Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateVideoSettings()
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       formatBlock;

            vcg.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);

            // TODO - Is VIH the right type for all video?
            VIDEOINFOHEADER  vih  = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
            BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = vih.BitmapInfo;

            if (lblCurrentSettings.Text == String.Empty)
                lblCurrentSettings.Text = "Video stream";
                lblCurrentSettings.Text += "\r\n\r\nVideo stream";

            lblCurrentSettings.Text += string.Format("\r\n{0}Resolution: {1}x{2}" +
                                                     "\r\n{0}Frame rate: {3} fps \r\n{0}Color space: {4} ({5} bit)" +
                                                     "\r\n{0}Uncompressed bit rate: {6} Kbps",
                                                     TAB, bmih.Width, bmih.Height, vih.FrameRate.ToString("F2"),
                                                     MediaType.SubType.GuidToString(mt.subtype), bmih.BitCount,
                                                     (uint)(bmih.Width * bmih.Height * bmih.BitCount * vih.FrameRate) / 1000);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Gets the size of a frame based on a video's media type.</summary>
        /// <param name="mediaType">The media type of the video.</param>
        /// <returns>The size of a frame in the video.</returns>
        private static Size GetFrameSize(_AMMediaType mediaType)
            VIDEOINFOHEADER videoInfo = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
                mediaType.pbFormat, typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER));

            return(new Size(videoInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth, videoInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight));
Esempio n. 3
        private void UpdateVideoBox()
            btnAdvancedVideoSettings.Enabled = true;
            lblVideoInfo.Enabled             = true;

            // Update video info about the camera
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       formatBlock;

            vcg.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);

            // TODO - Is VIH the right type for all video
            VIDEOINFOHEADER  vih  = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
            BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = vih.BitmapInfo;

            string info = string.Format("Resolution: {0}x{1}\r\nFrame rate: {2} fps",
                                        bmih.Width, bmih.Height, vih.FrameRate.ToString("F2"));

            if (vcg.Compressor == null)
                info += string.Format("\r\nCompressor: Disabled");
                info += string.Format("\r\nCompressed bit rate: {0} Kbps",
                                      vcg.VideoCompressor.QualityInfo.BitRate / 1000);

            lblVideoInfo.Text = info;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// By default, we use the WMVideo9 Encoder DMO, WMV1 media type
        /// We support 3 basic default bit rates for video
        /// 100 Kbps for video &lt; 320 x 240
        /// 300 Kbps for video &gte; 320 x 240 && &lt; 640 x 480
        /// 1   Mbps for video &gte; 640 x 480
        /// </summary>
        private void DefaultVideoCompressorSettings()
            // Read camera's current media type
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       fb;

            cg.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out fb);

            int bmpRes = 640 * 480;

            if (fb is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                bmpRes = vih.BitmapInfo.Height * vih.BitmapInfo.Width;
            else if (fb is DVINFO)
                DVCaptureGraph dvcg = cg as DVCaptureGraph;
                if (dvcg != null)
                    dvcg.GetVideoMediaType(out mt, out fb);
                    if (fb is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                        VIDEOINFOHEADER vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)fb;
                        bmpRes = vih.BitmapInfo.Height * vih.BitmapInfo.Width;
                                         "We were expecting a DVINFO or VIDEOINFOHEADER format block, not a {0}",

            // Construct the compressor settings
            VideoCompressorQualityInfo vcqi = DefaultQualityInfo();

            if (bmpRes < 320 * 240)
                vcqi.BitRate = 100000;
            else if (bmpRes < 640 * 480)
                vcqi.BitRate = 300000;
                vcqi.BitRate = 1000000;

            // Set the Video Compressor's Quality
            vcg.VideoCompressor.QualityInfo = vcqi;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// By default, we use the WMVideo9 Encoder DMO, WMV1 media type
        /// We support 3 basic default bit rates for video
        /// 100 Kbps for video &lt; 320 x 240
        /// 300 Kbps for video &gte; 320 x 240 && &lt; 640 x 480
        /// 1   Mbps for video &gte; 640 x 480
        /// </summary>
        private void DefaultVideoCompressorSettings()
            // Read camera's current media type
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       fb;

            vcg.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out fb);

            if (!(fb is VIDEOINFOHEADER))
                Debug.Fail("We were expecting a VIDEOINFOHEADER format block, not a " +

