acceleration = firstRelativePos + firstRelativeVel * shortestTime;

        /* Avoid the target */
        acceleration *= maxAcceleration;

Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves an object from its current position to a target position, over time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="moveDirection">Move direction.</param>
        void Move(string moveDirection)
            if (isMoving == false && moveDelay <= 0)
                // The object is moving
                isMoving = true;

                switch (moveDirection.ToLower())
                case "forward":
                    // Turn to the front
                    Vector3 newEulerAngle = new Vector3();
                    newEulerAngle.y           = 0;
                    thisTransform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngle;

                    // Set the new target position to move to
                    targetPosition = thisTransform.position + new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

                    // Make sure the player lands on the grid
                    targetPosition.x = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.x);
                    targetPosition.z = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.z);

                    // Register the last position the player was at, so we can return to it if the path is blocked
                    previousPosition = thisTransform.position;


                case "backward":
                    // Turn to the back
                    newEulerAngle             = new Vector3();
                    newEulerAngle.y           = 180;
                    thisTransform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngle;

                    // Register the last position the player was at, so we can return to it if the path is blocked
                    previousPosition = thisTransform.position;

                    // Make sure the player lands on the grid
                    targetPosition.x = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.x);
                    targetPosition.z = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.z);

                    // Set the new target position to move to
                    targetPosition = thisTransform.position + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);


                case "right":
                    // Turn to the right
                    newEulerAngle             = new Vector3();
                    newEulerAngle.y           = 90;
                    thisTransform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngle;

                    // Register the last position the player was at, so we can return to it if the path is blocked
                    previousPosition = thisTransform.position;

                    // Make sure the player lands on the grid
                    targetPosition.x = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.x);
                    targetPosition.z = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.z);

                    // Set the new target position to move to
                    targetPosition = thisTransform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -1);


                case "left":
                    // Turn to the left
                    newEulerAngle             = new Vector3();
                    newEulerAngle.y           = -90;
                    thisTransform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngle;

                    // Register the last position the player was at, so we can return to it if the path is blocked
                    previousPosition = thisTransform.position;

                    // Make sure the player lands on the grid
                    targetPosition.x = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.x);
                    targetPosition.z = Mathf.Round(targetPosition.z);

                    // Set the new target position to move to
                    targetPosition = thisTransform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 1);


                    // Turn to the front
                    newEulerAngle             = new Vector3();
                    newEulerAngle.y           = 0;
                    thisTransform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngle;

                    // Set the new target position to move to
                    targetPosition = thisTransform.position + new Vector3(1, 0, 0);


                    // Register the last position the player was at, so we can return to it if the path is blocked
                    previousPosition = thisTransform.position;


                // If there is an animation, play it
                if (GetComponent <Animation>() && animationMove)
                    // Stop the animation
                    GetComponent <Animation>().Stop();

                    // Play the animation
                    GetComponent <Animation>().Play(;

                    // Set the animation speed base on the movement speed
                    GetComponent <Animation>()[].speed = speed;

                    // If there is a sound source and more than one sound assigned, play one of them from the source
                    if (soundSourceTag != string.Empty && soundMove.Length > 0)
                        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(soundSourceTag).GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(soundMove[Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.value * soundMove.Length)]);
Esempio n. 53
    public override void Update()

        if (!isAlive)

        isAttackingAnim =
            baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("attack1") ||
            baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("attack2") ||
            baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("attack3") ||
            baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("jump_attack") ||

        isJumpLandAnim = baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("jump_land");
        isJumpingAnim  = baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("jump_rise") ||
        isHurtAnim      = baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("hurt");
        isPickingUpAnim = baseAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("pickup");

        if (isAutoPiloting)

        float h      = input.GetHorisontalAxis();
        float v      = input.GetVerticalAxis();
        bool  jump   = input.GetJumpButtonDown();
        bool  attack = input.GetAttackButtonDown();

        currentDir = new Vector3(h, 0, v);

