Esempio n. 1
 private static IEnumerable <DisasmInstruction> DecodeSourceAnnotatedDisassemblyInstructions(DebuggedProcess process, TupleValue[] items)
     foreach (var item in items)
         uint           line       = item.FindUint("line");
         string         file       = process.GetMappedFileFromTuple(item);
         ValueListValue asm_items  = item.Find <ValueListValue>("line_asm_insn");
         uint           lineOffset = 0;
         foreach (var asm_item in asm_items.Content)
             DisasmInstruction disassemblyData = new DisasmInstruction();
             disassemblyData.Addr          = asm_item.FindAddr("address");
             disassemblyData.AddressString = asm_item.FindString("address");
             disassemblyData.Symbol        = asm_item.TryFindString("func-name");
             disassemblyData.Offset        = asm_item.Contains("offset") ? asm_item.FindUint("offset") : 0;
             disassemblyData.Opcode        = asm_item.FindString("inst");
             disassemblyData.CodeBytes     = asm_item.TryFindString("opcodes");
             disassemblyData.Line          = line;
             disassemblyData.File          = file;
             if (lineOffset == 0)
                 lineOffset = disassemblyData.Offset;    // offset to start of current line
             disassemblyData.OffsetInLine = disassemblyData.Offset - lineOffset;
             yield return(disassemblyData);
Esempio n. 2
 public DebuggedModule(string id, string name, ValueListValue sections, bool symbolsLoaded, uint loadOrder)
     Id       = id;
     Name     = name;
     Sections = new List <Section>();
     SymbolsLoaded = symbolsLoaded;
     SymbolPath    = name;                 // symbols in module
     _loadOrder    = loadOrder;
Esempio n. 3
 public DebuggedModule(string id, string name, ValueListValue sections, bool symbolsLoaded, uint loadOrder)
     Id = id;
     Name = name;
     Sections = new List<Section>();
     SymbolsLoaded = symbolsLoaded;
     SymbolPath = name;                    // symbols in module
     _loadOrder = loadOrder;
Esempio n. 4
        //This method gets the value/type info for the method parameters without creating an MI debugger varialbe for them. For use in the callstack window
        //NOTE: eval is not called
        public async Task <List <SimpleVariableInformation> > GetParameterInfoOnly(AD7Thread thread, ThreadContext ctx)
            List <SimpleVariableInformation> parameters = new List <SimpleVariableInformation>();

            ValueListValue localAndParameters = await MICommandFactory.StackListVariables(PrintValues.SimpleValues, thread.Id, ctx.Level);

            foreach (var results in localAndParameters.Content.Where(r => r.TryFindString("arg") == "1"))
                parameters.Add(new SimpleVariableInformation(results.FindString("name"), /*isParam*/ true, results.FindString("value"), results.FindString("type")));

Esempio n. 5
        internal async Task <uint> ReadProcessMemory(ulong address, uint count, byte[] bytes)
            string  cmd     = "-data-read-memory-bytes " + EngineUtils.AsAddr(address) + " " + count.ToString();
            Results results = await CmdAsync(cmd, ResultClass.None);

            if (results.ResultClass == ResultClass.error)
            ValueListValue mem = results.Find <ValueListValue>("memory");

            if (mem.IsEmpty())
            TupleValue res = mem.Content[0] as TupleValue;

            if (res == null)
            ulong  start   = res.FindAddr("begin");
            ulong  end     = res.FindAddr("end");
            ulong  offset  = res.FindAddr("offset"); // for some reason this is formatted as hex
            string content = res.FindString("contents");
            uint   toRead  = (uint)content.Length / 2;

            if (toRead > count)
                toRead = count;
            // ensure the buffer contains the desired bytes.
            if (start + offset != address)
                throw new MIException(Constants.E_FAIL);

            for (int pos = 0; pos < toRead; ++pos)
                // Decode one byte
                string strByte = content.Substring(pos * 2, 2);
                bytes[pos] = Convert.ToByte(strByte, 16);
Esempio n. 6
        //This method gets the locals and parameters and creates an MI debugger variable for each one so that we can manipulate them (and expand children, etc.)
        //NOTE: Eval is called
        internal async Task <List <VariableInformation> > GetLocalsAndParameters(AD7Thread thread, ThreadContext ctx)
            List <VariableInformation> variables = new List <VariableInformation>();

