Esempio n. 1
        private void LoadData()
            string projectCode = Request["ProjectCode"] + "";
            string costCode    = Request["CostCode"] + "";

            this.lblProjectName.Text = BLL.ProjectRule.GetProjectName(projectCode);

                string flag = "-1";
                V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder sb = new V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder();
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.ProjectCode, projectCode));
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.Flag, flag));
                string     sql     = sb.BuildMainQueryString();
                QueryAgent qa      = new QueryAgent();
                EntityData allCost = qa.FillEntityData("V_CBSCost", sql);
//				allCost.CurrentTable.Columns.Add("IsEnd",System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
//				allCost.CurrentTable.Columns.Add("AccountPoint",System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

                EntityData cbs      = DAL.EntityDAO.CBSDAO.GetCBSByProject(projectCode);
                DataRow[]  drs0     = allCost.CurrentTable.Select("CostCode='" + costCode + "'");
                string     fullCode = (string)drs0[0]["FullCode"];
                string     codes    = "";
                foreach (DataRow dr in allCost.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("FullCode like '{0}%' ", fullCode), "FullCode"))
                    codes += (string)dr["CostCode"] + ",";
                this.txtAllCode.Value = codes;

                this.repeat1.DataSource = new DataView(allCost.CurrentTable, String.Format("FullCode like '{0}%' ", fullCode), "SortID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                // 已经审核过的不能再做估算
                EntityData entity = RmsPM.DAL.EntityDAO.CBSDAO.GetCostEstimateCheckByCode(projectCode);
                if (entity.HasRecord())
                    this.btnSave.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ApplicationLog.WriteLog(this.ToString(), ex, "");
Esempio n. 2
        private void LoadData()
            string budgetCode  = Request["BudgetCode"] + "";
            string costCode    = Request["CostCode"] + "";
            string projectCode = Request["ProjectCode"] + "";

                // 取费用分解结构和估算费用
                V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder sb = new V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder();
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.ProjectCode, projectCode));
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.Flag, "-1"));
                sb.AddOrder("SortID", true);
                string     sql     = sb.BuildMainQueryString();
                QueryAgent qa      = new QueryAgent();
                EntityData allCost = qa.FillEntityData("V_CBSCost", sql);

                DataTable tb = allCost.CurrentTable;
                tb.Columns.Add("BudgetCost");                                           // 预算费用
                tb.Columns.Add("BeforeHappenCost");                                     // 年前发生
                tb.Columns.Add("CurrentPlanCost");                                      // 当年计划
                tb.Columns.Add("AfterPlanCost");                                        // 剩余预算

                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxMonth; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("CurrentPlanCost" + i.ToString());

                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxPeriod; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("AfterPlanCost" + i.ToString());

                // 取相关的成本项
                DataRow[] drs0       = tb.Select("CostCode='" + costCode + "'");
                string    fullCode   = (string)drs0[0]["FullCode"];
                string    costName   = (string)drs0[0]["CostName"];
                int       childCount = (int)drs0[0]["ChildCount"];
                int       deep       = (int)drs0[0]["Deep"];

                DataRow[] drs   = allCost.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("FullCode like '{0}%' ", fullCode), "FullCode");
                string    codes = "";
                foreach (DataRow dr in drs)
                    codes += (string)dr["CostCode"] + ",";
                this.txtAllCode.Value = codes;

                if (budgetCode != "")
                    EntityData budget = DAL.EntityDAO.CBSDAO.GetStandard_BudgetByCode(budgetCode);
                    int        year   = budget.GetInt("IYear");
                    this.txtYear.Value        = year.ToString();
                    this.txtMonth.Value       = budget.GetInt("IMonth").ToString();
                    this.txtPeriodMonth.Value = budget.GetInt("PeriodMonth").ToString();
                    int afterPeriod = budget.GetInt("AfterPeriod");
                    this.txtAfterPeriod.Value = afterPeriod.ToString();

                    int flag        = budget.GetInt("Flag");
                    int periodIndex = budget.GetInt("PeriodIndex");
//					if ( flag != 1 )
//						this.btnModify.Visible = false;

                    int isDynamic = budget.GetInt("IsDynamic");
                    int iLength   = drs.Length;
                    this.tdTitle.InnerHtml = budget.GetString("budgetName") + "  " + costName;

