/// <summary> /// Start listening on a specific port. /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port.</param> public void Start(int port) { if (!listener.IsListening) { listener.Prefixes.Add(String.Format(@"http://*:{0}/", port)); listener.Start(); // Reset events stop.Reset(); ready.Reset(); // Threads listenerThread = new Thread(HandleRequest); workerThread = new Thread(Worker); listenerThread.Start(); workerThread.Start(); } else { if (Config.DebugLog != (int)DebugState.None) { VDebug.LogWarningFormat("[Volplane (Web Listener)] WebListener already running on port: {0}.", port); } } }
public string FindByColumnValue(string c, string v) { string json = "{\"" + c + "\":\"" + v + "\"}"; VDebug.Log("FindByColumnValue json: " + json); return(FindByColumnValue(json)); }
private void OnBuddyBlocked(BaseEvent evt) { Buddy buddy = (Buddy)evt.Params["buddy"]; string message = (buddy.IsBlocked ? " blocked" : "unblocked"); VDebug.LogError("Buddy " + buddy.Name + " is " + message); }
public void Delete() { string sql = "delete from " + this.TableName + this.whereCondition; VDebug.Track(sql); this.mysqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
private void OnExtensionResponse(BaseEvent evt) { VDebug.LogError("Extension response"); string cmd = (string)evt.Params["cmd"]; if (cmd == "add") { SFSObject pObj = (SFSObject)evt.Params["params"]; VDebug.LogError("Success! " + pObj.GetInt("res")); } else if (cmd == "admMsg") { VDebug.LogError("admin message response!"); } else if (cmd == "guicmd") { SFSObject pObj = (SFSObject)evt.Params["params"]; string js = pObj.GetUtfString("js"); VDebug.LogError("guicmd executing: " + js); GameGUI.Inst.ExecuteJavascriptOnGui(js); } else if (cmd == "numUsers") { SFSObject pObj = (SFSObject)evt.Params["params"]; string room = pObj.GetUtfString("room"); int users = pObj.GetInt("users"); VDebug.LogError(room + " has " + users + " users"); GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.SendGuiLayerNumUsersInRoom(room, users); } }
void InitBrowserTexture() { bTex = GetComponent <CollabBrowserTexture>(); bTex.AddLoadCompleteEventListener(OnLoadComplete); if (bTex.id == CollabBrowserId.NONE) { bTex.id = CollabBrowserId.TEAMWEB + id; } if (GameManager.Inst.ServerConfig == "LocalTest" && id == 6) { VDebug.LogError("UCI Hack for id 6 -- making id slide presenter for backwards compatiblity"); bTex.id = CollabBrowserId.SLIDEPRESENT; return; } if (CommunicationManager.redirectVideo) { bTex.redirectLoadingURL.Add("www.youtube.com", RedirectHelper.HandleYouTube); bTex.redirectLoadingURL.Add("vimeo.com", RedirectHelper.HandleVimeo); } // lock down team room screens, open them up on the guilayer side. if (GameManager.Inst.ServerConfig != "UCI") { bTex.minWriteAccessType = PlayerType.LEADER; } }
} // End of Awake(). void Start(){ if(isLocalPlayer || (playerScript != null && playerScript.isBot)){ navAgent = gameObject.AddComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); navAgent.angularSpeed = 9999f; navAgent.height = 3.5f; navAgent.speed = 0f; } if (isLocalPlayer && loadDestinationIndicators) { if (goToIndicatorPrefab == null || pathfindingDest == null){ VDebug.LogError("Warning: goto indicator and/or pathfinding destination prefab(s) have not been set"); if (goToIndicatorPrefab == null) goToIndicatorPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Avatars/Effects/PathfindingGoTo"); if (pathfindingDest == null) pathfindingDestPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Avatars/Effects/PathfindingDest"); } goToIndicator = Instantiate(goToIndicatorPrefab) as GameObject; pathfindingDest = Instantiate(pathfindingDestPrefab) as GameObject; } else{ goToIndicator = new GameObject(); pathfindingDest = new GameObject(); } } // End of Start().