        if (!isAttackingAnim)
            if (v == 0 && h == 0)
                isMoving = false;
            else if (!isMoving && (v != 0 || h != 0))
                isMoving = true;
                float dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(currentDir, lastWalkVector);

                if (canRun && Time.time < lastWalk + tapAgainToRunTime && dotProduct > 0)
                    if (h != 0)
                        lastWalkVector = currentDir;
                        lastWalk       = Time.time;

        if (chainComboTimer > 0)
            chainComboTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (chainComboTimer < 0)
                chainComboTimer      = 0;
                currentAttackChain   = 0;
                evaluatedAttackChain = 0;
                baseAnim.SetInteger("CurrentChain", currentAttackChain);
                baseAnim.SetInteger("EvaluatedChain", evaluatedAttackChain);

        if (jump && hasWeapon)
            weaponDropPressed = true;

        if (weaponDropPressed && !jump)
            weaponDropPressed = false;

        if (canJump && jump && !isKnockedOut &&
            jumpCollider.CanJump(currentDir, frontVector) &&
            !isJumpLandAnim && !isAttackingAnim &&
            !isPickingUpAnim && !weaponDropPressed &&
            (isGrounded || (isJumpingAnim && Time.time < lastJumpTime + jumpDuration)))

        if (attack && Time.time >= lastAttackTime + attackLimit && isGrounded && !isPickingUpAnim)
            if (nearbyPowerup != null && nearbyPowerup.CanEquip())
                lastAttackTime = Time.time;

        if (attack && Time.time >= lastAttackTime + attackLimit && !isKnockedOut && !isPickingUpAnim)
            lastAttackTime = Time.time;

        if (hurtTolerance < hurtLimit)
            hurtTolerance += Time.deltaTime * recoveryRate;
            hurtTolerance  = Mathf.Clamp(hurtLimit, 0, hurtLimit);
Esempio n. 54
        public override void Collect(RenderContext context, RenderView sourceView, LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap)
            var shadow = (LightDirectionalShadowMap)lightShadowMap.Shadow;

            // TODO: Min and Max distance can be auto-computed from readback from Z buffer

            Matrix.Invert(ref sourceView.View, out var viewToWorld);

            // Update the frustum infos

            // Computes the cascade splits
            var minMaxDistance = ComputeCascadeSplits(context, sourceView, ref lightShadowMap);
            var direction      = lightShadowMap.RenderLight.Direction;

            // Fake value
            // It will be setup by next loop
            Vector3 side        = Vector3.UnitX;
            Vector3 upDirection = Vector3.UnitX;

            // Select best Up vector
            // TODO: User preference?
            foreach (var vectorUp in VectorUps)
                if (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(direction, vectorUp)) < (1.0 - 0.0001))
                    side        = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(vectorUp, direction));
                    upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(direction, side));

            int cascadeCount = lightShadowMap.CascadeCount;

            // Get new shader data from pool
            ShaderData shaderData;

            if (cascadeCount == 1)
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade1.Add();
            else if (cascadeCount == 2)
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade2.Add();
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade4.Add();
            lightShadowMap.ShaderData = shaderData;
            shaderData.Texture        = lightShadowMap.Atlas.Texture;
            shaderData.DepthBias      = shadow.BiasParameters.DepthBias;
            shaderData.OffsetScale    = shadow.BiasParameters.NormalOffsetScale;

            float splitMaxRatio = (minMaxDistance.X - sourceView.NearClipPlane) / (sourceView.FarClipPlane - sourceView.NearClipPlane);
            float splitMinRatio = 0;

            for (int cascadeLevel = 0; cascadeLevel < cascadeCount; ++cascadeLevel)
                var oldSplitMinRatio = splitMinRatio;
                // Calculate frustum corners for this cascade
                splitMinRatio = splitMaxRatio;
                splitMaxRatio = cascadeSplitRatios[cascadeLevel];