                    // 处理每期预算的名称
                    EntityData planName = DAL.EntityDAO.SystemManageDAO.GetPeriodDefineByProjectCode(projectCode);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= afterPeriod; i++)
                        HtmlTableCell cell = (HtmlTableCell)this.FindControl("tdYearTitle" + i.ToString());
                        if (cell != null)
                            int       index       = periodIndex + i;
                            DataRow[] drYearNames = planName.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("PeriodIndex={0}", index));
                            if (drYearNames.Length > 0)
                                if (!drYearNames[0].IsNull("PeriodName"))
                                    string yearName = (string)drYearNames[0]["PeriodName"];
                                    if (yearName != "")
                                        cell.InnerHtml = yearName;

                    // 预算的控制点
                    // 规则 新预算时,从第一级开始制定,层层制定。
                    DataRow[] drsBudget = budget.Tables["BudgetCost"].Select(String.Format("CostCode='{0}'", costCode));
                    this.btnModify.Visible       = false;
                    this.btnModifyDetail.Visible = false;
                    int accountPoint = 2;
                    if (drsBudget.Length == 0)
                        this.btnModify.Visible = true;
                        if (childCount > 0)
                            this.btnModifyDetail.Visible = true;
                        accountPoint = (int)drsBudget[0]["AccountPoint"];
                        if (accountPoint == 1)
                            this.btnModify.Visible = true;
                            if (childCount > 0)
                                this.btnModifyDetail.Visible = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
                        string tempCode = (string)drs[i]["CostCode"];
                        DataRow[] drSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' ", tempCode));
                        if (drSelect.Length > 0)
                            drs[i]["BudgetCost"]       = drSelect[0]["BudgetCost"];
                            drs[i]["BeforeHappenCost"] = drSelect[0]["BeforeHappenCost"];
                            drs[i]["CurrentPlanCost"]  = drSelect[0]["CurrentPlanCost"];
                            drs[i]["AfterPlanCost"]    = drSelect[0]["AfterPlanCost"];

                        // 取月份
                        drSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' ", tempCode));
                        foreach (DataRow drMonth in drSelect)
                            int month = (int)drMonth["IMonth"];
                            drs[i]["CurrentPlanCost" + month.ToString()] = drMonth["Money"];

                        // 取年份
                        for (int l = 1; l <= IMaxPeriod; l++)
                            int       tempPeriod = l;
                            DataRow[] yearSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' and IYear={1}  ", tempCode, tempPeriod.ToString()));
                            if (yearSelect.Length > 0)
                                drs[i]["AfterPlanCost" + l.ToString()] = yearSelect[0]["Money"];


                this.repeat1.DataSource = new DataView(tb, String.Format(" FullCode like '{0}%' ", fullCode), "FullCode", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ApplicationLog.WriteLog(this.ToString(), ex, "");
Esempio n. 3
        private void LoadData()
            string costCode    = Request["CostCode"] + "";
            string projectCode = Request["ProjectCode"] + "";
            string budgetCode  = Request["BudgetCode"] + "";
            string type        = Request["Type"] + "";

                // 取费用分解结构和估算费用
                V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder sb = new V_CBSCostStrategyBuilder();
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.ProjectCode, projectCode));
                sb.AddStrategy(new Strategy(V_CBSCostStrategyName.Flag, "-1"));
                sb.AddOrder("SortID", true);
                string sql = sb.BuildMainQueryString();

                BudgetStrategyBuilder sb0 = new BudgetStrategyBuilder();
                sb0.AddStrategy(new Strategy(BudgetStrategyName.ProjectCode, projectCode));
                sb0.AddStrategy(new Strategy(BudgetStrategyName.IsDynamic, "0,1"));
                sb0.AddOrder("MakeDate", false);
                string sql0 = sb0.BuildMainQueryString();

                QueryAgent qa        = new QueryAgent();
                EntityData allBudget = qa.FillEntityData("Budget", sql0);
                EntityData allCost   = qa.FillEntityData("V_CBSCost", sql);

                // 找历年的最后一次生效的预算(动态)
                string     lastBudgetCode = "";
                DataRow[]  drLast         = allBudget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format(" BudgetCode <> '{0}' and Flag in (0,2) ", budgetCode), " MakeDate DESC ");
                EntityData lastBudget     = new EntityData("Standard_Budget");
                if (drLast.Length > 0)
                    lastBudgetCode = (string)drLast[0]["BudgetCode"];
                    lastBudget     = DAL.EntityDAO.CBSDAO.GetStandard_BudgetByCode(lastBudgetCode);