            // Construct the compressor settings
            VideoCompressorQualityInfo vcqi = DefaultQualityInfo();

            int             bmpRes = vih.BitmapInfo.Height * vih.BitmapInfo.Width;

            if (bmpRes < 320 * 240)
                vcqi.BitRate = 100000;
            else if (bmpRes < 640 * 480)
                vcqi.BitRate = 300000;
                vcqi.BitRate = 1000000;

            // Set the Video Compressor's Quality
            vcg.VideoCompressor.QualityInfo = vcqi;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// プレイヤーの接続
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        private void Player_Connect(string filename)
            #region グラフビルダーの生成:
                Graph = (IGraphBuilder)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph);
                if (Graph == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder.");

                Builder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2);
                if (Builder == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder.");

            #region  像入力用: ソースフィルタを生成します.
                Graph.AddSourceFilter(filename, "VideoSource", ref VideoSource);
                if (VideoSource == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoSource.");

            #region  像捕獲用: サンプルグラバーを生成します.
                VideoGrabber = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_SampleGrabber);
                if (VideoGrabber == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoGrabber.");
                Graph.AddFilter(VideoGrabber, "VideoGrabber");

                // サンプルグラバフィルタの入力形式設定.
                // SetMediaType で必要なメディア タイプを指定します。
                // ※AM_MEDIA_TYPE 構造体のメンバをすべて設定する必要はない。
                // ※デフォルトでは、サンプル グラバに優先メディア タイプはない。
                // ※サンプル グラバを正しいフィルタに確実に接続するには、フィルタ グラフを作成する前にこのメソッドを呼び出す。
                // majortype:
                // subtype  :
                    var grabber = (ISampleGrabber)VideoGrabber;

                    var mt = new AM_MEDIA_TYPE();
                    mt.majortype  = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video);
                    mt.subtype    = new Guid(GUID.MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24);
                    mt.formattype = new Guid(GUID.FORMAT_VideoInfo);
                    grabber.SetBufferSamples(false);                                    // サンプルコピー 無効.
                    grabber.SetOneShot(false);                                          // One Shot 無効.
                    //grabber.SetCallback(VideoGrabberCB, 0);	// 0:SampleCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.
                    grabber.SetCallback(VideoGrabberCB, 1);                             // 1:BufferCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.

            #region 音声捕獲用: サンプルグラバーを生成します.
                AudioGrabber = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_SampleGrabber);
                if (AudioGrabber == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a AudioGrabber.");
                Graph.AddFilter(AudioGrabber, "AudioGrabber");

                // サンプルグラバフィルタの入力形式設定.
                // SetMediaType で必要なメディア タイプを指定します。
                // ※AM_MEDIA_TYPE 構造体のメンバをすべて設定する必要はない。
                // ※デフォルトでは、サンプル グラバに優先メディア タイプはない。
                // ※サンプル グラバを正しいフィルタに確実に接続するには、フィルタ グラフを作成する前にこのメソッドを呼び出す。
                // majortype:
                // subtype  :
                    var grabber = (ISampleGrabber)AudioGrabber;

                    var mt = new AM_MEDIA_TYPE();
                    mt.majortype  = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Audio);
                    mt.subtype    = new Guid(GUID.MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM);
                    mt.formattype = new Guid(GUID.FORMAT_WaveFormatEx);
                    grabber.SetBufferSamples(false);                                    // サンプルコピー 無効.
                    grabber.SetOneShot(false);                                          // One Shot 無効.
                    //grabber.SetCallback(AudioGrabberCB, 0);	// 0:SampleCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.
                    grabber.SetCallback(AudioGrabberCB, 1);                             // 1:BufferCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.

