Esempio n. 1
 public void CheckDivide <V> () where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
     (from vec in Prop.ForAll <V> ()
      from scalar in Prop.ForAll <float> ()
      let divided = vec.Divide(scalar)
                    let multiplied = vec.Multiply(1f / scalar)
                                     select new { vec, scalar, divided, multiplied })
     .Check(p => Vec.ApproxEquals(p.divided, p.multiplied),
            label: $"{typeof (V).Name}: vec / scalar = vec * (1 / scalar)");
Esempio n. 2
        public void CheckDivide <V> () where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
            var prop = from vec in Prop.Choose <V> ()
                       from scalar in Prop.Choose <float> ()
                       let divided = vec.Divide(scalar)
                                     let multiplied = vec.Multiply(1f / scalar)
                                                      select new { vec, scalar, divided, multiplied };

            prop.Label("{0}: vec / scalar = vec * (1 / scalar)", typeof(V).Name)
            .Check(p => Vec.ApproxEquals(p.divided, p.multiplied));
Esempio n. 3
        private IEnumerable <Node> FindNodesWithPosition(Node node, V position)
            if (Vec.ApproxEquals(node.Positional.position, position))
                yield return(node);
            var child = node.Children [ChooseChild(node, position)];

            if (child != null)
                foreach (var childNode in FindNodesWithPosition(child, position))
                    yield return(childNode);
Esempio n. 4
        public static Geometry <V> Stretch <V> (this Geometry <V> frontFace, IEnumerable <Mat4> transforms,
                                                bool includeFrontFace, bool includeBackFace)
            where V : struct, IVertex3D
            var vertices = frontFace.Vertices;

            if (!vertices.AreCoplanar())
                throw new ArgumentException("Geometry is not on completely on the same plane.", "frontFace");
            var firstNormal = vertices[0].normal;

            if (!vertices.All(v => Vec.ApproxEquals(v.normal, firstNormal)))
                throw new ArgumentException("All the normals need to point towards the same direction.", "frontFace");

            var edges      = frontFace.GetEdges(BeginMode.Triangles).ToArray();
            var outerEdges = DetermineOuterEdges(edges).ToArray();
            var geometries = new Geometry <V> [(outerEdges.Length * transforms.Count())
                                               + BoolToInt(includeFrontFace) + BoolToInt(includeBackFace)];
            var backFace = frontFace;
            var i        = 0;

            if (includeFrontFace)
                geometries[i++] = frontFace;

            foreach (var transform in transforms)
                backFace = frontFace.ManipulateVertices(v => v.With(transform.Transform(v.position), -v.normal), false);
                var backVertices = backFace.Vertices;
                i        = ExtrudeOut(geometries, i, vertices, backVertices, outerEdges);
                vertices = backVertices;
            if (includeBackFace)
                geometries[i++] = backFace.ReverseWinding();