            ValueListValue localsAndParameters = await MICommandFactory.StackListVariables(PrintValues.NoValues, thread.Id, ctx.Level);

            foreach (var localOrParamResult in localsAndParameters.Content)
                string name    = localOrParamResult.FindString("name");
                bool   isParam = localOrParamResult.TryFindString("arg") == "1";
                SimpleVariableInformation simpleInfo = new SimpleVariableInformation(name, isParam);
                VariableInformation       vi         = await simpleInfo.CreateMIDebuggerVariable(ctx, Engine, thread);


Esempio n. 7
        private async Task <SourceLineMap> LinesForFile(string file)
            string  cmd     = "-symbol-list-lines " + _process.EscapePath(file);
            Results results = await _process.CmdAsync(cmd, ResultClass.None);

            if (results.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)

            ValueListValue lines    = results.Find <ValueListValue>("lines");
            SourceLineMap  linesMap = new SourceLineMap(lines.Content.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Content.Length; ++i)
                ulong addr = lines.Content[i].FindAddr("pc");
                uint  line = lines.Content[i].FindUint("line");
                linesMap.Add(addr, line);
Esempio n. 8
        private async Task <SourceLineMap> LinesForFile(string file)
            string  cmd     = "-symbol-list-lines " + _process.EscapeSymbolPath(file);
            Results results = await _process.CmdAsync(cmd, ResultClass.None);

            if (results.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)

            ValueListValue lines    = results.Find <ValueListValue>("lines");
            SourceLineMap  linesMap = new SourceLineMap(lines.Content.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Content.Length; ++i)
                ulong addr = lines.Content[i].FindAddr("pc");
                uint  line = lines.Content[i].FindUint("line");

                if (linesMap.ContainsKey(addr))
                    // It is actually fairly common for an address to map to more than one line. For instance,
                    // in debug builds destructors can have an entry to line 0 as well as one to the correct line.
                    // Release builds with inlining will hit this very often.
                    // Unforunately, without more context, it is impossible to know which line is the "right" line.
                    // For the inline case, any line will be acceptable. For the destructor case, we should prefer
                    // a non-zero line.
                    if (linesMap[addr].Line == 0)
                        linesMap.Replace(addr, line);
                    linesMap.Add(addr, line);
Esempio n. 9
        private void LoadSections(ValueListValue sectionList)
            if (sectionList == null)
            List <Section> sections = new List <Section>();

            foreach (var s in sectionList.Content)
                string name = s.FindString("name");
                ulong  addr = s.FindAddr("addr");
                uint   size = 0;

                    size = s.FindUint("size");
                catch (OverflowException)
                    //TODO: sometimes for iOS, size is being reported as a number larger than uint
                    //TODO: currnetly, this is only superficial information displayed in the UI.
                    //TODO: so just swallow the exception and show zero.
                    //TODO: this may be a bug in the lldb side

                if (addr != INVALID_ADDRESS)
                    sections.Add(new Section(name, addr, size));
            if (sections.Count > 0)
                Sections = sections;
Esempio n. 10
        private void LoadSections(ValueListValue sectionList)
            if (sectionList == null)
            List<Section> sections = new List<Section>();
            foreach (var s in sectionList.Content)
                string name = s.FindString("name");
                ulong addr = s.FindAddr("addr");
                uint size = 0;

                    size = s.FindUint("size");
                catch (OverflowException)
                    //TODO: sometimes for iOS, size is being reported as a number larger than uint
                    //TODO: currnetly, this is only superficial information displayed in the UI.
                    //TODO: so just swallow the exception and show zero. 
                    //TODO: this may be a bug in the lldb side

