public static string FirstMenu(User u)
                string usrChoice;

                    Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {u.Username}! Enter -1 to quit. " +
                                      "What would you like to do?" +
                                      "\n3. View Floor" +
                                      "\n4. Book a tour" +
                                      "\n-1. Logout");
                    usrChoice = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (usrChoice == "3") //if user wants matrix printed
                        Console.WriteLine("How many rows does the floor you want to look at have? No more than 6! ");
                        int n = ValidationOptions.ValidateStringToInt(Console.ReadLine());
                        if (n < 7 && n > 0)

                        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue");
                        usrChoice = "0";
                    } //end print 2d matrix
                    if (usrChoice == "4")//if user wants to go on tour

                        Console.WriteLine("Which floor would you like to go?");
                        List <string> lst   = p0Context.FindAllFloors();
                        int           count = 0;
                        foreach (string str in lst)
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{++count}. {str}");
                        int    floorNumberChoice = ValidationOptions.ValidateStringToInt(Console.ReadLine());
                        string floorName         = lst[--floorNumberChoice];

                        Console.WriteLine("What row of the museum floor would you like to visit? Please be nice and enter within expected range....for now.");
                        int usrRowChoice = ValidationOptions.ValidateStringToInt(Console.ReadLine());

                        Tour tour = new Tour();
                        tour = p0Context.FindTour(floorName, usrRowChoice);

                        bool tbool = p0Context.UserGoesOnTour(floorName);

                        if (tbool && tour != null)
                            p0Context.CreateFloorTourUsrLine(floorName, tour.TourID, u.UserID);
                            Console.WriteLine("Tour completed! We hope your pointer had fun!");

                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress enter to continue");
                        Console.ReadLine();//end decision 4
                    }//end go on tour
                }while(usrChoice != "-1");