            #region  像出力用: レンダラーを生成します.
                VideoRenderer = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer);
                if (VideoRenderer == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoRenderer.");
                Graph.AddFilter(VideoRenderer, "VideoRenderer");

            #region 音声出力用: レンダラーを生成します.
                AudioRenderer = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer);
                if (AudioRenderer == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a AudioRenderer.");
                Graph.AddFilter(AudioRenderer, "AudioRenderer");

            #region フィルタの接続:
            if (filename.EndsWith(".avi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                #region AVI 形式ファイル用の初期化:
                    HRESULT hr;

                    // AVI 分離器の追加:
                    Splitter = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_AviSplitter);
                    if (Splitter == null)
                        throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a Splitter.");
                    Graph.AddFilter(Splitter, "Splitter");

                    // フィルタの接続: (AVI 分離器)
                    hr = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, VideoSource, null, Splitter);
                    if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK)
                        throw new CxDSException(hr);

                    // フィルタの接続: (映像入力)
                    var mediatype_video = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video);
                    hr = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype_video), Splitter, VideoGrabber, VideoRenderer);
                    if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK)
                        throw new CxDSException(hr);

                    // フィルタの接続: (音声入力) ※ Audioless も有る.
                        var mediatype_audio = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Audio);
                        hr = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype_audio), Splitter, AudioGrabber, AudioRenderer);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
            else if (
                filename.EndsWith(".asf", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                filename.EndsWith(".wmv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                #region WMV 形式ファイル用の初期化:
                    HRESULT hr;

                    // フィルタの接続: (映像入力)
                    var mediatype_video = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video);
                    hr = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype_video), VideoSource, VideoGrabber, VideoRenderer);
                    if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK)
                        throw new CxDSException(hr);

                    // フィルタの接続: (音声入力)
                    var mediatype_audio = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Audio);
                    hr = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype_audio), VideoSource, AudioGrabber, AudioRenderer);
                    if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK)
                        throw new CxDSException(hr);

            // 同期用: サンプルグラバーのイベント登録:
            VideoGrabberCB.Enable  = true;
            VideoGrabberCB.Notify += VideoGrabberCB_Notify;
            VideoInfoHeader        = Axi.GetVideoInfo((ISampleGrabber)VideoGrabber);
        private void UpdateVideoSettings()
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       formatBlock;

            vc.CaptureGraph.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);

            VIDEOINFOHEADER vih           = new VIDEOINFOHEADER();
            bool            unknownFormat = false;

            if (formatBlock is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
            else if (formatBlock is DVINFO)
                DVCaptureGraph dvcg = vc.CaptureGraph as DVCaptureGraph;
                if (dvcg != null)
                    dvcg.GetVideoMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);
                    if (formatBlock is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                        vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
                        unknownFormat = true;
                    unknownFormat = true;
                unknownFormat = true;

            if (unknownFormat)
                lblCurrentSettings.Text += "Unknown Video Format";

            BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = vih.BitmapInfo;

            if (lblCurrentSettings.Text == String.Empty)
                lblCurrentSettings.Text = Strings.VideoStream;
                lblCurrentSettings.Text += "\r\n\r\n" + Strings.VideoStream;

            lblCurrentSettings.Text += string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\r\n" +
                                                     Strings.AdvancedVideoSettingsStatus, TAB, bmih.Width, bmih.Height,
                                                     vih.FrameRate.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MediaType.SubType.GuidToString(mt.subtype),
                                                     bmih.BitCount, (uint)(bmih.Width * bmih.Height * bmih.BitCount * vih.FrameRate) / 1000);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// カメラの接続
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="pinno"></param>
        /// <param name="frameSize"></param>
        private void Camera_Connect(CxFilterInfo filterInfo, int pinno, Size frameSize)
            #region グラフビルダーの生成:
                Graph = (IGraphBuilder)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph);
                if (Graph == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder.");

                Builder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2);
                if (Builder == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder.");

            #region  像入力用: ソースフィルタを生成します.
                VideoSource = Axi.CreateFilter(GUID.CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, filterInfo.CLSID, filterInfo.Index);
                if (VideoSource == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoSource.");
                Graph.AddFilter(VideoSource, "VideoSource");