                DataTable tb = allCost.CurrentTable;
                tb.Columns.Add("BudgetCost");                                                   // 预算费用
                tb.Columns.Add("BeforeHappenCost");                                             // 年前发生
                tb.Columns.Add("CurrentPlanCost");                                              // 当年计划
                tb.Columns.Add("AfterPlanCost");                                                // 剩余预算

                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxMonth; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("CurrentPlanCost" + i.ToString());
                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxPeriod; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("AfterPlanCost" + i.ToString());

                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxMonth; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("MonthAH" + i.ToString());
                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxMonth; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("MonthUse" + i.ToString());
                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxMonth; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("MonthApply" + i.ToString());

                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxPeriod; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("YearAH" + i.ToString());
                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxPeriod; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("YearUse" + i.ToString());
                for (int i = 1; i <= IMaxPeriod; i++)
                    tb.Columns.Add("YearApply" + i.ToString());

                // 取相关的成本项
                DataRow[] drs0     = tb.Select("CostCode='" + costCode + "'");
                string    fullCode = (string)drs0[0]["FullCode"];
                string    costName = (string)drs0[0]["CostName"];

                DataRow[] drs = null;
                if (type == "Detail")
                    drs = allCost.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("ParentCode = '{0}' or CostCode = '{0}' ", costCode), "SortID");
                    foreach (DataRow drC in drs)
                        string ccc = (string)drC["CostCode"];
                        if (ccc != costCode)
                            drC["ChildCount"] = 0;
                    drs = allCost.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode = '{0}' ", costCode));
                    foreach (DataRow drC in drs)
                        drC["ChildCount"] = 0;

                int    iLength = drs.Length;
                string codes   = "";

                EntityData budget = DAL.EntityDAO.CBSDAO.GetStandard_BudgetByCode(budgetCode);
                int        iYear  = budget.GetInt("IYear");
                int        iMonth = budget.GetInt("IMonth");
                this.txtYear.Value  = iYear.ToString();
                this.txtMonth.Value = iMonth.ToString();
                int periodMonth = budget.GetInt("PeriodMonth");
                this.txtPeriodMonth.Value = periodMonth.ToString();
                int afterPeriod = budget.GetInt("AfterPeriod");
                int periodIndex = budget.GetInt("PeriodIndex");
                this.txtAfterPeriod.Value = afterPeriod.ToString();

                DateTime periodStartDate = DateTime.Parse(budget.GetDateTime("StartDate"));
                // 上一个周期最后一天
                string lastDateLastPeriod = periodStartDate.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                this.lblBudgetName.Text = budget.GetString("BudgetName") + "  " + costName;

                // 处理每期预算的名称
                EntityData planName = DAL.EntityDAO.SystemManageDAO.GetPeriodDefineByProjectCode(projectCode);
                for (int i = 1; i <= afterPeriod; i++)
                    HtmlTableCell cell = (HtmlTableCell)this.FindControl("tdYearTitle" + i.ToString());
                    if (cell != null)
                        int       index       = periodIndex + i;
                        DataRow[] drYearNames = planName.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("PeriodIndex={0}", index));
                        if (drYearNames.Length > 0)
                            if (!drYearNames[0].IsNull("PeriodName"))
                                string yearName = (string)drYearNames[0]["PeriodName"];
                                if (yearName != "")
                                    cell.InnerHtml = yearName;

                for (int i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
                    string tempCode = (string)drs[i]["CostCode"];
                    codes += tempCode + ",";

                    DataRow[] drSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' ", tempCode));
                    if (drSelect.Length > 0)
                        drs[i]["BudgetCost"]       = drSelect[0]["BudgetCost"];
                        drs[i]["BeforeHappenCost"] = drSelect[0]["BeforeHappenCost"];
                        drs[i]["CurrentPlanCost"]  = drSelect[0]["CurrentPlanCost"];
                        drs[i]["AfterPlanCost"]    = drSelect[0]["AfterPlanCost"];
                        drs[i]["BeforeHappenCost"] = BLL.CBSRule.GetAHMoney(tempCode, "", lastDateLastPeriod);

                    // 取月份
                    drSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' ", tempCode));
                    foreach (DataRow drMonth in drSelect)
                        int month = (int)drMonth["IMonth"];

