// dot button private void button22_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidatorClass.ValidateOperator(textBox1, ".")) { textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "."; } }
public object SendYzmSms(string mobile) { if (!ValidatorClass.Validator(mobile, CheckType.Mobile, null, false)) { return(new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "参数错误" }); } Random rand = new Random(); string errmsg = null; base_identifycode info = new base_identifycode { code = rand.Next(100000, 999999).ToString(), sendtime = DateTime.Now, endtime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), phone = mobile }; bool success = BaseBLL.PutIdentifyCode(info, out errmsg); if (!success || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(errmsg)) { return new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "写入验证码出错" + errmsg } } ; if (!SmsServiceBLL.SmsSingleSendByYunpian(mobile, info.code, null, null, true, out errmsg)) { return(new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "发送短信出错:" + errmsg }); } return(new { Rcode = 1, Rmsg = "短信已下发,请注意查收" }); }
// +/- operator button private void button23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ValidatorClass.ValidateEntryReturn(textBox1.Text); textBox1.Text = UitlityClass.AppendPlusMinusOperator(textBox1.Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Operation"); } }
// subtraction button private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TextBoxNumber = ValidatorClass.ValidateEntryReturn(textBox1.Text); UitlityClass.ClearTextBox(textBox1); label3.Text = UitlityClass.AddTextToString(TextBoxNumber, " -"); Operation = OperatorCode.SUBTRATION; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Operation"); } }
// Tangent button private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TextBoxNumber = ValidatorClass.ValidateEntryReturn(textBox1.Text); UitlityClass.ClearTextBox(textBox1); label3.Text = UitlityClass.AddTextToString("Tan() ", TextBoxNumber); Operation = OperatorCode.TANGENT; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Operation"); } }
//power button private void button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TextBoxNumber = ValidatorClass.ValidateEntryReturn(textBox1.Text); UitlityClass.ClearTextBox(textBox1); label3.Text = UitlityClass.AddTextToString(TextBoxNumber, " ^"); Operation = OperatorCode.POWER; } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Opeartion"); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes product from the cart. /// </summary> /// <param name="product">Product to delete.</param> public void DeleteFromCart(int id) { try { ValidatorClass.CheckProductById(id); } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } Storage.cart.Remove(id); }
/// <summary> /// 用户注册 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="errmsg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int UserReg(base_user_extend user, out string errmsg) { if (user.usertype == null) { user.usertype = 1; } if (user.sourcetype == null) { user.sourcetype = 3; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.passwd)) { user.passwd = Models.GlobalParameters.DefaultUserPasswd; } if (user.createdtime == null) { user.createdtime = DateTime.Now; } if (user.customerid == null) { user.customerid = 0; } user.status = 1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.phone) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.email)) { errmsg = "手机号码和邮箱至少填写一个"; return(0); } if (!ValidatorClass.Validator(user.phone, CheckType.Mobile, null, true)) { errmsg = "手机号码错误"; return(0); } if (!ValidatorClass.Validator(user.email, CheckType.Email, null, true)) { errmsg = "邮箱错误"; return(0); } if (!ValidatorClass.Validator(user.username, CheckType.Loginid, null, true)) { errmsg = "用户名错误"; return(0); } return(DAL.UserAccountDAL.UserReg(user, out errmsg)); }
public object SendYzmEmail(string email) { if (!ValidatorClass.Validator(email, CheckType.Email, null, false)) { return(new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "参数错误" }); } Random rand = new Random(); string errmsg = null; base_identifycode info = new base_identifycode { code = rand.Next(100000, 999999).ToString(), sendtime = DateTime.Now, endtime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), email = email }; bool success = BaseBLL.PutIdentifyCode(info, out errmsg); if (!success || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(errmsg)) { return new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "写入验证码出错" + errmsg } } ; string subject = Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpSignTitle + "验证邮件"; string content = string.Format("您的验证码为 {0} ,请勿轻易告诉他人!", info.code); NetClass.SmtpServer = Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpServer; NetClass.Account = Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpUser; NetClass.Passwd = Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpPass; NetClass.MailFrom = Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpMail; if (!NetClass.SendMail(email, subject, content, Models.GlobalParameters.SmtpMail, ref errmsg)) { return(new { Rcode = -1, Rmsg = "发送邮件出错:" + errmsg }); } return(new { Rcode = 1, Rmsg = "邮件已发送,请注意查收" }); } }
public void CheckProduct_Test() { SolidProduct _pr = new SolidProduct("The Twisted Ones", "Book", 9.99m, 150); ValidatorClass.ProductValidator(_pr); }
public void PriceValidator_FailTest() { ValidatorClass.PriceValidator(-2.99m); }
public void PriceValidator_Test() { ValidatorClass.PriceValidator(213.233m); }
public void CheckById_Test(int id) { ValidatorClass.CheckProductById(id); Assert.IsNotNull(Storage.products[id].Name); }
public void CheckById_FailTest() { ValidatorClass.CheckProductById(67); }
public void CheckId_Test() { ValidatorClass.CheckIdInStorage(5); }
public void CheckId_FailTest() { ValidatorClass.CheckIdInStorage(1); }
public void StringValidator_Test(string str) { ValidatorClass.StringValidator(str); }
public void CheckProduct_FailTest() { LiquidProduct _pr = new LiquidProduct("0", "Smth", 10.99m, 1); ValidatorClass.ProductValidator(_pr); }
public void CheckProduct_NullTest() { ValidatorClass.ProductValidator(null); }