                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    // Calculate frustum in WS and VS
                    float overlap = 0;
                    if (cascadeLevel > 0 && shadow.DepthRange.IsBlendingCascades)
                        overlap = 0.2f * (splitMinRatio - oldSplitMinRatio);

                    var frustumRangeWS = frustumCornersWS[j + 4] - frustumCornersWS[j];
                    var frustumRangeVS = frustumCornersVS[j + 4] - frustumCornersVS[j];

                    cascadeFrustumCornersWS[j]     = frustumCornersWS[j] + frustumRangeWS * (splitMinRatio - overlap);
                    cascadeFrustumCornersWS[j + 4] = frustumCornersWS[j] + frustumRangeWS * splitMaxRatio;

                    cascadeFrustumCornersVS[j]     = frustumCornersVS[j] + frustumRangeVS * (splitMinRatio - overlap);
                    cascadeFrustumCornersVS[j + 4] = frustumCornersVS[j] + frustumRangeVS * splitMaxRatio;

                Vector3 cascadeMinBoundLS;
                Vector3 cascadeMaxBoundLS;
                Vector3 target;

                if (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ViewSnapping || shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ProjectionSnapping)
                    // Make sure we are using the same direction when stabilizing
                    var boundingVS = BoundingSphere.FromPoints(cascadeFrustumCornersVS);

                    // Compute bounding box center & radius
                    target = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(boundingVS.Center, viewToWorld);
                    var radius = boundingVS.Radius;

                    //if (shadow.AutoComputeMinMax)
                    //    var snapRadius = (float)Math.Ceiling(radius / snapRadiusValue) * snapRadiusValue;
                    //    Debug.WriteLine("Radius: {0} SnapRadius: {1} (snap: {2})", radius, snapRadius, snapRadiusValue);
                    //    radius = snapRadius;

                    cascadeMaxBoundLS = new Vector3(radius, radius, radius);
                    cascadeMinBoundLS = -cascadeMaxBoundLS;

                    if (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ViewSnapping)
                        // Snap camera to texel units (so that shadow doesn't jitter when light doesn't change direction but camera is moving)
                        // Technique from ShaderX7 - Practical Cascaded Shadows Maps -  p310-311
                        var   shadowMapHalfSize = lightShadowMap.Size * 0.5f;
                        float x = (float)Math.Ceiling(Vector3.Dot(target, upDirection) * shadowMapHalfSize / radius) * radius / shadowMapHalfSize;
                        float y = (float)Math.Ceiling(Vector3.Dot(target, side) * shadowMapHalfSize / radius) * radius / shadowMapHalfSize;
                        float z = Vector3.Dot(target, direction);

                        //target = up * x + side * y + direction * R32G32B32_Float.Dot(target, direction);
                        target = upDirection * x + side * y + direction * z;
                    var cascadeBoundWS = BoundingBox.FromPoints(cascadeFrustumCornersWS);
                    target = cascadeBoundWS.Center;

                    // Computes the bouding box of the frustum cascade in light space
                    var lightViewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtRH(target, target + direction, upDirection);
                    cascadeMinBoundLS = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
                    cascadeMaxBoundLS = new Vector3(-float.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = 0; i < cascadeFrustumCornersWS.Length; i++)
                        Vector3 cornerViewSpace;
                        Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref cascadeFrustumCornersWS[i], ref lightViewMatrix, out cornerViewSpace);

                        cascadeMinBoundLS = Vector3.Min(cascadeMinBoundLS, cornerViewSpace);
                        cascadeMaxBoundLS = Vector3.Max(cascadeMaxBoundLS, cornerViewSpace);

                    // TODO: Adjust orthoSize by taking into account filtering size

                // Update the shadow camera. The calculation of the eye position assumes RH coordinates.
                var    viewMatrix       = Matrix.LookAtRH(target - direction * cascadeMaxBoundLS.Z, target, upDirection); // View;;
                var    nearClip         = 0.0f;
                var    farClip          = cascadeMaxBoundLS.Z - cascadeMinBoundLS.Z;
                var    projectionMatrix = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterRH(cascadeMinBoundLS.X, cascadeMaxBoundLS.X, cascadeMinBoundLS.Y, cascadeMaxBoundLS.Y, nearClip, farClip); // Projection
                Matrix viewProjectionMatrix;
                Matrix.Multiply(ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix, out viewProjectionMatrix);

