public static void CreateNewTranslationFile(EnvDTE.Project project) { if (project == null) { return; } AddTranslationDialog transDlg = new AddTranslationDialog(project); if (transDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(project); VCFile file = qtPro.AddFileInFilter(Filters.TranslationFiles(), transDlg.TranslationFile, true); Translation.RunlUpdate(file, project); } catch (QtVSException e) { Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(e.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(ex.Message); } } }
public Boolean RemoveIncludes(VCFile oFile) { Boolean bRetVal = false; if (oFile.Extension != ".cpp" || oFile.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("stdafx.cpp")) { return bRetVal; } if (Utilities.IsThirdPartyFile(oFile.FullPath, Utilities.GetCurrentConfiguration((VCProject)oFile.project))) { return bRetVal; } if (!Utilities.CompileFile(oFile, true)) { mLogger.PrintMessage("ERROR: File '" + oFile.Name + "' must be in a compilable condition before you proceed! Aborting..."); return bRetVal; } try { SortedDictionary<IncludesKey, VCCodeInclude> oIncludes = new SortedDictionary<IncludesKey, VCCodeInclude>(); List<String> SkipFiles = new List<String>(); Utilities.RetrieveIncludes(oFile, ref oIncludes); Utilities.RetrieveFilesToSkip(oFile, ref SkipFiles); foreach (VCCodeInclude oCI in oIncludes.Values) { IncludeStructEx oInc = null; Boolean isLocal = Utilities.IsLocalFile(oCI, ref oInc); if (oInc != null && SkipFiles.Contains(oInc.sFullPath.ToUpperInvariant())) { continue; } String sIncludeFile = oCI.FullName; TextPoint oStartPoint = oCI.StartPoint; EditPoint oEditPoint = oStartPoint.CreateEditPoint(); String sOrigText = oEditPoint.GetText(oCI.EndPoint); oEditPoint.Insert("//"); Utilities.SaveFile((ProjectItem)oFile.Object); if (!Utilities.CompileFile(oFile)) { oEditPoint.ReplaceText(oStartPoint, "", (int)vsEPReplaceTextOptions.vsEPReplaceTextAutoformat); Utilities.SaveFile((ProjectItem)oFile.Object); } else { mLogger.PrintMessage("Dirrective " + sOrigText + " in file " + oFile.Name + " has been found as unnesessary and removed."); bRetVal = true; } } if (bRetVal) bRetVal = RemoveIncludes(oFile); } catch (SystemException ex) { String msg = ex.Message; } return bRetVal; }
public void AnalyzeFile(Solution solution, VCFile vcFile, VCConfiguration vcConfiguration) { try { ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile"); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile name " + vcFile.Name); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile item name " + vcFile.ItemName); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile item type " + vcFile.ItemType); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile extension " + vcFile.Extension); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile config name " + vcConfiguration.ConfigurationName); ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeFile config type " + vcConfiguration.ConfigurationType); _analyzeType = AnalyzeType.FILE; _solution = solution; _vcFile = vcFile; _vcConfiguration = vcConfiguration; _report = Reporting.ReportFactory.CreateReportSingleFile(solution, vcFile); OnStartAnalyze(); DoAnalyzeFile(vcFile, vcConfiguration); } catch (Exception exception) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Error, 1, "AnalyzeFile exception: " + exception.Message); OnStopFile(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Excludes all stubbed hlsl files from building /// </summary> /// <param name="project">Project to exclude </param> public static void DisableHlslFiles(Project project, Action <string> outputFunction = null) { if (!(project.Object is VCProject)) { return; } VCProject vcProject = project.Object as VCProject; foreach (var item in vcProject.Files) { if (item is VCFile) { VCFile file = item as VCFile; string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name.ToLower()); if (fileExtension == null || (fileExtension != ".hlsl" && fileExtension != ".hlsli")) { continue; } if (!Utils.FileContainsSolution(file.FullPath)) { continue; } if (outputFunction != null) { outputFunction("Setting item type to None for: " + file.Name + "\n"); } file.ItemType = "None"; } } }
public void Compile(VCFile file) { VCConfiguration configuration = file.project.ActiveConfiguration; VCFileConfiguration fileConfiguration = file.GetFileConfigurationForProjectConfiguration(configuration); string toolchainConfDirs = configuration.Platform.ExecutableDirectories; toolchainConfDirs = configuration.Evaluate(toolchainConfDirs); string[] toolchainDirs = toolchainConfDirs.Split(ConfigurationSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); VCCLCompilerTool cl = fileConfiguration.Tool; foreach (string dir in toolchainDirs) { string compilerPath = Path.Combine(dir, cl.ToolPath); if (File.Exists(compilerPath)) { EnsureAsmDirectoryExists(configuration); string compilerQuotedPath = CLCommandLineBuilder.SurroundWithQuotes(compilerPath); string filePath = CLCommandLineBuilder.SurroundWithQuotes(file.FullPath); string args = ComposeCommandLine(file, cl); Compile(compilerQuotedPath, args + " " + filePath, file); return; } } OnMissingCompiler(); }
public static bool RunlRelease(VCFile vcFile) { bool success = true; try { VCProject vcProject = vcFile.project as VCProject; string cmdLine = ""; if (HelperFunctions.IsQtProject(vcProject)) { string options = QtVSIPSettings.GetLReleaseOptions(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options)) { cmdLine += options + " "; } } EnvDTE.Project project = vcProject.Object as EnvDTE.Project; Messages.PaneMessage(project.DTE, "--- (lrelease) file: " + vcFile.FullPath); cmdLine += vcFile.RelativePath; HelperFunctions.StartExternalQtApplication(Resources.lreleaseCommand, cmdLine, vcProject.ProjectDirectory, HelperFunctions.GetSelectedQtProject(project.DTE), true, null); } catch (QtVSException e) { success = false; Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(e.Message); } return(success); }
private void AnalyzeCurrentFile() { ts.TraceInformation("AnalyzeCurrentFile"); try { VCFile vcFile = DTE2Utils.GetVcCppFile(_applicationObject.ActiveDocument); if (vcFile == null) { return; } VCConfiguration vcConfiguration = DTE2Utils.GetVcConfigurationForDocument(_applicationObject.ActiveDocument, vcFile.project); if (vcConfiguration == null) { return; } ClangAnalyzer.AnalyzeFile(_applicationObject.Solution, vcFile, vcConfiguration); } catch (Exception exception) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Error, 1, "AnalyzeFile exception: " + exception.Message); MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, _addInName + " System Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static bool RunlRelease(VCFile vcFile) { if (vcFile == null) { return(false); } var success = true; try { var vcProject = vcFile.project as VCProject; var cmdLine = string.Empty; if (HelperFunctions.IsQtProject(vcProject)) { var options = QtVSIPSettings.GetLReleaseOptions(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options)) { cmdLine += options + " "; } } var project = vcProject.Object as EnvDTE.Project; Messages.PaneMessage(project.DTE, "--- (lrelease) file: " + vcFile.FullPath); cmdLine += vcFile.RelativePath.Quoute(); StartProcess(Resources.lreleaseCommand, cmdLine, vcProject.ProjectDirectory, HelperFunctions.GetSelectedQtProject(project.DTE)); } catch (QtVSException e) { success = false; Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(e.Message); } return(success); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the collection of source files in the project. /// </summary> private void parseProject_SourceFiles() { // We loop through the collection of files in the project... IVCCollection files = => (m_vcProject.Files as IVCCollection)); int numFiles = => (files.Count)); for (int i = 1; i <= numFiles; ++i) { // We get one file... VCFile file = => (files.Item(i) as VCFile)); string path = => (file.FullPath)); string extension = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower(); // We check if the file has a custom build rule... parseCustomBuildRule(file); // We find the extension, and see if it is one we treat // as a source file... switch (extension) { // It looks like a source file... case ".cpp": case ".c": case ".cc": case ".cp": case ".cxx": case ".c++": // We add it to the project... string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, path); m_projectInfo.addFile(relativePath); break; } } }
void Compile(string cl, string args, VCFile file) { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = cl; process.StartInfo.Arguments = args; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_dte.Solution.FullName); EnvDTE.Window window = m_dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput); EnvDTE.OutputWindow outputWindow = (EnvDTE.OutputWindow)window.Object; EnvDTE.OutputWindowPane buildPane = outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Item(BuildPaneName); buildPane.Clear(); buildPane.Activate(); process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, eventArgs) => BuildOutputReceived(buildPane, eventArgs); process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); OnCompilationStart(); System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => BuildTask(process, file)); }
static public VCFile GetVcCppFile(Document document) { if (document == null) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile no active document"); return(null); } ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile full name " + document.FullName); if (document.Language != "C/C++") { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile not a C/C++ but " + document.Language); return(null); } ProjectItem projectItem = document.ProjectItem; VCFile vcFile = projectItem.Object as VCFile; if (vcFile == null) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile not a VCFile"); return(null); } if (vcFile.FileType != eFileType.eFileTypeCppCode) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile not a C++ file : " + vcFile.FileType); return(null); } ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "GetCppFile found cpp"); return(vcFile); }
void OnCompilationSuccess(VCFile file) { OnCompilationEnd("Asm compilation successful."); VCProject project = file.project; string dir = project.ActiveConfiguration.Evaluate(OutputAsmDir); string filename = Path.ChangeExtension(file.Name, "asm"); string solutionDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_dte.Solution.FullName); string path = Path.Combine(solutionDir, dir, filename); string text = File.ReadAllText(path); CLx64AsmParser parser = new CLx64AsmParser(); AsmUnit asmUnit = parser.Parse(text); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AsmFile> filePair in asmUnit.Files) { string fileName = filePair.Key; AsmFile asmFile = filePair.Value; if (m_asm.ContainsKey(fileName)) { UpdateFile(m_asm[fileName], asmFile); } else { m_asm[fileName] = asmFile; } } m_view.OnDocumentChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// compile a single VCFile, do nothing with the OBJ /// </summary> public bool CompileSingleFile(VCFile vcFile, VCProject vcProject, VCConfiguration vcCfg, String additionalCmds = "") { CVXBuildSystem buildSystem; try { buildSystem = new CVXBuildSystem(_vsOutputWindow, _outputPane); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ClangVSx Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } String prevEnv = Environment.CurrentDirectory; try { Environment.CurrentDirectory = vcProject.ProjectDirectory; WriteToOutputPane("Project Directory : " + Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\n"); return(buildSystem.CompileSingleFile(vcFile, vcProject, vcCfg, additionalCmds)); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToOutputPane("Exception During File Compile : \n" + ex.Message + "\n"); } finally { Environment.CurrentDirectory = prevEnv; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// compile a single VCFile, do nothing with the OBJ /// </summary> public bool CompileSingleFile(VCFile vcFile, VCProject vcProject, VCConfiguration vcCfg, String additionalCmds = "") { CVXBuildSystem buildSystem; try { buildSystem = new CVXBuildSystem(_vsOutputWindow, _outputPane); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ClangVSx Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } try { return(buildSystem.CompileSingleFile(vcFile, vcProject, vcCfg, additionalCmds)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { WriteToOutputPane("Exception During File Compile : \n" + ex.Message + "\n"); } return(false); }
public static void RunlUpdate(EnvDTE.Project project) { QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(project); if (qtPro == null) { return; } FakeFilter ts = Filters.TranslationFiles(); VCFilter tsFilter = qtPro.FindFilterFromGuid(ts.UniqueIdentifier); if (tsFilter == null) { return; } IVCCollection files = tsFilter.Files as IVCCollection; foreach (VCFile file in files) { VCFile vcFile = file as VCFile; if (HelperFunctions.IsTranslationFile(vcFile)) { if (!RunlUpdate(vcFile, project)) { return; } } } }