public bool Insert(Condition data) { String sql = "insert into " + this.TableName; int i = 0; String fields = "("; String values = "("; foreach (var key in data.Keys) { fields += key; values += "'" + data[key] + "'"; if (data.Keys.Count - 1 != i) { fields += " , "; values += " , "; } i++; } fields += ")"; values += ")"; sql += fields + " value" + values; VDebug.Track(sql); this.mysqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
private void setCO2Values() { float co2Current = -1.0f; float co2Cap = -1.0f; JSValue result = bTex.ExecuteJavaScriptWithResult("var elem = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv_invbudget').getElementsByTagName('nobr'); if (elem != null) {elem.item(3).firstChild.nodeValue;}"); if (IsValidJavaResult(result)) { co2Current = (float)result.ToDouble(); } else { VDebug.LogError("Failed to set current CO2 value."); } result = bTex.ExecuteJavaScriptWithResult("var elem = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv_invbudget').getElementsByTagName('nobr'); if (elem != null) {elem.item(2).firstChild.nodeValue;}"); if (IsValidJavaResult(result)) { co2Cap = (float)result.ToDouble(); } else { VDebug.LogError("Failed to set cap CO2 value."); } if (co2Cap != -1.0f && co2Current != -1.0f) { BizSimManager.Inst.Polluting = co2Current > co2Cap; } }
public static void SetPlayMode(string playModeStr) { if (GameManager.buildType == GameManager.BuildType.DEMO) { VDebug.LogError("Demo version, forcing sim to demo bizsimType"); playMode = SimPlayMode.DEMO; return; } switch (playModeStr.ToLower()) { case "singleplayer": case "single": playMode = SimPlayMode.SINGLE_PLAYER; break; case "demo": playMode = SimPlayMode.DEMO; break; case "multiplayer": case "multi": playMode = SimPlayMode.MULTI_PLAYER; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown playmode: " + playModeStr); break; } }
private void OnBeginLoading(System.Object sender, Awesomium.Mono.BeginLoadingEventArgs args) { if (args.Url.Length < 1) { return; } if (IsBlackListedLoad(args.Url)) { webView.GoBack(); return; } if (HandleRedirectLoad(args.Url)) { return; } SetToLoadingTexture(); if (args.Url != lastURL) { lastURL = args.Url; RaiseLoadBeginEvent(args.Url); } else { VDebug.Log("skipping url: " + args.Url); } goingBack = false; goingForward = false; }
void Update() { if (www != null && sendGuilayerProgress && Time.frameCount % 2 == 0) { GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.SendGuiLayerProgress(name, www.progress); VDebug.LogError("Download Progress: " + www.progress); } }
public void RefreshWebView() { if (CheckWebView() && !webView.IsLoadingPage) { VDebug.Log("Refresh server data"); webView.Reload(); } }
public bool ExecuteJavascript(string cmd) { if (!loading && htmlPanel != null) { VDebug.Log("HTMLGuiLayer - ExecuteJavascript: " + cmd); htmlPanel.browserTexture.ExecuteJavaScript(cmd); } return(!loading); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when websocket connection is opened. /// </summary> protected override void OnOpen() { base.OnOpen(); if (Config.DebugLog != (int)DebugState.None) { VDebug.LogFormat("[Volplane (Websocket Service)] Socket connection opened on port: {0:D}.", Config.LocalWebsocketPort); } }
public MysqlHelper(ConnectParam connectParam) { this.ConnectParams = connectParam; this.ConnectionString = "server=" + connectParam.Server + ";user id=" + connectParam.UserID + ";password="******";database=" + connectParam.Database; VDebug.Track(this.ConnectionString); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when websocket connection throws an error. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Error event data.</param> protected override void OnError(ErrorEventArgs e) { base.OnError(e); if (Config.DebugLog != (int)DebugState.None) { VDebug.LogErrorFormat("[Volplane (Websocket Service)] {0:G}", e.Message); VDebug.LogException(e.Exception); } }
/// <summary> /// Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded. /// </summary> void Awake() { if (Instance != null) { Destroy(this); return; } debugs = new List <string>(); Instance = this; }
public bool GetBoolean(string key) { var value = GetValue(key); if (value == null) { VDebug.LogError(key + " == null"); return(false); } return(value.Boolean); }
public double GetNumber(string key) { var value = GetValue(key); if (value == null) { VDebug.LogError(key + " == null"); return(double.NaN); } return(value.Number); }
public JSValue ExecuteJavascriptWithValue(string cmd) { JSValue ret = null; if (!loading && htmlPanel != null) { VDebug.Log("HTMLGuiLayer - ExecuteJavascriptWithValue: " + cmd); ret = htmlPanel.browserTexture.ExecuteJavaScriptWithResult(cmd); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when websocket connection is closed. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Closed event data.</param> protected override void OnClose(CloseEventArgs e) { base.OnClose(e); // TODO: Inform VolplaneAgent? if (Config.DebugLog != (int)DebugState.None) { VDebug.LogFormat("[Volplane (Websocket Service)] Socket connection closed. Code: {0:D}.", e.Code); } }
public JSONArray GetArray(string key) { var value = GetValue(key); if (value == null) { VDebug.LogError(key + " == null"); return(null); } return(value.Array); }
public JSONObject GetObject(string key) { var value = GetValue(key); if (value == null) { VDebug.LogError(key + " == null"); return(null); } return(value.Obj); }
byte GetCurrentRecordedLevel() { LevelInfo levelInfo = GameManager.Inst.LevelLoadedInfo; if (levelInfo.level == GameManager.Level.CONNECT) { VDebug.LogError("Recording from Connection level, try based on smartfox room"); levelInfo = LevelInfo.GetInfo(CommunicationManager.LevelToLoad); } return((byte)levelInfo.level); }
public Table OpenTable(String tableName) { if (true == this.CheckTable(tableName, this.ConnectParams.Database)) { return(new Table(tableName, this)); } else { VDebug.Error("Table is not exits!"); return(null); } }
private void InitCallback(WWW downloadObj) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadObj.error)) { VDebug.LogError("Error downloading config cache directive from web: " + downloadObj.error); Init(); } else { customCacheStr = downloadObj.text.Substring(0, 1); VDebug.LogError("Setting custom cache string: " + customCacheStr); Init(); } }
private bool Init(string evtType) { if (!File.Exists(recordFilename)) { CreateRecordFile(recordFilename); AddAllCurrentUsers(); AddAllCurrentRoomVariables(); if (evtType == SFSEvent.USER_ENTER_ROOM) { VDebug.LogError("Don't add user twice, stopping user enter room event"); return(false); } } return(true); }
JSValue AttemptLogin() { VDebug.LogError("Time until attempt login: "******"showLoginDialog();"; Debug.LogError(cmd); JSValue retValue = ExecuteJavascriptWithValue(cmd); if (retValue == null) { Debug.LogError("Got null trying to login"); loginOnUpdate = true; } return(retValue); }
private void AddAllCurrentUsers() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(recordFilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))) { VDebug.LogError("Adding all current users"); foreach (SFSUser u in CommunicationManager.LastJoinedRoom.UserList) { if (u != CommunicationManager.MySelf || (RecordingPlayer.Active && RecordingPlayer.Inst.RecordMyActions)) { RecordUserEnterExit(writer, u, SFSEvent.USER_ENTER_ROOM, CommunicationManager.LastJoinedRoom); } } } #endif }