                // フレームサイズを設定します.
                // ※注) この操作は、ピンを接続する前に行う必要があります.
                IPin pin = Axi.FindPin(VideoSource, pinno, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT);
                Axi.SetFormatSize(pin, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height);

            #region  像捕獲用: サンプルグラバーを生成します.
                VideoGrabber = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_SampleGrabber);
                if (VideoGrabber == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoGrabber.");
                Graph.AddFilter(VideoGrabber, "VideoGrabber");

                // サンプルグラバフィルタの入力形式設定.
                // SetMediaType で必要なメディア タイプを指定します。
                // ※AM_MEDIA_TYPE 構造体のメンバをすべて設定する必要はない。
                // ※デフォルトでは、サンプル グラバに優先メディア タイプはない。
                // ※サンプル グラバを正しいフィルタに確実に接続するには、フィルタ グラフを作成する前にこのメソッドを呼び出す。
                // majortype:
                // subtype  :
                    var grabber = (ISampleGrabber)VideoGrabber;

                    var mt = new AM_MEDIA_TYPE();
                    mt.majortype  = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video);
                    mt.subtype    = new Guid(GUID.MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24);
                    mt.formattype = new Guid(GUID.FORMAT_VideoInfo);
                    grabber.SetBufferSamples(false);                                    // サンプルコピー 無効.
                    grabber.SetOneShot(false);                                          // One Shot 無効.
                    //grabber.SetCallback(VideoGrabberCB, 0);	// 0:SampleCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.
                    grabber.SetCallback(VideoGrabberCB, 1);                             // 1:BufferCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する.

            #region  像出力用: レンダラーを生成します.
                VideoRenderer = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer);
                if (VideoRenderer == null)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a VideoRenderer.");
                Graph.AddFilter(VideoRenderer, "VideoRenderer");

            #region フィルタの接続:
                var mediatype = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video);
                var hr        = (HRESULT)Builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype), VideoSource, VideoGrabber, VideoRenderer);
                if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK)
                    throw new CxDSException(hr);

            // 同期用: サンプルグラバーのイベント登録:
            VideoGrabberCB.Enable  = true;
            VideoGrabberCB.Notify += VideoGrabberCB_Notify;
            VideoInfoHeader        = Axi.GetVideoInfo((ISampleGrabber)VideoGrabber);

            // カメラ制御インターフェースの抽出.
            CameraControl = Axi.GetInterface <IAMCameraControl>(this.Graph);
Esempio n. 9
        private StreamInfo GatherStreamInfo(AMMediaType pmt)
            var streamInfo = new StreamInfo();

            streamInfo.MajorType  = pmt.majorType;
            streamInfo.SubType    = pmt.subType;
            streamInfo.FormatType = pmt.formatType;

            if (pmt.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo)
                // Check the buffer size.
                if (pmt.formatSize >= Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)))
                    VIDEOINFOHEADER pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER));
                    streamInfo.dwBitRate       = pVih.dwBitRate;
                    streamInfo.AvgTimePerFrame = pVih.AvgTimePerFrame;
                    streamInfo.Flags           = StreamInfoFlags.SI_VIDEOBITRATE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FRAMERATE;

                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.right, pVih.bmiHeader.biWidth);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.bottom, pVih.bmiHeader.biHeight);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = SourceRect.right;
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = SourceRect.bottom;

                streamInfo.Flags |= (StreamInfoFlags.SI_RECT | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FOURCC);
            else if (pmt.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo2)
                // Check the buffer size.
                if (pmt.formatSize >= Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER2)))
                    VIDEOINFOHEADER2 pVih2 = (VIDEOINFOHEADER2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER2));
                    streamInfo.dwBitRate          = pVih2.dwBitRate;
                    streamInfo.AvgTimePerFrame    = pVih2.AvgTimePerFrame;
                    streamInfo.dwPictAspectRatioX = pVih2.dwPictAspectRatioX;
                    streamInfo.dwPictAspectRatioY = pVih2.dwPictAspectRatioY;
                    streamInfo.dwInterlaceFlags   = pVih2.dwInterlaceFlags;
                    streamInfo.Flags = StreamInfoFlags.SI_VIDEOBITRATE |
                                       StreamInfoFlags.SI_FRAMERATE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_ASPECTRATIO |