                        // 本期开始时间
                        string tempStartDate = DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0}-{1}-1", iYear, iMonth)).AddMonths(month - 1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        // 本期结束时间
                        string tempEndDate = DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0}-{1}-1", iYear, iMonth)).AddMonths(month).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        // 上期开始时间
                        string preTempStartDate = DateTime.Parse(tempStartDate).AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        // 上期结束时间
                        string preTempEndDate = DateTime.Parse(tempStartDate).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                        decimal monthAH    = decimal.Zero;
                        decimal monthUse   = decimal.Zero;
                        decimal monthApply = decimal.Zero;

                        // 已发生
                        monthAH = BLL.CBSRule.GetAHMoney(tempCode, tempStartDate, tempEndDate, "", "");

                        // 合同占用:
                        // 合同占用 = 本时间段以内的合同款项总和-本时间段内的合同款项中已经发生的部分(该部分已经计算在已发生金额中了)
                        monthUse = BLL.CBSRule.GetContractAllocationCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate)
                                   - BLL.CBSRule.GetContractAllocationHappenedCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate);

                        // 待审批的合同
                        monthApply = BLL.CBSRule.GetApplyContractAllocationCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate);

                        drs[i]["MonthAH" + month.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trAH code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='AH' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                               + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(monthAH) + @"</a>";

                        drs[i]["MonthUse" + month.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trUse code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='Use' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                                + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(monthUse) + "</a>";

                        drs[i]["MonthApply" + month.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trApply code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='Apply' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                                  + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(monthApply) + "</a>";

                        drs[i]["CurrentPlanCost" + month.ToString()] = drMonth["Money"];

                    // 取年份
                    drSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' and IYear <> 0 ", tempCode));
                    foreach (DataRow drYear in drSelect)
                        int    year          = (int)drYear["IYear"];
                        string tempStartDate = periodStartDate.AddMonths(periodMonth * (year + periodIndex)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        string tempEndDate   = periodStartDate.AddMonths(periodMonth * (year + periodIndex + 1)).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                        decimal yearAH    = decimal.Zero;
                        decimal yearUse   = decimal.Zero;
                        decimal yearApply = decimal.Zero;

                        // 已发生
                        yearAH = BLL.CBSRule.GetAHMoney(tempCode, tempStartDate, tempEndDate, "", "");

                        yearUse = BLL.CBSRule.GetContractAllocationCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate)
                                  - BLL.CBSRule.GetContractAllocationHappenedCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate);

                        yearApply = BLL.CBSRule.GetApplyContractAllocationCost(tempCode, "", "", tempStartDate, tempEndDate);

                        drs[i]["YearAH" + year.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trAH code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='AH' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                             + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(yearAH) + "</a>";

                        drs[i]["YearUse" + year.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trUse code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='Use' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                              + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(yearUse) + "</a>";

                        drs[i]["YearApply" + year.ToString()] = @"<a href=## class=trApply code='" + tempCode + @"' startDate='" + tempStartDate + @"' endDate='" + tempEndDate + @"'  NumberType='Apply' onclick='ShowNumberDetail(this.code,this.NumberType,this.startDate,this.endDate);' >"
                                                                + BLL.StringRule.BuildMoneyWanFormatString(yearApply) + "</a>";

                        DataRow[] yearSelect = budget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' and IYear={1}  ", tempCode, year));
                        if (yearSelect.Length > 0)
                            drs[i]["AfterPlanCost" + year.ToString()] = yearSelect[0]["Money"];
                            // 现在IYear是期数。 所以,上次预算的第 5 期,应该等于这次预算的第4期
                            DataRow[] lastYearSelect = lastBudget.CurrentTable.Select(String.Format("CostCode ='{0}' and IYear={1}  ", tempCode, (year + 1)));
                            if (lastYearSelect.Length > 0)
                                drs[i]["AfterPlanCost" + year.ToString()] = lastYearSelect[0]["Money"];

                this.txtAllCode.Value = codes;
                if (type == "Detail")
                    this.repeat1.DataSource = new DataView(tb, String.Format(" ParentCode = '{0}'  or CostCode = '{0}' ", costCode), "SortID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
                    this.repeat1.DataSource = new DataView(tb, String.Format(" CostCode = '{0}' ", costCode), "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);


            catch (Exception ex)
                ApplicationLog.WriteLog(this.ToString(), ex, "");