public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { Console.WriteLine(this.indentation + "Variable <Identifier: " + + ">"); indentation = indentation + " "; Console.WriteLine(this.indentation + "Type: " + node.type.toString()); indentation = indentation.Substring(0, indentation.Length - 3); }
internal static VariableUseNode Usage(VariableDeclNode def, bool inherit_decl = true) { return(new VariableUseNode { Name = def.Name, ExpressionType = def.ExpressionType, Declaration = inherit_decl ? def : null }); }
public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { base.Visit(node); if (!ReferenceEquals(node.Type, null)) { node.Type.Accept(this); } }
internal static VariableDefNode Definition(VariableDeclNode decl, ExpressionNode value) { return(new VariableDefNode { Name = decl.Name, Type = decl.Type, ExpressionType = decl.ExpressionType, Value = value }); }
public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { if (_currentFunction == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Variable declaration outside of function is currently not supported"); } Debug.Assert(!_declToFunction.ContainsKey(node)); _declToFunction[node] = _currentFunction; base.Visit(node); }
// the only situation to call method is when we want a value of some function argument // all args in B.Function are assumed to be already set public Brep.Node Build(VariableDeclNode argNode) { int argNum = GetArgNumber(argNode, funDef); if (argNum < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to use undeclared function argument"); } return(funDef.BackendFunction.GetArgLocationNode(argNum)); }
public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { variableSymbolTable.Insert(node.Name, node); base.Visit(node); }
public virtual T Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { return(Visit(node as ExpressionNode)); }
public virtual void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { Visit(node as ExpressionNode); }
private bool HasSideEffects(VariableDeclNode node) { return(false); }
public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { base.Visit(node); node.ExpressionType = node.Type; }
protected override void DoAction(int action) { switch (action) { case 2: // Program -> MainClassDecl, ClassDeclList_Opt { CurrentSemanticValue = new ProgramNode((MainClassDeclNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], (ClassDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); Analysis.AST = (ProgramNode)CurrentSemanticValue; } break; case 3: // MainClassDecl -> ClassKeyword, Identifier, CurlyBracketOpen, PublicKeyword, // StaticKeyword, VoidKeyword, MainKeyword, RoundBracketOpen, // StringKeyword, SquareBracketOpen, SquareBracketClose, // Identifier, RoundBracketClose, CurlyBracketOpen, Statement, // CurlyBracketClose, CurlyBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new MainClassDeclNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 16], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 6], (StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], LineNumber); } break; case 4: // ClassDeclList_Opt -> ClassDeclList_Opt, ClassDecl { ((ClassDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]).AddClassDecl((ClassDeclNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 5: // ClassDeclList_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new ClassDeclListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 6: // ClassDecl -> ClassKeyword, Identifier, Extends_Opt, CurlyBracketOpen, // VariableDeclList_Opt, MethodDeclList_Opt, CurlyBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new ClassDeclNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 6], (ExtendsNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5], (VariableDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (MethodDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 7: // Extends_Opt -> ExtendsKeyword, Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new ExtendsNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 9: // MethodDeclList_Opt -> MethodDeclList_Opt, MethodDecl { ((MethodDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]).AddMethodDecl((MethodDeclNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 10: // MethodDeclList_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new MethodDeclListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 11: // MethodDecl -> PublicKeyword, Type, Identifier, RoundBracketOpen, // ParamDeclList_Opt, RoundBracketClose, CurlyBracketOpen, // VariableDeclList_Opt, StatementListEndingInReturn, // CurlyBracketClose { ((StatementListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]).statementList.Reverse(); CurrentSemanticValue = new MethodDeclNode((TypeNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 9], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 8], (ParamDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 6], (VariableDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (StatementListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 12: // VariableDeclList_Opt -> VariableDeclList_Opt, VariableDecl { ((VariableDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]).AddVariableDecl((VariableDeclNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 13: // VariableDeclList_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new VariableDeclListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 14: // VariableDecl -> Type, Identifier, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new VariableDeclNode((TypeNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 15: // StatementListEndingInReturn -> Statement, StatementListEndingInReturn { ((StatementListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).AddStatement((StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 16: // StatementListEndingInReturn -> ReturnKeyword, Expr, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new StatementListNode(LineNumber); ((StatementListNode)CurrentSemanticValue).AddStatement(new ReturnStatementNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber)); } break; case 17: // ParamDeclList_Opt -> Type, Identifier, ParamDeclListRest_Opt { ((ParamDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).paramDeclList.Reverse(); ((ParamDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).AddParamDecl(new ParamDeclNode((TypeNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber)); ((ParamDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).paramDeclList.Reverse(); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 19: // ParamDeclListRest_Opt -> ParamDeclListRest_Opt, Comma, Type, Identifier { ((ParamDeclListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4]).AddParamDecl(new ParamDeclNode((TypeNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber)); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4]; } break; case 20: // ParamDeclListRest_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new ParamDeclListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 21: // Type -> IntKeyword, SquareBracketOpen, SquareBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new IntegerArrayTypeNode(LineNumber); } break; case 22: // Type -> IntKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new IntegerTypeNode(LineNumber); } break; case 23: // Type -> BooleanKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new BooleanTypeNode(LineNumber); } break; case 24: // Type -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new