                if (addr != INVALID_ADDRESS)
                    sections.Add(new Section(name, addr, size));
            if (sections.Count > 0)
                Sections = sections;
Esempio n. 11
        private static BindResult EvalBindResult(Results bindResult, AD7PendingBreakpoint pbreak)
            string errormsg = "Unknown error";

            if (bindResult.ResultClass == ResultClass.error)
                if (bindResult.Contains("msg"))
                    errormsg = bindResult.FindString("msg");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errormsg))
                    errormsg = "Unknown error";
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            else if (bindResult.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            TupleValue     bkpt = null;
            ValueListValue list = null;

            if (bindResult.Contains("bkpt"))
                ResultValue b = bindResult.Find("bkpt");
                if (b is TupleValue)
                    bkpt = b as TupleValue;
                else if (b is ValueListValue)
                    // "<MULTIPLE>" sometimes includes a list of bound breakpoints
                    list = b as ValueListValue;
                    bkpt = list.Content[0] as TupleValue;
                // If the source file is not found, "done" is the result without a binding
                // (the error is sent via an "&" string and hence lost)
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            Debug.Assert(bkpt.FindString("type") == "breakpoint");

            string number  = bkpt.FindString("number");
            string warning = bkpt.TryFindString("warning");
            string addr    = bkpt.TryFindString("addr");

            PendingBreakpoint bp;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warning))
                return(new BindResult(new PendingBreakpoint(pbreak, number, MIBreakpointState.Pending), warning));
            bp = new PendingBreakpoint(pbreak, number, StringToBreakpointState(addr));
            if (list == null)   // single breakpoint
                BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(bkpt);

                if (bbp == null)
                    return(new BindResult(bp, MICoreResources.Status_BreakpointPending));
                return(new BindResult(bp, bbp));
            else   // <MULTIPLE> with list of addresses
                BindResult res = new BindResult(bp);
                for (int i = 1; i < list.Content.Length; ++i)
                    BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(list.Content[i] as TupleValue);
Esempio n. 12
        internal static async Task <BindResult> Bind(string documentName, uint line, uint column, DebuggedProcess process, string condition, AD7PendingBreakpoint pbreak)
            string  basename   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(documentName);  // get basename from Windows path
            Results bindResult = await process.MICommandFactory.BreakInsert(process.EscapePath(basename), line, condition, ResultClass.None);

            string errormsg = "Unknown error";

            if (bindResult.ResultClass == ResultClass.error)
                if (bindResult.Contains("msg"))
                    errormsg = bindResult.FindString("msg");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errormsg))
                    errormsg = "Unknown error";
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            else if (bindResult.ResultClass != ResultClass.done)
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            TupleValue     bkpt = null;
            ValueListValue list = null;

            if (bindResult.Contains("bkpt"))
                ResultValue b = bindResult.Find("bkpt");
                if (b is TupleValue)
                    bkpt = b as TupleValue;
                else if (b is ValueListValue)
                    // "<MULTIPLE>" sometimes includes a list of bound breakpoints
                    list = b as ValueListValue;
                    bkpt = list.Content[0] as TupleValue;
                // If the source file is not found, "done" is the result without a binding
                // (the error is sent via an "&" string and hence lost)
                return(new BindResult(errormsg));
            Debug.Assert(bkpt.FindString("type") == "breakpoint");

            string number = bkpt.FindString("number");
            string addr   = bkpt.TryFindString("addr");

            PendingBreakpoint bp = new PendingBreakpoint(pbreak, number, StringToBreakpointState(addr));

            if (list == null)   // single breakpoint
                BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(bkpt);

                if (bbp == null)
                    return(new BindResult(bp, MICoreResources.Status_BreakpointPending));
                return(new BindResult(bp, bbp));
            else   // <MULTIPLE> with list of addresses
                BindResult res = new BindResult(bp);
                for (int i = 1; i < list.Content.Length; ++i)
                    BoundBreakpoint bbp = bp.GetBoundBreakpoint(list.Content[i] as TupleValue);