private String GetProcessArgument(VCFile vcFile, VCConfiguration vcConfiguration) { VCFileConfiguration vcFileConfiguration = DTE2Utils.GetVcFileConfiguration(vcFile, vcConfiguration); if (vcFileConfiguration == null) { ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Error, 1, "GetProcessArgument cannot get VcFileConfiguration "); return(""); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //stringBuilder.Append(" -Xclang -analyzer-display-progress "); stringBuilder.Append(" --analyze "); //stringBuilder.Append(" -o " + GetReportFile() + " "); if (!vcFile.Name.EndsWith(".c")) { stringBuilder.Append(" -x c++ "); } stringBuilder.Append(DTE2Utils.GetIncludesForProject(vcConfiguration)); stringBuilder.Append(DTE2Utils.GetDefinesForProject(vcConfiguration)); stringBuilder.Append(DTE2Utils.GetIncludesForFile(vcFileConfiguration)); stringBuilder.Append(DTE2Utils.GetDefinesForFile(vcFileConfiguration)); stringBuilder.Append(GetArgumentMicrosoftCompilerSpecific()); stringBuilder.Append(" -pedantic "); stringBuilder.Append(" -ferror-limit=0 "); stringBuilder.Append("\"" + vcFile.FullPath + "\""); return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Get the active code file, project and configuration /// </summary> /// <returns>true if we have found an active C/C++ document</returns> private bool GetActiveVCFile(out VCFile vcFile, out VCProject vcProject, out VCConfiguration vcCfg) { vcFile = null; vcProject = null; vcCfg = null; if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument != null) { // GUID equates to 'code file' as far as I can make out if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Kind == "{8E7B96A8-E33D-11D0-A6D5-00C04FB67F6A}" && _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Language == "C/C++") { // GUID equates to physical file on disk [] if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.Kind == "{6BB5F8EE-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}") { // leap of faith vcFile = (VCFile)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.Object; vcProject = (VCProject)vcFile.project; if (vcFile.FileType != eFileType.eFileTypeCppCode && // *.cpp vcFile.FileType != eFileType.eFileTypeCppHeader) // *.h { return(false); } // save the file (should be optional!) if (!_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Saved) { _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Save(vcFile.FullPath); } // get current configuration to pass to the bridge Configuration cfg = _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration; try { var cfgArray = (IVCCollection)vcProject.Configurations; foreach (VCConfiguration vcr in cfgArray) { if (vcr.ConfigurationName == cfg.ConfigurationName && vcr.Platform.Name == cfg.PlatformName) { vcCfg = vcr; } } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); } } } return(false); }
static public void SaveCurrentDocument(Document document, VCFile vcFile) { ts.TraceInformation("Save " + vcFile.FullPath); if (!document.Saved) { document.Save(vcFile.FullPath); } }
public VCFile(VCFile template) { mFileState1 = template.fileState1; mFileState2 = template.fileState2; mName1 = template.name1; mName2 = template.name2; mPath1 = template.path1; mPath2 = template.path2; }
public void Move(ContainerWrapper newParent) { if (!VCFile.CanMove(newParent.VCProjectItem)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } VCFile.Move(newParent.VCProjectItem); }
public static void SetExcludedFromBuild(VCFile file, string config, bool excluded) { VCFileConfiguration cfg = Connect.GetFileConfiguration(file, config); if (cfg != null) { cfg.ExcludedFromBuild = excluded; } }
public List <string> FindListOfIncludeDirectories() { List <string> files = new List <string>(); IEnumerator e = GetVCProjectRefs(); e.Reset(); while (e.MoveNext()) { VCProject actVCP = (VCProject)e.Current; IVCCollection filesCollection = (IVCCollection)actVCP.Files; if (filesCollection != null) { for (int item_idx = 0; item_idx < filesCollection.Count + 1; ++item_idx) { try { VCFile file = (VCFile)(filesCollection.Item(item_idx)); if (file != null) { switch (file.FileType) { default: break; case eFileType.eFileTypeCppHeader: { string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FullPath); bool found = false; foreach (string item in files) { if (item.ToLower() == path.ToLower()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { files.Add(path); } } break; } } } catch (Exception exp) { Debug(exp); } } } } return(files); }
public static void RunlUpdate(VCFile vcFile) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); var vcProj = vcFile.project as VCProject; var project = vcProj?.Object as EnvDTE.Project; RunTranslationTarget(BuildAction.Update, project, new[] { vcFile.RelativePath }); }
private void QueueFile(List <QueueEntry> queue, VCFile src) { if (src.Parent as VCFilter != null) { queue.Add(new QueueEntry() { _vcfile = src, _vcfilter = src.Parent as VCFilter }); } }
public RccOptions(EnvDTE.Project pro, VCFile qrcFile) { project = pro; id = qrcFile.RelativePath; qrcFileName = qrcFile.FullPath; name = id; if (id.StartsWith(".\\")) name = name.Substring(2); if (name.EndsWith(".qrc")) name = name.Substring(0, name.Length-4); }
public static string GetMocDirectory( EnvDTE.Project project, string configName, string platformName, VCFile vCFile) { string filePath = null; if (vCFile != null) { filePath = vCFile.FullPath; } return(GetMocDirectory(project, configName, platformName, filePath)); }
public void AddGeneratedFiles(EnvDTE.Project dteProject, EnvDTE.Configuration config, string filterName, List <string> paths, bool generatedFilesPerConfiguration) { VCProject project = dteProject.Object as VCProject; VCFilter filter = FindOrCreateFilter(project, filterName); if (generatedFilesPerConfiguration) { filter = FindOrCreateFilter(filter, config.PlatformName); filter = FindOrCreateFilter(filter, config.ConfigurationName); } string configurationName = config.ConfigurationName; string platformName = config.PlatformName; foreach (string path in paths) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { File.Create(path).Dispose(); } VCFile file = filter.AddFile(path); try { // // Remove the file otherwise it will be considered up to date. // File.Delete(path); } catch (Exception) { } // // Exclude the file from all other configurations // if (generatedFilesPerConfiguration) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration c in file.FileConfigurations) { if (!c.ProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationName.Equals(configurationName) || !c.ProjectConfiguration.Platform.Name.Equals(platformName)) { c.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } } } } }
public void AddGeneratedFile(IVsProject project, VCFilter filter, string path, EnvDTE.Configuration config) { int found; uint id; VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] priority = new VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1]; project.IsDocumentInProject(path, out found, priority, out id); if (found == 0) { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } if (!File.Exists(path)) { File.Create(path).Dispose(); } VCFile file = null; if (config == null) { file = filter.AddFile(path); } else { filter = FindOrCreateFilter(filter, config.PlatformName); filter = FindOrCreateFilter(filter, config.ConfigurationName); file = filter.AddFile(path); foreach (VCFileConfiguration c in file.FileConfigurations) { if (!c.ProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationName.Equals(config.ConfigurationName) || !c.ProjectConfiguration.Platform.Name.Equals(config.PlatformName)) { c.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } } } try { // // Remove the file otherwise it will be considered up to date. // File.Delete(path); } catch (Exception) { } } }
private void AnalyseNextFile() { ts.TraceInformation("AnalyseNextFile project " + _vcProject.Name + ", #files still to be processed " + _vcFileQueue.Count); if (_vcFileQueue.Count == 0) { OnStopProject(false); } else { VCFile vcFile = _vcFileQueue.Dequeue(); _report.NextFile(); DoAnalyzeFile(vcFile, _vcConfiguration); } }