                // Stabilize the Shadow matrix on the projection
                if (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ProjectionSnapping)
                    var shadowPixelPosition = viewProjectionMatrix.TranslationVector * lightShadowMap.Size * 0.5f; // shouln't it be scale and not translation ?
                    shadowPixelPosition.Z = 0;
                    var shadowPixelPositionRounded = new Vector3((float)Math.Round(shadowPixelPosition.X), (float)Math.Round(shadowPixelPosition.Y), 0.0f);

                    var shadowPixelOffset = new Vector4(shadowPixelPositionRounded - shadowPixelPosition, 0.0f);
                    shadowPixelOffset     *= 2.0f / lightShadowMap.Size;
                    projectionMatrix.Row4 += shadowPixelOffset;
                    Matrix.Multiply(ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix, out viewProjectionMatrix);

                shaderData.ViewMatrix[cascadeLevel]       = viewMatrix;
                shaderData.ProjectionMatrix[cascadeLevel] = projectionMatrix;
                shaderData.DepthRange[cascadeLevel]       = new Vector2(nearClip, farClip); //////////////////////

                // Cascade splits in light space using depth: Store depth on first CascaderCasterMatrix in last column of each row
                shaderData.CascadeSplits[cascadeLevel] = MathUtil.Lerp(sourceView.NearClipPlane, sourceView.FarClipPlane, cascadeSplitRatios[cascadeLevel]);

                var shadowMapRectangle = lightShadowMap.GetRectangle(cascadeLevel);

                var cascadeTextureCoords = new Vector4((float)shadowMapRectangle.Left / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                                                       (float)shadowMapRectangle.Top / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height,
                                                       (float)shadowMapRectangle.Right / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                                                       (float)shadowMapRectangle.Bottom / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height);

                shaderData.TextureCoords[cascadeLevel] = cascadeTextureCoords;

                //// Add border (avoid using edges due to bilinear filtering and blur)
                //var borderSizeU = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width;
                //var borderSizeV = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.X += borderSizeU;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.Y += borderSizeV;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.Z -= borderSizeU;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.W -= borderSizeV;

                float leftX   = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width * 0.5f;
                float leftY   = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height * 0.5f;
                float centerX = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.X + cascadeTextureCoords.Z);
                float centerY = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.Y + cascadeTextureCoords.W);

                // Compute receiver view proj matrix
                Matrix adjustmentMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(leftX, -leftY, 1.0f) * Matrix.Translation(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
                // Calculate View Proj matrix from World space to Cascade space
                Matrix.Multiply(ref viewProjectionMatrix, ref adjustmentMatrix, out shaderData.WorldToShadowCascadeUV[cascadeLevel]);

                // Allocate shadow render view
                var shadowRenderView = CreateRenderView();
                shadowRenderView.RenderView       = sourceView;
                shadowRenderView.ShadowMapTexture = lightShadowMap;
                shadowRenderView.Rectangle        = shadowMapRectangle;
                shadowRenderView.View             = viewMatrix;
                shadowRenderView.ViewSize         = new Vector2(shadowMapRectangle.Width, shadowMapRectangle.Height);
                shadowRenderView.Projection       = projectionMatrix;
                shadowRenderView.ViewProjection   = viewProjectionMatrix;
                shadowRenderView.NearClipPlane    = nearClip;
                shadowRenderView.FarClipPlane     = farClip;