                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.right, pVih2.bmiHeader.biWidth);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.bottom, pVih2.bmiHeader.biHeight);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = SourceRect.right;
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = SourceRect.bottom;

                streamInfo.Flags |= (StreamInfoFlags.SI_RECT | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FOURCC);
            else if (pmt.formatType == FormatType.WaveEx)
                // Check the buffer size.
                if (pmt.formatSize >= /*Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WAVEFORMATEX))*/ 18)
                    WAVEFORMATEX pWfx = (WAVEFORMATEX)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, typeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
                    streamInfo.wFormatTag      = pWfx.wFormatTag;
                    streamInfo.nSamplesPerSec  = pWfx.nSamplesPerSec;
                    streamInfo.nChannels       = pWfx.nChannels;
                    streamInfo.wBitsPerSample  = pWfx.wBitsPerSample;
                    streamInfo.nAvgBytesPerSec = pWfx.nAvgBytesPerSec;
                    streamInfo.Flags           = StreamInfoFlags.SI_WAVEFORMAT |
                                                 StreamInfoFlags.SI_SAMPLERATE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_WAVECHANNELS |
                                                 StreamInfoFlags.SI_BITSPERSAMPLE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_AUDIOBITRATE;
            else if (pmt.formatType == FormatType.MpegVideo)
                // Check the buffer size.
                if (pmt.formatSize >= Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MPEG1VIDEOINFO)))
                    MPEG1VIDEOINFO pM1vi = (MPEG1VIDEOINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, typeof(MPEG1VIDEOINFO));
                    streamInfo.dwBitRate       = pM1vi.hdr.dwBitRate;
                    streamInfo.AvgTimePerFrame = pM1vi.hdr.AvgTimePerFrame;
                    streamInfo.Flags           = StreamInfoFlags.SI_VIDEOBITRATE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FRAMERATE;

                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.right, pM1vi.hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.bottom, pM1vi.hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = SourceRect.right;
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = SourceRect.bottom;

                streamInfo.Flags |= (StreamInfoFlags.SI_RECT | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FOURCC);
            else if (pmt.formatType == FormatType.Mpeg2Video)
                // Check the buffer size.
                if (pmt.formatSize >= Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MPEG2VIDEOINFO)))
                    MPEG2VIDEOINFO pM2vi = (MPEG2VIDEOINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, typeof(MPEG2VIDEOINFO));
                    streamInfo.dwBitRate          = pM2vi.hdr.dwBitRate;
                    streamInfo.AvgTimePerFrame    = pM2vi.hdr.AvgTimePerFrame;
                    streamInfo.dwPictAspectRatioX = pM2vi.hdr.dwPictAspectRatioX;
                    streamInfo.dwPictAspectRatioY = pM2vi.hdr.dwPictAspectRatioY;
                    streamInfo.dwInterlaceFlags   = pM2vi.hdr.dwInterlaceFlags;
                    streamInfo.Flags = StreamInfoFlags.SI_VIDEOBITRATE | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FRAMERATE |
                                       StreamInfoFlags.SI_ASPECTRATIO | StreamInfoFlags.SI_INTERLACEMODE;

                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.right, pM2vi.hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = GetVideoDimension(SourceRect.bottom, pM2vi.hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight);
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.right  = SourceRect.right;
                    streamInfo.rcSrc.bottom = SourceRect.bottom;

                streamInfo.Flags |= (StreamInfoFlags.SI_RECT | StreamInfoFlags.SI_FOURCC);

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Hardcode video config for testing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ConfigVideo()
            // Basic video settings:
            int w   = 320;
            int h   = 240;
            int fps = 30;

            // For RGB24:
            ushort bpp   = 24;
            uint   comp  = 0;
            GUID   stype = WMGuids.ToGUID(WMGuids.WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24);

            // ..or for I420:
            //WORD bpp=12;
            //DWORD comp=0x30323449;
            //GUID stype= WMMEDIASUBTYPE_I420;