private async Task <ProjectItemType> getTypeOfProjectItemAsync(ProjectItem item) { await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); var itemKind = item.Kind; var itemName = item.Name; switch (itemKind) { case VSConstants.ItemTypeGuid.PhysicalFolder_string: case VSConstants.ItemTypeGuid.VirtualFolder_string: return(ProjectItemType.folder); case "{8E7B96A8-E33D-11D0-A6D5-00C04FB67F6A}": case VSConstants.ItemTypeGuid.PhysicalFile_string: if (item.ConfigurationManager != null) { try { VCFile vcFile = item.Object as VCFile; VCProject vcProject = item.ContainingProject.Object as VCProject; VCFileConfiguration fileConfig = vcFile.FileConfigurations.Item(vcProject.ActiveConfiguration.Name); if (!fileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild) { if (item.FileCodeModel != null && item.FileCodeModel.Language == CodeModelLanguageConstants.vsCMLanguageVC) { switch (vcFile.ItemType) { case "ClInclude": return(ProjectItemType.headerFile); case "ClCompile": return(ProjectItemType.cppFile); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } return(ProjectItemType.other); default: return(ProjectItemType.other); } }
public RccOptions(EnvDTE.Project pro, VCFile qrcFile) { project = pro; id = qrcFile.RelativePath; qrcFileName = qrcFile.FullPath; name = id; if (id.StartsWith(".\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { name = name.Substring(2); } if (HelperFunctions.IsQrcFile(name)) { name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 4); } }
public RccOptions(EnvDTE.Project pro, VCFile qrcFile) { project = pro; id = qrcFile.RelativePath; qrcFileName = qrcFile.FullPath; name = id; if (id.StartsWith(".\\")) { name = name.Substring(2); } if (name.EndsWith(".qrc")) { name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 4); } }
public void SortIncludes(VCFile oFile) { try { if (Utilities.IsThirdPartyFile(oFile.FullPath, Utilities.GetCurrentConfiguration((VCProject)oFile.project))) { return; } IncludeComparer comparer = new IncludeComparer(); SortedDictionary<IncludesKey, VCCodeInclude> oIncludes = new SortedDictionary<IncludesKey, VCCodeInclude>(comparer); mLogger.PrintMessage("Processing file ..::" + oFile.FullPath + "::.."); Utilities.RetrieveIncludes(oFile, ref oIncludes); SortInclude(oIncludes); } catch (SystemException ex) { mLogger.PrintMessage("Failed when processing file " + oFile.Name + ". Reason: " + ex.Message); } }
public void Load(VCFile file) { this.FileName = file.FullPath; this.Cpps = new Dictionary<string, Cpp>(); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file.FullPath); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { Match match = Utils.IncludeRegex.Match(lines[i]); if (match.Success && match.Groups["Include"].Captures.Count > 0) { string include = match.Groups["Include"].Captures[0].Value; if (include.EndsWith(".cpp", true, null)) { Cpp cpp; VCFile f = Connect.GetVCFile(file.project as VCProject, include); if (f != null) { cpp = new Cpp(f); } else { cpp = new Cpp(include); } if (i > 0 && lines[i - 1].StartsWith("#if")) { cpp.Condition = lines[i - 1].Substring(4); } cpp.Unity = this; this.Cpps.Add(cpp.Name, cpp); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Helper function for Refresh/UpdateMocStep. /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> private VCFile GetCppFileForMocStep(VCFile file) { string fileName = null; if (HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(file.Name) || file.Name.EndsWith(".moc")) fileName = file.Name.Remove(file.Name.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".cpp"; if (fileName != null && fileName.Length > 0) { foreach (VCFile f in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Files) { if (f.FullPath.ToLower().EndsWith("\\" + fileName.ToLower())) return f; } } return null; }
private string GetPCHMocOptions(VCFile file, CompilerToolWrapper compiler) { // As .moc files are included, we should not add anything there if (!HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(file.Name)) return ""; string additionalMocOptions = "\"-f" + compiler.GetPrecompiledHeaderThrough().Replace('\\', '/') + "\" "; //Get mocDir without .\\ at the beginning of it string mocDir = QtVSIPSettings.GetMocDirectory(envPro); if (mocDir.StartsWith(".\\")) mocDir = mocDir.Substring(2); //Get the absolute path mocDir = vcPro.ProjectDirectory + mocDir; string relPathToFile = HelperFunctions.GetRelativePath(mocDir, file.FullPath).Replace('\\', '/'); additionalMocOptions += "\"-f" + relPathToFile + "\""; return additionalMocOptions; }
/// <summary> /// Removes the custom build step of a given file. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">file</param> public void RemoveMocStep(VCFile file) { try { if (!HasMocStep(file)) return; if (HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(file.Name)) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { VCCustomBuildTool tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); if (tool == null) continue; string cmdLine = tool.CommandLine; if (cmdLine.Length > 0) { Regex rex = new Regex(@"(\S*moc.exe|""\S+:\\\.*moc.exe"")"); while (true) { Match m = rex.Match(cmdLine); if (!m.Success) break; int start = m.Index; int end = cmdLine.IndexOf("&&", start); int a = cmdLine.IndexOf("\r\n", start); if ((a > -1 && a < end) || (end < 0 && a > -1)) end = a; if (end < 0) end = cmdLine.Length; cmdLine = cmdLine.Remove(start, end - start).Trim(); if (cmdLine.StartsWith("&&")) cmdLine = cmdLine.Remove(0, 2).Trim(); } tool.CommandLine = cmdLine; } Regex reg = new Regex("Moc'ing .+\\.\\.\\."); string addDepends = tool.AdditionalDependencies; addDepends = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(addDepends, @"(\S*moc.exe|""\S+:\\\.*moc.exe"")", ""); addDepends = addDepends.Replace(file.RelativePath, ""); tool.AdditionalDependencies = ""; tool.Description = reg.Replace(tool.Description, ""); tool.Description = tool.Description.Replace("MOC " + file.Name, ""); string baseFileName = file.Name.Remove(file.Name.LastIndexOf('.')); string pattern = "(\"(.