                // Add the render view for the current frame
Esempio n. 55
        public void Update(VRControllerState_t leftControllerState, Matrix left, VRControllerState_t rightControllerState, Matrix right)
            var newLeft  = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), left);
            var newRight = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), right);

            if (newLeft == Vector3.Zero || newRight == Vector3.Zero || newLeft == newRight)
            var leftGrabbed  = leftControllerState.rAxis1.x == 1;
            var rightGrabbed = rightControllerState.rAxis1.x == 1;

            if (!leftGrabbed || !rightGrabbed)
                _oldLeft  = newLeft;
                _oldRight = newRight;
            var oldDiff   = _oldLeft - _oldRight;
            var newDiff   = newLeft - newRight;
            var oldCenter = (_oldLeft + _oldRight) / 2;
            var newCenter = (newLeft + newRight) / 2;
            var axis      = Vector3.Cross(oldDiff, newDiff);

            if (axis == Vector3.Zero)
                axis = Vector3.UnitX;
                axis = Vector3.Normalize(axis);
            // oldDiff/newDiff guaranteed to be nonzero (at check at beginning of method)
            var dotAngle = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(oldDiff), Vector3.Normalize(newDiff));
            var angle    = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1, Math.Min(1, dotAngle)));
            // matrix mul order goes left to right
            var rotation    = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
            var scale       = Matrix.CreateScale(newDiff.Length() / oldDiff.Length());
            var translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(newCenter - oldCenter);
            var res         = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-oldCenter) * rotation * scale * Matrix.CreateTranslation(oldCenter) * translation;

            _model    = _model * res;
            _oldLeft  = newLeft;
            _oldRight = newRight;

            if (double.IsNaN(res.M11) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
                //Console.WriteLine("left:" + newLeft);
                //Console.WriteLine("right:" + newRight);
                //Console.WriteLine("axis:" + axis);
                //Console.WriteLine("dotAngle:" + dotAngle);
                //Console.WriteLine("angle:" + angle);
                //Console.WriteLine("rot:" + rotation);
                //Console.WriteLine("scale:" + scale);
                //Console.WriteLine("trans:" + translation);
                //Console.WriteLine("res:" + res);
                //Console.WriteLine("model:" + _model);
                _model = Matrix.Identity;
Esempio n. 56
        private void UpdateVertexList(/*Camera cam, */ float fScale = 1.0f)
            Vector3 eyePos =;
            Vector3 eyePos = Camera.main.transform.position;
            Vector3 chainTangent;

            if (BillboardType > 1 && LifeTime < 9999999)
                mTimeCount += (int)(Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1000);

            if (BillboardType > 1)
                mVecTrailBoneChain[0].SetHeadAndTail(seg.head, seg.tail);

            if (seg.head != SEGMENT_EMPTY && seg.head != seg.tail)
                int   laste       = seg.head;
                float fCurLength  = 0f;
                float fCurLength1 = 0f;
                if (BillboardType <= 1)
                    for (int e = seg.head; ; e++)
                        if (e == MaxChainElements)
                            e = 0;
                        Element elem    = mChainElementList[e + seg.start];
                        int     baseidx = (e + seg.start) * 2;

                        int nexte = e + 1;
                        if (nexte == MaxChainElements)
                            nexte = 0;

                        if (e == seg.head)
                            chainTangent = mChainElementList[nexte + seg.start].position - elem.position;
                        else if (e == seg.tail)
                            chainTangent = elem.position - mChainElementList[laste + seg.start].position;
                            chainTangent = mChainElementList[nexte + seg.start].position - elem.position;

                        int i = 0;
                        if (chainTangent.x != 0)

                        float fUV;
                        if (TexCoordHeadFixed)
                            if (e == seg.head)
                                fCurLength = 0f;
                                fCurLength += Mathf.Sqrt(chainTangent.sqrMagnitude);

                            fUV = mFinalRandomUVOffset[0] + fCurLength / TexCoordLength;
                            fUV = mFinalRandomUVOffset[0] + elem.texCoord / TexCoordLength;

                        float fUV1;
                        if (TexCoord1HeadFixed)
                            if (e == seg.head)
                                fCurLength1 = 0f;
                                fCurLength1 += Mathf.Sqrt(chainTangent.sqrMagnitude);

