public void Nullable() { // The converter will never be provided with a null value; that's handled elsewhere. // But we need to make sure the nullability is swallowed, effectively. var property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty(nameof(PropertyHolder.NullableTuple2)); var converter = ValueTupleConverter.MaybeCreateConverter(property); Assert.NotNull(converter); var map = new Dictionary <string, Value> { { "name", new Value { StringValue = "abc" } }, { "value", new Value { IntegerValue = 42 } } }; (string name, int value)tuple = ((string, int))converter.DeserializeMap(DeserializationContext, map); Assert.Equal("abc",; Assert.Equal(42, tuple.value); var serialized = converter.Serialize(SerializationContext, tuple); Assert.Equal(map, serialized.MapValue.Fields); }
public void SimpleProperties_DeserializeMap([CombinatorialValues(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)] int arity) { var property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty($"Tuple{arity}"); var converter = ValueTupleConverter.MaybeCreateConverter(property); Assert.NotNull(converter); var map = Enumerable.Range(1, arity).ToDictionary(x => $"v{x}", x => new Value { IntegerValue = x }); var actualTupleValue = converter.DeserializeMap(DeserializationContext, map); var expectedTupleValue = s_sampleValuesByArity[arity]; Assert.Equal(expectedTupleValue, actualTupleValue); }
public void SimpleProperties_Serialize([CombinatorialValues(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)] int arity) { var property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty($"Tuple{arity}"); var converter = ValueTupleConverter.MaybeCreateConverter(property); Assert.NotNull(converter); var actualProtoValue = converter.Serialize(SerializationContext, s_sampleValuesByArity[arity]); var expectedProtoValue = new Value { MapValue = new MapValue { Fields = { { Enumerable.Range(1, arity).ToDictionary(x => $"v{x}", x => new Value { IntegerValue = x }) } } } }; Assert.Equal(expectedProtoValue, actualProtoValue); }
public void CustomConversion() { var property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty(nameof(PropertyHolder.TupleWithGuid)); var converter = ValueTupleConverter.MaybeCreateConverter(property); Assert.NotNull(converter); var tuple = (name : "xyz", guid : Guid.NewGuid()); var serialized = converter.Serialize(SerializationContext, tuple); var expected = new Dictionary <string, Value> { { "name", new Value { StringValue = "xyz" } }, { "guid", new Value { StringValue = $"{CustomGuidConverter.Prefix}{tuple.guid}" } } }; Assert.Equal(expected, serialized.MapValue.Fields); Assert.Equal(tuple, converter.DeserializeValue(DeserializationContext, serialized)); }
public void InvalidProperty(string propertyName) { var property = typeof(PropertyHolder).GetProperty(propertyName); Assert.Null(ValueTupleConverter.MaybeCreateConverter(property)); }