*\\\\" + GetMocFileName(file.FullPath) + ")\"|(\\S*" + GetMocFileName(file.FullPath) + "))"; string outputMocFile = null; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regExp = new Regex(pattern); tool.Outputs = tool.Outputs.Replace(ProjectMacros.Name, baseFileName); MatchCollection matchList = regExp.Matches(tool.Outputs); if (matchList.Count > 0) { if (matchList[0].Length > 0) { outputMocFile = matchList[0].ToString(); } else if (matchList[1].Length > 1) { outputMocFile = matchList[1].ToString(); } } tool.Outputs = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(tool.Outputs, pattern, "", RegexOptions.Multiline|RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); tool.Outputs = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(tool.Outputs, @"\s*;\s*;\s*", ";", RegexOptions.Multiline); tool.Outputs = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(tool.Outputs, @"(^\s*;|\s*;\s*$)", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (outputMocFile != null) { if (outputMocFile.StartsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(1); if (outputMocFile.EndsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(0, outputMocFile.Length-1); outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Replace("$(ConfigurationName)", config.Name.Substring(0, config.Name.IndexOf('|'))); outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Replace("$(PlatformName)", config.Name.Remove(0, config.Name.IndexOf('|') + 1)); } VCFile mocFile = GetFileFromProject(outputMocFile); if (mocFile != null) RemoveFileFromFilter(mocFile, Filters.GeneratedFiles()); } file.ItemType = "ClInclude"; } else { if (QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerConfig(envPro) || QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform(envPro)) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { string mocFileName = GetMocFileName(file.Name); VCFile mocFile = GetGeneratedMocFile(mocFileName, config); if (mocFile != null) RemoveFileFromFilter(mocFile, Filters.GeneratedFiles()); } } else { string mocFileName = GetMocFileName(file.Name); VCFile mocFile = GetGeneratedMocFile(mocFileName, null); if (mocFile != null) RemoveFileFromFilter(mocFile, Filters.GeneratedFiles()); } } } catch { throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotRemoveMocStep", file.FullPath)); } }
public static void SetPCHOption(VCFile vcFile, pchOption option) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in vcFile.FileConfigurations as IVCCollection) { CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); compiler.SetUsePrecompiledHeader(option); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the active code file, project and configuration /// </summary> /// <returns>true if we have found an active C/C++ document</returns> private bool GetActiveVCFile(out VCFile vcFile, out VCProject vcProject, out VCConfiguration vcCfg) { vcFile = null; vcProject = null; vcCfg = null; if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument != null) { // GUID equates to 'code file' as far as I can make out if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Kind == "{8E7B96A8-E33D-11D0-A6D5-00C04FB67F6A}" && _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Language == "C/C++") { // GUID equates to physical file on disk [] if (_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.Kind == "{6BB5F8EE-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}") { // leap of faith vcFile = (VCFile)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.Object; vcProject = (VCProject)vcFile.project; if (vcFile.FileType != eFileType.eFileTypeCppCode) return false; // save the file (should be optional!) if (!_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Saved) _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Save(vcFile.FullPath); // get current configuration to pass to the bridge Configuration cfg = _applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration; try { var cfgArray = (IVCCollection)vcProject.Configurations; foreach (VCConfiguration vcr in cfgArray) { if (vcr.ConfigurationName == cfg.ConfigurationName && vcr.Platform.Name == cfg.PlatformName) { vcCfg = vcr; } } } catch (Exception) { return false; } return true; } } } return false; }
public void OnExcludedFromBuildChanged(VCFile vcFile, VCFileConfiguration vcFileCfg) { // Update the ExcludedFromBuild flags of the mocced file // according to the ExcludedFromBuild flag of the mocable source file. string moccedFileName = GetMocFileName(vcFile.Name); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moccedFileName)) return; VCFile moccedFile = GetGeneratedMocFile(moccedFileName, vcFileCfg); if (moccedFile != null) { VCFile cppFile = null; if (HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(vcFile.Name)) cppFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(vcFile); VCFileConfiguration moccedFileConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(moccedFile, vcFileCfg.Name); if (moccedFileConfig != null) { if (cppFile != null && IsMoccedFileIncluded(cppFile)) { if (!moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild) { moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } } else if (moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild != vcFileCfg.ExcludedFromBuild) moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = vcFileCfg.ExcludedFromBuild; } } }
public static bool HasUicStep(VCFile file) { return CheckForCommand(file, Resources.uic4Command); }
public static VCFile Update(QtProject qtPrj, VCFile vcFile) { qtPrj.VCProject.Save(); string prjPath = qtPrj.Project.FullName; string itemPath = vcFile.FullPath; var documents = new List<string>(); foreach (Document document in qtPrj.dte.Documents) { if (document.Path != itemPath) { documents.Add(document.Path); } } instances.Remove(qtPrj.envPro); qtPrj.dte.Solution.Remove(qtPrj.Project); qtPrj.envPro = qtPrj.dte.Solution.AddFromFile(prjPath, false); instances.Add(qtPrj.envPro, qtPrj); foreach (string document in documents) { if (document != itemPath) { qtPrj.dte.ItemOperations.OpenFile(document); } } qtPrj.dte.ItemOperations.OpenFile(itemPath); qtPrj.vcPro = qtPrj.envPro.Object as VCProject; vcFile = (qtPrj.vcPro.Files as IVCCollection).Item(itemPath) as VCFile; return vcFile; }
/// <summary> /// Removes a file from the filter. /// This file will be deleted! /// </summary> /// <param name="project">project</param> /// <param name="file">file</param> public void RemoveFileFromFilter(VCFile file, FakeFilter filter) { try { VCFilter vfilt = FindFilterFromGuid(filter.UniqueIdentifier); if (vfilt == null) vfilt = FindFilterFromName(filter.Name); if (vfilt == null) return; RemoveFileFromFilter(file, vfilt); } catch { throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotRemoveFile", file.Name)); } }
public void UpdateRccStep(VCFile qrcFile, RccOptions rccOpts) { VCProject vcpro = (VCProject)qrcFile.project; EnvDTE.DTE dteObject = ((EnvDTE.Project)vcpro.Object).DTE; QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(vcpro); QrcParser parser = new QrcParser(qrcFile.FullPath); string filesInQrcFile = ProjectMacros.Path; if (parser.parse()) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(qrcFile.FullPath); string qrcDir = fi.Directory.FullName + "\\"; foreach (QrcPrefix prfx in parser.Prefixes) { foreach (QrcItem itm in prfx.Items) { string relativeQrcItemPath = HelperFunctions.GetRelativePath(this.vcPro.ProjectDirectory, qrcDir + itm.Path); filesInQrcFile += ";" + relativeQrcItemPath; try { VCFile addedFile = qtPro.AddFileInFilter(Filters.ResourceFiles(), relativeQrcItemPath, true); QtProject.ExcludeFromAllBuilds(addedFile); } catch { /* it's not possible to add all kinds of files */ } } } } string nameOnly = HelperFunctions.RemoveFileNameExtension(new FileInfo(qrcFile.FullPath)); string qrcCppFile = QtVSIPSettings.GetRccDirectory(envPro) + "\\" + "qrc_" + nameOnly + ".cpp"; try { foreach (VCFileConfiguration vfc in (IVCCollection)qrcFile.FileConfigurations) { RccOptions rccOptsCfg = rccOpts; string cmdLine = ""; VCCustomBuildTool cbt = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(vfc); cbt.AdditionalDependencies = filesInQrcFile; cbt.Description = "Rcc'ing " + ProjectMacros.FileName + "..."; cbt.Outputs = qrcCppFile.Replace(nameOnly, ProjectMacros.Name); cmdLine += "\"" + Resources.rcc4Command + "\"" + " -name \"" + ProjectMacros.Name + "\""; if (rccOptsCfg == null) rccOptsCfg = HelperFunctions.ParseRccOptions(cbt.CommandLine, qrcFile); if (rccOptsCfg.CompressFiles) { cmdLine += " -threshold " + rccOptsCfg.CompressThreshold.ToString(); cmdLine += " -compress " + rccOptsCfg.CompressLevel.ToString(); } else { cmdLine += " -no-compress"; } cmdLine += " \"" + ProjectMacros.Path + "\" -o " + cbt.Outputs; cbt.CommandLine = cmdLine; } AddFileInFilter(Filters.GeneratedFiles(), qrcCppFile, true); } catch(System.Exception /*e*/) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "*** WARNING (RCC): Couldn't add rcc step"); } }