                            fUV1 = mFinalRandomUVOffset[1] + fCurLength / TexCoord1Length;
                            fUV1 = mFinalRandomUVOffset[1] + elem.texCoord / TexCoord1Length;

                        Vector3 vP1ToEye;
                        Vector3 vPerpendicular = chainTangent;

                        if (BillboardType == 0)
                            vP1ToEye       = Vector3.up;
                            vPerpendicular = Vector3.Cross(chainTangent, vP1ToEye);
                        if (BillboardType == 1)
                            vP1ToEye       = eyePos - elem.position;
                            vPerpendicular = Vector3.Cross(chainTangent, vP1ToEye);

                        if (BillboardType == 0 || BillboardType == 1)
                            vPerpendicular *= (elem.width * 0.5f * fScale);

                        Vector3 pos0 = elem.position - vPerpendicular;
                        Vector3 pos1 = elem.position + vPerpendicular;

                        Vertex vertex;
                        Vertex vertex2;
                        vertex.position  = pos0;
                        vertex2.position = pos1;
                        if (TexCoordDirection == Direction.TCD_U)
                            vertex.uv   = new Vector2(fUV, mOtherTexCoordRange[0]);
                            vertex.uv1  = new Vector2(fUV1, mOtherTexCoordRange[0]);
                            vertex2.uv  = new Vector2(fUV, mOtherTexCoordRange[1]);
                            vertex2.uv1 = new Vector2(fUV1, mOtherTexCoordRange[1]);
                            vertex.uv   = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[0], fUV);
                            vertex.uv1  = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[0], fUV1);
                            vertex2.uv  = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[1], fUV);
                            vertex2.uv1 = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[1], fUV1);
                        vertex.color  = elem.colour;
                        vertex2.color = elem.colour;

                        mVertexData[baseidx]     = vertex;
                        mVertexData[baseidx + 1] = vertex2;

                        if (e == seg.tail)
                        laste = e;
                    if (LifeTime < 9999999)
                        if (mTimeCount > LifeTime && mVecTrailBoneChain[0].GetSegTail() > 0)
                            mVecTrailBoneChain[0].SetSegTail(mVecTrailBoneChain[0].GetSegTail() - mTimeCount / LifeTime);
                            mIndexNeedChange = true;
                    int nTrailLength = GetLength(seg);
                    nTrailLength = (int)(nTrailLength / (float)MaxChainElements * MaxSegments);
                    int nSegTail = nTrailLength - mVecTrailBoneChain[0].GetSegTail();
                    nSegTail = nSegTail > 0 ? nSegTail : 0;

                    int   baseIdx        = 0;
                    float fPerLength     = 1.0f / (float)nTrailLength;
                    float fPercent       = 1.0f;
                    float fPercentToLast = 0;
                    //Vector3 segPosLast;
                    for (int i = nTrailLength; i >= nSegTail; --i)
                        Vector3 segPos     = new Vector3();
                        Vector3 segHalfDir = new Vector3();
                        int     nLast      = GetIndex(seg, fPercent, ref fPercentToLast);
                        mVecTrailBoneChain[0].GetSegmentPosAndDir(nLast, fPercentToLast, ref segPos, ref segHalfDir);
                        float fUVPercent = fPercent;
                        fPercent -= fPerLength;
                        Element elem = mChainElementList[nLast + seg.start];
                        if (nTrailLength > nSegTail)
                            fUVPercent = (float)(i - nSegTail) / (nTrailLength - nSegTail);
                        float fUV  = mFinalRandomUVOffset[0] + 1.0f - fUVPercent;
                        float fUV1 = mFinalRandomUVOffset[1] + 1.0f - fUVPercent;
                        if (!TexCoordHeadFixed)
                            fUV = mFinalRandomUVOffset[0] + elem.texCoord / TexCoordLength;
                        if (!TexCoord1HeadFixed)
                            fUV1 = mFinalRandomUVOffset[1] + elem.texCoord / TexCoord1Length;