            // Settings for the video stream:
            //  DWORD  biSize = size of the struct in bytes.. 40
            //	LONG   biWidth - Frame width
            //	LONG   biHeight	- height could be negative indicating top-down dib.
            //	WORD   biPlanes - must be 1.
            //	WORD   biBitCount 24 in our sample with RGB24
            //	DWORD  biCompression 0 for RGB
            //	DWORD  biSizeImage in bytes.. biWidth*biHeight*biBitCount/8
            //	LONG   biXPelsPerMeter 0
            //	LONG   biYPelsPerMeter 0;
            //	DWORD  biClrUsed must be 0
            //	DWORD  biClrImportant 0
            //	notes:
            //		biCompression may be a packed 'fourcc' code, for example I420 is 0x30323449, IYUV = 0x56555949...
            //		I420 and IYUV are identical formats.  They use 12 bits per pixel, and are planar,  comprised of
            //		nxm Y plane followed by n/2 x m/2 U and V planes.  Each plane is 8bits deep.


            bi.Size          = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(bi);
            bi.Width         = w;
            bi.Height        = h;
            bi.Planes        = 1;      //always 1.
            bi.BitCount      = bpp;
            bi.Compression   = comp;   //RGB is zero.. uncompressed.
            bi.SizeImage     = (uint)(w * h * bpp / 8);
            bi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.ClrUsed       = 0;
            bi.ClrImportant  = 0;

            //  RECT  rcSource;
            //	RECT  rcTarget;
            //	DWORD  dwBitRate.. bps.. Width*Height*BitCount*Rate.. 320*240*24*29.93295=55172414
            //	DWORD  dwBitErrorRate zero in our sample.
            //	LONGLONG  AvgTimePerFrame in 100ns units.. 334080=10000*1000/29.93295
            //	BITMAPINFOHEADER  bmiHeader copy of the above struct.
            RECT            r  = new RECT();

            r.Left    = r.Top = 0;
            r.Bottom  = bi.Height;
            r.Right   = bi.Width;
            vi.Source = r;
            //			vi.Source.Left	= 0;
            //			vi.Source.Top	= 0;
            //			vi.Source.Bottom = bi.Height;
            //			vi.Source.Right	= bi.Width;
            vi.Target          = vi.Source;
            vi.BitRate         = (uint)(w * h * bpp * fps);
            vi.BitErrorRate    = 0;
            vi.AvgTimePerFrame = (long)((10000 * 1000) / fps);
            vi.BitmapInfo      = bi;

            IntPtr viPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(vi));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(vi, viPtr, true);

            // WM_MEDIA_TYPE
            //	GUID  majortype WMMEDIATYPE_Video
            //	GUID  subtype WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 in our sample
            //	BOOL  bFixedSizeSamples TRUE
            //	BOOL  bTemporalCompression FALSE
            //	ULONG  lSampleSize in bytes This was zero in our sample, but could be 320*240*24/8=230400
            //	GUID  formattype WMFORMAT_VideoInfo
            //	IUnknown*  pUnk NULL
            //	ULONG  cbFormat size of the WMVIDEOINFOHEADER
            //	[size_is(cbFormat)] BYTE  *pbFormat pointer to the WMVIDEOINFOHEADER

            //Note WM_MEDIA_TYPE is the same as Directshow's AM_MEDIA_TYPE.
            //WM_MEDIA_TYPE   mt;
            _WMMediaType mt = new _WMMediaType();

            mt.majortype            = WMGuids.ToGUID(WMGuids.WMMEDIATYPE_Video);
            mt.subtype              = stype;
            mt.bFixedSizeSamples    = 1;
            mt.bTemporalCompression = 0;
            //mt.lSampleSize = w * h * bpp / 8;  // this was zero in avinetwrite!
            mt.lSampleSize = 0;             //hmm.  Don't think it matters??
            mt.formattype  = WMGuids.ToGUID(WMGuids.WMFORMAT_VideoInfo);
            mt.pUnk        = null;
            mt.cbFormat    = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(vi);
            mt.pbFormat    = viPtr;

            bool ret = ConfigVideo(mt);