/// <summary> /// compile a single VCFile, do nothing with the OBJ /// </summary> public bool CompileSingleFile(VCFile vcFile, VCProject vcProject, VCConfiguration vcCfg, String additionalCmds = "") { CVXBuildSystem buildSystem; try { buildSystem = new CVXBuildSystem(_vsOutputWindow, _outputPane); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ClangVSx Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return false; } try { return buildSystem.CompileSingleFile(vcFile, vcProject, vcCfg, additionalCmds); } catch (System.Exception ex) { WriteToOutputPane("Exception During File Compile : \n" + ex.Message + "\n"); } return false; }
public void RemoveUic4BuildStep(VCFile file) { if (file == null) return; foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { VCCustomBuildTool tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); tool.AdditionalDependencies = ""; tool.Description = ""; tool.CommandLine = ""; tool.Outputs = ""; } RemoveUiHeaderFile(file); }
public void RemoveRccStep(VCFile file) { if (file == null) return; try { string relativeQrcFilePath = file.RelativePath; FileInfo qrcFileInfo = new FileInfo(ProjectDir + "\\" + relativeQrcFilePath); if (qrcFileInfo.Exists) { RccOptions opts = new RccOptions(Project, file); string qrcCppFile = QtVSIPSettings.GetRccDirectory(envPro) + "\\" + opts.OutputFileName; VCFile generatedFile = GetFileFromProject(qrcCppFile); if (generatedFile != null) RemoveFileFromFilter(generatedFile, Filters.GeneratedFiles()); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Messages.DisplayWarningMessage(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Helper function for RefreshMocStep. /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> private VCFile GetSourceFileForMocStep(VCFile file) { if (HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(file.Name)) return file; string fileName = file.Name; if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".moc")) { fileName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4) + ".cpp"; if (fileName.Length > 0) { foreach (VCFile f in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Files) { if (f.FullPath.ToLower().EndsWith("\\" + fileName.ToLower())) return f; } } } return null; }
public void UpdateUicSteps(string oldUicDir, bool update_inc_path) { Messages.PaneMessage(dte, "\r\n=== Update uic steps ==="); VCFilter vcFilter = FindFilterFromGuid(Filters.GeneratedFiles().UniqueIdentifier); if (vcFilter != null) { IVCCollection filterFiles = (IVCCollection)vcFilter.Files; for (int i = filterFiles.Count; i > 0; i--) { VCFile file = (VCFile)filterFiles.Item(i); if (file.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("ui_")) { RemoveFileFromFilter(file, vcFilter); HelperFunctions.DeleteEmptyParentDirs(file); } } } int updatedFiles = 0; int j = 0; VCFile[] files = new VCFile[((IVCCollection)vcPro.Files).Count]; foreach (VCFile file in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Files) { files[j++] = file; } foreach (VCFile file in files) { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ui") && !IsUic3File(file)) { AddUic4BuildStep(file); Messages.PaneMessage(dte, "Update uic step for " + file.Name + "."); ++updatedFiles; } } if (update_inc_path) { UpdateCompilerIncludePaths(oldUicDir, QtVSIPSettings.GetUicDirectory(envPro)); } Messages.PaneMessage(dte, "\r\n=== " + updatedFiles.ToString() + " uic steps updated. ===\r\n"); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the moc command line for the given header or source file /// containing the Q_OBJECT macro. /// If the function is called from a property change for a single file /// (singleFile = true) we may have to look for the according header /// file and refresh the moc step for this file, if it contains Q_OBJECT. /// </summary> /// <param name="vcfile"></param> private void RefreshMocStep(VCFile vcfile, bool singleFile) { bool isHeaderFile = HelperFunctions.HasHeaderFileExtension(vcfile.FullPath); if (!isHeaderFile && !HelperFunctions.HasSourceFileExtension(vcfile.FullPath)) return; if (mocCmdChecker == null) mocCmdChecker = new MocCmdChecker(); foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)vcfile.FileConfigurations) { try { VCCustomBuildTool tool = null; VCFile mocable = null; if (isHeaderFile) { mocable = vcfile; tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); } else { string mocFileName = GetMocFileName(vcfile.FullPath); VCFile mocFile = GetGeneratedMocFile(mocFileName, config); if (mocFile != null) { VCFileConfiguration mocFileConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocFile, config.Name); tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(mocFileConfig); mocable = mocFile; } // It is possible that the function was called from a source file's property change, it is possible that // we have to obtain the tool from the according header file if (tool == null && singleFile) { string headerName = vcfile.FullPath.Remove(vcfile.FullPath.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".h"; mocFileName = GetMocFileName(headerName); mocFile = GetGeneratedMocFile(mocFileName, config); if (mocFile != null) { mocable = GetFileFromProject(headerName); VCFileConfiguration customBuildConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocable, config.Name); tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(customBuildConfig); } } } if (tool == null || tool.CommandLine.ToLower().IndexOf("moc.exe") == -1) continue; VCFile srcMocFile = GetSourceFileForMocStep(mocable); VCFile cppFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(mocable); if (srcMocFile == null) continue; bool mocableIsCPP = (srcMocFile == cppFile); string pchParameters = null; VCFileConfiguration cppConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(cppFile, config.Name); CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(cppConfig); if (compiler.GetUsePrecompiledHeader() != pchOption.pchNone) pchParameters = GetPCHMocOptions(srcMocFile, compiler); string outputFileName = QtVSIPSettings.GetMocDirectory(envPro) + "\\"; if (mocableIsCPP) { outputFileName += ProjectMacros.Name; outputFileName += ".moc"; } else { outputFileName += "moc_"; outputFileName += ProjectMacros.Name; outputFileName += ".cpp"; } string newCmdLine = mocCmdChecker.NewCmdLine(tool.CommandLine, GetIncludes(cppConfig), GetDefines(cppConfig), QtVSIPSettings.GetMocOptions(envPro), srcMocFile.RelativePath, pchParameters, outputFileName); // The tool's command line automatically gets a trailing "\r\n". // We have to remove it to make the check below work. string origCommandLine = tool.CommandLine; if (origCommandLine.EndsWith("\r\n")) origCommandLine = origCommandLine.Substring(0, origCommandLine.Length - 2); if (newCmdLine != null && newCmdLine != origCommandLine) { // We have to delete the old moc file in order to trigger custom build step. string configName = config.Name.Remove(config.Name.IndexOf("|")); string platformName = config.Name.Substring(config.Name.IndexOf("|") + 1); string projectPath = envPro.FullName.Remove(envPro.FullName.LastIndexOf('\\')); string mocRelPath = GetRelativeMocFilePath(srcMocFile.FullPath, configName, platformName); string mocPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, mocRelPath); if (File.Exists(mocPath)) File.Delete(mocPath); tool.CommandLine = newCmdLine; } } catch { Messages.PaneMessage(dte, "ERROR: failed to refresh moc step for " + vcfile.ItemName); } } }
private static bool CheckForCommand(VCFile file, string cmd) { if (file == null) return false; foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { VCCustomBuildTool tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); if (tool == null) return false; if (tool.CommandLine != null && tool.CommandLine.Contains(cmd)) return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a moc step to a given file for this project. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">file</param> public void AddMocStep(VCFile file) { string oldItemType = file.ItemType; try { string mocFileName = GetMocFileName(file.FullPath); if (mocFileName == null) return; bool hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig = QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerConfig(envPro); bool hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform = QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform(envPro); bool mocableIsCPP = mocFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".moc"); #if (VS2010 || VS2012 || VS2013) if (!mocableIsCPP && file.ItemType != "CustomBuild") { file.ItemType = "CustomBuild"; } #endif #if VS2013 file = Update(this, file); #endif #region Add moc for each configuration foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { string name = ((VCCustomBuildTool)config.Tool).toolName; VCConfiguration vcConfig = config.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform platform = vcConfig.Platform as VCPlatform; string platformName = platform.Name; string mocRelPath = GetRelativeMocFilePath(file.FullPath, vcConfig.ConfigurationName, platformName); string platformFilterName = null; string configFilterName = null; if (mocRelPath.Contains(platformName)) { platformFilterName = platformName; } if (mocRelPath.Contains(vcConfig.ConfigurationName)) { configFilterName = vcConfig.ConfigurationName; } VCFile mocFile = GetFileFromProject(mocRelPath); if (mocFile == null) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(this.VCProject.ProjectDirectory + "\\" + mocRelPath); if (!fi.Directory.Exists) fi.Directory.Create(); mocFile = AddFileInSubfilter(Filters.GeneratedFiles(), platformFilterName, configFilterName, mocRelPath); #if (VS2010 || VS2012 || VS2013) if (mocFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".moc")) { ProjectItem mocFileItem = mocFile.Object as ProjectItem; if (mocFileItem != null) HelperFunctions.EnsureCustomBuildToolAvailable(mocFileItem); } #endif } if (mocFile == null) throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotAddMocStep", file.FullPath)); VCCustomBuildTool tool = null; string fileToMoc = null; if (!mocableIsCPP) { tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); fileToMoc = ProjectMacros.Path; } else { VCFileConfiguration mocConf = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocFile, vcConfig.Name); tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(mocConf); fileToMoc = HelperFunctions.GetRelativePath(vcPro.ProjectDirectory, file.FullPath); } if (tool == null) throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotFindCustomBuildTool", file.FullPath)); if (hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform && hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; if (projectCfg.Name != vcConfig.Name || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP)) { if (!mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else if (hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform mocConfPlatform = projectCfg.Platform as VCPlatform; if (projectCfg.ConfigurationName != vcConfig.ConfigurationName) continue; bool exclude = mocConfPlatform.Name != platformName || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP); if (exclude) { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != exclude) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = exclude; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else if (hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform mocConfPlatform = projectCfg.Platform as VCPlatform; if (platformName != mocConfPlatform.Name) continue; if (projectCfg.Name != vcConfig.Name || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP)) { if (!mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else { VCFileConfiguration moccedFileConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocFile, config.Name); if (moccedFileConfig != null) { VCFile cppFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(file); if (cppFile != null && IsMoccedFileIncluded(cppFile)) { if (!moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild) { moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } } else if (moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } string dps = tool.AdditionalDependencies; if (dps.IndexOf("\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\"") < 0) { if (dps.Length > 0 && !dps.EndsWith(";")) dps += ";"; tool.AdditionalDependencies = dps + "\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\";" + fileToMoc; } tool.Description = "Moc'ing " + file.Name + "..."; string inputMocFile = ProjectMacros.Path; if (mocableIsCPP) inputMocFile = file.RelativePath; string output = tool.Outputs; string outputMocFile = ""; string outputMocMacro = ""; string baseFileName = file.Name.Remove(file.Name.LastIndexOf('.')); string pattern = "(\"(.