                        Vector3 pos0 =;
                        Vector3 pos1 =;

                        if (BillboardType == 2)
                            segHalfDir *= elem.width * 0.5f * fScale * mVecTrailBoneChain[0].GetLength();

                            pos0 = segPos - segHalfDir;
                            pos1 = segPos + segHalfDir;

                        int a = mVertexData.Count;

                        Vertex vertex  = mVertexData[baseIdx];
                        Vertex vertex1 = mVertexData[baseIdx + 1];
                        Vertex vertex2 = mVertexData[baseIdx + 2];
                        vertex.position  = pos0;
                        vertex1.position = segPos;
                        vertex2.position = pos1;

                        if (TexCoordDirection == Direction.TCD_U)
                            vertex.uv  = new Vector2(fUV, mOtherTexCoordRange[0]);
                            vertex.uv1 = new Vector2(fUV1, mOtherTexCoordRange[0]);

                            vertex1.uv  = new Vector2(fUV, 0.5f);
                            vertex1.uv1 = new Vector2(fUV1, 0.5f);

                            vertex2.uv  = new Vector2(fUV, mOtherTexCoordRange[1]);
                            vertex2.uv1 = new Vector2(fUV1, mOtherTexCoordRange[1]);
                            vertex.uv  = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[0], fUV);
                            vertex.uv1 = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[0], fUV1);

                            vertex1.uv  = new Vector2(0.5f, fUV);
                            vertex1.uv1 = new Vector2(0.5f, fUV1);

                            vertex2.uv  = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[1], fUV);
                            vertex2.uv1 = new Vector2(mOtherTexCoordRange[1], fUV1);
                        vertex.color  = elem.colour;
                        vertex1.color = elem.colour;
                        vertex2.color = elem.colour;

                        mVertexData[baseIdx]     = vertex;
                        mVertexData[baseIdx + 1] = vertex1;
                        mVertexData[baseIdx + 2] = vertex2;

                        baseIdx += 3;
                }//end if(BillBoardType<=1)
            if (BillboardType > 1 && LifeTime < 9999999 && mTimeCount > LifeTime)
                mTimeCount = 0;
Esempio n. 57
 public Plane(Vector3 inNormal, Vector3 inPoint)
     m_Normal   = Vector3.Normalize(inNormal);
     m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, inPoint);
Esempio n. 58
    void FixedUpdate()
        #region animations
        //movement animation checker
        movementSpeed = velocity.magnitude * 3.6f;

        //set animation based on speed
        if (animator.GetBool("IsMoveing") == false)
            animator.SetFloat("Speed", 0);
            moveSpeed = MoveSpeed.idle;
        else if (isRunning == false)
            animator.SetFloat("Speed", 1);
            moveSpeed = MoveSpeed.walking;
            animator.SetFloat("Speed", 2);
            moveSpeed = MoveSpeed.running;

        #endregion animations

        #region movement
        //get movement input
        float vertical   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        movement = new Vector3(horizontal, 0, vertical);

        //turn character the correct way
        #region turning
        //set movement direction
        if (movement.x < 0)
            moveDirection = MoveDirection.left;
        if (movement.x > 0)
            moveDirection = MoveDirection.right;
        if (movement.z > 0)
            moveDirection = MoveDirection.forward;
        if (movement.z < 0)
            moveDirection = MoveDirection.backwards;

        //rotate the character
        Quaternion desireredRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        switch (moveDirection)
        case MoveDirection.forward:
            desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(;
            if (movement.x > .8f && movement.z > .5f)
                desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 30, 0));
            if (movement.x < -.8f && movement.z > .5f)
                desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, -30, 0));

        case MoveDirection.left:
            desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, -90, 0));

        case MoveDirection.right:
            desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));

        case MoveDirection.backwards:
            desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
            if (movement.x > .8f && movement.z < -.5f)
                desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 180 - 30, 0));
            if (movement.x < -.8f && movement.z < -.5f)
                desireredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 180 + 30, 0));


