public static string NoTrimReadTo(Stream stream, byte blocker1, byte blocker2)
            byte[] readBuf = VariableSizedBufferPool.Get(1024, true);
            try {
                int bufpos = 0;

                int ch = stream.ReadByte();
                while (ch != blocker1 && ch != blocker2 && ch != -1)
                    if (ch > 0x7f) //replaces asciitostring
                        ch = '?';

                    //make buffer larger if too short
                    if (readBuf.Length <= bufpos)
                        VariableSizedBufferPool.Resize(ref readBuf, readBuf.Length * 2, true);

                    if (bufpos > 0 || !char.IsWhiteSpace((char)ch)) //trimstart
                        readBuf[bufpos++] = (byte)ch;
                    ch = stream.ReadByte();

                return(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readBuf, 0, bufpos));
        protected void FlushRemainingFragmentBuffer()
            if (fragmentBuffer != null)
                VariableSizedBufferPool.Resize(ref fragmentBuffer, fragmentBufferDataLength, false);

                fragmentBuffer           = null;
                fragmentBufferDataLength = 0;

            if (cacheStream != null)
                cacheStream = null;

                HTTPCacheService.SetBodyLength(baseRequest.CurrentUri, allFragmentSize);
            var tmp = fragmentWaitEvent;
            fragmentWaitEvent = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                (tmp as IDisposable).Dispose();
        protected void ReadChunked(Stream stream)

            string contentLengthHeader    = GetFirstHeaderValue("Content-Length");
            bool   hasContentLengthHeader = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentLengthHeader);
            int    realLength             = 0;

            if (hasContentLengthHeader)
                hasContentLengthHeader = int.TryParse(contentLengthHeader, out realLength);

            if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level == Logger.Loglevels.All)
                VerboseLogging(string.Format("ReadChunked - hasContentLengthHeader: {0}, contentLengthHeader: {1} realLength: {2:N0}", hasContentLengthHeader.ToString(), contentLengthHeader, realLength));

            using (var output = new BufferPoolMemoryStream())
                int chunkLength = ReadChunkLength(stream);

                if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level == Logger.Loglevels.All)
                    VerboseLogging(string.Format("chunkLength: {0:N0}", chunkLength));

                byte[] buffer = VariableSizedBufferPool.Get(Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(chunkLength), true);

                int contentLength = 0;

                // Progress report:
                baseRequest.DownloadLength          = hasContentLengthHeader ? realLength : chunkLength;
                baseRequest.DownloadProgressChanged = this.IsSuccess
                                                      || this.IsFromCache

                string encoding =
                    IsFromCache ? null :
                bool gzipped = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(encoding) && encoding == "gzip";

                while (chunkLength != 0)
                    // To avoid more GC garbage we use only one buffer, and resize only if the next chunk doesn't fit.
                    if (buffer.Length < chunkLength)
                        VariableSizedBufferPool.Resize(ref buffer, chunkLength, true);

                    int readBytes = 0;

                    // Fill up the buffer
                        int bytes = stream.Read(buffer, readBytes, chunkLength - readBytes);
                        if (bytes <= 0)
                            throw ExceptionHelper.ServerClosedTCPStream();

                        readBytes += bytes;

                        // Progress report:
                        // Placing reporting inside this cycle will report progress much more frequent
                        baseRequest.Downloaded += bytes;
                        baseRequest.DownloadProgressChanged = this.IsSuccess
                                                              || this.IsFromCache
                    } while (readBytes < chunkLength);

                    if (baseRequest.UseStreaming)
                        if (gzipped)
                            var decompressed = Decompress(buffer, 0, readBytes);
                            if (decompressed != null)
                                FeedStreamFragment(decompressed, 0, decompressed.Length);
                            FeedStreamFragment(buffer, 0, readBytes);
                        output.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes);

                    // Every chunk data has a trailing CRLF
                    ReadTo(stream, LF);

                    contentLength += readBytes;

                    // read the next chunk's length
                    chunkLength = ReadChunkLength(stream);

                    if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level == Logger.Loglevels.All)
                        VerboseLogging(string.Format("chunkLength: {0:N0}", chunkLength));

                    if (!hasContentLengthHeader)
                        baseRequest.DownloadLength += chunkLength;
                    baseRequest.DownloadProgressChanged = this.IsSuccess
                                                          || this.IsFromCache


                if (baseRequest.UseStreaming)
                    if (gzipped)
                        var decompressed = Decompress(null, 0, 0, true);
                        if (decompressed != null)
                            FeedStreamFragment(decompressed, 0, decompressed.Length);


                // Read the trailing headers or the CRLF

                // HTTP servers sometimes use compression (gzip) or deflate methods to optimize transmission.
                // How both chunked and gzip encoding interact is dictated by the two-staged encoding of HTTP:
                //  first the content stream is encoded as (Content-Encoding: gzip), after which the resulting byte stream is encoded for transfer using another encoder (Transfer-Encoding: chunked).
                //  This means that in case both compression and chunked encoding are enabled, the chunk encoding itself is not compressed, and the data in each chunk should not be compressed individually.
                //  The remote endpoint can decode the incoming stream by first decoding it with the Transfer-Encoding, followed by the specified Content-Encoding.
                // It would be a better implementation when the chunk would be decododed on-the-fly. Becouse now the whole stream must be downloaded, and then decoded. It needs more memory.
                if (!baseRequest.UseStreaming)
                    this.Data = DecodeStream(output);