*\\\\" + mocFileName + ")\"|(\\S*" + mocFileName + "))"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regExp = new Regex(pattern); MatchCollection matchList = regExp.Matches(tool.Outputs.Replace(ProjectMacros.Name, baseFileName)); if (matchList.Count > 0) { if (matchList[0].Length > 0) { outputMocFile = matchList[0].ToString(); } else if (matchList[1].Length > 1) { outputMocFile = matchList[1].ToString(); } if (outputMocFile.StartsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(1); if (outputMocFile.EndsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(0, outputMocFile.Length-1); string outputMocPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputMocFile); string stringToReplace = Path.GetFileName(outputMocFile); outputMocMacro = outputMocPath + "\\" + stringToReplace.Replace(baseFileName, ProjectMacros.Name); } else { outputMocFile = GetRelativeMocFilePath(file.FullPath); string outputMocPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputMocFile); string stringToReplace = Path.GetFileName(outputMocFile); outputMocMacro = outputMocPath + "\\" + stringToReplace.Replace(baseFileName, ProjectMacros.Name); if (output.Length > 0 && !output.EndsWith(";")) output += ";"; tool.Outputs = output + "\"" + outputMocMacro + "\""; } string newCmdLine = "\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\" " + QtVSIPSettings.GetMocOptions(envPro) + " \"" + inputMocFile + "\" -o \"" + outputMocMacro + "\""; // Tell moc to include the PCH header if we are using precompiled headers in the project CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(vcConfig); if (compiler.GetUsePrecompiledHeader() != pchOption.pchNone) { newCmdLine += " " + GetPCHMocOptions(file, compiler); } QtVersionManager versionManager = QtVersionManager.The(); VersionInformation versionInfo = new VersionInformation(versionManager.GetInstallPath(envPro)); bool mocSupportsIncludes = (versionInfo.qtMajor == 4 && versionInfo.qtMinor >= 2) || versionInfo.qtMajor >= 5; string strDefinesIncludes = ""; VCFile cppPropertyFile; if (!mocableIsCPP) cppPropertyFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(file); else cppPropertyFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(mocFile); VCFileConfiguration defineIncludeConfig; if (cppPropertyFile != null) defineIncludeConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(cppPropertyFile, config.Name); else // No file specific defines/includes but at least the project defines/includes are added defineIncludeConfig = config; strDefinesIncludes += GetDefines(defineIncludeConfig); strDefinesIncludes += GetIncludes(defineIncludeConfig); int cmdLineLength = newCmdLine.Length + strDefinesIncludes.Length + 1; if (cmdLineLength > HelperFunctions.GetMaximumCommandLineLength() && mocSupportsIncludes) { // Command line is too long. We must use an options file. string mocIncludeCommands = ""; string mocIncludeFile = "\"" + outputMocFile + ".inc\""; string redirectOp = " > "; int maxCmdLineLength = HelperFunctions.GetMaximumCommandLineLength() - (mocIncludeFile.Length + 1); string[] options = strDefinesIncludes.Split(' '); int i = options.Length - 1; for (; i >= 0; --i) { if (options[i].Length == 0) continue; mocIncludeCommands += "echo " + options[i] + redirectOp + mocIncludeFile + "\r\n"; cmdLineLength -= options[i].Length + 1; if (cmdLineLength < maxCmdLineLength) break; if (i == options.Length - 1) // first loop redirectOp = " >> "; } strDefinesIncludes = "@" + mocIncludeFile; for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) if (options[k].Length > 0) strDefinesIncludes += " " + options[k]; newCmdLine = mocIncludeCommands + newCmdLine + " " + strDefinesIncludes; } else { newCmdLine = newCmdLine + " " + strDefinesIncludes; } if (tool.CommandLine.Trim().Length > 0) { string cmdLine = tool.CommandLine; // remove the moc option file commands { Regex rex = new Regex("^echo.+[.](moc|cpp)[.]inc\"\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline); cmdLine = rex.Replace(cmdLine, ""); } Match m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(cmdLine, @"(\S*moc.exe|""\S+:\\\.*moc.exe"")"); if (m.Success) { int start = m.Index; int end = cmdLine.IndexOf("&&", start); int a = cmdLine.IndexOf("\r\n", start); if ((a > -1 && a < end) || (end < 0 && a > -1)) end = a; if (end < 0) end = cmdLine.Length; tool.CommandLine = cmdLine.Replace(cmdLine.Substring(start, end - start), newCmdLine); } else { tool.CommandLine = cmdLine + "\r\n" + newCmdLine; } } else { tool.CommandLine = newCmdLine; } } #endregion } catch { file.ItemType = oldItemType; throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotAddMocStep", file.FullPath)); } }
private static VCFileConfiguration GetVCFileConfigurationByName(VCFile file, string configName) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration cfg in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { if (cfg.Name == configName) return cfg; } return null; }
public void RefreshMocStep(VCFile vcfile) { RefreshMocStep(vcfile, true); }
private static bool IsUic3File(VCFile file) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { VCCustomBuildTool tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); if (tool == null) return false; if (tool.CommandLine.IndexOf("uic3.exe") > -1) return true; } return false; }
public void RemoveUiHeaderFile(VCFile file) { if (file == null) return; try { string headerFile = GetUiGeneratedFileName(file.Name); VCFile hFile = GetFileFromProject(headerFile); if (hFile != null) RemoveFileFromFilter(hFile, Filters.GeneratedFiles()); } catch (System.Exception e) { Messages.DisplayWarningMessage(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes a file from the filter. /// This file will be deleted! /// </summary> /// <param name="project">project</param> /// <param name="file">file</param> public void RemoveFileFromFilter(VCFile file, VCFilter filter) { try { filter.RemoveFile(file); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file.FullPath); if (fi.Exists) fi.Delete(); } catch { } IVCCollection subfilters = (IVCCollection)filter.Filters; for (int i = subfilters.Count; i > 0; i--) { try { VCFilter subfilter = (VCFilter)subfilters.Item(i); RemoveFileFromFilter(file, subfilter); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Checks the file passes in to see if it has a custom build rule set up, /// and parses it if it does. /// </summary> private void parseCustomBuildRule(VCFile file) { // We find the relative path to the file from the project root... string path = => (file.FullPath)); string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, path); // The custom build rules (if there are any) are per configuration. So // we loop through the configurations for this file... IVCCollection configurations = => (file.FileConfigurations as IVCCollection)); int numConfigurations = => (configurations.Count)); for (int i = 1; i <= numConfigurations; ++i) { // We check if there is a rule for each configuration... VCFileConfiguration configuration = => (configurations.Item(i) as VCFileConfiguration)); parseCustomBuildRule_Configuration(configuration, relativePath); ; } }
public static void ExcludeFromAllBuilds(VCFile file) { if (file == null) return; foreach (VCFileConfiguration conf in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) if (!conf.ExcludedFromBuild) conf.ExcludedFromBuild = true; }