IdentifierTypeNode(((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).name, LineNumber); } break; case 25: // Statement -> CurlyBracketOpen, StatementList_Opt, CurlyBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new StatementBlockNode((StatementListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 26: // Statement -> IfKeyword, RoundBracketOpen, Expr, RoundBracketClose, Statement, // ElseKeyword, Statement { CurrentSemanticValue = new IfStatementNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5], (StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 27: // Statement -> WhileKeyword, RoundBracketOpen, Expr, RoundBracketClose, Statement { CurrentSemanticValue = new WhileStatementNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 28: // Statement -> SystemOutPrintLnKeyword, RoundBracketOpen, Expr, RoundBracketClose, // SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new SystemOutPrintLnStatementNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], LineNumber); } break; case 29: // Statement -> Identifier, EqualsOperator, Expr, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new AssignmentStatementNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 30: // Statement -> Identifier, Dot, Identifier, EqualsOperator, Expr, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new FieldAssignmentStatementNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 6], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 31: // Statement -> Identifier, SquareBracketOpen, Expr, SquareBracketClose, // EqualsOperator, Expr, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new ArrayAssignmentStatementNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 7], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 5], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 32: // Statement -> error, SemiColon { CurrentSemanticValue = new StatementBlockNode(new StatementListNode(LineNumber), LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 33: // Statement -> error, CurlyBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new StatementBlockNode(new StatementListNode(LineNumber), LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 34: // StatementList_Opt -> StatementList_Opt, Statement { ((StatementListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]).AddStatement((StatementNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 35: // StatementList_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new StatementListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 36: // Expr -> RoundBracketOpen, Expr, RoundBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]; } break; case 37: // Expr -> NotOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new NotExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 38: // Expr -> NewKeyword, IntKeyword, SquareBracketOpen, Expr, SquareBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new NewIntegerArrayExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 39: // Expr -> NewKeyword, Identifier, RoundBracketOpen, RoundBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new NewObjectExpressionNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], LineNumber); } break; case 40: // Expr -> Expr, AndAndOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new AndExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 41: // Expr -> Expr, LessThanOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new LessThanExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 42: // Expr -> Expr, AddOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new AddExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 43: // Expr -> Expr, SubtractOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new SubtractExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 44: // Expr -> Expr, MultiplyOperator, Expr { CurrentSemanticValue = new MultiplyExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 45: // Expr -> Expr, SquareBracketOpen, Expr, SquareBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new ArrayLookupExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], (ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 46: // Expr -> Expr, Dot, LengthKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new LengthExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], LineNumber); } break; case 47: // Expr -> Expr, Dot, Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new FieldAccessExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 48: // Expr -> Expr, Dot, Identifier, RoundBracketOpen, ExprList_Opt, // RoundBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new MethodCallExpressionNode((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 6], (IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 4], (ExpressionListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2], LineNumber); } break; case 49: // Expr -> ThisKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new ThisExpressionNode(LineNumber); } break; case 50: // Expr -> Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new IdentifierExpressionNode((IdentifierNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1], LineNumber); } break; case 51: // Expr -> IntegerConstant { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 52: // Expr -> TrueKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 53: // Expr -> FalseKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 54: // Expr -> error, IntegerConstant { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 55: // Expr -> error, TrueKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 56: // Expr -> error, FalseKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 57: // Expr -> error, Identifier { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 58: // Expr -> error, ThisKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 59: // Expr -> error, SquareBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 60: // Expr -> error, RoundBracketClose { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 61: // Expr -> error, LengthKeyword { CurrentSemanticValue = new InvalidExpressionNode(LineNumber); yyclearin(); Analysis.LogSyntaxError("Syntax error", LineNumber); } break; case 62: // ExprList_Opt -> Expr, ExprListRest_Opt { ((ExpressionListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).expressionList.Reverse(); ((ExpressionListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).AddExpression((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 2]); ((ExpressionListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]).expressionList.Reverse(); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]; } break; case 63: // ExprList_Opt -> /* empty */ { new ExpressionListNode(LineNumber); } break; case 64: // ExprListRest_Opt -> ExprListRest_Opt, Comma, Expr { ((ExpressionListNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]).AddExpression((ExpressionNode)ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 1]); CurrentSemanticValue = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth - 3]; } break; case 65: // ExprListRest_Opt -> /* empty */ { CurrentSemanticValue = new ExpressionListNode(LineNumber); } break; } }
public override void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { node.type.Accept(this); node.identifier.Accept(this); }
public virtual void Visit(VariableDeclNode node) { node.type.Accept(this); node.identifier.Accept(this); }