Esempio n. 1
                public Impl(Row input, int pyColIndex, int idvColIndex, ColumnType type, ValuePoker <TSrc> poker)
                    : base(input, pyColIndex)
                    Contracts.Assert(0 <= idvColIndex && idvColIndex < input.Schema.Count);

                    if (type.IsVector)
                        _getVec = RowCursorUtils.GetVecGetterAs <TSrc>((PrimitiveType)type.ItemType, input, idvColIndex);
                        _get = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <TSrc>(type, input, idvColIndex);

                    _poker = poker;
Esempio n. 2
                public Impl(DataViewRow input, int pyColIndex, int idvColIndex, DataViewType type, ValuePoker <TSrc> poker)
                    : base(input, pyColIndex)
                    Contracts.Assert(0 <= idvColIndex && idvColIndex < input.Schema.Count);

                    if (type is VectorDataViewType)
                        _getVec = RowCursorUtils.GetVecGetterAs <TSrc>((PrimitiveDataViewType)type.GetItemType(), input, idvColIndex);
                        _get = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <TSrc>(type, input, idvColIndex);

                    _poker       = poker;
                    _isVarLength = (type.GetValueCount() == 0);
Esempio n. 3
            public static BufferFillerBase Create(EnvironmentBlock *penv, Row input, int pyCol, int idvCol, DataKind dataKind, ColumnType type, void *setter)
                var itemType = type.ItemType;

                // We convert the unsigned types to signed types, with -1 indicating missing in Python.
                if (itemType.KeyCount > 0)
                    var  keyCount = itemType.KeyCount;
                    uint keyMax   = (uint)keyCount;
                    switch (itemType.RawKind)
                    case DataKind.U1:
                        var fnI1 = MarshalDelegate <I1Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <byte> pokeU1 =
                            (byte value, int col, long index) => fnI1(penv, col, index, value > keyMax ? (sbyte)-1 : (sbyte)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <byte>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU1));

                    case DataKind.U2:
                        var fnI2 = MarshalDelegate <I2Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ushort> pokeU2 =
                            (ushort value, int col, long index) => fnI2(penv, col, index, value > keyMax ? (short)-1 : (short)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <ushort>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU2));

                    case DataKind.U4:
                        var fnI4 = MarshalDelegate <I4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <uint> pokeU4 =
                            (uint value, int col, long index) => fnI4(penv, col, index, value > keyMax ? -1 : (int)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <uint>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU4));

                    case DataKind.U8:
                        // We convert U8 key types with key names to I4.
                        fnI4 = MarshalDelegate <I4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ulong> pokeU8 =
                            (ulong value, int col, long index) => fnI4(penv, col, index, value > keyMax ? -1 : (int)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <ulong>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU8));
                // Key type with count=0
                else if (itemType.IsKey)
                    switch (itemType.RawKind)
                    case DataKind.U1:
                        var fnI1 = MarshalDelegate <I1Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <byte> pokeU1 =
                            (byte value, int col, long index) => fnI1(penv, col, index, (sbyte)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <byte>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU1));

                    case DataKind.U2:
                        var fnI2 = MarshalDelegate <I2Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ushort> pokeU2 =
                            (ushort value, int col, long index) => fnI2(penv, col, index, (short)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <ushort>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU2));

                    case DataKind.U4:
                        var fnI4 = MarshalDelegate <I4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <uint> pokeU4 =
                            (uint value, int col, long index) => fnI4(penv, col, index, (int)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <uint>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU4));

                    case DataKind.U8:
                        // We convert U8 key types with key names to I4.
                        fnI4 = MarshalDelegate <I4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ulong> pokeU8 =
                            (ulong value, int col, long index) => fnI4(penv, col, index, (int)(value - 1));
                        return(new Impl <ulong>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU8));
                    switch (dataKind)
                    case DataKind.R4:
                        var fnR4 = MarshalDelegate <R4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <float> pokeR4 =
                            (float value, int col, long index) => fnR4(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <float>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeR4));

                    case DataKind.R8:
                        var fnR8 = MarshalDelegate <R8Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <double> pokeR8 =
                            (double value, int col, long index) => fnR8(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <double>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeR8));

                    case DataKind.BL:
                        var fnBl = MarshalDelegate <BLSetter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <bool> pokeBl =
                            (bool value, int col, long index) => fnBl(penv, col, index, !value ? (byte)0 : value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0xFF);
                        return(new Impl <bool>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeBl));

                    case DataKind.I1:
                        var fnI1 = MarshalDelegate <I1Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <sbyte> pokeI1 =
                            (sbyte value, int col, long index) => fnI1(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <sbyte>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeI1));

                    case DataKind.I2:
                        var fnI2 = MarshalDelegate <I2Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <short> pokeI2 =
                            (short value, int col, long index) => fnI2(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <short>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeI2));

                    case DataKind.I4:
                        var fnI4 = MarshalDelegate <I4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <int> pokeI4 =
                            (int value, int col, long index) => fnI4(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <int>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeI4));

                    case DataKind.I8:
                        var fnI8 = MarshalDelegate <I8Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <long> pokeI8 =
                            (long value, int col, long index) => fnI8(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <long>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeI8));

                    case DataKind.U1:
                        var fnU1 = MarshalDelegate <U1Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <byte> pokeU1 =
                            (byte value, int col, long index) => fnU1(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <byte>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU1));

                    case DataKind.U2:
                        var fnU2 = MarshalDelegate <U2Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ushort> pokeU2 =
                            (ushort value, int col, long index) => fnU2(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <ushort>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU2));

                    case DataKind.U4:
                        var fnU4 = MarshalDelegate <U4Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <uint> pokeU4 =
                            (uint value, int col, long index) => fnU4(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <uint>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU4));

                    case DataKind.U8:
                        var fnU8 = MarshalDelegate <U8Setter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ulong> pokeU8 =
                            (ulong value, int col, long index) => fnU8(penv, col, index, value);
                        return(new Impl <ulong>(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeU8));

                    case DataKind.TX:
                        var fnTX = MarshalDelegate <TXSetter>(setter);
                        ValuePoker <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > pokeTX =
                            (ReadOnlyMemory <char> value, int col, long index) =>
                            if (value.IsEmpty)
                                fnTX(penv, col, index, null, 0);
                                byte[] bt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value.ToString());

                                fixed(byte *pt = bt)
                                fnTX(penv, col, index, (sbyte *)pt, bt.Length);
                        return(new Impl <ReadOnlyMemory <char> >(input, pyCol, idvCol, type, pokeTX));

                        throw Contracts.Except("Data type not handled");

                Contracts.Assert(false, "Unhandled type!");