        //add the camare rotatate to the desired rotation
        desireredRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, camPivot.eulerAngles.y, 0);

        //rotate speed depens on movement speed
        switch (moveSpeed)
        case MoveSpeed.walking:
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, desireredRotation, Time.deltaTime * walkingTurnSpeed);

        case MoveSpeed.running:
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, desireredRotation, Time.deltaTime * runningTurnSpeed);

        #endregion turning

        //set speed
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
            accelaration = 5 / 3.6f;
            desiredSpeed = runSpeedinKMH / 3.6f;
            isRunning    = true;
            accelaration = 1 / 3.6f;
            desiredSpeed = walkSpeedinKMH / 3.6f;
            isRunning    = false;

        //desired velocity
        targetPos   = transform.position + camPivot.TransformDirection(movement * desiredSpeed);
        targetPos.y = 0;
        if (movement !=
            desiredVelocity = Vector3.Normalize(targetPos - transform.position) * desiredSpeed;
            animator.SetBool("IsMoveing", true);
            animator.SetBool("IsMoveing", false);
            desiredVelocity =;

        Vector3 steering = desiredVelocity - velocity;
        steering  = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(steering, force);
        steering /= mass;

        velocity            = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(velocity + steering, desiredSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        transform.position += velocity;
        #endregion movement
Esempio n. 59
    // A few draggable corner points (rotation), returns change in angle (around 0,0 local to Rect)
    public static float RectRotateControl(int controlId, Rect r, Transform t, List <int> hideCornerPts)
        Event ev         = Event.current;
        bool  guiChanged = false;

        GUIStyle style = tk2dEditorSkin.RotateHandle;

        r.xMin *= t.localScale.x;
        r.yMin *= t.localScale.y;
        r.xMax *= t.localScale.x;
        r.yMax *= t.localScale.y;
        Vector3 cachedScale = t.localScale;

        t.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        r            = PositiveRect(r);

        Vector2[] corners = { new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f),
                              new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f) };

        Vector2[] handleCursorN = new Vector2[] {
            new Vector2(1.0f, -1.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f),
            new Vector2(-1.0f, -1.0f), new Vector2(-1.0f, 1.0f)

        Vector3[] worldPts = new Vector3[4];
        Vector2[] guiPts   = new Vector2[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(r.xMin + r.width * corners[i].x, r.yMin + r.height * corners[i].y, 0);
            worldPts[i] = t.TransformPoint(p);
            guiPts[i]   = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(worldPts[i]);

        // Exit early if handle screen distance is too small
            float edgeLengthBottom = (guiPts[0] - guiPts[1]).magnitude;
            float edgeLengthLeft   = (guiPts[0] - guiPts[2]).magnitude;
            if (edgeLengthBottom < handleClosenessClip || edgeLengthLeft < handleClosenessClip)
                return(0.0f);                // no rotation

        float result = 0.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            if (!hideCornerPts.Contains(i))
                Vector3     p       = new Vector3(r.xMin + r.width * corners[i].x, r.yMin + r.height * corners[i].y, 0);
                Vector3     worldPt = worldPts[i];
                MouseCursor cursor  = GetHandleCursor(handleCursorN[i], t);
                Vector3 newWorldPt = MoveHandle(controlId + t.GetInstanceID() + "Rotate".GetHashCode() + i, worldPt, t.forward, style, cursor);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    Vector3 d0 = p;
                    Vector3 d1 = t.InverseTransformPoint(newWorldPt);
                    float ang = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(d0, d1)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                    float sgn = Mathf.Sign(d1.x * -d0.y + d1.y * d0.x);
                    result = ang * sgn;

                    guiChanged = true;

        t.localScale = cachedScale;

        if (ev.shift)
            float snapAngle = 9.0f;
            result = (float)((int)(result / snapAngle)) * snapAngle;

        if (guiChanged)
            GUI.changed = true;
 public void DumpNormals(List <float> list)
     list.Add(Normal.X); list.Add(Normal.Y); list.Add(Normal.Z);